Despite Danji's revelation and the urgency of her warning, Cait dined with Hasan again that night, and also the next. In any event, she had little choice. Rognvald and the knights were still away, and she could think of no reasonable apology she might offer to excuse herself without rousing unnecessary suspicion-all the more since she ardently professed to enjoy their evenings together. And she did enjoy them, albeit somewhat warily now as she tried to determine the nature of the danger Danji had intimated.

She perceived no change in Prince Hasan; he remained as charming and engaging as ever, and each evening's meal was pure enchantment from beginning to end. Still, the worm of doubt had begun to gnaw its way into her heart. Was he, or was he not, the man she thought him to be?

During the day, she pondered this question, turning it over and over in her mind. On the one hand, she could not discern anything amiss in either mood or manner: he was solicitous, thoughtful, respectful and polite in every way. On the other hand, there was Danji. If she was telling the truth-and Cait had no reason to doubt her-Hasan was not at all as he appeared.

Although she looked for any opportunity to speak to Danji alone, she did not see the slender young woman again-but she did notice that Jubayar was much more attentive and present than previously.

On the second day, the storm subsided and by dusk the sky had cleared. Cait decided to try the prince's integrity for herself. When they met for dinner that evening, she said, 'The storm has abated, and that is a blessing. Therefore, I was hoping we might ride to one of the valley settlements and enquire whether anyone has word of AH Waqqar.'

'Of course, my lovely Ketmia; if that is what you wish,' replied the prince smoothly. 'After so many days shut inside, even the most splendid palace becomes dreary as a prison. We will ride down to the valley and see if the seeds I planted have borne fruit.' He paused, as if considering the matter more thoroughly. 'Although -' he began, then hesitated. 'No, it is not important.'

'What is it?' asked Cait, alert to even the slightest nuance of deception. 'Tell me.'

'Well,' he said, 'I do not expect we shall learn anything, for if Ali Waqqar had heard the terms of my offer, the rogue would have been here already.' He smiled suddenly. 'But you must not worry. No doubt the storm has prevented word from reaching him.'

'Yes,' Cait agreed absently, 'I suppose it would be wrong to expect too much just yet.'

Hasan's smile broadened; he held out his hand for hers. 'Precisely, my love. Give it another day or so, and no doubt the brigand will be beating on these very doors, demanding payment.'

'And then what will you do?' asked Cait sweetly.

Hasan appeared distracted by the question. 'Please?'

'What will you do with Ali when you catch him?'

'Why, I shall throw him in chains and, before the sun has set, his ugly head shall adorn a pike above the gate.' He pulled her to him. 'But come, Ketmia, it is not seemly for a woman to discuss such unpleasant subjects. Let us talk of finer things. I have written a poem for you. Sit here, my lovely, and I shall read it out.'

Nothing more was said that night, and the next morning, true to his word, the prince had horses saddled and ready for their ride. They left before the sun quartered the sky, and rode out into a bright, crisp winter day. The storm had scoured every cloud, leaving the vault of Heaven clean and polished to a brilliant crystalline clarity.

Wrapped in her fine new cloak, Cait enjoyed the stinging fresh air and the stunning views from the ridgeway high above the valley floor. The trail was steep and winding, and so they rode in single file to the valley. The prince led, followed by Halhuli; Cait came next, and then four mounted guards with banners attached to their spears.

As they neared the lower slopes, they passed through a snow-dusted forest where Hasan pointed out the delicate hoofprints of red deer, and the less dainty tracks of wild pigs in the unbroken snow. Upon reaching the valley floor, the snow vanished entirely, and the track became a road. The nearest settlement was some distance away and it was after midday by the time they reached the place: a small upland village of squat white-washed houses, forlorn amidst bare muddy fields.

At their approach, the villagers came out to watch and greet them. A gaggle of ragged children, wide-eyed and stiff-legged, pointed at the brightly coloured banners and exchanged whispered observations behind their hands. While Halhuli and his men looked on, the prince dismounted and spoke to the villagers in Arabic; he passed along the line, handing out silver coins to one and all. The children danced with excitement.

