Joan thought long and hard about what to tell Vicky. She didn't want to hurt her friend, but on the other hand she felt Vicky ought to know that Don had been unfaithful to her.

The next day, Sunday, Frank said he was going to play golf and that Don was interested in coming along. It looked like the perfect opportunity for their wives to have a good long talk. As soon as the men left, Joan hurried over to Vicky's house.

To her surprise, Vicky took one look at her and blushed right down to her toes. "Oh, hi, Joan," she said uneasily.

"What's with you?" Joan demanded. "Aren't we friends any more?"

"Oh, of course we are, honey," Vicky said, giving her a hug, "but I have to tell you something, and it's so awkward."

"That's funny," Joan said. "I feel the same way. I've got something I ought to tell you, but I don't know how to say it."

"Okay, then," Vicky said grimly, "I'll go first. A couple days ago, on Frank's day off, he fucked Shelly. I watched through the knothole in the fence."

"Oh, my gosh!" Joan exclaimed. "I can't believe this. What a coincidence."

"What are you talking about, Joan?" Vicky cried. "What do you mean, a coincidence?"

"Well, yesterday Don fucked Shelly. I watched through the knothole, too."

"That bitch!" Vicky cried.

"That tramp!" Joan agreed angrily.

"Well, what are we gonna do about it?" Vicky asked. "I'm damned if I'll let her go on fucking my husband."

"Right," Joan said. "She's not taking Frank away from me. Tell you what. The guys will be gone playing golf till dinnertime. We could have a nice long visit with Shelly."

"Good idea," Vicky said. "We could straighten her out and let her know that she'd better keep her claws off our men."

"Let's go," Joan said.

They went through the back yards because it was shorter that way. Shelly lived just on the other side of Frank and Joan. But when the two friends arrived, they were astonished to find Frank's car in the garage.

"What the hell?" Joan exclaimed. "What's our car doing in her garage?"

"I hate to think," Vicky said grimly. "We better take a peek through the window and find out what's going on."

They tiptoed up to the kitchen window and peered inside but saw no one. Vicky signaled for silence, then tried the back door. It wasn't locked, and the women sneaked inside. They heard voices coming from the living room. There was a curtain in the archway, and Joan and Vicky hid behind it and peeked out through the gaps.

They barely kept from gasping. Shelly was sitting in her living room wearing a see-through negligee, and she had two guests – Don and Frank. The men were sitting with drinks in their hands, leering at Shelly.

"I'm so glad you two could drop by," she cooed.

"That bitch," Joan whispered, "I'm gonna go in there and strangle her."

"Simmer down, honey," Vicky whispered. "Let's just see what happens. If we butt in now, we could risk losing our men."

Joan decided Vicky was right. Don and Frank were thinking with their balls, not their brains, and they wouldn't respond to reason or to scolding. It would be best just to spy and find out exactly what was going on between Shelly and their husbands.

"Well, Shelly," Frank said, "Don and I got to talking, and we decided the only thing we can do is share you. We don't want a fight over you. We've been buddies for a long time. So do you think you can handle us both?"

Shelly laughed. "Of course, boys! I'd love to handle both of you. No problem."

"Great," Don said. "We decided to leave the choice up to you, one of us today and the other tonight. You decide who you want to get it on with right now, and the other guy will leave. So what's your decision?"

Shelly laughed again. "Boys, nobody has to leave. I can make it with both of you. In fact the idea really turns me on."

Don and Frank gawked at her, and Joan and Vicky exchanged stunned glances. What was the woman proposing? Was she really serious about making this scene into an orgy? Don and Frank were wondering the same thing.

"Uh, let's get this straight, Shelly," Don said. "You want us both here, now?"

"That's right, honey," Shelly said. "We could have a really outrageous time together. Trust me."

She stood up, untied the belt of her negligee, and let the filmy garment slide off. The men groaned as she stood naked before them, displaying her fantastic body without a trace of modesty. She was grinning broadly.

"What do you think, fellas?" she said. "Like my idea?"

"Oh, hey, Shelly, whatever you want," Frank croaked.

"Right," Don panted, "you call the shots."

"Great!" Shelly leered. "Let's start by having both of you take your clothes off."

"My God, she really means it!" Joan whispered.

"Ssssshhhhh," Vicky replied. "We don't wanta get caught."

