The morning after the successful descent of the Flying Ring among the bunkers and hazards of the golf-course of the Chevy Chase Club, at Washington, Professor Benjamin Hooker awoke to find himself not only famous but, beyond peradventure, the most interesting human being upon the terrestrial globe. Equipped with a marvelous engine capable of navigating space and of discharging a lavender ray which could annihilate any-thing from a fleet of battle-ships to a mountain-range, he was justly acclaimed "The First Citizen of the World.” He, or the nation to which he should give his allegiance, could, it was properly assumed, control the destinies of mankind.

It had been universally known that the nations involved in the world-war had concluded a treaty of peace only under the threat of the mysterious being known as "Pax” to shift the axis of the globe and turn Europe into an arctic waste. It was now, therefore, generally believed that Hooker was himself none other than Pax, and that, having brought about the end of the war, he had returned with his aerial monster to pursue further scientific investigations under the auspices of the national government.

At any rate, Professor Benjamin Hooker, hitherto the most modest of all the retiring inhabitants of Cambridge, Massachu-setts, now found himself in the spotlight of publicity, and hailed not only as the arbiter of world-politics but as the dictator of human destiny, True to his instincts, however, Profes-sor Hooker paid no attention to this surfeit of adulation. The day after his arrival, having reported himself at the office of the Secretary of State, he retired to the Congressional Library to prepare his statement for the Smithsonian Institution, and, having rented a hall bedroom in a quiet lodging-house on H Street, resumed the unpretentious existence of a scientific investigator.

By arrangement with the government, the Flying Ring was moved to a large aerodrome beyond the city, where its mysteries were protected from public curiosity by a steel fence, thirty feet high, outside which, both by day and night, armed guards were constantly on patrol. For, in the Flying Ring and in Professor Hooker, the government of the United States realized that it possessed not only the key to permanent peace but to the safety and prosperity of mankind as a whole. It may be said quite confidently that the head on anybody other than Professor Hooker would have been completely turned. Daily there arrived at his boarding-house various ambassadorial representatives of foreign nations, who conferred upon him, in the name of their governments or monarchs, the highest decorations in their gift. But, as became a true American, he thought little of these decorations, and simply threw their crosses and other insignia into an empty and not very clean bureau drawer. All this fuss and feathers took, in his opinion, a confounded lot of time and interfered with the serious business of life. Yet his very modesty operated to increase his notoriety. Here was a shabby little man, with tousled brown hair, double-lensed spectacles, and a protruding Adam’s apple - the most famous man in the world; nay, the most celebrated man since the creation - who, for simplicity and dif-fidence, surpassed both U. S. Grant and Admiral Dewey, who was content to go on wearing the same very baggy eighteen-dollar suit of clothes for years, and to live in a three-dollar-a-week hall bedroom, when his picture hung in every kitchen from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific coast.

But, to speak accurately, Bennie Hooker was not so much disregardful of these things as he was oblivious of them, for when he was not working in the Congressional Library or the Smithsonian Institution, he was wandering around Washington with his eyes on the ground or in the air, engrossed in working out some spatial problem and totally unaware that he was being pointed out at every corner as: "That’s him! That’s Hooker!”

Thus, pondering on the mysteries of space and rime, of infinity, eternity, and the riddle of the universe - or, to be exact, upon an equation which he was figuring out on the seventeenth leaf of his note-book - Professor Benjamin Hooker wandered into Dupont Circle and absent-mindedly seated himself on the south-east end of a green park bench upon the northwest corner of which reclined a young lady dressed in a tan tailor-made suit. Professor Hooker did not know that he was in Dupont Circle; he did not even know that he was on a green park bench, and, if he had, he would not have known upon which end of it he was. Needless to say, he was entirely ignorant of the presence of the young lady in the tan tailor-made suit. The equation was a very annoying one, and, for some reason or other, he found it impossible to integrate it. With his note-book on his knee, Professor Hooker chewed viciously the rubber tip of his lead-pencil and cursed the devil that was in the figures. And, as he was thus engaged, a clear, well-modulated young voice, which appeared to emanate from a point directly over his right shoulder, remarked,

”Why don't you write x in its exponential form, Professor Hooker?”

So far as its arousing Professor Hooker to a consciousness of his physical existence was concerned, the voice might have been the murmur of the night breeze. To him, it was less than the voice of conscience.

"That’s so,” mused Professor Hooker. "Of course. Why didn’t I think of that before?”

And this, as he thought, he proceeded to do. But still the solution would not come.

"But you didn’t think of it at all, and you haven’t even done what I suggested!” declared the voice.

Then, for the first time, he looked up over his shoulder.

The girl in the tailor-made suit had moved along the bench and was now sitting next him in the closest proximity possible without actual contact. As she sat there, she was slightly taller than Professor Hooker, who, unfortunately, was too preoccupied to be conscious of the trim slenderness of her athletic figure, her alluring cheeks and chin, the long black lashes of her large gray eyes, her low, wide forehead, of the whimsical smile that played about her softly curving lips.

He saw none of these things, but he, somehow, received an impression of vigor, poise, certainty, and comprehension. In oth-er words, his reaction was entirely intellectual and not in the slightest degree physical, which made it very much easier for Professor Hooker to sit as he did on that green park bench and say:

’'Plague take the thing! Got any idea what’s the matter with it?”

