Chapter 25 The Person in the Upstairs Bathroom

Late that night, in a house across town, in an innocuous upstairs bathroom decorated with olive-green towels and lavender-scented soap, a pair of eyes stared back from a mirror.

It was a typical bathroom mirror with a simple brass frame, hung between a pair of charming seaside watercolors. As for the eyes, they were clouded and dark as they narrowed beneath a troubled brow.

These were the eyes of a person crafting a schemea scheme to thwart Bethesda Fielding’s ongoing investi-gation. Unbeknownst to Bethesda, someone had been watching her as she developed her leads, as she teamed up with Tenny, as they made their plans and sought out their suspects. Someone had been hiding behind poles, ducking unnoticed through crowded hallways, paying careful attention to her every move.

Bethesda was clever. A little too clever. She was determined to solve the mystery, and for the person in the upstairs bathroom, that was a problem.

Something had to be done. Bethesda Fielding had to be stopped.

A rap came at the door, and the person in the upstairs bathroom jumped in surprise.

“God! What?”

“You almost done in there? I really gotta pee, sweets.”

Man! Couldn’t a person get five minutes in this house to hatch a nefarious plot?