They watched their husbands undress. The men made a pretty awkward job of it, because they couldn't take their eyes off Shelly. But finally they managed to fumble out of their clothes, and they stood there naked, with stiff hard-ons.

"Mmmmmmm, just look at that," Shelly purred, eyeing the two hard and ready cocks. "Lucky me."

Vicky and Joan were eating their hearts out. Their husbands hardly ever made love to them any more, yet they could produce instant cock-stands for Shelly. Obviously there was something very wrong with their marriages.

Vicky realized that Don wasn't too tired for sex after all. He was just too tired for her. And she had to admit that after seven years of marriage, the excitement had gone out of their love-making. But what could she do about it?

Joan was having identical thoughts. Obviously the fire had gone out of her sex life, but what was the solution? Wrap up Shelly and present her to Frank for Christmas? There had to be some other answer.

The young wives had their attention brought back to the present when Shelly drawled, "Frank, honey, lie on your back, please?"

"Oh, sure, baby," Frank panted.

He stretched out on his back, and his massive cock stood up rigid and drooling. Shelly eyed it and licked her lips. Then she dropped to her hands and knees and crawled between his legs. She stopped when her red-glossed lips were about an inch from the hugely swollen purple head of his cock.

"Mmmmmm, looks good enough to eat," she gurgled.

Out flashed her little pink tongue, and she whipped it all over Frank's cock-head. He shivered and groaned. She licked up his dribbling cream and rolled it around in her mouth, savoring it. She gulped it down with a hungry gurgle.

"Gosh, I haven't done this for so long," she sighed. "I sure missed it."

"Help yourself!" Frank grinned. "Have all you want!"

Shelly went on licking up his cock-cream as fast it ran from his piss-hole. Meanwhile Don drew close to watch, his cock stiff as steel and dripping big globs of cream. His nostrils were flared with lust.

"Hey, Shelly," he said hoarsely, "can I get in on this?"

"You sure can, honey," she grinned. "And I think you can figure out how."

He figured it out, all right. He dropped to his knees behind her and socked the engorged head of his prick into her drooling little cunt-mouth. As he started pushing into her, she whimpered with pleasure and soaked his cock with a helpless rush of sizzling pussy-cream.

"Unnnnhhhhh, yeah, honey, get into me!" she moaned.

Vicky and Joan gawked at each other. They could hardly believe what was happening. Shelly was actually taking on two men at the same time, and she was enjoying hell out of it.

Now Don was snorting with lust and shoving his rigid big cock deeper and deeper into the redhead's cream-squirting pussy. Shelly paused, her juicy tongue resting on Frank's cock-head, and gurgled with delight as she felt her cunt being crammed.

"Oh, God, that feels great, baby!" she panted.

Vicky barely stifled a whimper of jealousy and longing. She knew exactly how great it felt to take Don's thick hard prick. It just didn't happen to her often enough. But Don obviously had no problem getting up his enthusiasm for Shelly.

Joan was thinking jealous thoughts, too. She practically had to beg Frank for sex these days, but all Shelly had to was look at him and he was ready to go. She could have strangled the woman, not to mention strangling Frank.

"Deeper, honey – ahhhh, yessss!" Shelly groaned.

Now Don's wrist-thick cock was all the way into her famished little cunt, only his big hairy balls showing. His nostrils were flared with excitement as he savored the heat of the beautiful divorcee's cunt. But Shelly began to wriggle her ass impatiently, wanting action.

"Come on, Don, fuck me!" she whimpered. "I need it so bad!"

"The hell she does," Joan whispered angrily. "What about us?"

Vicky just nodded sadly. Shelly got a lot more sex than she or Joan did, that was for sure. Now Don gave a lusty growl and began hammering his cock into her, and Vicky almost moaned with longing.

"Yes, baby, great!" Shelly panted. "Give it to me good and hard, honey."

"Don't forget me." Frank leered.

"Frank, I couldn't possibly forget you," Shelly cooed.

She opened her lips very wide and started sliding them down around his stiff-standing cock. Once again Joan and Vicky gawked at each other. There seemed to be no limits to Shelly's kinky ideas. Now she was fucking one man and going down on another at the same time.

"Awwww, Jesus, yeah!" Frank yelled.

"Fantastic," Don panted. "Shelly, you're the answer to a horny man's prayers!"

