Kris Cherita
Linsey winced as Brianna kneaded her back. “Jesus, girl,” said the masseuse, “you are a fucking mess. What the fuck have you been doing?”
“Just working.”
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” her friend asked rhetorically, with a hint of a sigh. “Why did you take that job, anyway?”
“They forced money into my hand,” said Linsey wryly. In truth, she’d been offered the position of principal of Maria Goretti College, over many colleagues with seniority, because of her excellent track record as a teacher. She’d accepted it in the hope of being able to improve the school as a whole, and had scored some minor victories, but only by micro-managing as much as possible. “Ow!”
“You getting any exercise?”
“Getting laid?”
“Thought not. When was the last time?” When Linsey started doing the maths, Brianna shook her head. “Not since Phil left, right?”
“No,” she admitted, with a slight twinge. While her ex-husband had had many faults, he was undeniably good in bed — a vast number of beds, unfortunately. She’d been hugely inexperienced when they’d started dating, but he’d soon changed that; he was a silver-tongued actor and dancer with the ability to arouse her to the degree that she would agree to almost anything. “I’ve been on a couple of dates, but none of them. . well, you know. None of them turned me on.”
“How much of a chance did you give them?”
“Did you try talking about anything other than your job?”
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
Brianna nodded.
“I don’t get many opportunities to meet anyone-”
“Bullshit,” said Brianna. “There are plenty of people out there, and you still look damn hot — OK, not in that straitjacket you were wearing when you came in, but you do now. Pretty face, big tits, nice curvy butt, good legs. . you just have to learn to show them off a bit. All it takes is some effort and a bit of imagination.”
“I can’t go cruising the bars, or anything like that. I have my position to think of. I’m having enough trouble at the moment with parents trying to sack one of my best teachers for saying that abstinence-only sex education isn’t enough, and we should tell the girls about alternatives, including contraception and masturbation.”
“Maybe you should take that advice yourself. Start thinking about alternative and different sorts of position. Do you masturbate, at least?”
“I’ve tried that. It doesn’t work for me, either. I can’t. .”
“Let yourself go?”
“Something like that.”
Another sigh. “You always were a control freak. You’ve got to learn that sometimes you have to make the choice to let someone else take control instead; always being in control fucks you up almost as bad as never being in control. Then you can decide when to take control again, because you want to or need to, not because it’s just a habit.”
Linsey didn’t reply.
“OK,”Brianna said, after a moment’s thought. “It’s your birthday next month, right? And I owe you something for introducing you to Phil in the first place. What say I arrange a party for you, out of town, so you don’t have to worry about meeting anyone with daughters at your school?”
“I don’t know. .”
“Did I ever tell you about the time I worked in a brothel?”
“You did what?”
“Just as a receptionist. I needed the money — besides, I wanted to play Blanche DuBois, and this seemed like a good chance to watch the working girls. Anyway, I found out some interesting stuff — for one thing, a lot of our clients were lawyers or judges. And after a while, I learned what their kinks were.”
“I’m scared to ask.”
“Judges, and a lot of lawyers who’d just won a case, wanted to be dominated, even tortured. Restoring the balance, if you like: they’d meted out punishment, and wanted to be punished for it. They’d taken away someone else’s control over their own lives, and they wanted to surrender control themselves, if just for a few minutes. It sounds to me like you should try doing the same thing.”
“I’m not into S amp;M,” Linsey said sharply.
“I’m not so sure. Taking that job might be considered masochistic. So what are you into?”
The limo that arrived to pick Linsey up on Friday night had tinted rear windows, so dark that she could barely see outside, and the chauffeur warned her not to wind them down. “You don’t want to spoil the surprise, do you?” he asked cheerfully. “Help yourself to something from the bar, if you like.”
“No, thanks.” She stopped trying to keep track of the corners they turned, then blinked as the TV came on. The sound was turned down, but it didn’t take her long to realize that a man in a sea captain’s cap was directing four couples into an increasingly intense orgy.
The next scene began with a blonde nurse in a latex uniform, who teamed up with another equally unlikely looking nurse and a male doctor to remove a long dildo that had become lodged too far up another woman’s ass for her to extract unaided.
The third scene began with an Asian woman in a maid’s uniform being summoned to her blonde mistress’ bathroom; the limo pulled into a garage just as the maid began licking her mistress’ soap-slick slit. The sound cut out as the garage door closed behind her, and Linsey began to wonder whether she’d made a horrible mistake going along with Brianna’s plans. Despite this, she stepped out of the car when the chauffeur opened the door for her, and was escorted down a hallway into a small office. The woman sitting behind the highly polished desk looked her up and down as the chauffeur left, then nodded at a side door. “There’s a bathroom in there,” she said. “You can change in there. I don’t know what the friend who paid for your session here has told you, so I’ll just run through the basics.