”Let me have your note-book,” ordered the young lady, and, without waiting for a reply, removed it genially from his reluctant fingers and annexed the pencil. "There!” she said. "Now, it’s simple enough - don’t you see? X has the significance of the real part of the complex,”

"Well,” declared Bennie, with obvious admiration, "you’re certainly a shark at mathematics!”

The young lady took out her watch.

"You had better be thankful that I’m not the man-eating varie-ty - it’s nearly lunch-time!”

If Professor Hooker’s eyes had been as sensitive to delicate shades of the complexion as they were to the varied hues shown in his spectrophotometer, he would have noticed that a pink flush - very nearly wave-length 6250, he would have said - spread over her face as she caught his eye; but this incident wholly escaped his notice.

At the same moment, the bellow of a factory whistle somewhere over Alexandria way caused Professor Hooker to arouse himself out of his state of semilethargy,

"By thunder, it’s one o’clock!” he exclaimed, and, without further ado, he arose, bolted across the Circle, and made a flying leap for a street-car which was just swinging into Connecticut Avenue. The tailor-made girl followed him with an amused gaze.

"I really believe I know more mathematics than he does,” she remarked complacently to herself. "But isn’t he just a dear?” And with that, she too, arose and walked briskly away, as if she knew exactly where she was going - which she did.


He was fifteen minutes late to lunch, and the other boarders

had made way with everything on the table except a single chop and a few scrapings of macaroni which Mrs. Mullins, the landlady, had carefully rescued and preserved for him. But Professor Hooker, who ate merely as a matter of form, did not notice the absence of the other courses and, automatically obeying the law of com-pensation, evened up on the sago pudding, of which there was an inevitable abundance. Then he went up to his room, lit his pipe, seated himself, cross-legged, sideways on his bed, and got to work at his note-book again. The equation, however, in spite of the young lady’s clever suggestions, still refused to be solved. For an hour, he chewed his pencil, arising occasionally and walking up and down, three steps each way, in front of the marble-topped walnut bureau, until the middle-aged spinster who occupied the room below was ready to scream with nerves. As however, she was waiting for a man to come and take her out walking, she was obliged to possess her soul and feet in patience.

"I ought to have let that young woman finish up this calculation for me." Hooker at last conceded to the face in the glass. "I can’t handle the thing myself, and now I’ll have to go out to Georgetown and bother Thornton with it.”

Thornton was the senior astronomer at the new Naval Observatory, and, with his junior associate, Evarts, had been the first scientist to observe the mysterious phenomena incident to the manifestations of Pax’s power. But as Professor Hooker, at this point, remembered that he had left one of his other note-books at the Smithsonian, and as this note-book, when found, in turn sug-gested another unsolved problem, it was almost dark before he boarded the Georgetown car and quite naturally took his seat a-mong the places reserved for smokers.

The evening paper, however, offered very little of interest. In fact, Professor Hooker rarely found anything upon its front pages chat he cared to read. The anfics of political parties and their bosses, the matrimonial eccentricities of social leaders, "what the man will wear,” even the vivid accounts of battle, murder, and sudden death with which its columns were replete meant nothing to him. Disgustedly he folded over the newspaper and ran his eye down the miscellaneous foreign-news items. An obscure paragraph caught his eye.


Geneva, Switzerland - The officials of the observatory here have just published the corrected elements of the orbit of the new comet reported by Battelli last month. They predict that this new intruder into the solar system will be of unusual brilliancy, probably surpassing chat of the Great Comet of 1811.

Here was something worth while - something directly pertaining to Professor Hooker’s bailiwick. Comets were his specialty. He had a familiar acquaintance with them and their families -knew them all by their first names, so to speak. Now, the Great Comet of 1811 had been the most sensational sidereal exhibition on record. It had caused a confident belief throughout the nations that the end of the world was surely at hand. If the new comet were going to be anything like that - holy smoke!

The full moon was climbing over the ghostly white domes of of the observatory as Professor Hooker, still pondering on the comet, trudged up the long hill to where his friend gave his life to the unselfish service of mankind. At the farther end of the building, a light glowed in a single window, and, having been admitted by a sleepy porter, he walked down the long corridor and knocked at Thornton’s door. Receiving no response, he waited for a moment, knocked again, and then opened the door himself. Thornton was sitting at his desk, completely absorbed in his calculations.

The grave profile of the astronomer showed through the dim light from the shrouded electric lamp like the head of an ancient statue of some Greek philosopher. Before him lay a litter of white papers covered with figures and an open book of logarithms. Immured in the interior of the great dome, with its monumental walls like those of an ancient Egyptian pyramid, they could hear no sound save the slow tick of the sidereal clock and the faint whir of the complicated machinery that drove the telescope in its infallible following of the movements of the solar system. For upward of two minutes, Thornton remained unconscious of Hooker’s presence. Then, with a sigh, he laid down his pencil and, looking up, observed his friend for the first time.

"Hello, Bennie,’’ he exclaimed, with a suggestion of excitement in his ordinarily calm voice; "pull your chair up here! We’ve got something big - the biggest thing, in fact, that has ever happened in astronomy! We got the elements of Battelli’s comet yesterday. Unless I’ve made some mistake in my figures, there’s going to be a smash-up in the universe!"

From Thornton, the conservative, such a declaration had immeasurable significance.

"You mean it’s going to hit the earth?" asked Hooker, with interest.

