
Myers declined the offer of a drink and listened attentively to Kudrov’s account of events, taking notes every other sentence.

‘Have you called the police?’ she asked while Leonid refilled his glass.

‘Yes, they took my details but they barely listened to what I was saying. Gave me some bullshit about elapsed time, independent adult, or something like that, and kept putting me on hold. That’s when I called Andy and he called you.’

Myers nodded. ‘Because your daughter is thirty years old and you couldn’t substantiate your reason for believing she’s gone missing, it’s normal practice to wait at least twenty-four hours before she can be officially considered a missing person.’ Her voice was naturally confident, the kind that inspired trust.

‘Twenty-four hours? She could be dead in twenty-four hours. That’s bullshit.’

‘Sometimes it’s even more, depending on the evidence given.’

‘I tried telling him that,’ McKee added, wiping his forehead again.

‘She’s an adult, Mr. Kudrov,’ Myers explained. ‘An adult who has simply failed to turn up for a lunch appointment.’

Kudrov glared at Myers and then at McKee. ‘Has she heard a fucking word I said?’

‘Yes,’ Myers replied, crossing her legs and flipping through her notes. ‘She was thirty minutes late for your lunch. You called her several times. She never answered and never returned any of your messages. You panicked and went to her apartment. Once there you found a towel on the kitchen floor, but nothing else seemed out of place except for a bottle of white wine that should’ve been in the fridge. Her car keys were on a tray upstairs. You found her priceless violin in her practice room, but you said that it should’ve been in the safe. From what you could tell there was no sign of any sort of struggle or a breakin, and the place didn’t seem to have been burgled. The building’s concierge said that no one had visited her that night.’ She calmly closed her notebook.

‘Isn’t that enough?’

‘Let me explain how the police would think, how they are trained to think. There are way more Missing Persons cases than there are detectives working them. The number one rule is to prioritize, only allocate resources when there’s no doubt the person in question has really gone missing. If she were a minor, an amber alert would’ve been issued all across the country. But as an independent adult who’s only been unreachable for less than twenty-four hours, protocol dictates the police go through a checklist first.’

‘A checklist? You’re shitting me.’

A quick headshake. ‘I shit you not.’

‘Such as?’

Myers leaned forward. ‘Is this an adult who: one — may be in need of assistance? Two — may be the victim of a crime or foul play? Three — may be in need of medical attention? Four — has no pattern of running away or disappearing? Five — may be the victim of parental abduction? And six — is mentally or physically impaired?’ Myers placed her sunglasses on the coffee table next to her. ‘From that list, only having no pattern of running away or disappearing checked out. The police’s initial thoughts would be — because Miss Kudrov is a sane, independent, financially sufficient and unattached adult woman, she could’ve simply decided she needed a break from everything. There’s no one she really needs to give account of her actions to. She doesn’t have a nine-to-five job, and she isn’t married. You said she just got back from a long tour with the Los Angeles Philharmonic.’

Kudrov nodded.

‘It must be very stressful. She could’ve jumped on a plane and gone to the Bahamas. She could’ve met someone in a bar last night and decided to spend a few undisturbed days with that person somewhere else.’

Leonid ran a hand though his cropped hair. ‘Well, she didn’t. I know Katia. If she had to cancel an appointment with me or anyone else, she would’ve called. It’s just the way she is. She doesn’t let people down, least of all me. We have a great relationship. If she had decided that she needed a break, she would’ve at least let me know where she was going.’

‘How about her mother? Am I right in assuming you and she aren’t together any more?’

‘Her mother passed away several years ago.’

Myers kept her eyes on Leonid. ‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

‘Katia didn’t just decide to take a trip somewhere. I’m telling you, something is wrong.’

He started pacing the room. Emotions were starting to fly high.

‘Mr. Kudrov, please—’

‘Stop calling me Mr. Kudrov,’ he cut her short. ‘I’m not your teacher. Call me Leo.’

‘OK, Leo. I’m not doubting you. I’m just explaining why the police acted the way they did. If Katia hasn’t showed up in twenty-four hours, they’ll be all over this case like ugly on a moose. They’ll use every resource available to find her. But you better be prepared, because with your celebrity status, the circus will come next.’

Leonid squinted at McKee before moving his stare back to Myers. ‘Circus?’

‘When I said that the LAPD will use every resource available, I meant that. Including you and your status. They’ll want you to make your own appeal to the public, to personalize the case. Maybe even hold a conference here at your house. They’ll broadcast Katia’s photo on TV and in the newspapers, and they’ll prefer a family picture instead of a lone shot — it’s more. . touching. The picture will be copied and plastered all over LA, maybe even the whole of California. Search parties will form. They’ll ask for clothes for the dog search teams. They’ll want hairs and other samples for DNA tests. The media will camp outside your gates.’ Myers paused for breath. ‘As I said, it will turn into a circus, but the LAPD Missing Persons Unit is very good at what they do.’ She hesitated for effect. ‘Leo, given your status and social class, we have to consider the possibility that your daughter was kidnapped for ransom. No one has attempted to contact you?’

Leonid shook his head. ‘I’ve been in the house all day and have left specific instructions at my office to divert any unidentified caller to my home line. No calls.’

Myers nodded.

‘Something is wrong. I can feel it.’ Leonid pinned Myers down with a desperate stare. ‘I don’t want this splattered all over the news unless it’s really necessary. Andy told me you are the best at what you do. Better than the LAPD Missing Persons. Can you find her?’ He made it sound less of a question and more like a plea.

Myers gave McKee a look that said, I’m flattered.

He returned a shy smile.

‘I will do my best.’ Myers nodded, her voice confident.

‘So do it.’

‘Do you have a recent picture of your daughter?’

Kudrov was already prepared and handed Myers a colored eight-by-twelve-inch photograph of Katia.

Myers’ eyes grazed the picture. ‘I’ll also need the keys to her apartment, the names and phone numbers of everyone you can think of who she could’ve contacted. And I need it all by yesterday.’
