Allegra gasped and jumped away. It took her a moment to comprehend that he had missed her.

“That was one of thirty, Markus said. “Heres two. He cracked the whip.

“No! Allegra cried. Then she realized he had missed a second time. She stepped back from him, confused.

“Three, he said harshly as he snapped the whip.

And missed.

Bewildered, she stopped backing up. As glad as she was that he had missed three times in a row, it made no sense. He mouthed a word she couldnt read in the dim light. When he did it again, she realized he had said, scream. He cracked the whip so close to her that she had no trouble at all letting out a loud cry.

Markus tossed the whip onto a pile of rugs. He unbuckled his leather belt and pulled it off his trousers. When he snapped the belt against his hand, the smack of leather hitting skin sounded loudly in the air. “Five, he said.

What the blazes? She was trapped with a crazy man. He swung the belt, and the blow came so close, air whooshed past her. As she jumped away, the leather hit a chest supporting two small gold vases, and they clattered on the ground.

“Six, Markus said. Under his breath, he muttered, “Scream, damn it, and cracked the chest just a hand span away from her.

“Dont! Allegra cried, genuinely alarmed.

So they went, Markus following as she backed around the tent. With greatand loudforce, he hit trunks, chests or his palm and methodically counted off the blows, up to twenty-eight. His hand had to be burning, given how hard he was hitting it. Just as she allowed herself to believe the incredible fact that he had chosen to hurt himself rather than her, he lunged forward and grabbed her. She gasped as he threw her onto a pile of carpets. She landed on her hip and caught herself on her hands, her hair flying around her shoulders.

Markus dropped next to her and flipped her onto her stomach. He held her down with his big hand splayed against her back while he yanked her robe up to her waist. When she struggled, he pressed harder against her, half sitting, half lying on the carpet. He pinned her torso with one arm and both of her legs with one of his legs. As he swept aside the jeweled chains of her skirt, his calluses scraped her behind. With a grunt, he lashed her across the buttocks. Allegra cried out, her eyes tearing up with pain.

“Twenty-nine, he said. In a low voice, he added, “That is for throwing wine in my face. He belted her again, making her scream. “That was for defying me in front of my men.

She stared at him over her shoulder, tears streaming down her face. “No more. Even without the miradella increasing her sensitivity, it would have hurt; now it was agony.

“Be grateful it was only two. He dropped the belt behind her on the carpets. Then he tugged the robe off her shoulders, baring most of her body.

“No! Allegra turned over and scooted back on the carpet, wincing and holding the robe closed in front of her breasts.

“Take it off. He almost seemed to vibrate with tension.

She shook her head, her heart beating too fast. He caught her thigh and slid over to her. When she brought up her arms to protect herself, he tugged them down. Then he pulled the robe off the rest of the way and tossed it behind her.

“Dont hurt me, she said, terrified. “Please.

Markus stared at her, breathing hard. Instead of grabbing her, he grabbed several of the big, wine-red cushions scattered on the carpet and piled them up next to Allegra. He sprawled in the cushions, half reclining, and dragged her next to him. She resisted, pushing against his torso as he pinned her against his side. He just nudged her hand away and shifted her so she lay in the hollow where his arm met his shoulder. Then he wrapped his arms around her, sagged into the cushions

And closed his eyes.

Allegra lay still, breathing hard. Gradually her pulse slowed. When he continued to lie there with his arms around her, a splinter of hope worked into her thoughts. Could a chance possibly exist that he would let her alone tonight?

After a moment, she said, “Is Lieutenant Borjan really going to give that man thirty lashes?

“Of course. He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. “I wouldnt have ordered it otherwise.

“You didnt give thirty to me. You pretended. Except for the last two.

He rolled his head toward her. “I didnt pay that huge amount so I could tear up that spectacular body of yours. I want to enjoy it, not ruin it.

Spectacular? Was the man blind? She was a fat dairymaid. Then again, the nomads had starved her for five days.

“Why would you pay so much for me? she asked. “And then whip a man for stealing a knife?

“What I paid for you came out of my royal coffers, he said. “Specially marked coins, jewels identified with my family, that sort of thing. I had to get rid of all thatit was too easily identified with me. Every time I used some of it, I gave away my location. So I exchanged a substantial portion in one place for something of equal or greater value. Youre an investment.

Her pulse stuttered. In the bizarre logic of Jazid, it made sense, but unlike gold or gems, her “value wouldnt increase with age. “Does that mean youre going to sell me to someone else when you need more wealth?

“Its possible. He nuzzled her hair. “Though I have to admit, I cant imagine now why I would do such a stupid thing. I want you right here. With me.

If she hadnt known better, she would have thought he sounded affectionate. Lack of food must have addled her mind. Although Markus had shared his trail rations and water, it had only taken the edge off her hunger.