"No," answered Thornton; "but it looks as if it would strike one of the smaller asteroids in a head-on collision - and if it does -

"Something will drop," finished Hooker. "Which asteroid?"

"Medusa - one I’ve been following in its orbit for more than two years - a small planet, largely composed of pitchblende."

Hooker pursed his lips into a whistle.

"What do you really suppose will happen?” he inquired.

"No one can tell," replied the astronomer. "The collision might check Medusa in its orbit and cause it to fall into the sun. In falling, it might cross the earth’s path and strike us - it might mean the end of the world!"

"Gee whiz!" ejaculated Professor Hooker. "When is this interesting event going to take place?"

"I calculate that the comet and the asteroid will come into collision at three o’clock on the morning of the eighteenth of next month. You can come over and see it if you like."

"I’ll be here," Bennie assured him, jotting down the date. "And now,” he added, pulling his note-book from his pocket, "be

a good fellow and solve this equation for me, will you?”

"Good Lord!” protested Thornton. "Really, don’t you think it’s almost bedtime? I’m no good outside my own line, anyway.”

"This is your line,” retorted Bennie. "Look here, Thornton; don’t go back on me. All this fooling-around of mine with radium and that sort of stuff has weakened my mathematics. I’ve simply got to solve this equation. I almost solved it this morning,” he added, with a shamefaced recollection of the girl in the tan suit.

"There’s no use your calling on me,” answered Thornton definitely. "It would take a week for me to catch up with you, anyhow.”

Hooker’s face clearly showed his disappointment.

"But, Thornton,” he protested, "who else is there but you? You’re the most expert mathematician in America!”

The astronomer laughed.

"I wish I were,” he replied. "But the fact of the matter is my mathematics is by no means my strong point. Anyhow, I haven’t the time. It’s simply out of the question.”

"Well, who is there?” persisted Bennie.

Thornton leaned back meditatively.

"I suggest your trying the research professor of applied mathematics at the new Nationall Institute.”

"Thanks,” answered his friend, slipping his note-book back into his pocket and putting on his hat. "By the way, what’s the gent’s name?”

Thornton’s eye twinkled.

"His name,” he said, ”is Miss Rhoda Gibbs.”


PROFESSOR BENNIE HOOKER arose next morning and got on line in company with Mrs. Mullins’ other boarders for his bath in the tin tub just as usual. But something was different. Breakfast, while no stodgier than usual, did not taste quite the same, and he answered Miss Parkinson, the spinster who roomed beneath him, quite sharply that he wasn’t responsible for the milk or for the maple sirup either, although, in his absent-mindedness, he had appropriated considerably more than his share of both. The fact of the matter was that Thornton had told him to go to a woman for assistance - a woman!

It was now upward of thirty years since there had been a woman in Bennie’s life - leaving out, of course, Miss Beebe, his landlady in Cambridge, and Bridget McGee, the biddy who cleaned his room in the house on the Appian Way, where Miss Beebe resided. He had never liked women, anyway - not since they had insisted on swathing him as a child in flannel soaked in various kinds of healing oils, and his experience with Miss Beebe and the McGee had not increased his regard. They were fools - *or just scrawny fakers, aping intelligence like Miss Beebe, who filled him with disgust. Yet, had he known it, that withered virgin adored the

ground upon which Bennie’s carpet slippers trod, and she had not raised the rent on him for eighteen years. Such are life’s tragedies. And now to be sent to one of the despised sex to crave succor, to beg for aid, humbly to be shown how to solve a not extraordinarily difficult problem in astronomical mathematics - it simply made him sick. He wouldn’t go to her - he simply wouldn’t!

As he sat on his bed, smoking defiantly an after-breakfast pipe, he could see her in his mind’s eye, - a lean, flat-chested, bony person, with a sharp nose and chin, thin gray hair - and a mole, perhaps. "Snippy” - that is what she would be like - in the Beebe order! She would listen to him with a supercilious sniff and condescend patronizingly to put him in the wrong. Yet, he was very anxious to solve his problem, for ever since he had navigated the Flying Ring back from Ungava, he had been meditating on the possibilities afforded by this machine, which could negative the force of gravity. No; he must suppress his natural feelings in the matter and seek out this horny old maid - the research professor of applied mathematics at the National Institute -and get it over with. But he wouldn’t change his collar for her -no, sir!

Still recalcitrant, he took the car over to Georgetown and inquired of the porter at the observatory for the research professor. The nearer he got to her the more averse he was to calling upon any woman for assistance; but once having appealed to the porter, it was too late to draw back, particularly when the latter conducted him to the door of a small room overlooking the garden, knocked, and left him there.

"Come in!”

The words had a certain musical quality as if half sung, although spoken, and while he did not recognize the voice, its cheerfulness communicated itself to the dejected spirits of the professor. With his pipe still in his mouth, to show his superiority, Hooker turned the knob and pushed open the door.

There, between two high French windows, sat the tan tailor-made girl! She had evidently been dictating, for a weazened, stenographic-looking male with a tonsure was bending over a note-book with elevated pencil. As Professor Hooker entered, the stenographer arose stiffly, and the tan young lady lifted her face toward the door and said,

"Good morning!” Then turning to the stenographer: "You may go, Stebbens. I want seven copies of that condensation of Hiroshito’s 'Theory of Thermic Induction.’ ”

Bennie stared at her, choking with embarrassment.

"Are you the research professor of applied mathematics?” he exclaimed, as the stenographer slid by him.