Presently, a stout man with a rough beard and dirty yellow turban appeared and, with a gesture of welcome, loudly hailed the prince. Hasan turned to Cait and called, 'Here is Abdullah, the head man. We will learn something now.'

The two walked a little apart from the clutch of villagers. Cait watched them closely, but saw nothing to arouse her suspicion one way or another. After their conversation, the prince placed his hand on the man's shoulder, and then embraced him. They parted then, and the prince returned to his horse and climbed into the saddle.

'Abdullah says that the bandits were seen skirting the village four nights ago – before the storm.'

Cait's heart leapt at this sudden revelation. 'And Alethea, was she with them? Did they see her?' She looked at the man, who was now standing beside the prince's horse. 'Oh, please, ask him. I must know.'

'I am sorry, Ketmia. It was growing dark and they were far away.' The prince spoke to the head man, who pointed across the fields to a line of trees in the distance. 'He says they were riding east towards the hills. One of the boys saw them, and Abdullah went to look but could not tell how many there were-eight, ten, maybe more.'

The prince thanked the villagers and moved his party on, escorted from the village by the children who ran along behind, ululating in a weird chorus of acclaim. They proceeded to the next settlement-a short ride away on the other side of the river which divided the valley in half. Here, as before, the same custom of greeting was observed, and the same discussion alone with the head man of the village -a toothless, hump-backed old man this time-who told them that two of the bandits had come to the village to buy ground meal and cured bacon.

It was almost dark when the men appeared, the chieftain reported, and the villagers were afraid of what the brigands would do if they were turned away empty-handed. So they sold the bandits meal and bacon, and some wine-and the men rode away.

On further questioning, the old chief said that although he did not see any more riders, he knew there were more waiting nearby. Was it Ali Waqqar? asked the prince. Who else? replied the toothless chieftain. It is always Ali Waqqar.

'Then you were right,' said Cait, much relieved by what they had learned. 'It is Ali Waqqar.' Her relief was short-lived however, for in the very next breath she asked, 'But now that he has provisions, what if he has moved on? What if he is riding south even now?'

'Peace, dearest Ketmia. A little faith can move great mountains -so it is written, is it not? You must trust me.' He remounted his horse, cast a quick look at the sky, and said, 'I think we should begin the journey home.'

'So soon?' asked Cait.

'Alas, my love, even a prince cannot prevent the sun from setting.' He smiled sympathetically. 'Still, it has been a good day. We have learned much, and I have repeated my offer of ransom. It will not be long now, I think, before we obtain your sister's release.'

Thus, they started back, reaching the steep trail to the high al-qazr as the sun dropped below the ridge to the west casting the valley in shadow. They were just beginning the long climb up the winding mountain track when they were hailed by riders from the south. Halhuli spoke a word of command and the prince's guards lowered their spears and took up a protective position between the oncoming riders and the prince.

'It is Lord Rognvald!' shouted Cait when the newcomers were near enough to recognize.

Hasan shouted a command to his guards, who raised their weapons and rode out to meet the knights. 'Greetings, my lord knight,' called the prince as the Norsemen, escorted by his guards, reined up. 'Good hunting?'

'No,' said Rognvald, his voice cracking with fatigue, 'not as good as we had hoped.'

'We saw smoke from a campfire once,' offered Svein.

'But we lost it before we could find the place,' concluded Dag.

'We never saw it again,' added Yngvar. Too tired to speak, the two Spanish knights shook their heads in agreement.

'Most unfortunate,' answered the prince. 'Still, there is cause for joy. We have learned that Ali Waqqar is nearby.'

'Indeed?' Rognvald looked from the prince to Cait, who confirmed Hasan's assertion with a nod.

'The bandits have been seen,' she told him. 'They came into the valley for provisions three or four nights ago.'

'That is good news,' agreed Rognvald. He rubbed his face wearily. 'They are still in the region at least.'

'Yes,' said Hasan. 'I think it will not be long now before our efforts are rewarded. As the poet says: "A silken net to catch a bird; a silver net to catch a thief." Ali Waqqar will come to us very soon.'

'I pray that it is so, lord prince,' replied Rognvald.