“Firstly, there’s nothing here to sign: I don’t know your name, nor does anyone else here, and we don’t need to. For tonight and tomorrow, if you want to stay that long, you’re Roberta Stepford; a sex robot, a living, walking, talking fuckdoll.” Linsey’s eyes widened in alarm, but the manager gave no sign of noticing. “How much personality you choose to display is up to you, but you must obey all legal orders you are given. The most important thing you need to know is that we do not allow anything illegal or unsafe, though you can simulate it if you wish. Your sponsor has given us a list of what you won’t allow.” She reached into a drawer and removed a sheet of pink paper, which she handed to Linsey. “The other participants have been told this, of course, and they will be removed if they break any of the rules. The next most important thing is that if you wish the games to stop, you only have to say your safe word, and you’ll be taken to a room where you can dress and recover, and someone will drive you home again. Your safe word is ‘overtime’. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” said Linsey. Her mouth was dry and she wasn’t sure her voice was audible, but the woman merely nodded.
“However, once you use that word, everything stops. No line-item vetoes here unless someone else breaks the stated rules. If that happens, your sponsor will receive at least a partial refund, and you can then decide whether to continue, or to return another time.”
“Who are the. .”
“Other participants? Some are employees here; some are. . volunteers, but they have all been very carefully vetted, and understand that if they break any rules, they’ll be heavily fined and then permanently blackballed. OK?”
Linsey nodded.
“Excellent. So, if you’ll go in there, please, and get into your outfit, I’ll send one of the maids in to help you with your makeup, give you your enema, and help you shave.”
The bathroom contained a shower stall, towel rack, hand basin, toilet, folding massage table, inflated bondage chair and a TV mounted in one corner. Linsey looked at the costume laid out on the table — a silver lame corset that stopped just above her hips and below her nipples, and silver boots — with some alarm and more than a little amusement.
She stripped, showered, and was reaching for a towel when the door opened. A pretty woman in her mid-twenties, wearing black latex gloves, spit-polished slut shoes and a maid’s outfit only slightly less revealing than Linsey’s abbreviated corset, walked in and looked at her appraisingly. “Nice,” she drawled. “OK, let’s get you ready. Lie down on the table.”
When Linsey didn’t obey immediately, the maid shook her head. “What part of ‘lie down’ didn’t you understand? Do you speak English?” “Yes.”
“That’s ‘Yes, Mistress Abigail’ to you.” Linsey blinked, but echoed, “Yes, Mistress Abigail.” The maid smiled. “That’s better. Now say, ‘I will do everything my mistresses and masters tell me.’”
“I will do everything my mistresses and masters tell me.” “You’re a big-titted robot fuckdoll. What are you?” “I. . I’m a big-titted robot fuckdoll.” “Mistress,” the younger woman reminded her. “I’m a big-titted robot fuck doll, mistress.” “Better. OK, now get your butt up on that table. Roll over on to your side. Now, grab your cheeks and spread ’em.” Linsey obeyed, then gasped as she felt the cold, well-lubed enema nozzle being pushed up against her anus. Abigail chuckled, then reached around between her thighs and began gently rubbing her clit. “Relax,” she said, making it sound more like a suggestion than an order. “Y o u ’re a fuckdoll. Fuckdolls take bigger things than this up their nice hot asses. And you want to be clean for your masters and mistresses, don’t you?”
“Yesssss,” came the reply, through gritted teeth.
“That’s good.” When Abigail was satisfied that the nozzle was firmly in place, she began lathering up Linsey’s honey-coloured pubes, tantalizing her with the brush and her fingers. “Pretty hair,” she mused. “Seems a shame to get rid of it, but orders are orders. Right?”
“Yess, mistress. .” Linsey’s senses were beginning to reel. Phil had taught her to enjoy anal sex, and it felt as though she were being flooded not just with warm water but with happy memories. That, combined with Abigail’s expert ministrations, were bringing her close to orgasm, but there was still something niggling at the edge of her consciousness, something that stopped her. .
If Abigail was disappointed by Linsey’s failure to come, she didn’t show it; she simply finished trimming and shaving her pussy, then wiped it clean and leaned back to admire her handiwork. “OK,” she said, then returned the shaving gear to the drawer under the sink, and produced a butterfly vibrator, a G-spot stimulator and a remote control for the TV. Abigail strapped the butterfly vibe over Linsey’s clit, then sat in the bondage chair and began using the G-spot vibe on herself while she watched a scene of two women decorating a third with frosting until she resembled a cake — which they then proceeded to devour. The next scene showed a blonde woman cheerfully taking on four men, and Linsey realized that the vibrator on her clit was sound-activated, responding both to the soundtrack of the porn movie and Abigail’s squeals of pleasure. I’m not in control any more, she thought, and moaned as she let herself be overwhelmed by the delightful sensations. She opened her eyes a moment later to find Abigail standing over her and grinning. She smiled back weakly.
