Thank you Bente Lodgaard for That Chat In Oslo.
Yay (and much love to) Ali Smith.
Yay (and much love to) Sarah Wood.
Yay (and much love to) Loa/Lorna Owen.
Boogie/J/Jason Tsang, best friend to be had anywhere in the world, and father of TOH at T Street. Boogie. . I don’t know what to tell you, man. Thank you.
Anita Sethi, thank you for the support and the ultra-late-night chit chat.
Ptah Hotep, thank you for the transatlantic cheerleading, best of Ps.
Thank you Robin Wade for keeping everything together.
Thank you Juliet Lapidos for your attentive reading, especially re Aaron.
Thank you Alexandra Pringle, you are the king, the king.
Beatrice Monti della Corte Rezzori, thank you. .
Thank you for feedback and general jest, Antosca.
Pam Hirsh and Lorraine Gelsthorpe; it probably wasn’t apparent on my face at our supervisions, but I think you’re both awesome and idiosyncratic teachers. You helped me to finally find value and interest in SPS. I’ll remember that. Thank you.
Choop/Rupert Myers, re your removable E drive — I’m much obliged. Also thanks for the very sight of your Florentine jumper.
Claude Willan, shut your face and you better don’t open it again EVER (also. . um. . thank you for the support, the feedback, the sarcasm, the rallying insults).
With equal measures of love and dread, my thanks to
Alex Shilov, Ray/Rachel Douglas-Jones, Hazel Cubbage, for bringing jokery to Third Year.
Thanks and love to ’Tony Babatunde Oyeyemi.
Thanks and love to Mummy and Daddy.
All remaining thanks and love (lots!) to Mary Biola ‘We don’t pick up the phone after seven. . a.m.’ Oyeyemi.