Hasan signalled to Halhuli, who began leading the way back to the palace. The prince took his place beside Caitriona and rode with her for the rest of the journey. Twilight was full about them by the time they entered the outer courtyard, the stars shone as bright needles of light in the thin cold mountain air.

They dismounted, and as the grooms came running from the stables, the knights began moving slowly and stiffly towards the palace entrance. The doors were open, and rosy light from the braziers burning in the anteroom spilled out on to the steps and into the courtyard.

'You and your men are exhausted,' said the prince, falling into step beside Rognvald. 'Allow me to send a hot supper to you in your quarters. That way you can use the baths and eat at your leisure.'

'Well,' said Rognvald, glancing back at Cait, who appeared not to have heard, 'if it is no trouble.'

'Not in the least,' Hasan assured him. 'I myself often do this when I return from a day of hunting. Otherwise, I would fall asleep at the table, and that would never do. We will talk tomorrow.'

He sent them off with words of encouragement and, turning to Cait, said, 'I am afraid you must endure my company once again. Your knights have chosen to take their meal in their quarters tonight.

To be sure, it is for the best – they have been riding three days and are very tired.'

'Oh,' replied Cait, disappointment flitting across her features. 'I had hoped to hear more from Rognvald about their searches.'

'Tomorrow, my love,' promised the prince. 'We will all sit down together and tell what we have learned. And, who knows? Maybe tomorrow Ali Waqqar will join us and we can put an end to this trouble at last.'

Dinner that night was as sumptuous and enjoyable as any that had gone before. Prince Hasan was charming and attentive, winsome in his manner, and subtly insinuating in his flattery. This time, however, she was able to plead weariness and leave the table with most of the night still before her. Under Jubayar's stern and silent eye, she returned to her chamber feeling more than ever as if she were playing the hapless hare to the prince's falcon.

Mahdi and Pila'i were surprised to see her so early, and took the opportunity to brush her hair and braid it in preparation for bed, chattering away to her, blithely indifferent to the fact that Cait could not understand a word they said. So absorbed were they in their talk that neither one of them heard the gong ringing at the entrance to the Ladies' Court.

'Shh!' said Cait, putting her finger to her lips. 'Listen.'

The gong sounded again-a low ringing tone, not loud.

Cait stood and was moving towards the door, when it burst open and Lord Rognvald entered. The two serving maids began to cry out, but Cait silenced them with a sharp slap on the arm apiece. 'Hush,' she said. 'I will speak to my friend.'

She crossed to where Rognvald was waiting by the door. 'Rognvald, I was hoping to speak to you. How did you know where to find me?'

'Please, I have little time,' he said. 'Svein and Rodrigo will keep the guard Jubayar busy as long as they can, but he could return at any moment and I dare not let him find me here.'

'Yes, go on.'

'God knows it gives me no pleasure to say it.'

'Pray, speak. What is it?'

'The prince is lying about the offer of ransom. He never sent his men to the settlements.'

'But, just today I saw -'

'No.' Rognvald shook his head firmly. 'The offer was never made.'

'Are you certain?'

'I know enough Arabic to discuss ransom,' the knight replied. 'And no one in any of the villages knew anything about Hasan's offer.'

'And All Waqqar?'

'Him they knew about-that much was clear. But no one would talk to us. I think they are afraid.'

'What should we do?'

Rognvald regarded her intently, his eyes searching, probing. 'If you are with me in this -'

'I am.'

'Then we must confront Hasan and make him tell us the truth.'

'I agree,' Cait replied. 'And it must be soon.'

'Tomorrow morning-when we meet to break fast. We will take him by surprise.'

Cait nodded and, suddenly very grateful for the tall knight's stalwart devotion, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

Rognvald smiled suddenly. 'Your change of heart is wondrous to behold. Truly, I did not think you would hear any word against the prince.'

She raised an eyebrow. 'Have I been so prickly of late?'

'Lady, a bramble thicket is more welcoming.'

Putting her hands on his chest, she pushed him towards the door. 'Go now, my lord. I fear you have outstayed your welcome.'

He opened the door a crack and looked both ways along the gallery before stepping out. The door closed silently, and he was gone.