“Happy little fuckdoll?”
“Yes, mistress.”
“Good,” said Abigail, producing a collar and leash from the pocket in her apron, “’cause that was just an appetizer. Wait until you see the entree.”
When Linsey was prepared to Abigail’s satisfaction — silver eye shadow and nail polish, scarlet gloss on her lips and nipples, lubricated silicone anal beads in her ass — she was led down the corridor to meet her new masters and mistresses. “Remember to show proper respect,” said Abigail, before she opened the door. “Don’t speak until you’re spoken to, smile and say thank you whenever you think it’s appropriate, and don’t look anyone in the eye: it’s best if you don’t look any higher than their crotches unless you have to. Are you ready?”
“Yes, Mistress Abigail.”
“What are you?”
“I’m a big-titted robot fuckdoll, mistress.”
“Good.” Abigail opened the door, and led her into a large room dominated by a huge bed and a plasma TV screen. Assorted strangely shaped chairs and sofas were positioned along the walls, and six people — four men and two women — were standing around with drinks in their hands. “Ah,” said the shortest of the men, who was wearing a tuxedo jacket with no pants, “the new toy. Bring her here so we can take a closer look.”
Abigail shut the door behind her, and guided Linsey into the centre of the crowd. “Good flesh tones,” said another man, as he reached out and cupped one of Linsey’s breasts, hefting it as though trying to guess its weight. “Feels natural, too.” Linsey’s nipple stiffened as he rubbed his thumb around it. “Very convincing. I approve.”
“They are impressive, aren’t they?” said a slender Chinese woman. She grabbed the other and squeezed it, almost hard enough to cause pain. “It’s remarkable that she walks as well as she does without overbalancing.”
Another man, half-dressed like the first, with his cock already rising to parallel the floor, chuckled as he walked around to look at Linsey’s back. “I doubt she spends much time standing up,” he opined, running a finger between her buttocks, then turned to Abigail. “Fully functional, I hope?”
“Yes, of course.”
“I can’t get over how well she moves,” said the short man, relinquishing her breast. “Can she do jumping jacks?”
“I’m sure she can,” said Abigail, unfastening the leash from the collar. “Well, Roberta? You heard your master.”
“Yes, mistress,” said Linsey, trying to smile. The people stepped back to watch her breasts bounce as she did a series of star jumps. After the sixth, the short man told her to stop, then went up to her, grabbed her breasts again, and sucked a nipple into his mouth. “Hmm,” he said, his voice muffled. “They even taste like the real thing. Wonderful!”
The other woman — dark-skinned and dark-haired, wearing a sari that left one beautifully shaped hard-nippled breast free — nodded approvingly. “Good work, Professor,” she said to a bespectacled man wearing a white lab coat. “But is she flexible enough to touch her toes?”
The “professor’’ raised an eyebrow, and Linsey bent over, straining to reach her toes — something she hadn’t done in years. She’d come within a few inches of succeeding when lab coat said, “All right. Stop.”
Linsey looked up, and realized that he meant her to hold that position. The short man was still sucking on her right breast, refusing to be dislodged, and was patting the other back and forth, making it sway. The Chinese woman walked behind Linsey, fondled her wet cunt, then sniffed her fingers. “Not bad,” she said grudgingly, then slapped Linsey on the ass, hard enough that she nearly toppled over. “Very good,” she said, as she spanked the other cheek. “Nice convincing wobble, and they turn a lovely shade of pink, too. You’re an artist, Professor.”
“This I have to see,” said the Indian woman, walking around to stand behind Linsey. The two women took turns in spanking her, until they were joined by the second man, and soon she was being smacked on each cheek while another hand gently rubbed her pussy. The beads in Linsey’s ass, on their flexible shaft, shifted with every smack; they weren’t as thick as Phil’s cock had been, and they felt more like a wonderfully long finger probing and caressing her, but they were yet another reminder (as if she needed one) of the overwhelmingly intense orgasms she’d had from being masterfully sodomized. The recollection, combined with the rhythm of the spanking, the tingling of her cheeks, and the wonderful feeling of so many hands and mouths on some of the most sensitive parts of her body, soon had her on the verge of coming again. Go with it, said a voice in her head.
