Chapter 2

Sugar walked to the Omegas’ apartment. Quiet dominated their corner of the building since Mr. Pal Robi’s arrival last week. She’d seen them when she went out on her garden balcony to water the plants last night. They jogged with their vampire trainer on the sidewalk. He ran, and they straggled behind. Other than that she hadn’t seen any of them. No one came over to visit. Not even Katrina, who had become a permanent fixture in her home.

She stood in front of their door and wiped her sweaty palms on her old, worn jeans. Maybe I should have changed.

The thought irritated her. She’d never worried about her looks before he moved in. She’d never lusted after a man like this either. Her past lovers always started as emotional relationships, then grew into something physical. What she experienced with Daedalus seemed more animalistic. If she fucked him and got it over with, then maybe her mind would clear. The memory of his sexy half-smile with a wink haunted her every night. Those blue eyes, broad shoulders, firm body, bald head—

The apartment door swung open, and the demon of her fantasies stood staring at her, shirtless. A thin sheen of sweat covered his pale skin as if he’d been doing some vigorous exercises. It made him shine. The circular tattoo she’d glimpsed through his shirt on their first meeting covered his heart, a black snake eating its tail.

He gave her a crooked smile, melting her to the spot. “Hello, sweetness. I got tired of waiting for you to knock.” He stepped back and gestured for her to come in.

As she entered the Omegas’ apartment she noticed the place looked cleaner than usual. Five wolves under one roof could make quite a clutter. Daedalus must have them run a tighter ship.

“How did you know I was out in the hall?” A little shaken after his sudden appearance, her concentration slipped and she couldn’t remember her reason for being there. His being half-naked didn’t help.

“I have a good sense of smell.” He closed the door behind her.

“You smelled me? Good to know for future reference.”

Fingers ran through her curls as she walked past him. She glanced over her shoulder, but his back faced her while he locked the door. It must have been her imagination. The touch felt real though. Did he move that fast?

He finished with the locks and turned around. “I heard you walk down the hall too. Why were you waiting?”

She didn’t know, looking for some courage maybe or a little self-confidence with an internal pep talk. “I was thinking about going back for a book Sam wanted to borrow,” she lied. Something unsettling occurred to her. “Can you read minds too?”

He chuckled and leaned in close, his nose almost touching hers. “Possibly. Are you thinking dirty thoughts?”

“No!” Her cheeks burned.

“Then I guess I can’t.”

Did that mean he was thinking them?

He brushed past her to sit on the worn, beige couch. His touch sent a thrill through her, it unnerved her too. He tapped the cushion next to him.

Out of her element around him and his flirtatious ways, she sat in the armchair across from the couch. His request to sit next to him ignored since she couldn’t trust herself to not jump on his lap. Her lack of self-control surprised her. She allowed her eyes to roam his handsome face to his bare chest, each time she jerked them back up to meet his stare, they’d meander back down to those well-defined muscles.

An unfamiliar quiet filled the living room, where laughter and banter normally flooded the space. “Is anyone else home?”

“No.” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. The heat in his gaze grew as he made his interest in her clearer. “We have the place to ourselves. What did you have in mind?”

Not sure what to do with the invitation, she blushed even more as the room became warmer. What she had in mind was to tear her clothes off and let him have his way with her, but the Omegas could walk in at any moment. “Where did they go?” she croaked, her mouth and throat gone dry.

His smile widened as the burning heat in his eyes turned into amusement. “I’ve sent them on a mission.” He snickered to himself. “See…” He gestured around the room. “They don’t have a television, and I really need to watch football this weekend. I have a division of Pal Robi Security housed not far from here, so I’ve sent them to steal theirs.”

She raised her eyebrows, her anxiety and insecurity combusted in her fury. “You want them to steal for you?” The nerve this vampire displayed, to turn her kind-hearted friends into thieves. It made her blood boil. A mission indeed. She knew hiring him would be a mistake.

He leaned against the couch, his arms along the back. “Is taking stuff from yourself stealing? Technically, I own the television.”

She stood up, hands on her hips. “Will your security see it that way?”


She stepped closer to him. “They’ll hurt them, Daedalus. This isn’t a joke. Your contract stated they wouldn’t get injured.”

He stood up, and up, to overshadow her. She felt small and fragile next to him.

The sexy smile faded. “Don’t quote my contract to me. A little ass kicking is part of the training. They’re werewolves, Sugar, not human. My security can’t damage them too much. They can take more of a beating than you think, or for that matter, than they think. If the Omegas don’t stop fearing pain they may as well concede the challenge to the Ayumu pack.”

“Is that so bad?”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Instead of fighting? I don’t want any of them to get hurt. If they can’t win, they should concede or run away.”

“Who said they can’t win?”

His question slapped her across the face. “Win? Eric and Robert are computer programmers. Katrina’s a waitress in Chinatown, Tyler’s a real estate agent, and Sam delivers pizza. Not exactly warrior material.”