"That’s me,” she laughed,

"I ought to have guessed it,” responded Bennie humbly.

"How did you get on with your problem?”

"I didn’t,” he replied. "The truth is, I got side-tracked on something else.”

Then, suddenly becoming conscious of his pipe, he thrust it hurriedly into his trousers pocket.

"For heaven’s sake go on smoking!” said the girl. "I don’t believe you could think at all without your pipe.”

"That’s true, too,” said Bennie, replacing it where it belonged, with gratitude. "Do you mind taking a look at these equations? I’m after something different this time - not as hard as the other one - but I’m not sure of the solution.” He laid his note-book down before her.

The girl glanced at it thoughtfully for a moment, and, drawing toward her a pad of yellow paper, she swiftly integrated the equation before Bennie’s embarrassed but admiring eyes.

suppose one gets groggy occasionally,” she said. "Of course I can see that you’re on some gravitational problem.” "Yes,” he replied; "I’m trying to calculate the rate at which the velocity of the Flying Ring - Pax’s antigravity machine that I found up in Labrador, you know - would increase as it left the earth if I took it out into space. The attraction of gravitation, at a distance, say, of twelve thousand miles above the earth would amount to comparatively little, and our velocity would increase at a simply terrific rate. I must get an absolute solution of the problem. Skooting round in space would have to be done by a sort of dead reckoning, I suppose, anyhow, but a knowledge of our velocity would be essential, wouldn’t it?”

"By ’our velocity’ do you mean that you are planning to take me with you?” inquired the young lady pleasantly.

At this highly indelicate suggestion, Professor Hooker stared at his fair companion blankly.

"You - I - thunder - no!” he stammered, suddenly turning pink and experiencing a sensation of warm stickiness around his collar. "Wouldn’t do at all, you know! No idea of such a thing! Hope you didn’t think ..”

She leaned back again in her chair and rested her head against the wall, looking dreamily over Bennie’s head to a great astronomical chart hanging upon the opposite side of the room.

"You know,” she responded, and there was almost a suggestion of awe in her voice. "I have sometimes thought of the unlimited possibilities which the Flying Ring would afford to a person who had the courage to avail himself - or herself - of them. There is nothing, so far as I can see, to prevent your navigating the Ring anywhere in space. Provided you arranged for a sufficient supply of oxygen, a flight to the moon would hardly present any difficulties at all.”

"Very little,” answered Bennie. "It is perfectly plain that Pax had anticipated just such a flight, for the Ring is fully equipped with oxygen-tanks and all sorts of similar appliances. It may be that he actually did visit the moon! So long as I can get uranium cylinders for my tractor, I could take the Ring anywhere. But there are other considerations, certain chances that a chap oughtn’t to take - unless he hopes to accomplish something

worth while. The navigation of interplanetary space is an entirely new game, and the chances are that, no matter how much care I took, I shouldn’t learn all the rules the first time. Then, if anything went wrong ..”

"If anything went wrong, and your engine ran down, or something happened to your machinery, you might find yourself caught between the gravitation of the moon and of the earth and whirling round and round forever through the universe.”

Bennie took a long pull on his pipe.

"That would be a new kind of immortality, wouldn't it?” he remarked whimsically.


There was soon no doubt regarding Thornton’s prediction. Careful observation, supplemented by independent calculations, demonstrated beyond peradventure that the asteroid Medusa would certainly pass through the head of the comet, which now blazed nightly in the sky like the beam of a huge search-light. Never had such a meteor been known before, for it surpassed in brilliancy and size the famous comet of 1811. All night long the streets of every American city were filled with crowds of people watching the huge fire-ball, the diameter of which appeared to the terrestrial observer to be nearly half that of the moon itself. From the dawn of time these dragons of the sky have caused consternation in the hearts, not only of the ignorant savage but in those of the half-civilized as well, and even among the educated classes there still lingers some echo of that fear, inherited through millions of generations of men, who, from the birth of the race, have sought to read upon the scroll of the heavens the tracings of the hand of Fate. And so the boulevards of the capital swarmed with thousands of people, who gazed in silence at this monster of the sky. Unlike the Chinese, who endeavor to scare away such celestial demons by exploding firecrackers and making all the noise humanly possible, these Occidental multitudes viewed the comet in solemn if not religious awe, realizing poignantly, for the first time, that our universe is not protected from attack by wandering celestial bodies. Had a hostile Zeppelin appeared upon the horizon, a fleet of aeroplanes would have instantly arisen to meet and destroy it. But no known human agency existed which could go forth to challenge and possibly vanquish a fire-monster appearing thus malevolently out of the infinity of space. The man in the street walked with his nose pointing to the midnight zenith, and next morning complained at breakfast of having a most unaccountable "crick” in his neck; but the crowd was still save for the new

boys, who ran hither and thither shouting shrilly: "Extree! Extree! All about the comic!”

Consumptive old men, gray-bearded and withered survivors of antebellum days, wastrails of the vissitudes of fortune came

crawling out of garrets to set up small, battered brass telescopes on weather-beaten mahogany tripods. And about these collected knots of people, who eagerly paid small sums to get a nearer view of this astonishing phenomenon which portended no one knew what. In the "black-and-tan” quarters of the city, the impassioned tones of the exhorters, mingled with the groans and wailings of converts and the chant of salvation-hymns, filled the air, for there, at least, the conviction prevailed that the day of Judgment was at hand, and that the sheep were at last to be definitely separated from the goats.