It’s humiliating, a vanishingly small part of her brain replied.
Who the fuck cares? When was the last time something felt this good?
That was all it took; soon, she was shaking and shrieking with the force of her orgasm, while the people fondling her propped her up and kept her from falling. She thought she could hear laughter and applause, but she wasn’t sure, and she wasn’t sure she cared.
When she could focus again, she saw a hard cock being waved invitingly in front of her face, and she opened her mouth wide to let it in without wondering whose it was. It had been so long since she’d sucked a dick that she’d forgotten how much she enjoyed it, how good it was to turn someone on and feel and taste the proof of it. The spanking had stopped, but there was still a hand between her thighs, and now both of her breasts were being sucked. She wasn’t sure how long it was before the cock in her mouth erupted, but she relished every second.
She felt the softening dick pop out of her mouth, and waited for it to be replaced by another; instead, she heard the Chinese woman say, “Were you told to swallow his come, fuckdoll?”
Linsey tried to think. “I wasn’t told to spit it out,” she replied, numbly.
The Indian woman laughed. “She has a point, Ting. You’ve programmed her well, Professor.”
“Except that she forgot to say ‘thank you’,” said the tallest of the men, reprovingly.
“Thank you, master,” Linsey gushed. “Thank you for letting me suck your cock, and thank you for coming in my mouth, master.”
“Hmp,” Ting grunted, and removed her little black dress, showing herself to be naked underneath. “Does she eat pussy as well?”
“As well as I can, mistress.”
This time, she was sure the laughter and applause were real. “Show me,” said Ting, lying down on the bed with her legs spread. Linsey dropped to all fours and crawled towards her, slowly kissing her way along one thigh to her crotch; it had been many years since she’d gone down on another woman, but she felt confi dent that she still remembered how to do it. As Ting began to purr, she also remembered why she’d done it, and began hoping someone would think to do it to her — if not Ting, then maybe Abigail or the Indian woman. Cunnilingus had been another thing Phil had done well. . almost as skilfully and eagerly as Brianna had, back during their brief affair. Linsey found herself wishing Brianna were here, and fuzzily wondered whether offering to eat her out would be considered a suitable way to thank her for this wonderful gift.
She heard the professor muttering something about viruses and nanobots, then the sound of a condom wrapper being torn open, and a few seconds later a cock slid into her cunt. The man fucked her slowly, allowing her to concentrate on licking Ting, for which part of Linsey’s brain was weirdly grateful; she was vaguely convinced that a good fuckdoll would make sure that Ting’s pleasure came before her own. She was gratifi ed when Ting climaxed, allowing her to concentrate on the delightful sensations she was getting from the dick in her pussy and the beads in her ass — which rapidly intensified as the man fucking her picked up the pace and grabbed the ring at the end of her anal toy and proceeded to pull it out slowly. Her sphincter expanded and contracted as the beads popped out one by one, perfectly synchronized with the peaks of her own orgasm.
She lay there for a moment, face down between Ting’s silky thighs, unaware of anything but immeasurable pleasure and the hope that her now empty ass would soon be filled by something larger, preferably a cock. Instead, the short man grabbed her and turned her over on to her back as Ting wriggled up the bed. “I’ve wanted to do this since I saw you,” the man said, squeezing a bottle of lube into his hand and applying it to his dick.
“Thank y-” Linsey began, but to her surprise, the man grabbed her breasts and pushed them together, then thrust his slippery — but unsheathed — cock between them. Linsey’s eyes widened in amazement. She’d heard of tit-fucking, had even seen it on porn movies, but had never tried it; Phil had always been more of a butt man, and her other male lovers had been too inexperienced to think of it or too shy to ask for it.
“Nice big fuckable funbags,” Shorty grunted. “Every fuckdoll should have beautiful boobs like these. Ohhhh, that feels fantastic!”
Linsey blinked. To her, it felt only mildly pleasurable, but she found that she did enjoy seeing the purpling head of Shorty’s long dick appearing between her breasts, just within reach of her tongue, and she began licking it as it emerged.
Shorty obviously wasn’t a control freak: unlike the slow fucking she’d just received, the tit-fuck lasted less than a minute before she saw the come start spurting out of his cock — a sight she’d never previously witnessed, and found utterly fascinating. Without waiting for orders, she opened her mouth to catch as much of his semen as she could, then licked the rest off her face. “Thank you, master,” she said, surprising herself with the sincerity of her tone.
“My pleasure,” he said, kissing her on the forehead. “You are a fantastic fuckdoll.”
“Thank you, master!” She looked around, and saw that Ting and the Indian woman were lying on the bed on either side of her, obviously enjoying the show.
