A Further Episode in the Sentimental and Erotic Education of Mr. Andrew Scott
For new readers, the story so far:
The young Mr. Andrew Scott, his schooldays at Nottsgrove Academy now behind him, has moved to London and is in lodgings in Bayswater. The house is owned by a widow, Mrs. P-, a longtime friend both of Andrew's Godfather and also, as it transpires, of his old Headmaster, Dr White. Mrs. P- is a woman of refreshingly progressive views in matters sexual, believing such activities to be both natural and healthy and to be indulged in without shame with but the one caveat: that both parties should be equally willing. Her views have been long matured through her experiences in India where her acquaintance has included Mr. Richard Burton, later to find notoriety as the translator of such Eastern classics as The Perfumed Garden and the Kama Sutra. Also resident in the house are Mrs. P-s two daughters, Becky and Hannah; the first follows the vocation of nursing, the latter is a skilled artist and designer employed at Messrs Doulton's Lambeth manufactory. The household is completed by two maids, Mary and Emily. The detailed description of Andrew's ups and downs, his ins and outs in this most liberal of establishments has been set down in previous issues of the Oyster. It remains only to add that, as our story continues, Andrew has returned that very afternoon from a trip to the West Country, whence he has escorted Mrs.
P-'s Ward, Rosie who has been peremptorily expelled from her school for offences against the school rules involving her friendship with the Art Master and her growing interest in the skills of photography.
Now read on: Dinner that evening displayed Mrs. P-s household apparently in more conventional guise. Mrs. P- presided at the head of the table. Both Hannah and Becky were present and correct.
Rosie, who had been installed in one of the two guest bedrooms, had been formally introduced to the household and now took her place with a display of maidenly decorum that would have been entirely convincing to any outsider who had not before been exposed to her wayward nature.
I was at once eagerly pressed on all sides to describe everything that had taken place on my trip to Bristol. For my part I was of course careful not to describe all that had gone on. I was only too aware that while Rosie had been placed in my care by Mrs. P-, I had at certain points discharged my duties in a way that might have seen lax or even improper by conventional standards. Thus I glossed over a great deal of what had transpired on the railway journey, in particular omitting the fact that Rosie and I had enjoyed a First Class Great Western fuck all the way from Chippenham to Swindon and mentioning only, with approval, the efficiency and punctuality of the Railway Company. Rosie for her part was reticent to the point of near silence concerning the events that had led to her summary expulsion from her Academy for Young Ladies in Somerset. Nonetheless the soup course passed pleasantly enough, although without any great incident. When this had been cleared away, a fine roast joint was brought in and placed before me to carve. (Mrs. P- was quite firm in her view that, as the only man present, I should undertake this traditional male chore). As I rose, carving knife and fork in hand, and made the first incision in the mouthwatering piece of beef in front of me, I was suddenly grabbed from under the table round the ankle by what I judged to be a small but determined hand. Startled, I looked down but could see nothing since the table's edge and the overhanging table-cloth concealed all. Saying nothing, but glancing rapidly round the table to confirm that all the family were indeed in their places and that both the maids Emily and Mary were visibly going about their duties, I manfully carried on carving while the unseen hand began to stroke and explore first my ankle and then the lower part of my calf. With what I felt was a praiseworthy determination to abide by the standards of polite society, I managed to carry on with my task while at the same time continuing a light conversation as though nothing untoward was going on. Meanwhile of course my mind was racing. Was this some typically high-spirited lark by either or both of the daughters? Discreetly I looked about me. Both Hannah and Becky were already beginning to eat with their usual gusto.
I could detect nothing evasive or furtive about their expressions, no sideways glances in my direction or suppressed giggles. Mrs. P- and Rosie were engrossed in an animated conversation on the merits, or lack of them, of life in the country. All was innocence and order except for the wandering hand under the table. Then as I sat down, took up knife and fork and savoured a first delicious mouthful, the hand all at once moved lightly but speedily up my leg, along my thigh and reached into my lap. There it rested for a moment but before I had had time to do more than register and then hide my renewed surprise, it moved again. Burrowing beneath my table napkin, it felt for, found and squeezed the till-then dormant length of my virile member. Mr. Pego at once responded, quite against my wishes at that moment, and began to extend into life. 'Tell me, Andrew,' said Mrs. P-, recalling my now wildly distracted attention with a jolt to the above-table world of propriety and social graces, 'Did Colonel and Mrs. Moore have the opportunity to show you the sights of Bristol?'
