
Thanks to the many people who have helped me pull this collection together, most notably Dinaw Mengestu, who nudged me forward just when I needed nudging, and PJ Mark and Megan Lynch who, when I was nudged in their directions, saw my work and liked it and took it upon themselves to help me make it better.

To Jennifer and Kit at the Paris Bakery, who not only opened their doors to me but gave me a key and license to drink as much day-old coffee as I could stomach, I’m very much in your debt. I’m grateful to Ryan Bartelmay, Mark Binelli, Bryan Dunn, Julia Holmes, Hillery Hugg, E. Tyler Lindvall, Meredith Phillips, Liza Powell, Jessica Lamb-Shapiro, and Marcela Valdes for suffering through early first drafts of these stories and remaining my friend afterwards. Thanks also goes out to Judy Budnitz, Maureen Howard, Heidi Julavits, Paul LaFarge, Ben Marcus, and Victoria Redel for helping me find a good way to write the stories I wanted to write when I first decided I wanted to write them. And to everyone who’s ever given me a job and didn’t mind that I wrote while on the job or didn’t notice that I wrote while on the job, thanks.

Nothing I’ve done would have been possible, of course, without the love and support of my parents, Juan & Juanita Gonzales, and my sister, Cecilia Gonzales. And no one means more to me or to this work of mine than you, Sharon.
