T he trip took less than five minutes and the door to Cardinal Petroni’s apartments was promptly opened by a petite, attractive Sister on the Cardinal’s personal staff.
‘You may hang your coat on that hook, Sister Bassetti,’ Sister Carmela said icily.
‘ Grazie. E molto gentile,’ Allegra responded with a gracious smile. Perhaps the dark-haired nun had had a bad day, she thought.
‘His Eminence is waiting for you in the drawing room, Sister Bassetti, if you will follow me.’
Allegra trailed behind as Sister Carmela set a brisk pace down the sumptuously carpeted hallway, where priceless artworks on loan from the Vatican hung from high picture railings on either side. The heavy gold frames were beautifully set against the deep blue wallpaper. There were paintings by Margaritone d’Arezzo and Vitale da Bologna, Lorenzo Monaco and Guido Reni, and at the entrance to the drawing room, a fresco by none other than Raphael, the master himself.
‘Sister Bassetti, Eminence.’ Sister Carmela announced Allegra and then withdrew.
‘Sister Bassetti. How good of you to come.’
The first thing Allegra noticed was the voice, perfectly modulated with a cultured resonance that reinforced the charm of the Cardinal.
She took his outstretched hand and felt him almost caress her palm. ‘It’s a pleasure to be here, Eminence,’ she replied diplomatically.
‘Quite the contrary, the pleasure is all mine,’ he said, directing her to a lounge chair with a sweep of his hand. ‘It is not often that we cardinals get the opportunity to dine with the people who really matter. Usually it’s politicians and industrialists. Very boring.’ He smiled urbanely. ‘I have taken the liberty of opening a bottle of Krug.’ Petroni did not have to ask whether or not his guest drank wine; he already had a report on Allegra and Giovanni’s Friday night activities from his secretary. ‘Nineteen sixty-four, I think you will find it was a very good year.’
Allegra would have given anything to trade the fine crystal flute for the heavy glasses and carafe of equally rough wine La Pizzeria Milano reserved for impoverished students, and she wished Giovanni were here. He would have handled these irritating formalities with ease.
‘ Salute, Eminence,’ Allegra responded.
‘Have you been given your results yet?’
‘Not yet, Eminence. I expect we will know in the next day or so.’
‘Well, I’m probably not supposed to tell you, but I have an advance copy. You have done very well, Allegra.’ He used her first name easily, as if they had known each other for a very long time. ‘But I will keep you in suspense until after dinner.’
Allegra followed him into the sumptuous dining room. The wallpaper here was crimson. A large gold and crystal chandelier hung from a ceiling covered in frescos of various scenes of the historic centre of Milano. Just two places were set on either side of the huge mahogany dining table. The other chairs that Allegra assumed often seated politicians and captains of industry lined the walls, all of them richly embroidered in gold and red with the Cardinal’s coat of arms. Petroni graciously held her chair out so she could sit.
Petroni’s chef, who appeared to Allegra to be rather more agreeable than the nun who had greeted her, appeared with the entree. Baccala con i ceci – salt cod with chickpeas.
‘I hope you don’t mind but I’ve kept the meal simple. Sister Maria is preparing one of her oldest recipes. Cotolette alla Pontremolese – veal cutlets with garlic and capers.’
Allegra found herself wondering what the Cardinal might eat when the menu wasn’t simple.
‘And to go with it, a 1966 Chateau Margaux. I think one of the more elegant of the Appellation Medoc,’ he said, pouring from the crystal decanter in which the rare vintage had been allowed to breathe.
‘I’m not used to such fine wine, Eminence. We students in Milano tend to appreciate the cheap and cheerful,’ Allegra said, her remarks designed to needle Petroni’s arrogance, although she knew she would have to be careful. He was a dangerous man.
‘Consolations of office, and please, it’s Lorenzo. When we are alone there is no need for titles.’ Giovanni had said a similar thing but Petroni’s nuance was very different. He was smiling but his eyes remained cold, dark and expressionless. Allegra felt chilled, as if she was looking into the eyes of a snake. Even the warming alcohol could not help her shake the ice in the pit of her stomach. Allegra’s senses were in overdrive, warning her to stay on guard.
Petroni continued smiling and his tongue briefly licked his lips.
‘ Salute,’ he offered again and moved to clink glasses with her. ‘Have you enjoyed your time at university?’