“Impressive,” said the Indian woman. “How was her cunnilingus?”
“Pretty good,” said Ting, wiping a stray drop of come from Linsey’s face and licking it, “but I think she could benefit from more practice.”
“Hmm. Is she programmed for rimming, too, Professor?”
“If I remember the specifications correctly,” said the man in the lab coat.
“I am, mistress,” said Linsey, as the woman unwrapped her sari and lay prone on the bed.
“Then lick my ass.”
“Yes, mistress. Thank you, mistress.” With an enthusiasm that she no longer even wondered at, she parted the woman’s beautiful brown buttocks and buried her face between them, her tongue running along the crevice until it found the hot little starburst between them. As she began rimming her, she felt another pair of hands — Ting’s, she rightly suspected — part her own cheeks, and a large dollop of lube being applied to her asshole. After some precautionary and thoroughly pleasurable probing with his slippery fingers, the professor slid his latex-sheathed circumcised cock easily into her butt; she felt her sphincter contract again and close around the shaft after the acorn-shaped glans had entered, and began coming. Her tongue slipped inside the Indian woman’s anus, and soon she was tongue-fucking her in synch with the cock reaming her ass.
They’re using me, she thought. I’m just a fuckdoll, a sex machine, I don’t even know their real names and they probably don’t know mine, but fuck, it feels so fucking good!
After that, the rest of the night, and the next day, and the next night, were something of an erotic blur. She did have a clear memory of jerking two of the men off so she could watch them come on her breasts, and then licking as much of their jizz as her tongue could reach before the other women finished the job of cleaning her up. . and of Shorty returning for a second go at her tits, this time facing her feet while she licked his ass as avidly as she’d rimmed the Indian woman’s, or Ting’s, or Abigail’s. . and of being blindfolded and ordered to guess whose cock was in her mouth, with the “threat” of a spanking if she guessed wrong, and of coming as the “threat” was carried out. . and of being fucked and sodomized by all of the men, and by Ting with a strap-on, though she couldn’t remember in what order. . but as she woke up Sunday morning, her body still glazed with come and other juices and covered with lipsticky kisses in four colours, the most important thing she remembered was how much pleasure her body, too long ignored, had given her and seven other people.
She lay there in what Abigail had called the “recovery room”, still slightly dazed, and wondered whether she should ask the chauffeur to stop at a church so she could go to confession on the way home — at a church where no one knew her, of course. She’d gotten less than halfway through listing her encounters of the weekend before reaching for one of the vibrators Abigail had thoughtfully left on the nightstand.
Linsey kept her expression neutral as she listened to the secretary of the PTA drone on reprovingly about the teacher who some parents thought was being too frank about sex in biology classes. The woman was only a few years her senior, and as Linsey looked at her prim, even severe, appearance, she realized that she was what she might have become without Brianna’s gift.
Maybe I’m judging her too harshly, she thought. Maybe she has a girlfriend as well as a husband. Maybe she has an impressive collection of piercings and tattoos under that Dior suit. Maybe her ass isn’t really so tight that it doesn’t regularly accommodate a nice hard cock, or so hard that it doesn’t jiggle a little when it gets spanked. Maybe she likes to go to sex shop movie booths in some other town and suck cocks through a glory hole. Maybe-
“. . do the girls even need to learn biology at all?” the woman asked, bringing Linsey out of her reverie. “Unless they decide to go into medicine, what use will it be to them later in life?”
Linsey stared at her for a moment, and seemed to hear Brianna’s voice in her head. You can choose when to be submissive, it said, and that means you’re choosing when not to be.
“The course stays on the curriculum,” said Linsey, firmly. “Biology is not some shameful little secret; there’s a reason they call it a life science. And I am not going to fire a teacher for doing her job, answering questions and encouraging curiosity. Yes, we will tell the girls that abstinence is safest — but if they ask about alternatives, any alternatives, I expect the teachers to answer the questions as honestly as they are able and let the girls make informed decisions about their own lives. How do you put it? ‘Teach the controversy?’”
The woman turned red, and stood. “I hope you’re ready to defend this position at the next meeting, when I suggest to the other parents that we pull our daughters out of this school.”
Linsey resisted the urge to make a joke about withdrawal not being a particularly effective alternative. “You’re free to do that,” she said, “but I’m not apologising for the position I’ve taken. Is there anything else you wish to say?”
Clearly there wasn’t, as the woman stood up and stormed towards the door. Linsey looked at her ass for a moment, fantasized about having it bent over her desk ready for a thorough spanking, then reached for her cell phone. “Brianna? It’s Lin. What’re you doing this weekend?”