Four days after the meeting of comet and asteroid, which was duly reported by observing astronomers, newsboys were again crying, "Extra!” in the streets of Washington. An evening paper had been made the recipient of the following, the result of calculation on the part of Thornton:



It is announced positively by the officials of the National Observatory that the asteroid Medusa, having been arrested in its orbit by its collision with the comet, is now plunging toward the sun with an increasing hourly acceleration and will undoubtedly hit the earth in less than five months from today. Calculations have shown that the point of impact will be in Mexico on the line of latitude passing through Tampico, though it is possible that the body may fall in the Pacific if the time of arrival is a little later than that predicted, or in the gulf of Mexico, if earlier. The opinions held by the Leading scientific men of the country as to the immediate effects of the collision differ in the extreme. Some consider that, aside from earthquakes, tidal waves and considerable atmospheric disturbances, the destructive effects will be confined to an area of not more than three or four hundred miles radius. Others believe, however, that the concussion will destroy all life over the greater part of two Americas, and that the "splash" of the asteroid will bury the United States under a layer of fused rock, broken stones, dust, and mud to a depth varying from several miles in Texas to several feet in Maine and Oregon, All agree, however, in the belief that every building in the United States will be razed to the ground by the shock, and that the atmospheric disturbances will be such as to render the loss of life enormous over the entire continent.

The most extreme view is that taken by Professor Katz, of Columbia, who asserts that the impact will reduce our globe to powder. His colleague, Professor Smithers, claims that that part of the earth's surface subjected to the blow will be entirely fused and vaporized, while other scientists believe that the concurrent earthquake shock will travel completely around the earth and destroy all life upon both hemispheres. All agree that, if nothing worse occurs, the vast bulk of the asteroid will penetrate the film of the earth's surface for several hundred miles, the globe’s diurnal rotation will be affected, the shape will be changed, and its orbit around the sun will be altered. Ultimate consequences cannot be predicted bur THE END OF THE WORLD IS AT HAND!

The civilized world received the astounding news of the pending annihilation of the earth, first, with the amused silence of incredulity, and then with a gasp of horror that swept over the entire surface of the globe. The immediate reaction of the human brain to this inconceivable catastrophe was that of sublime disbelief in its possibility. The finite mind, incapable, as it is, of grasping the infinities, resolutely declined to accept any proposition outside the history of man’s experience. Since that moment when the human race in the course of evolution, had appeared

upon the face of our planet, the latter’s orbit through space had never been attacked or even affected by any other celestial body, and since the earth had spun for countless millions of years in its regular course about the center of the solar system, and summer had inevitably followed winter, and men had been born, made love, fought, and died, no one was ready at first to accept the simple scientific truth that, if a meteorite weighing perhaps only a single ton could fall flaming earthward to bury itself in some farmer’s plowed field, there was no reason, in the nature of things, why a meteorite a million times larger should not do the same thing, or why another planet several times larger than the earth should not shatter it to atoms.

Kings, emperors, presidents, sultans, and rajahs, with their courts, Cabinets, and wise men, treated the preliminary announcement of the observatories of Washington, Moscow, and Greenwich much as they had in the past treated the prophecies of clairvoyants and others that the day of Judgment was positively going to occur on certain specified dates. The newspapers carefully refrained from any editorial comment. Somebody, evidently, had made a big mistake which would presently be discovered, and then everybody would breathe easily again. But, unfortunately, the supposed mistake obstinately continued to remain undetected, and further observations merely served to corroborate those already made and to substantiate, not only the probability but the absolute certainty of what Thornton had prophesied.

Then, with a shriek of astonishment and despair the newspapers of all the nations gave themselves over to this, the greatest sensation in the history of the planet, and the combined energies of astronomers throughout the entire globe were concentrated upon determining, so far as possible, the size and weight of the falling asteroid, and the point upon the surface of the earth which would receive its momentous impact.

It was soon authoritatively announced that its diameter was not less than ninety or more than one hundred and sixty miles, and that, unless it was deflected from its course by the attraction of the moon or of some planet, if would strike the earth in the neighborhood of Galveston, Texas, with a velocity of nearly nineteen miles a second. What the precise result of this terrific concussion would be upon the earth and its movement, it was, of course, impossible for anybody to predict accurately or even imagine.

Would the earth be shattered, or would it resist the titanic blow of this monster from out of space? Would both bodies retain their integrity so that, one embedded in the other in a strange and horrible association, they would gyrate through eternity? What would the effect be upon the earth’s orbit, its climatic conditions, and its life? What might happen at the worst, the mind of man refused to conjecture. But it was admitted that, beyond peradventure, the best that could be hoped for would be that the asteroid itself might suffer annihilation - in which event, its shattered

carcass would lie smothering a thousand miles of the earth’s surface, changing the latter’s axis and sending it staggering along a new orbit under conditions which might render human life upon the globe impossible. And the blow itself! Could life continue after such a shock, which would be greater by ten thousand times than that of the most violent earthquake known in the history of man?

And in the midst of all this rumpus, Professor Benjamin Hooker suddenly stated that he purposed going out in the Flying Ring to meet the asteroid in its fall through space, attack it with the famous lavender ray that had disrupted the Atlas mountains, and either deflect it from its course so that it should not strike the earth at all or blow Medusa into smithereens! Yet his announcement that he intended to sally forth and slay the celestial monster - like a little scientific David - did not tend to assuage the universal terror in the slightest.