“Did you and General Yargazon finish breaking your fast this morning? she asked. They had ended her part of the auction so abruptly, maybe he hadnt eaten enough, either, and would consider having food brought for them here.

“Dusk was too angry, he said, leaning his head against hers. “He wanted you right then.

“Why? Allegra regretted the question as soon as it came out. She didnt want to know, not for a man who had spoken so casually about torturing her. “Never mind. Dont answer.

Markus spoke drowsily. “Im not Dusk Yargazon.

“Is that good?

“Some men find the pain of an unwilling woman erotic. Im not one of them. He reached across his body and stroked her breast. “Pleasure is much better. He fumbled with the gold cup over her nipple. “Must be a way to take these off, he mumbled.

Apparently he wanted her for dinner. She pushed at him, but he found whatever fastener he was searching for anyway and flicked the cup off her breast. The entire contraption fell away, leaving her bare except for the skirt. As she grabbed futilely for the halter, he pulled her against his body. The chafing of her nipples on his shirt sent a jolt through her body. She felt vulnerable and raw, and she wanted it to stop, all of it, Markuss attentions and these hypersensitized reactions. She tried to twist away, but he held her tightly, her front pressed against his side.

“Dont fight me, night bird, he murmured, fondling her breasts.

“No. Leave me alone. Please.

Markus grunted, but he actually stopped mauling her and sank back into the cushions. “Its been so long anyway, he grumbled. “I suppose I can wait until youre ready.

I wont ever be ready. But incredibly, it didnt seem as if he intended to force her.

“By the way, he said, closing his eyes.


“Dont try sneaking off. I have bodyguards outside. Ive told them you might try to leave.

“Oh. Damn.

“Tyrannical despotism, he muttered. “Where did you learn such words?

“From reading, I guess. Or reading to my students.

“Reading! He turned onto his side, rolling Allegra onto her back, and pushed up on his elbow so he could look at her. “How can you read?

She frowned at him. “I open the book and look at the words.

“Well, yes. He actually laughed. “So do I. But Im a man. Youre a woman. And women cant read.

“Oh, stop. She turned over, putting her back to him.

“Allegra. He rolled her back toward him. “Im not trying to insult you. Jazid women are illiterate. Its illegal to teach them reading, writing or anything else.

“Thats the stupidest thing Ive heard yet.

Scowling, he said, “I would appreciate it if you refrained from denigrating my intelligence.

“I didnt mean you. I meant denying girls their education.

“Its always been that way. Shifting his weight, he pinned her legs with one of his while he trailed his fingers over her stomach. “A woman has one purpose in life. To please a man. If you let women read and write and do numbers, it distracts them from their purpose.

Allegra snorted. “I cant believe you actually said that horse manure with a straight face.

“Maybe if you spent less time reading, he said crossly, “and more time learning the ways of your sex, your personality would be more pleasant.

“I like my personality fine. Its yours Im finding insufferable.

“Do you have any idea what could happen to you for speaking that way to the prince regent of Jazid?

“So where is he?

He spoke wryly. “Well, I cant say for certain, but I believe he is lying next to you, attempting quite unsuccessfully to obtain pleasure from his pleasure girl.

Allegra reddened. “I meant, if youre the regent, where is the king? The atajazid?

“Someplace hidden. He slid his hand over her leg and under her skirt, between her thighs. “And no, I wont tell you where.

Sensation burst within Allegra, starting where he touched her and spreading through her body. Embarrassed by her reaction, she pushed away his hand. No one had ever touched her this way, not even Tanner when they tussled in the barn. “Please, dont, she said. “I cant do this. The only way youll get what you want is through force. Is that what you intend?

“I wont hurt you, Allegra. He slid down her body and shifted so he was on top of her, his hips between her knees. His voice gentled. “Try to relax. The miradella will help. Then he lowered his head and suckled her breast, his unshaven chin rough on her skin.

Allegra groaned as sensations shot through her body. Had he been someone she loved and trusted, it might have felt good. Now it frightened her. When she tried to wriggle away, he caught her wrists and pinned them on either side of her body.

Just get it over with, she thought. She stared at the cloth of the tent and tried to imagine herself somewhere else.

Markus lifted his head. “Youre as stiff as a plank.

“Please d-dont Her voice caught with a sob.

“Ah, hell. Dont cry. He slid up along her body until he was looking into her face. “Love shouldnt upset you.

She rubbed her face with her palm, smearing the tears across her cheeks. “Its not love. Its coercion.

“You should try harder to please me, he grumbled.

“Why? Why dont you try to please me?