“The problem is you see them in only a human perspective. They went against pack instinct to follow their alphas, for whatever reason, and banded together. Do you have any idea how difficult that is or how unique they are? It takes strength of character. They’ll win with some guidance.”

“What kind of guarantee can you offer them?”

He shook his head. “None.”

“They agreed to this?”

“They didn’t have a choice, sweetness.” His voice became tender as he pushed her hair behind an ear. “I understand you care for them, but coddling them won’t help defend their freedom. Do you want them to become the scapegoats of the Ayumu? Where the pack could take their frustrations out on them?”

She shrugged his hand away and looked at her feet. “Of course not.” In her book, violence only begot violence. Nothing she did or said would keep the Omegas safe. She hated to admit it, but maybe Daedalus could save them.

His sigh caught her attention, and she brought her head up. He’d sat on the couch again, his arms crossed over his bare chest while he watched her.

She sat on the edge of the armchair, determined not to apologize for her beliefs. “Does it need to be a fight to the death? There has got to be some other way for packs to resolve things.”

His expression did not soften with her heartfelt words. “There used to be. The werewolf packs have diminished over the centuries due to infighting and territory wars. Many of the young were left untrained in the ways of honor. After corresponding with Eric, it became clear pack issues are getting worse, with slavery and crime being among them. The Omegas are damaged goods but young and good hearted. It’s a sad time when a vampire needs to teach werewolves how to be ‘pack.’ I’ll do my best to instruct them.”

“In the ‘ways of honor?’”

He chuckled. “No, they’re not ready.” He grinned and leaned toward her. “Did I pass my interview?”

She couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes. I didn’t come here to grill you though. I wanted to invite them to dinner tomorrow.”

“Their schedule is pretty full. I’ll pass the message on.” He arched a brow. “What about me?”


“Am I invited?”

“Oh, of course. I didn’t know you could eat.”

“I can’t, but I’d like the company.”

“Sure, you’re welcome to come over.” What was she doing? She did her best to keep herself isolated, to keep her life quiet and stress free. This struggle became harder when she’d adopted her werewolf neighbors as friends. Now she found herself lusting after a kickass vampire. Had she lost her mind?

She rose to her feet. “I should go.” On the way to the door she could sense his presence close behind her.

The visit went better than she’d expected. Not an Omega to be seen, but her conversation with Daedalus cleared a few of her concerns. She didn’t think Daedalus would lead them astray.

It wasn’t every day she got to spend time conversing with a half-naked, sexy vampire. Maybe she could be friends with him, hopefully more. Why did he have this effect on her? There were a lot of good looking men in the world, but she didn’t lust after them like a cat in heat.

He undid the locks and opened the door for her.

Something he’d said about the werewolf packs nagged at her. She looked back at him and tried not to get caught up into his dark blue eyes. “When you spoke of the werewolf packs’ changes over the centuries, it sounded like you experienced it yourself. You’re very old, aren’t you?”

He barked a surprised laugh. “What a horrid thing to say.”

“I didn’t mean... I meant... I’m sorry.” She touched his shoulder, then jerked her hand away. A thrill electrified her fingers where they’d touched his skin.

He continued to smile and took her hand. “I would have said ‘experienced.’” He pressed his full, lush lips to the back of it, his stare never leaving hers. The kiss felt warm and moist. The gesture sent tingles straight to her pussy, making her wet.

She bit her bottom lip to prevent a moan from escaping. The sensation of his mouth against her skin lingered on her all the way back to her apartment.

What should she do? He represented all the things she feared—adventure, violence and passion. After his kiss, she expected it to be hot, dirty, really great passion. He could easily seduce her, and although excited at the prospect, she worried that he’d steal her heart. She needed to lock it away to avoid attachment. Falling in love with an immortal being would only lead to sorrow.

She needed to keep this as a fun little fling.

* * *

Daedalus closed the door, her taste still on his lips. He’d been pleased when he’d first smelled her scent as she stood in the hallway and debated with herself about knocking on his door. Fear and anxiety intertwined in her luscious smell, but so did desire.

Her loyalty to her friends drew him to her even more. He admired such qualities. He also admired the curves of her breasts and the way her worn jeans fit snug to her nice ass.

He needed to stop thinking with his cock when he was around her. At first, he’d thought a late night tryst would be possible, but clearly her relationship with the Omegas involved more than being just a neighbor. When she jumped up in anger at his description of tonight’s mission, and the vehemence flashed from her eyes, it took all his restraint to not kiss her. Their simmering attraction could be fanned into an inferno.

He needed to cool off. She represented all the things tender and gentle he lacked in his existence. Since she’d left a hollowness filled his chest. Not a good sign, it meant he’d probably fall hard for her. None of the boys had claimed Sugar when he’d made a pass at her a week ago, and werewolves were pretty territorial when it came to mates. But these boys didn’t act like traditional Weres. He’d better clear things up when they got back from their mission.

He needed to determine if he should have her before the challenge or after.