Bentham T. Tassifer had had a very hard day indeed. He had discovered, to his disgust, that fear is a great leveler, and that the professional dignity of a deputy assistant solicitor at the Department of Justice counted for very little when the world was on the point of extinction. Like forty or fifty million other citizens of the United States, he had attempted to participate in the scramble to "get onto the lee side of the earth,” but his efforts had been totally unavailing.

There wasn’t a chance even for him - Bentham T. Tassifer -to get further from Washington than he could be taken in a taxi. To New York, perhaps’ But New York had gone mad. Its harbor was blocked with liners, cruisers, tugs, and ferry-boats away out beyond Sandy Hook, so that there was no means of departure for those already loaded with their terrified human freight. Tassifer had expostulated, insisted, ordered, roared that it was imperative that he, if anybody, should at once secure passage for Europe. But berths on the liners sailing from Newfoundland were selling for twenty-five thousand dollars each. And he hadn’t the money. He had thought of asking for a war-ship to take him away - like a recalled foreign ambassador - but he had been informed that they were all otherwise engaged. His feelings were deeply hurt. Also, he was - although he did not admit it - agonized with fear. He was only fifty-three. And he didn’t want to die young.

He found his wife already at the supper-table and rather snippy; so he resolved to put on a brave front and laugh the matter off.

"Well,” she inquired severely, as he removed his napkin from

its ring decorated with an enameled design of the Clan McIntosh plaid, "did you get anything?"

Delicately detaching a fish-ball from its comrades, he made as if he didn’t fully understand.

"Get - anything?’’ he repeated vaguely. "Oh, you mean passage? No - that is, I didn’t take your suggestion seriously. Did you really mean that you wanted to run away?”

Mrs. Tassifer fixed him with a pair of fiery, if watery, gray eyes, and her lips drew down into a thin line.

"Bentham,” she almost hissed, "don't trifle with me! You know you are just as anxious to get away from this God-forsaken country as I am - as everybody is! Do you suppose I am going to wait here calmly for a planet to fall on my head?”

Mr. Tassifer was frightened, but he preserved his outward placidity and sampled a piece of fish-ball.

"I don’t believe a word of it,” he answered, avoiding her glance. "Who ever heard of such a thing? Asteroid—rot!”

Nobody else thinks it’s rot, as you call it!” she snapped. Rhoda certainly knows about such things, and she says it’s absolutely sure."

"Rhoda!” snorted Bentham. His wife's niece was a constant thorn in the side of his pride. He resented her cleverness, conscious that, if women got the vote, he could never manage to keep his job - some college girl would get it probably.

Well, she's a real professor, isn't she?” demanded Mrs. Tassifer, who admired her brother's daughter in spite of her intellectual superiority.

"S'pose so,” mumbled Bentham, removing a small bone from his mouth.

"Rhoda says,” continued his wife, "that Professor Hooker is going to start out in his flying machine and drive that asteroid off, so it won't hit the earth at all!”

"Ha—ha—ha!” laughed Mr. Tassifer, but without mirth.

"Ha-ha-ha!” she mocked him. "You are very irritating at times, Bentham!"

When she spoke that way, he took warning; that quiet evenness was not to be misinterpreted.

That crazy lunatic that landed on our golf-course? Bosh!” They say he is a very wonderful man,” she commented.

Bentham turned round and faced her, for he was now on safer ground.

"Look here,” he said impressively: "Take it from me, there’s nothing in it - even if Rhoda says so! I saw Seabury at the Cosmos Club last night, and he said none of the big fellows took any stock in this Hooker at all. Stands to reason, it's just — buncombe! Flying Ring! Oh, ray!”

"You know Rhoda is awful thick with that fellow just the same,” suggested his wife, a little nervously. "I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she tried to get him to take her along.”

"What!” exploded Bentham, scattering molecules of fish-ball

over the table-cloth in front of him. "Rhoda go with him? Who ever heard of such a thing! An unmarried woman! What would everybody say?”

"She hasn’t admitted it in so many words," his wife answered, "but I can tell by the way she acts. She thinks he’s the most extraordinary man that ever lived. Talks about the ’wonderful opportunity’ of flying about in space - and all that!”

"Flying fiddlesticks!” he retorted. "If she goes off with that fellow, I’ll never have her in the house again - never!’’

"Maybe there won’t be any house,” commented Mrs. Tassifer grimly.

"Don’t say that!” he expostulated. "Don’t!”

"I knew you were afraid,” she thrust at him.

"I’m not,” he answered defiantly. "I don’t believe a word of it. As for getting passage for Europe, it’s impossible - I asked at the War Department this morning. I couldn’t even get standing-room on one of those open scow-tows the cruisers are taking over. The millionaires have bought up every berth on the liners and tugs. Twenty-five thousand dollars apiece they’re asking! What chance has a poor man got, anyway, in this world?” Tears stood in his eyes.

"All the same,” she answered, "I’m not going to give up hope. And, what’s more, I believe Professor Hooker will be able to do something. I’d like to see the inside of that Ring, too. Rhoda says she can arrange it. Will you go with me?” "Y-e-e-s,” admitted Mr. Tassifer.


