For technical information and advice I am especially grateful to Anthony Chapa; and to Ron Nessen, former White House press secretary and fellow writer; Emma Casanova and Josep Maria Cañadell, Policia-Mossos d'Esquadra, Barcelona, Spain; Paul Tippin, former Los Angeles Police Department homicide investigator; Colonel John R. Power, U.S. Army-retired; Kirk Stapp, U.S. Army Special Forces; Alan Landsburg; Andrew Robart; Stanley Mendes; and Norton Kristy, Ph.D.

For suggestions and corrections to the manuscript I am particularly thankful to Robert Gleason. I am also indebted to Robert Gottlieb and John Silbersack for their counsel and guidance, and to Tom Doherty and Linda Quinton for their support and faith in the project.

Finally, a very special thanks to my friends in the United States Secret Service.