‘Very much,’ Allegra said, determined to match Petroni in the conversation. She knew her remark would put Petroni off balance. Something was instinctively telling her that he wouldn’t be prepared for honesty.
Apart from the almost imperceptible narrowing of his eyes, Petroni gave nothing away.
‘Of course. So what aspects of your degree have you found most rewarding?’ His anger at this nun’s defiance and lack of subservience was rising, as was his excitement for the game ahead. He probed for the slightest weakness in Allegra’s armour. He was strangely aggravated by both her beauty and her intellect. He knew now that he wanted to crush her, totally.
‘That’s a difficult question,’ Allegra replied with a disarming smile. ‘I suppose my time in the laboratory and the promise that the study of archaeological DNA holds for the future would be one of the highlights.’ Allegra sensed the mention of DNA had found its target.
‘Are there any aspects that you have found disturbing?’ Petroni asked, his frustration rising.
‘Not so much disturbing, more profoundly interesting,’ Allegra replied, almost insolently. Petroni remained expressionless but Allegra sensed his discomfort and was determined to enjoy it. ‘Professor Rosselli has a theory about the origin of DNA, that it might be too intricate – exquisite is the word he uses – too complex in its design to have evolved in the relatively short time between our planet becoming habitable and life appearing. He is convinced that DNA arrived from a higher civilisation, and I think he has a point. Given that scientists have confirmed there are billions of galaxies like our own, it seems virtually impossible that some of them would not contain life, and that at least one or two of those civilisations might be considerably more advanced than our own.’ Allegra paused, raising her eyebrows ever so slightly.
‘Please. Go on. This is very interesting,’ Petroni prompted, suppressing an inner fury.
‘His theory seems to be somewhat at odds with the Vatican’s teaching but it seems that Francis Crick, who discovered DNA’s structure, held a similar view.’
‘That old nonsense again.’ Petroni’s laugh was strangely hollow. ‘Don’t even worry about it, Allegra. That’s the trouble with some of these old professors in secular universities. They have no training in the Canon but keep peddling all sorts of conspiracy theories.’
‘Professor Rosselli seems to think there is a connection with Crick’s theory and the Omega Scroll.’ Let’s see what your response is to that one, she thought, allowing herself a moment of satisfaction.
Petroni’s eyes hardened perceptibly. ‘What did your professor have to say about that?’ It took a supreme effort, but Petroni kept a smooth modulation in his voice.
‘Just that if it could be found, the Omega Scroll might confirm the theory.’
Cardinal Petroni’s laugh now sounded slightly hysterical.
‘That mythology has been around for years, Allegra,’ he said, coldness entering his voice. ‘The Omega Scroll and the Loch Ness Monster have a lot in common – total fantasy. I see that as well as your degree in Theology you have also achieved Honours in Chemistry,’ he said, adroitly turning the conversation back to Allegra and away from any further mention of the Omega Scroll. ‘An impressive achievement by any standards. Science is one of the great seats of learning, but some might be intrigued by your choice.’
Petroni had recovered his charm and it masked both the nature of his question and his anger at discovering the Vatican had not exercised more care in preventing study in areas that threatened established doctrine. It seemed that his usually impeccable intelligence network had failed. It was bad enough that normal priests should study science but for a nun to be allowed near a laboratory was something he would not allow to be repeated.
‘I found science interesting at school, I suppose,’ Allegra answered carefully.
Allegra’s response was interrupted by the Cardinal’s chef bringing in the main course.
‘Thank you, Sister Maria, and please, you needn’t bother to stay tonight. The entree was superb and the main looks equally so.’
‘Coffee, Eminence?’ Sister Maria protested but Petroni was not to be dissuaded.
‘I haven’t totally lost my skills in that area,’ he said, smiling. ‘I insist, you work far too hard.’
‘You are most kind, Eminence.’ Sister Maria withdrew, grateful for an early night.
‘The problem is, Allegra,’ Petroni continued, ‘as I shall explain to you shortly, you have done so well that I now need to find a way to put your new-found knowledge to the best effect. Do you have any suggestions?’
Allegra paused before deciding to follow the freedom she had found at Ca’ Granda.
‘If I were given a choice, I think there is considerable scope for research into the Dead Sea Scrolls.’
Lorenzo Petroni smiled. A cold, hard, humourless smile. His eyes glittered and he could hear a drumming of blood in his ears. Inwardly he thought, How dare she. Outwardly he replied, ‘We shall have to take that into account. Shall we?’
