Обложка книги The Mordida Man
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The Mordida Man

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 18.12.2021 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 1981 года
Размер fb2 файла: 739.23 KB
Объём: 237 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


In London, the legendary freedom fighter Gustavo Berrio-Brito, also known as “Felix,” is kidnapped. A romantic figure in the Che tradition, Felix is particularly close to the current Libyan dictator, Mourabet, who ascended to power after the untimely death of Qaddafi.

In Los Angeles, a high-level Libyan delegation is on an unofficial junket touring American defense plants, hosted by the President’s brother and mentor, Bingo McKay. When word reaches Mourabet that Felix has been kidnapped, he immediately concludes that the CIA is responsible and instructs his delegation to kidnap Bingo.

In Washington, the President receives grim evidence that his brother has been abducted — the Libyans send him Bingo’s ear, wrapped in a Gucci box, along with a polite proposal that an exchange of prisoners take place.

Felix has actually been kidnapped by Leland Timble, a Robert Vesco-type character who has been convicted in absentia for a daring bank scam. Timble wants to use Felix as a weapon to buy his reentry into the United States.

Enter Chubb Dunjee, the Mordida Man — ex-congressman, ex-UN representative, expatriate and bribery (“mordida” in Spanish) expert. Through an intermediary, the President engages Dunjee to find his brother, and what follows is an intricately plotted, immensely entertaining novel — Ross Thomas’ most stunning work to date.

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