“I swear, you are the strangest woman I have ever met. He rolled off her and lay on his side with his head propped up on his hand. His gaze traveled along her body. “Strange, but erotic. When you walked into the tent yesterday, I couldnt believe it. Ive never seen a woman like you. Gold hair and violet eyes? I hadnt really believed such existed. He put his hand around her waist. “Youre so small here. And this womanly shape. An hourglass. You could drive me mad.

Allegra was certain now about his lack of sanity. Sure, she had a small waist, in comparison, because what went above and below it were so much more ample.

“Im fat, she said.

“What idiot told you that?

“I can look in a mirror.

“Youre just right. He brushed his lips over hers. “Most Aronsdale women are too skinny.

She was at a loss for a response. From him, the compliment didnt have the ugly edge it had when Vardok had said something similar.

Markus smiled. “What, no cutting insult to humble me?

“Humble, she said, “is not a word I would use for you.

“What words would you use?

“Arrogant. She paused, uncertain. “Are you cruel? I thought so, but now I dont know.

“I am what I am. He laid his palm over her breast and rubbed her in circles. “I dont know if it is cruel or not.

“Thirty lashes and three days dragged in chains? She knocked his hand away. “That was cruel.

His voice hardened. “Its the principle. If the men start thinking of our armaments as supplies for their personal use, it will be a disaster.

“He hasnt seen his child in years! You could have ordered him to pay it back in double or do hard labor. Instead youll have him damn near killed and then humiliated in front of your company. And you think hell serve you with loyalty after that?

“He will fear to do anything else.

“Thats no way to command an army.

His voice cooled. “And you are an expert in military discipline?

“Its common sense.

“Youve a good deal of arrogance yourself, to so blithely dismiss my leadership.

“You really want people to follow you out of fear? Wouldnt you rather they followed you out of respect?

“They wont respect me if I appear weak. He seemed more puzzled than angry. “I would have lost their respect if I let you humiliate me without an appropriate response.

She didnt doubt that was why he had spoken loudly while he was cracking the belt. “Then why did you mostly pretend with me?

“I told you why.

She didnt believe him. “I dont understand how you can be brutal one moment and compassionate the next.

He studied her face as if she were a puzzle he needed to solve. “Those are your judgments. Not mine.

“If you go through with those thirty lashes, it will tear the flesh off his back.

“Hes already been lashed by now. Markus scowled at her. “And stop trying to distract me.

“From what? Committing rape?

“Saints, woman!

“What, am I supposed to pretend I like it? Ill never do that, no matter how many ways you threaten or drug me.

Markus glowered at her. “I dont need women to pretend with me. Any other would be honored by my attentions.

She felt as if she had a lion by the tail, and that if she relaxed for a moment, he would devour her. “Im not other women.

“Thats certainly true. He rolled onto his back, his torso half-raised in the cushions, his long legs stretched out on the carpet. “Im tired, and I cant sleep. Sing to me.

“All right. Maybe she could make a spell. For what, though? Creating light would serve no purpose, and she had no particular wish to offer comfort. She didnt know any other spells. Surely, though, even someone as minimally talented as herself could manage something useful. He obviously had trouble sleeping, and her last spell had made Stubble sleepy. It had also aroused him, and she didnt need Markus any more worked up, but if she could put him to sleep, he would leave her alone.

“I really do need a disk to hold, she added.

“That makes no sense, he grumbled.

“It helps me focus. Which was true.

He waved at a chest behind his head. “You may look there.

Allegra pushed up on her hands, and this time he let her go. She went to the chest quickly, so she could get what she needed before he changed his mind and decided he wanted her instead of her singing. She wondered if he was always like this, so mercurial and restless.

Ornate dragon patterns in emerald, gold and onyx inlaid the chest. Inside, she found a mans toiletries: rough soaps, washcloths, a wooden brush with stiff bristles, a shaving blade with a pitted hilt, a strap to sharpen it and picks for cleaning the teeth. It told her how “dangerous he perceived her to be, that he let her rummage through personal items that included a knife. Even more mortifying was the accuracy in his estimation of her. She had little experience with blades; if she threatened him with the knife, he could easily take it from her.

A compass in a circular case lay in one corner. Picking it up, she closed her eyes and reached with her mage sense. More than a disk but less than a flat cylinder, it stirred her power. Yes, she could use this.

“Bring the brush, too, Markus said drowsily.

Allegra picked up the brush. When she stood, her head swam. The constant strain of the past few days had taken its toll. She couldnt even call it a nightmare, because she awoke from dreams and this had no end.

When her head cleared, she returned to the pillows. Markus was lying on his back, breathing deeply, and relief washed over her. But then he opened his eyes. “What do you have?

She showed him the compass. “Is that all right?

“If you want. His lashes lowered over his eyes again. “Put my head in your lap while you sing and brush my hair.

Brush his hair? She would never have expected that from Jazids notorious outlaw prince.