Petroni served coffee and a late-picked dessert wine in his private lounge off to one side of his study. Allegra admired the fine art and delicate sculptures scattered around the room although she was surprised and a little concerned when Petroni chose to sit next to her, very closely, on one of three plush crimson lounges that were arranged in an open square around the fire. Allegra was very aware that she was feeling a little light-headed. It seemed that during dinner her glass had never been allowed to get below half-full. She sipped on the dessert wine sparingly.
‘I have here a letter from the Vice Chancellor of Ca’ Granda,’ Petroni said, opening a red folder that had been pre-positioned on the coffee table. ‘You are to be awarded not one university medal but two. The first for Biblical Archaeology and the second for Chemistry.’
Allegra was stunned. She thought she had done well, but never imagined she’d won two university medals. Petroni put his arm around her and kissed her on the cheek. ‘My congratulations.’ When he didn’t remove his arm, Allegra’s delight at her results changed to concern.
‘How would you feel if I offered you a position on my personal staff?’ he asked.
Allegra turned her head towards him. His face was only centimetres from hers and his smooth, urbane voice gave way to a quiet whisper, unnerving her.
‘Oh, Eminence…’ she stammered, suddenly very uncertain of what was happening. ‘I don’t know what to say.’
‘Please, it’s Lorenzo,’ he responded, taking her hand in his. ‘We need the brightest and best around here and your appointment will not be without its compensations.’
Allegra’s heart began to beat faster as the Cardinal placed her hand between his legs. She could feel his erection through his soutane.
‘Relax, Allegra. Rilarssasi. It is God’s will.’ For a bizarre moment Allegra thought of Giovanni urging her to relax in the water. Petroni was closer now, whispering in her ear. So close she could smell the wine on his breath. Now Allegra felt pure fear and she tried to work out a way to escape from this man, this room.
‘Our Lord has always had a very high regard for the women around him. Even those like the adulteress. It was always his wish that his disciples provide one another with love and affection,’ Petroni whispered, using Allegra’s hand to stroke his erection. ‘There is a secret codex in the vault of the Vatican, Allegra, to which only the Curia have access. It outlines a sacred communion between a cardinal and his chosen nun.’
Allegra lost her power of speech as Petroni undid the middle buttons on his soutane. He moved his arm from around her shoulders and massaged her neck roughly. Allegra tried to move away but Petroni held her neck with a steel-like grip. She fought and kicked at his legs but the deadly mixture of physical strength and the dark power of the Church played on her fear, draining her and causing a mind-numbing paralysis. Just as Allegra was about to scream, Petroni forced her head into his lap and she gagged as a burst of warm liquid hit the back of her throat.
‘A secret communion and a sharing of affection with a cardinal must never be disclosed,’ he warned, buttoning himself perfunctorily and assuming a tone of formality. ‘God’s will is sometimes hard to understand, but think about my suggestion for an appointment here. I’m sure you will find it worthwhile.’
Shocked and betrayed, Allegra angrily refused Petroni’s offer of the car and she stumbled back to the college, stopping more than once to vomit in the gutter. As she closed the door to her room she leaned back against it, weak and shaking, her faith shattered and spent. This time there was no prayer for forgiveness, only numbness as she looked out of her small window at the stars and thought about an unseeing, unhearing, unfeeling God. Mechanically she made her way to the bathroom and scrubbed herself until her skin was red and raw, but it wasn’t enough to bring any feeling back. She climbed into her narrow single bed. For a long while she stared at the ceiling until emotional and physical exhaustion took over and she finally fell asleep. Before dawn she awoke to find herself crying uncontrollably. Her numbness had been replaced by anger, a deep anger that pulsed through her very being. She realised that it was not God and His Cardinal she had let down but the reverse, and the Cardinal and God could go to hell.
Later that morning there were four items of mail. Two incoming, two outgoing. Allegra opened the first letter feeling nothing but a strange emptiness as she scanned the result slips and a string of High Distinctions. The second was from the Vice Chancellor, Professor Gamberini, warm and encouraging with a suggestion for study for a Masters in applied archaeological DNA and the offer of a scholarship. She wrote a short letter of thanks and a grateful acceptance for the offer of the scholarship, then she penned an even shorter resignation from her Order.