I would like to thank my tireless and patient wife, Hanna, for keeping my nose to the grindstone and helping me through the long process of writing. Thanks to our marvelous assistant, Elisabeth Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, for her research and innumerable talents. Thanks to Kjeld Skærbæk for transport and all manner of help. Thanks also to Eddie Kiran, Hanne Petersen, Micha Schmalstieg, and Karlo Andersen for valuable and insightful comments, and to my inestimable editor, Anne C. Andersen, for her keen eye, boundless energy reserves, and overview. Thanks to Karsten Dybvad and Anne G. Jensen for showing me around Copenhagen’s House of Industry in the early stages of its conversion. Thanks to Gitte and Peter Q. Rannes of the Danish Centre for Writers and Translators at Hald Hovedgaard for their hospitality. Thanks to Peter Garde for use of his magnificent house in Kera, Crete. Thanks to the girls of the Maeva publishing house in Barcelona for their sterling efforts in various situations, to Mathilde Sommeregger for purchase of a writing desk and rental of an swivel chair, and to Alba for recovering my lost suitcase with the book’s synopsis and all my research inside it. Thanks to Gordon Alsing for use of his retreat in Liseleje. Thanks to Police Superintendent Leif Christensen for corrections relating to police matters, as well as to Police Superintendent and Press Coordinator Lars-Christian Borg. Thanks to physiotherapist Mette Andresen and to Leo Poulsen of the Royal Library in Copenhagen.
Special thanks go to Henning Kure for his fantastic editorial work, cutting and trimming and thereby giving me back my enthusiasm and clear-sightedness when it was most needed.
Thanks to Dirk Henning for his hospitality in Yaoundé. Thanks to our guide, Louis Fon, who has given name to one of the characters in this book; to my friend and traveling companion Jesper Helbo; and our nine strong and good-humored scouts, as well as to our Bantu ranger and cook for an amazing expedition into the Da jungle of Cameroon.
With the publication of this novel, adlerolsen.de has provided support to the Baka Sunrise Association in recognition of that foundation’s important efforts to provide schooling to the children of the Baka people.