Carol had a problem. Now it wasn't just the Fisher men grabbing at her shapely ass every time they got the chance, but her own father was starting to grab every time her mother's back was turned. Not that Carol didn't like fucking them, but she was caught up with the morals of her upbringing. It seemed wrong to be spreading her legs so often for any man.
Carol knew she had to talk to someone about her problem. She knew she couldn't talk to her mother. Her mother would have a fit. Neither did Carol want to talk to anyone at school. None of them would have had the understanding she needed.
That left only one person.
Her Uncle Bob.
Bob Banister was twenty years old, but he had always seemed very understanding. He seemed smart for his age. He had also proven he was smart in a business way. At twenty he was already the best salesman in his company. He was single, but he owned a big house with a swimming pool, and Carol had often heard the rumors about the wild parties he held there.
Carol felt like that if anyone could tell her how to handle her new sexual problems it would be her Uncle Bob.
She went to his house after school the next afternoon. She found Bob in the back sunning by the pool. So far the men she had been with had been young or middle-aged. Bob was at the height of his masculinity.
He was sleeping by the pool with a towel thrown carelessly across his crotch. He was lean and well muscled. Carol didn't speak for a while. She just stood there staring at his body.
Damn, but he was good looking. She hadn't remembered how good looking he was.
But she'd come for another reason than to admire his body. She cleared her throat and Bob opened his eyes. He didn't seem surprised to see her standing there.
"Hello, doll," he said.
"Hi, Uncle Bob."
"What are you doing in this neck of the woods?" he asked.
"I have to talk to you, Uncle Bob," she said.
"Come here and sit down," Bob said, patting the pool chair beside him.
"That's what uncles are for."
She went over and sat down on the chair beside him. She immediately saw Bob's eyes look up her legs to the hem of her short skirt and back down again. He evidently liked what he saw, because he smiled.
"You've really started growing up in the past few weeks." Bob said.
"Yes." Carol blushed. "That's one of the reasons I have to talk to you."
"Oh?" Bob asked. "Shoot. This sounds interesting."
Carol didn't name names but she told Bob her problem. She told him how she couldn't go from day to day without thinking about sex. She couldn't even look at a man without wondering about the size of his cock. She was afraid she was going crazy.
"Oh, Uncle Bob," she finally said. "I'm afraid I'm turning into a nympho or something."
Bob put a hand on her leg in a gentle way. She felt his fingers stroking her through her pantyhose. It wasn't really sexy, but he had hot fingers that thrilled her a little.
"Don't be worried," Bob said. "It's perfectly natural for a girl your age to think about sex all the time. Maybe a few years ago it might have been considered indecent, but times have changed. You can think about sex just as the bays your age think about it."
"You don't think there's anything wrong with me?" she asked.
"Of course not," Bob said gently. "In fact, from where I sit, I think there's absolutely nothing wrong with you."
A shiver went through her as she saw him look at her legs. She felt herself breathing a little heavily. His hands moved up her leg just below the hem of her skirt.
Bob licked his lips. "Damn, it's getting hot out here. I think I'll take a swim."
With that Bob raised up and walked across the tile to the pool. His muscular body cut the water gracefully. Carol could feel her heart pounding. She hadn't realized that her Uncle Bob hadn't been wearing anything underneath his towel. His huge cock and balls had been in plain view when he jumped into the water.
She knew that now was the time to leave. Instead she sat there until Bob came back out of the pool. He seemed to be oblivious to his naked body. He picked up a drink on the lounge table and finished it off.
"Would you like something?" Bob asked.
Carol's eyes remained fastened on his cock. She didn't think she'd ever seen one quite as big as Bob's. She hadn't realized that there could be that big a difference in cock sizes. It made her tingle all over.
"Do you like this?" Bob asked.
He put his hand underneath his balls and gently cupped his cock. It was like he was holding it out to her. She couldn't keep her eyes off it. She could see it slowly starting to get hard.
"I asked you a question," Bob said.
"Yes," she whispered. "I like it."
"I never realized what a good-looking cunt you were before today," Bob said. "It's a damn shame the way all those other men got to your honey-snatch first. I would have liked to be the one to nick your cherry."
"You shouldn't be talking to me like this, Uncle Bob," Carol protested.
"Shit. You haven't taken your eyes off my cock since the second I got out of the pool. Remember you told me how hot you get just looking at boys. Well, I'm a man, baby, and the size of my cock has turned plenty of women on."
