
The fire burned bright and late in the dwelling cave that night as the homely celebration went on. A great cauldron of wood-landers stew steamed thickly, its wondrous aroma tickling the noses of all who fancied a second helping, or even a third, or in Sunflashs case, a fourth and fifth. Elmjak and old Uncle Blunn had ranged far and wide for the ingredients. Potatoes, leeks, turnips, and mushrooms had come from the farm patch, but the special touches like watershrimp, wild onion, fennel, and a delicious addition they had never seen before mat Elmjak called southbeans, had taken some finding. The babes greatly enjoyed a summercream pudding that Skarlath and Lully had concocted between them; there was nut bread and even some early strawberry cordial.

Sunflash had told the story of his dream over and over again. Tiny smiled indulgently as his friend recounted the tale once more. Sunflash ladled himself another bowl of stew, saying, “Youre laughing at me, Tiny Lingl.

The good hedgehog smiled even wider. “Nay, not laughin at you, big feller, Im laughin for you. Yore parents an grandsires, you know their names, youve seen em, you know who you are now, aye, an even where yore bound. Hoho! Salamandastron, eh, whod ave thought it?

The badgers huge paw rapped the tabletop as he repeated, “Thats what Ive been telling you, the words of the song all became clear when my mother sang mem. Arm not alas sand. So star land a mat. Sand not as alarm, And alas most ran. They are all jumbled-up forms of the word Salamandastron!

Gurmil climbed onto the table and impudently began helping himself to Sunflashs portion of summercream pudding. “Hahah! But yore mum wouldnt ave knowed the song if we adnt started singin it!

The badger stroked the soft spikes of his small friends bead. “Thats right enough, mate. I might not have recovered if it hadnt been for you young uns!

Podd licked her spoon absently. “Burr aye, zurr, best days wurk ee surrpints ever did, bitin ee!

The badger sat looking slightly puzzled, but the others fell about, laughing at the molemaids innocent remark.

Auntie Ummer waddled to her corner of the cave and sought out her gurdelstick. Old Uncle Blunn banged his beaker on the tabletop in time to the jangle, rattle, and bump of the instrument, calling, “doom on, moi ole duckyburd, give usns a tune, hurr hurr!

Nilly smiled endearingly at Blunn. “Do ee sing a song, Nunc, sing Wurpldown Dumm.

The old mole chuckled as he patted her velvety head. “Youm gotten oi twisted round yore liddle diggen claw, mis-sie. Roight ho, hurr oi go!

Old Uncle Blunn soon had them laughing at his song.

“Oh, oi knowed a mole called Wurpldown Dumm,

Ee wurr a rascal, a villyun boi gumm,

An ee ad the plumpest an fattest ole tumm,

As ever was seed in yon wuddland.

For brekkist ee eated a duzzing gurt pies,

They say that is tumm wurr as big as is eyes,

Ee kept is mouth opened so ee cudd catch flies,

Ee ett everythink in yon wuddland.

One day as ole Wurpldown Dumm lied asleep,

Ee Lord o Dark Forest came wi a gurt leap

An carried im off furrever to keep,

Ole Wurpldown in ee dark wuddland.

An all ee dead vurmints cried, Coom an see mates,

O boggle us seasons, an lackaday fates,

Yon fat mole ees eatin gurt Dark Forest gates,

O get im back up to ee wuddlands.

Ee said, Oive eated butterflies, oive eated bees,

Oive drinked lots o soups an cordials an teas,

But gates o Dark Forest tastes just loike gudd cheese,

One day oill go back to those wuddlands! “

The merriment continued with more songs and dancing until the babes fell to snoring and had to be carried off to their beds. When all was quiet, Tirry struck a more sober note, saying, “Well, Sunflash, I suppose youll be leavin us soon?

The badger nodded his great golden-striped head slowly. “Aye, Tirry, Ill be setting off an hour before dawn.

Dearie patted his paw. “Youve got to go, friend, you always knew that. Well think kindly of you an all you did for our families.

Skarlath hopped down from the ledge he always liked to perch on. “Tomorrow twill be the start of autumn days. I will stay here awhile with you and make cheeses. Though I will divide my time between sometimes flying off to watch for Swartt Sixclaw and other times keeping an eye on you, Sun-flash. So, badger, you may go with a light heart, knowing these families have a protector.

Sunflash stretched out his heavy paw, running it lightly down Skarlaths plumed back. “What creature ever deserved such a friend as you, my hawk! he said, his voice trembling audibly.

Lully threw her apron up over her face to hide her distress. “Oill make ee oop a gurt pack o vittles, zurr, ee woant be ungered on ee journey, an1 mayap twill remoind ee of usns.

She and Dearie were overcome with tears, and they hurried off. Sunflash stretched out both paws to Tiny and Bruff, and they shook firmly, blinking and nodding a lot. “Go to your beds now, said Sunflash. “I told you I wouldnt leave without saying farewell. So good-bye, Tiny Lingl, and good-bye to you, Bruff Dubbo, my very good friends.

The mole and the hedgehog wiped their eyes and went to their beds.