Cait turned to her two gawking handmaidens and, through a series of what she hoped were sternly pointed gestures, warned them to secrecy. In an effort to maintain the pretence that nothing unusual had taken place, she commanded them to continue brushing her hair and making ready her bed. They fell to readily enough, and were soon whittering away again like birds.

When they finally blew out the candles and settled down for the night, Cait could not rest. Sleep eluded her; she kept thinking about the lies she had been told, and tried to discern what might be behind them. Daylight found her ill-rested and in a foul humour, but all the more eager to face Prince Hasan and demand an explanation of him.

She woke her sleepy servants and dressed hurriedly, leaving the women's quarters in the company of a grimly disapproving Jubayar. She was first to arrive at the room where they most often broke fast-a small, bright room with coloured tiles of blue, green, and yellow, and a large window overlooking a garden court below. There was no one about, so she settled down to wait, and presently an old servant appeared, bowed in greeting, and began making up the fire in the hearth.

After a time, more servants came to prepare the table, spreading bright cloths on which they placed baskets of bread and cold sliced meat. One servant began cooking oat porridge in a pot on the hearth, and others brought a large bowl of hot almond milk spiced with cinnamon. Cait accepted a cup of the warming drink, and waited while more servants came and went.

Where was Rognvald, she wondered? What could be keeping him?

She went to the door and looked out into the antechamber and the corridors beyond, but aside from Jubayar, slumped asleep in a corner, there was no sign of anyone about. She waited some more, and had just decided to go in search of the knights when she heard footsteps and voices in the anteroom. She jumped up from her place at the table and ran to the door to meet Prince Hasan and his advisor, Halhuli.

'Allah, the Ever Gracious, be good to you,' exclaimed Hasan. 'Darling Ketmia, how lovely you look this morning. I did not know you would be waiting or I should have come sooner.'

Cait greeted him pleasantly, and said, truthfully, 'I did not sleep well last night, so I rose early.' She looked beyond the two men. 'I was hoping to speak to Rognvald, too. I wanted to hear how he fared in his search.'

'But Ketmia, he is gone.'

A sudden anxiety overcame her. 'What do you mean? Where would he go?'

Raising a calming hand, the prince said, 'Peace, my darling. I am sorry. Had I known you wished so ardently to see him, I might have prevented him from leaving.'

She looked to Halhuli for confirmation; he merely shrugged, as if to say there was nothing to be done.

'But why would he go off without telling me?'

'Allah alone knows, my love. We will ask him when he returns. But, if I may speculate?'

'Please do,' said Cait, her tone growing brusque.

'It seemed to me that he was disheartened by his lack of success in finding Alethea. The man is very stubborn, as you know.' Hasan offered a sadly sympathetic smile and spread his hands. 'I believe he could not accept his failure. He and his knights roused the stablemen and ordered fresh horses to be saddled. They compelled the porters to open the gate, and rode out just before dawn.'

Cait looked at him blankly, a feeling of desperation rising up from the soles of her feet and into her belly. She knew the prince was lying, but she could not understand why, or know how to force him into an admission. 'He might have left some word for me,' she said darkly, as if her anger were directed at the thoughtless knight.

Hasan turned to his silent advisor. 'Did he leave any word?'

Halhuli shook his head. 'No, my lord.'

'I am sorry, Ketmia. Now you are angry and unhappy. What shall I do to cheer you?' He tapped his chin with a finger as if in thought. 'I know! The Winter Garden is ready now, and it is a rare delight. The day is fine; we will break our fast and then I shall take you for a walk in the garden.'

'Later, perhaps,' said Cait. 'I think I would like to go back to my room. Lord Rognvald's thoughtlessness and negligence has spoiled my appetite. I pray you will excuse me.'

She left then, lest the prince find some means of persuading her to stay. On the way to her quarters the realization struck her that her position had suddenly grown extremely precarious. She was all alone now, and there was no one she could trust, or turn to for help.

By the time she reached the women's quarters, however, the first fright at her predicament had passed; in its place had settled a cold determination not to allow the prince to work his devious will. The heat of righteous indignation fired her thoughts. And, by the time she reached the door to her room, she had remembered that there was someone she could trust to help her now: Danji.