She hardly knew what was happening as Bob put his hand down the front of her blouse. She was wearing a tight-fitting black bra and he couldn't get his hand inside the cups, but she could feel the searing heat of his fingers through the material.
"Oh, Uncle Bob," she moaned softly.
"You've got big tits, too," Bob said. "Bigger than your mother's. I've always liked the shape of your tits, Carol. Why don't you take it off and show me them?"
His command left ripples of pleasure going down her spine. She suddenly knew that she was going to do anything that Bob desired. She couldn't refuse him.
She stood up slowly and began to undress. Bob was looking at her casually, as if he could see young girls undress any time he wanted. But she could see the hot fire in his eyes and she knew that he was a lot more excited than he seemed.
"Hurry up and take your blouse off," Bob said. "I want to see those big tits!"
She undid her blouse and peeled it off. She dropped it on the ground. She quickly reached behind her and unhooked the black bra. She teased him a moment by holding the cups of her bra against her tits.
"Hurry up, bitch!" Bob cried. "Take it off. I don't have time for any fucking nonsense."
Carol shrugged her shoulders and let the bra drop to the ground. She arched her back so that her tits stood out proudly. She saw Bob swallowing hard and licking his dry lips. She moved closer to her uncle.
"Do you like my tits?" she asked.
"Fuck yes, baby," Bob said. "You know I do. Now take off the rest of it!"
It was hard to believe that she was stripping naked in front of her uncle just as she had done with her father. But she knew she was feeling far too sexy for this to be a dream. She slid her skirt off and then her panties. Bob had taken a seat on one of the pool chairs.
"Good," Bob said. "Turn around. That's right. Bend over and show me that beautiful ass! Fuck, you're something else, baby. You've got the sweetest fucking ass I've ever seen!"
She turned back around. Bob motioned for her to come closer. For the first time he slipped his hands around her and cupped her ass cheeks. He pulled her even closer until his face was pressed against the trembling heat of her belly.
"You're something else, baby," he said. "You're really something fucking else!"
He started to lick her belly and then her cunt hairs. She knew what he was after immediately and she stepped back and spread her legs wider apart. She felt her uncle Bob's tongue rubbing her cunt hairs and then the insides of her thighs. It was exactly the same way her father had licked her. She could feel that same crazy feeling going through her again. She put her hands behind his head and pulled his face closer.
"Oh yes," she moaned. "Lick my cunt. Lick me like that!"
Bob kneeled down in front of her. She felt his tongue brushing her cunt lips, but he didn't stick his tongue inside her. He started licking and sucking at her cunt hairs. Each lick sent another hot ripple of pleasure through her.
Bob stood up. "Let's go into the house. Some of my friends might get nosy."
"All right," she said.
Bob made her walk in front of him to the house. He directed her to the bedroom. It was just the kind of bedroom she would have expected him to have. It was expensive looking. The carpet was almost up to her ankles and the bed was huge and round. She didn't have much time to admire the room. Bob made her sit down on the edge of the bed while he kneeled down between her legs. Once again he started licking at her pussy.
She soon found out the difference between a man experienced at sucking cunt, like Bob, and a man like her father. Her father had enjoyed what he was doing, but he didn't know exactly how it was done.
Bob was an expert.
He started off by kissing her thighs until they felt itchy. Then he started licking at her plump cunt lips. She cried out loud when he started sucking her cunt lips into his mouth and then spitting them out. She had never felt anything like it. After a few minutes of that, she felt him pushing his tongue into her already burning pussy hole.
"Oh yes, Bob," she groaned. "Oh yes, that's good. Eat me up with your tongues. Eat me up!"
Bob wouldn't let her come. He knew just how to keep her from going over the brink. A couple of times he licked her cunt until she was just about there, and then he pulled back. Her entire body stared to rock with hot pleasure. She felt itchy all over.
Bob raised his head.
"Oh please," she begged him. "Please don't stop. Oh, don't stop now."
But Bob did stop. He climbed up on the bed beside her and started stroking her body. She felt his hands running over her nipples and making them harder. She couldn't stand it. She was hotter than hell. She had never felt her body hurt for release so much.
"Please, Uncle Bob," she cried. "Please help me. I'm so hot. I've never felt so hot before!"
"I'm going to help you, baby," Bob promised. "But first you're going to help me. You're going to do something I like."
"Anything," she moaned.
"I sure hope you mean that, baby," he said.