The pillows were worn and large, with embroidered dragons similar to the Jazid flag. Self-conscious, she slid under him until she was sitting cross-legged with his head in her lap. With a sigh, he turned his head and pressed his lips against her inner thigh. His constant intimacy flustered her, and she was so tired, she feared she would fall over backward with nothing to lean against.

Allegra set the compass on the cushion by her hip so its cool metal pressed her skin. She lifted a length of his hair and ran the brush through it. Or tried. The heavy locks were so knotted, she could only untangle a few strands.

“Your hair is a saints forsaken mess, she said.

“Hair is hair, he mumbled.

“Dont you ever brush it?

Markus yawned, showing a row of healthy white teeth. “Not really.

“Its all ragged. In the back, it curled down his neck to his shoulders, but on the sides it only went over his ears. She hadnt even realized he had bangs until she worked out their knots. The tangles had kept them off his face, but after she brushed them, they fell into his eyes.

“Whoever cut it did an appallingly bad job, she said.

“I cut it, he said sourly.

Even when she didnt intend to insult him, she did. “Well, she amended, “its clean. After a moment, she said, “Im surprised the prince regent of Jazid has to cut his own hair.

“Im hiding from an invading force that conquered my country, he growled. “We dont have the personnel to spare for amenities.

“Oh. She could see his point.

Allegra contemplated the man lying with his head in her lap. Brushing his hair comforted her for some odd reason. It took her a while to figure out why. Most people in the settled lands had straight hair; curls were only common in eastern Aronsdale. Markuss mop of curls reminded her of the boys back home.

She gazed at his body stretched out before her. He had a magnificent form. Under different circumstances, she might have desired him. In fact, if she had met him in Aronsdale, she would have considered him far out of her league and been intimidated by his sexuality and fierce beauty. He seemed larger, darker and so much more intense than any man back home.

Yet he lay quietly while she brushed his hair, the tension easing in his shoulders. The unlikely combination of his banked ferocity and his wish for her to play with his hair was appealing, even erotic. When she turned his head so she could reach the other side, he put his arms up around her hips and stroked her bottom, then let his arms relax back onto the cushions.

After Allegra worked the knots out of his hair, it took less concentration for her to brush it. At that point, she focused on the compass, which still pressed firmly into her leg.

And she sang.

The compass wasnt exactly a cylinder, but the shape was regular enough to bring her spell alive. The lullaby poured out of her, smooth and hypnotic:

Sleep my child, sleep my love

Through the night, my sweetest dove

None of that applied to Markus, except perhaps night as a metaphor, but it would do. She wound the song around him in a golden spell, the color that soothed physical or emotional pain.

Markus fought.

He never moved, never opened his eyes, and she didnt think he even realized he was fighting. But his body wouldnt let him sleep. She tried adding a touch of emerald to the colors, and to her surprise it worked. A mood spell formed, letting her sense emotions. He had no idea he was resisting a spell. She felt his fatigue, his tired muscles, his hardened thoughts of Emperor Cobalt, the man who had stolen his country, his people and his birthright. And she felt his need to sleep. He wanted to sleep. But tension coiled within him, and worries plagued his thoughts.

A haze of eroticism overlaid it all. He wanted her with a lust of bewildering intensity. He barely controlled his urge to take her as hard and as rough as he needed to satisfy that hunger. Yet despite how much his culture approved his using his pleasure girl however he pleased, he held back, for it mattered to him how she felt.

Her spell even absorbed bits of his memories as they affected his mood. They painted a grim picture of a land whose angry, violent men felt they had nothing to lose. Cobalt had taken everything, including their pride. In this country with far fewer women than men, the soldiers from the Misted Cliffs too easily seduced Jazidian women with promises of a better life. The fury of the men here simmered, ready to erupt.

She sang softly, verse after verse, fighting Markuss anger and insomnia, until finally he surrendered to a deep slumber.

Allegra opened her eyes. Gradually she realized the spell had put her to sleep, too. She was slumped over Markus, and her legs had gone stiff with the weight of his head.

The cold prodded her into action. The braziers had burned so low, they shed almost no light or heat, and she wore nothing except a few chains around her hips. When she slid out from under Markus, her muscles protested, and she winced. Even if he hadnt posted guards, she doubted she could have gone anywhere. She teetered on the verge of collapse.

Rising stiffly, she rubbed the ache in the small of her back. She retrieved her robe, but the silk offered little warmth against the night. Barely able to stay on her feet, she pulled at carpets until she found one supple enough to use as a blanket. Then she retreated across the tent, as far from Markus as she could go, and lay down, wrapping herself in the carpet, with the compass cradled against her stomach. The weave of the rug chafed her sensitized skin, but its warmth was lovely.

The moment she closed her eyes, the oblivion of sleep dropped over her and she knew no more.