While it was quite true that the "big fellows” at the Cosmos Club and elsewhere took little stock in Hooker, and the public at large were openly incredulous, it was nevertheless the fact that the announcement of his proposed attempt to destroy the asteroid created an extraordinary amount of interest. For professor Hooker’s plan had at last received the approval and cooperation of the government, and he was now almost ready to undertake his flight. His crew was to consist of Atterbury and Burke, who had been in daily consultation with him for weeks, and little remained to be done except to verify some of their more important calculations and install a new dynamo and their uranium turbine.

Among the privileged few to whom he had offered to exhibit his sidereal war-ship were Mr. and Mrs. Tassifer and, of course, Rhoda.

It was a beautiful spring afternoon about two weeks after the conversation just recounted between the solicitor and his lady, and their chauffeur found great difficulty in threading his way among the crowds of people who had come out, as usual, to struggle for a glimpse of the famous machine that was going to essay a trip through space, not merely for the banal purposes of scientific discovery but actually to attack and alter the course of a

celestial body. Finally having gained the gate without committing manslaughter, they found themselves on a flat parade-ground, in the center of which rested a gigantic, shining, circular tube, seventy-five feet in diameter and fifteen feet thick, built of aluminum places, and surmounted by the superstructure which had been visible from outside, and which, as Bennie told them, bore the tractor that lifted the car.

"It’s the thing at the top shaped like an inverted thimble,” he explained. "There’s a big cylinder of metallic uranium inside, and we play our disintegrating rays on the under surface of this cylinder from those oblique tubes below. When the rays hit the uranium in the cylinder, the atoms explode, and the decomposition products are shot off downward at almost the velocity of light. A back pressure is thus produced which lifts the Ring exactly like a rocket.”

"How long does one of your cylinders last?” inquired Rhoda.

"Atterbury - Pax’s engineer, who came back with us - says that a cylinder is good for about a ten-hour run.”

"But you can’t get very far out into space in ten hours, can you?” she queried. "What will you do when the cylinder is exhausted?”

"I’ve figured out that we can get up a velocity of over fifteen miles a second with a one-hour run of the tractor,” he answered. "If we then shut off the power, our momentum alone will carry us over fifty thousand miles during the next hour. So, you see, we can coast most of the way.”

One of the khaki-uniformed guards now detached and lowered a steel ladder and then climbed up and opened a round door in a sort of vestibule on the side of the Ring.

"Now, Mrs. Tassifer,” remarked Bennie, "that is the air-lock. It has double doors. When the car is in a vacuum, or beyond the earth’s atmosphere, the contained air would all rush out into space if there were any direct communication with the outside. You enter the air-lock from the inside, close and bolt the inner door behind you, open the other door and step out, just as the divers leave and enter a submarine on the bottom of the ocean.”

Bennie ran up the rungs, gave Mrs. Tassifer a hand, and then both of them assisted Rhoda, who gingerly ascended to the vestibule. Thence they passed into the large, well lighted chart-room of the Ring, which, except for the glass observation-windows in the floor, looked exactly like a comfortable cabin on board a yacht. This resemblance was heightened by the fact that

in the center of the room a number of easy chairs were drawn up around a table, where a teakettle was purring in homelike fashion. Burke, the aviator who had rescued Hooker from the wilds of Ungava, a jolly-looking man of about thirty-five, now made his appearance from the remote interior and was presented to the guests.

"But how could one breathe on the moon?” continued Rhoda, after the introduction, following up an idea suggested by the

presence of the air lock.

"Until we found the Ring, I didn’t suppose one could," answered the air-man. "But Pax has worked that all out for us beforehand. In that next room, over there, we found three suits of heavy rubber with helmets and oxygen-tanks, or, rather, small, double-walled cylinders designed to carry liquid air. The slow evaporation of this supplies fresh air to the interior of the rubber suits, the excess escaping through a valve."

The two ladies having expressed some interest in these new "outing suits," Burke obligingly put one of them on and walked up and down the chart-room for their edification. It was a simple-enough device, weighing but little, and resembled a modified suit of diving-armor, although much less cumbersome.

Then Mrs. Tassifer busied herself at the tea-table, and Rhoda strolled over and looked through one of the circular deadlights in the outer wall of the Ring. What she saw was a skeleton framework of steel rods, reaching out like the arm of a derrick and carrying at its extremity a cylinder composed of a yellowish white metal, the open end of which was closed by a plate of some transparent substance. This cylinder, from which the disintegrating ray was discharged, pointed downward, and was held in such a manner that it could be swung or aimed in any direction by means of an electric motor operated from inside the chart-room.

Rhoda eagerly examined all the appliances as Bennie described them in turn, and then followed her host into the adjacent control-room of the Ring, which contained a tangle of complicated machinery and where hung the famous twin gyroscopes, the axes of their thirty-inch disks at right angles.

"These give us our automatic stability," explained the master of the Ring. "They control the slant of the tractor. You see, we rise just like a rocket, vertically at first, the blast shooting straight down through the center of the machine, but when we wish to fly in a horizontal direction at a fixed height, we tilt the tractor, and the blast drives off in an oblique direction. The vertical component of the recoil keeps us up, and the horizontal drives us forward. The gyroscopes act on the rods controlling the slant of the tractor and keep this balance automatically. You see, if we didn’t have some device of this sort, our equilibrium would be destroyed every time anybody moved about in the Ring. But we have no idea how the machine is going to behave when we get out into space away from the earth’s attraction. She may act like a kite without a tail."

