
Last year, Orphan X introduced Evan Smoak to the world. It is no small feat in this day and age to bring a new character to readers, and I would like to thank the exceptional crew at Minotaur Books for doing it so beautifully. Andrew Martin, Hannah Braaten, Hector DeJean, Jennifer Enderlin, Paul Hochman, Kelley Ragland, Sally Richardson, Martin Quinn — Evan and I look forward to working with you for many years to come.

I must also acknowledge Rowland White at Michael Joseph/Penguin Group UK, as well as Izzie Coburn and the sales team, Ellie Hughes, Lee Motley, Matt Waterson, and their counterparts in Australia and New Zealand, for an equally astounding job.

And my reps, the best in the business:

— Lisa Erbach Vance, Aaron Priest, John Richmond, and Melissa Edwards of the Aaron Priest Agency

— Caspian Dennis of the Abner Stein Agency

— Trevor Astbury, Rob Kenneally, Peter Micelli, and Michelle Weiner of Creative Artists Agency

— Stephen F. Breimer of Bloom, Hergott, Diemer et al, and Marc H. Glick of Glick & Weintraub

And Evan’s circle of consultants:

— Geoffrey Baehr, the brain

— Billy S____, the muscle

— Brian Shiers, the fighter

— Michael Borohovski (cofounder and CTO of Tinfoil Security), the intrusion engineer

— Melissa Hurwitz and Bret Nelson, the M.D.s

— Philip Eisner, the wordsmith

— Eddie Gonzalez, the translator of street slang

— Maureen Sugden, the (finest) copyeditor

— Bob Mosier, the automobile virtuoso

— Tore Saso, the banking expert

— Dana Kaye, the publicist (who fought Evan’s every effort to stay off the grid)

All errors are mine. These folks don’t make mistakes.

I’m also compelled to thank readers, booksellers, and librarians for embracing Evan Smoak the way you have. You make it all worthwhile.

And my family — Delinah, Rose, Natalie, my parents, my sister, and Simba and Cairo. I’m blessed to have you.