He moved his hands up to her head. She felt the gentle pressure behind her head urging her to put her head on his belly. She went willingly and it was only then that she realized what he wanted her to do. She wasn't stupid. She had heard the stories that circulated around school. She had even seen an ugly drawing in the bathroom that showed a girl on her knees sucking a man's cock.
Now she knew her Uncle Bob wanted her to suck his cock. She took a long look at it. It was huge. She could see the fat red head with the tiny eye blinking at her. She could see the tiny drops of cum around the end.
"You know what I want," Bob told her. "You're a big girl. You said you'd do anything, baby. Now do it!"
She was still hesitating. She was afraid of his cock. She felt the fingers on the back of her neck feel suddenly steely. He pushed her lower and she could smell the strong aroma of his salty cock meat.
"Do it, cunt," Bob said. "Suck it. Take it in your mouth and suck it. You know you're going to like it. You were made to be a cock-sucking bitch. Suck it!"
He forced her down so that her lips touched the end of his swollen cock. She tasted his cum. She drew her head back, but he pushed her down again. Again she kissed the end of his cock. She tasted cum on her lips. She licked it away. His taste was strong and salty. It wasn't as bad as she'd thought.
Now she started kissing all over the swollen head of his sheath. She tasted more of his cum. She opened her mouth and let his fat cock head slide over her tongue. She kept her lips clamped around the hard ridge of his cock. She drew her head back and let her teeth scrape against his prick head.
"Yeah, baby," Bob moaned. "You learn fast. Now suck your uncle's big cock. Suck it good and I'll give you a treat."
Carol finally opened her mouth as wide as she could. She let his throbbing prick slide over her tongue and deep into her throat. She even surprised herself by being able to take so much. She pulled her head back and licked around the throbbing tip.
"Shit yeah, that's nice, baby," Bob said. "Fuck, you know what to do with your tongue. Now lick my prick all over, bitch. Lick my balls and my asshole. Lick me, bitch!"
It was odd, but Carol found herself getting excited as she licked her uncle's cock. She had been aching for his cock before, but now she found that she needed it even worse than ever.
She ran her lips down the underside of his cock to his balls. She took each of his heavy balls into her mouth and rolled them beneath her tongue. She let her tongue go farther down until she was licking at the crack of his ass. She felt his hands in her hair pulling her head up again.
"Suck it in and out, bitch," he groaned. "Take it in your fucking mouth and suck it hard!"
She took his throbbing cock into her mouth again. This time he held her head with both hands and directed her movements. Her head bobbed up and down and she could feel his slimy cock going deep into her throat and then back out again. She could feel his cock getting thicker with each movement. She started licking as much as she could. She almost gagged from some of his cream, but she somehow swallowed it down.
Then she felt him lifting his hips so that his prick was ramming into her mouth. She knew that her Uncle Bob was getting close to coming inside her mouth. She didn't know if she wanted to swallow his cum, but it was too late to make that choice. She felt Bob's hands clamp down even harder on her neck.
"Little cunt," he moaned. "Little cock sucking cunt. You fucking little bitch! I'm going to shoot it in your mother-fucking mouth. You mother-fucking bitch! I'm fucklng coming!"
His cock rammed deep into her throat and she felt the hot spurting cum in her mouth. She started swallowing as quickly as she could. She could feel his thick cum going down her throat and warming her belly. She couldn't swallow all his cum. She felt it leaking out the corners of her mouth and running down her chin in liquid rivers. She could feel the wetness of his cum on her tits. She pulled her head back but kept her lips locked around his cock head. She kept sucking at his prick until she had taken the last few drops down her throat.
She was shivering with excitement as Bob made her raise her head. She knew that her entire body was flushed red. She felt like a bitch in heat, like an animal. She couldn't think of anything but his huge fat cock.
He took her hand and pressed it against her tits. She could feel his sticky cum against her fingertips.
"Rub it into your titties," Bob said. "Rub it over your body. Take a fucking bath in my cum!"
She did as her Uncle Bob wanted. She began to rub his sticky cum into her tits and her belly. She could still taste his thick cum on her tongue. She kept swallowing as she massaged her body with his cum.
Bob moved up to her hand. He took a handful of her thick dark hair and he started wiping his prick in its silky softness. Carol knew her hair was being smeared with his cum, and she didn't care. It was degrading, but this time there was something exciting about being degraded this way.
He grabbed her hand and put it back on his half-hard cock.
"Play with that, bitch. Play with my cock until it gets hard again. Make it big and hard and I'm going to give you a fucking like you've never had before!"
It was at that moment that Mrs. Fisher walked into the bedroom.