He smiled confidently at his companion, however, as if he had no fears upon that score.

Bentham Tassifer was tremendously impressed by what he saw, for, like most lawyers, he had no knowledge of mechanics or physics, and the sight of a perfectly contrived machine, the equanimity of which could not possibly be upset by either cross-examination or any sort of bullyragging, filled him with vast respect. He had been especially taken with the gyroscopes and their automatic adjustment - was, in fact, almost converted to the idea that the Ring might actually get somewhere. And now, as he looked around the cozy chart-room, with its crimson-cushioned armchairs and its walls hung with maps of the world on Mercator’s projection, on which dotted red lines in great curved loops showed the previous flights of the Ring, he began to feel as if he were an honored guest at the admiral’s table on a flag-ship, rather pleased than otherwise with the whole thing and his own vicarious part in it, through being the uncle of the research professor.

He felt very drowsy after the mental exertion of following Bennie’s explanations, and the air was indubitably a trifle close in there. Mrs. Tassifer also was having hard work to keep awake. Rhoda, beckoning to Professor Hooker, tiptoed into the control-room.

"Those two old dears will be sound asleep in three minutes," she whispered. "I want to talk to you. Where is the kitchen— galley, or whatever you call it?’’

Bennie led her through the condenser-room into a white-tiled apartment furnished with both gas and electric stoves. There were chairs there and a table, and Rhoda took possession of one and pointed to the other.

"Yes," she repeated; "I want to talk to you - seriously."

The ordinarily unobservant Bennie noticed that she was dressed in the same trim tan suit she had worn when he first met her, and that her cheeks were quite pink. She looked very nice there, in that white-tiled room - very nice indeed! This was the second time he had been struck by that salient fact. If all girls were like her! But most of them were, unfortunately, more like Miss Beebe. He sat down opposite her and lit his pipe. Somehow, he never felt the slightest awkwardness when in her company - always at his best! She had a brain like - well, even better than Seabury’s, for instance, and a figure— His eye followed the line of the tailor-made suit, and his heart pumped noticeably. Too much tobacco, he thought.

"Look here," she said, with determination: "Don’t start this fool adventure. There is still the possibility that the moon may turn the asteroid aside." He looked at her, astounded. "Oh, I mean it!" she insisted, wrinkling her brows. "This machine is all very well - in theory. It will go. But we ail know that it won’t come back!"

"Of course it will come back," he retorted, "unless it busts!"

"It’s a thou sand-to-one-shot!"

"Supposing it is - isn’t it up to me to go?" he replied simply. "It’s the only chance to save the earth from destruction. I’d be the worst sort of a coward if I didn't. You wouldn’t want me to show the white feather - now!"

He stopped short at the look in her eyes - such a queer look. Her cheeks had become quite pale.

"No,” she answered, in a low voice, but still with a question in it. "Then you are resolved to go?”

"Absolutely!” He gripped his pipe-stem hard between his teeth.

She looked down, and the red came back into her face, stealing gradually from the collar of her almost military jacket to her eyes.

"Then take me, too!” she said.

"You! I will not!” he answered brusquely.

"Please! Don’t you think you almost owe it to me? It was my idea—and I worked out your equations for you. I ought to have some of the fun.”

"Don’t be foolish,” he urged, although he hated to deny her anything. "You’ve got your life to live. You’re young and clever and—and pretty”—his own features had become unaccountably warm—"and—and—what’s the sense of it? Of course, it’s a very uncertain project—this space-navigation. I wouldn’t let you risk your life in this blooming car for—for anything! No—by thunder!” My life is my own—isn’t it?—if I want to sacrifice it to science, as you purpose doing with yours?”

"One of—us—is enough,” he announced with conviction. Somehow, the word "us” sounded curiously personal. She raised her eyes to his, and there were tears in them. The flush had spread over her whole face and to the very roots of her dark-yellow hair. He had never seen her so before. She had always been so capable, so crisp, so cool—and now she was so—young, and pathetic almost. He had a strange inclination to reach over and put his arm along the back of her chair. And then she gave him a funny, teary little smile.

"That’s—just—it. One of us—isn’t enough—for me!"

Something blurted Professor Hooker’s sight. There was a roaring in his ears like that of a thousand pine trees in a gale.

"How do you mean?” he heard himself asking, in a weirdly conventional tone, although he knew what she meant all the time, and the knowledge seemed to be swelling him up like a balloon, lndeed, he felt as if he was just coming out of a dose of laughing-gas—inflated and very much excited and irresponsible.

The next instant, he was kneeling on the tiles in front of her; those tailor-made arms were around his neck, and his face was pressed up against the tan jacket, and her hair was tickling his ears.

"You funny little man!” she was saying, in a trembly voice. "You funny, silly little man! I won’t let you go without me.” And Bennie answered—he could feel her heart beating through the tan military jacket:

"Silly little thing yourself! Do you think I’d let you take a chance like that now—dear?”

"You must!”

"I won’t!”

He raised his head and drew down her face to his.

"I simply—simply—w-won’t!”

"Rhoda! Where are you?”

Mrs. Tassifer’s acrid voice echoed through the Ring from the control-room. Bennie scrambled to his feet and hastily lit his


"Yes, auntie!” she called back sweetly, with a whimsical glance at Bennie. "I'm in here looking at the electric stove—such a funny little thing!”
