July 15, Wednesday. Phase of the moon: New.
These are the rituals of the Saul family.
At one P.M., Uncle Peter comes home from his half day at the clinic. He changes into jeans and a T-shirt and heads for his vegetable garden, where a jungle of tomato plants and cucumber vines weigh down their string trellises.
At two P.M., little Teddy comes up the hill from the lake, carrying his fishing pole. But no catch. I have not yet seen him bring home a single fish.
At two-fifteen, Lily’s two girlfriends walk up the hill, carrying bathing suits and beach towels. The taller one-I think her name is Sarah-also brings a radio. Its strange and thumping music now disturbs the otherwise silent afternoon. Their towels spread out on the lawn, the three girls bask in the sun like drowsy felines. Their skin gleams with suntan lotion. Lily sits up and reaches for her bottle of water. As she lifts it to her lips, she suddenly goes still, her gaze on my window. She sees me watching her.
It is not the first time.
Slowly she sets down the water bottle and says something to her two friends. The other girls now sit up and look in my direction. For a moment they stare at me, as I am staring at them. Sarah shuts off the radio. They all rise to their feet, shake out their towels, and come into the house.
A moment later, Lily knocks on my door. She doesn’t wait for an answer but walks uninvited into my room.
“Why do you watch us?” she says.
“I was just looking out the window.”
“You’re looking at us.”
“Because you happen to be there.”
Her gaze falls on my desk. Lying open there is the book my mother gave me when I turned ten years old. Popularly known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it is a collection of ancient coffin texts. All the spells and incantations one needs to navigate the afterlife. She moves closer to the book, but hesitates to touch it, as though the pages might burn her fingers.
“Are you interested in death rituals?” I ask.
“It’s just superstition.”
“How do you know unless you’ve tried them?”
“You can actually read these hieroglyphs?”
“My mother taught me. But those are just minor spells. Not the really powerful ones.”
“And what can a powerful spell do?” She looks at me, her gaze so direct and unflinching that I wonder if she is more than she seems. If I’ve underestimated her.
“The most powerful spells,” I tell her, “can bring the dead back to life.”
“You mean, like in The Mummy?” She laughs.
I hear more giggles behind me and turn to see her two friends standing in the doorway. They’ve been eavesdropping, and they look at me with disdain. I am clearly the weirdest boy they have ever met. They have no idea how different I really am.
Lily closes the Book of the Dead. “Let’s go swimming, girls,” she says, and walks out of the room, trailing the sweet scent of her suntan lotion.
Through my window, I watch them head down the hill, toward the lake. The house is now quiet.
I go into Lily’s room. From her hairbrush, I pull off long brown strands of hair and slip them into my pocket. I uncap the lotions and creams on her dresser and sniff them; each scent brings with it the flash of a memory: Lily at the breakfast table. Lily sitting beside me in the car. I open her drawers, her closet, and touch her clothes. Clothes that any American teenager might wear. She’s just a girl after all, nothing more. But she needs watching.
It’s what I do best.