Vicky could hardly contain herself when she heard that. Hell, if Don was horny, all he had to was let her know. She would have done anything to please him. All the satisfaction he needed was right in his own bed. But, no, he wanted Shelly, and he was proving it right now.

Vicky hadn't seen her husband so turned on in years. His face was flushed with excitement, and he was snorting and groaning as he hammered his engorged cock in Shelly's naughtily squeezing cunt. This man was definitely not too tired for sex.

As for Frank, he was going out of his mind with horniness as Shelly encased his cock in the steam heat of her mouth. She slid her red lips down till she had almost all of his big hard prick. She drew in her cheeks and started sucking, and Frank almost flew off the rug.

"Christ, yeah, suck it, baby!" he groaned.

Joan whispered a little curse and clenched her fists. She gave a damned good blow-job herself, just as good as Shelly was giving him now, but Frank wasn't interested. He yawned at the idea of his own wife sucking him off. But look at him now!

He was almost cross-eyed with excitement, panting and moaning, as Shelly worked her wet lips furiously up and down his long thick cock. Joan was ready to kill. It just tore her up to see her husband so excited over another woman.

But what could she do? She and Vicky didn't know how to handle this situation. All they could do was spy helplessly as their men got it on with the sexy red-haired divorcee. Shelly was getting all the great stuff which the two young housewives craved.

"Mmmmmmm, uummmmm," Shelly moaned.

Her throat muscles were busy as she gobbled Frank's oozing cock-cream. Her hips were busy, too, jerking to Don's hard rhythm, meeting each deep thrust of his prick with a greedy shove. She was getting deeply and thoroughly fucked, and the spying women were eating their hearts out with envy.

Then, all of a sudden Shelly drew her head back, letting Frank's spit-soaked cock snap free. She wriggled off the stiff skewer of Don's hugely engorged cock. Both men stared at her in surprise and disappointment.

"Don't worry, boys!" she laughed. "I'm not quitting. I just want you to change places. I like to experiment."

There wasn't a word from Don or Frank as they hurried to do what she wanted. They'd probably have juggled or jumped through hoops if she'd asked them to. Now Don stretched out on the rug, and Shelly crawled between his legs, while Frank knelt behind her, fisting his stiff drooling prick.

"Okay, let's go!" she grinned.

Frank gave a hoarse groan and stuffed his cock into her so hard that he almost knocked her over. He hit her womb in one hard greedy thrust. But Shelly didn't complain. She just gurgled with lust and soaked his cock with thick hot cream.

"Yeah, baby, great!" she moaned. "Now fuck me good and hard, give me everything you've got."

Frank proceeded to do just that, fucking into her so hard that her luscious body recoiled with the impact. But that seemed to be just the way she wanted it. She wailed with delight, then looked hungrily at Don's rigidly standing cock.

"Mmmmmm, yeah," she gurgled.

She opened her lips wide and shoved them down around the massive blue-veined column of cock-meat. Don let out a hoarse yelp as he felt his cock being sheathed in the boiling juicy flesh of her mouth. She pulled her cheeks in sharply and began to suck his prick loudly.

"Awwww, yeah, baby, go for it, suck!" he yelled.

"Unnnnhhh, Jesus – ahhhhh!" Frank groaned.

Shelly had her mouth full and could only make happy gurgling noises as she took two stiff cocks at the same time. Joan and Vicky watched in an agony of lust and envy. This redhead had revived their men, something they themselves hadn't been able to do in years.

The trio worked faster and faster as their excitement reached the boiling point. Shelly worked her lips with lightning speed up and down Don's nearly exploding cock. Frank hammered his prick furiously in her dripping little cunt.

The three of them seemed to be thundering toward a huge mutual climax, and it wasn't long in coming. Shelly gave a hoarse sustained moan, and her body began to rock and quiver. Frank let out a yelp of ecstasy and hammered his steaming load into her sucking cunt. Don bellowed and filled her mouth with jizz till her cheeks looked ready to burst.

"Unnnhhh, Jesus – awwwww!" Frank howled.

"Eat it, baby – aaaggghhhhh!" Don roared.

Vicky and Joan couldn't stand it a second longer. They hurried quietly out of the house and returned to Vicky's place, where they sank into chairs and moaned.

Another woman had completely captivated their husbands. What could they do about it? And how could they get their sex lives back?
