Edward was leaning against my Jeep, arms crossed, breath fogging in the air. The temperature had dropped by twenty degrees with the dark. The freeze was back on. All the meltwater had turned to ice. The snow crunched underfoot.
"What are you doing here, Edward?"
"I was about to come up to your apartment when I saw you coming down."
"What do you want?"
"I want to play," he said.
I stared at him. "Just like that. You don't know what I'm involved in, but you want a piece of it."
"Following you around lets me kill a lot of people."
Sad, but true. "I don't have time to argue. Get in."
He slid in the backseat. "Who exactly are we going to kill tonight?"
Richard started the engine. I buckled up. "Let's see. There's a renegade policeman, and whoever's kidnapped seven shapeshifters."
"The witches didn't do it?"
"Not all of it."
"You think I'll get to kill any lycanthropes tonight?" He was teasing Richard, I think.
Richard wasn't offended. "I've been thinking about who could have taken them all without a struggle. It had to be someone they trusted."
"Who would they trust?" I asked.
"One of us," he said.
"Oh, boy," Edward said, "lycanthrope on the menu for tonight."
Richard didn't correct him. If it was all right with him, it was all right with me.