Determined not to allow the increasingly strange turn of events get out of hand, so to speak, I swallowed and managed manfully to carry on a polite yet, I hoped; animated conversation. Mentioning my expedition to Clifton in the company of Rosie (but drawing a discreet veil over what had happened in the darkness of the camera obscura on the Downs. I expounded on the architectural and topographical merits of the city, gave my impression of the lively hustle and bustle in the streets that betokened its commercial vitality and embarked on what I pride myself was a not-uninteresting and well-informed dissertation on the Bristol origins of the phrase 'paying on the nail'. Mrs. P- snowed every sign of interest as I continued to inform her of the present state and past history of our premier south-western seaport.
As she plied me with questions I was thankful that the good Dr White, my Headmaster at Nottsgrove Academy, had insisted that a working knowledge of Geography and the Commercial World should be instilled into his boys. But behind my mask of calm, I was becoming more and more agitated. The hidden hand had now unbuttoned me, had reached in and exposed Mr. Pego. A shrinking embarrassment at my predicament struggled with a swelling excitement as my prick was teased and stroked into life. Soon»t was standing erect and throbbing. I leaned forward, seized by the disconcerting thought that the by now fat and dampening tip of my member might actually come poking up into sight above the table. Desperately I carried on, trying to do justice to the meal before me and to keep my conversational end up. I was uncomfortably aware that the strain of appearing normal was causing me to clench my teeth at each new caress and I could feel beads of perspiration forming on my brow. Deliberately drawing a deep breath and making a great effort to relax, I had just impaled and forked a large Brussels sprout, raising it towards my mouth, when the unseen hand struck or rather stroked again. Firm fingers wrapped themselves round the now near rigid shaft of my prick, forcing it down. There was a bumping and a boring between my thighs and the unseen hand was joined by an unseen mouth. Deliciously soft lips first kissed lightly and then opened to admit my pulsating cock. Inch by inch, I was sucked in while a probing tongue began to lick its way down the underside of my shaft and towards the very root of my straining manhood. Convulsively I bit into the still steaming hot sprout, just as my invisible attachment nipped sharply at the open-eyed head of my engorged organ. I gasped as my teeth jarred painfully on the prongs of my fork and the soft inside of my mouth was scalded by boiling hot sprout. Again I gulped and tried to swallow my mouthful as at that very moment I became aware of the first rising spasm of my cum beginning to force its way up and along my distended shaft. At once a slippery wet tongue was damped firmly down on the already weeping eye of my prick, bottling up the hot tidal gush of spunk that was now moving upwards. For an instant I could feel a bursting pressure as my love juice was damned up. Just as a gardener will place his thumb over a watering hose in order to produce a more powerful jet, so my hidden succubus was engineering a veritable gusher of cum. Ecstasy and agony were mixed and I choked on my barely-chewed and burning Brussels sprout. 'Oh, dear', said Hannah. 'Something must have gone down the wrong way.' With that she got to her feet and came round behind me to pat me on the back. As I coughed, my eyes watering and my throat on fire, I was unstoppered down below and a great geyser of cum shot uncontrollably, but safely, Thank God, into a now greedily welcoming mouth. Hannah was now banging me heartily on the back as I doubled up, spluttering and drawing in great gulps of air while I was hungrily sucked and swallowed to an unforgettable climax. Shudders ran through my whole body. Mrs. P- looked at me with evident concern. Rosie and both maids all had the same idea and poured out glasses of water, pushing them or carrying them over to me.
Wracked with pain and illicit pleasure, I waved my hands as though to say 'Just leave me alone. I'll be all right in a minute.' The last spasms of both my coming and my choking were coursing their way through my whole body. There was a momentary pause and I shuddered again as I felt at one and the same time the first blissful relief of being able once more to breathe freely along with the slow relaxing wave of sheer satisfaction at my relief down below. As I mopped my brow, Hannah ran her fingers round the inside of my collar, helping me to breathe but also allowing herself the opportunity unobtrusively to rub her splendid titties against my back. My composure was rapidly being restored and I could feel myself being licked and tidied into quiescence. The last few drops of sticky cum were expertly sucked from the now withdrawing head of my prick. Fresh air helped to reduce my member back to more manageable proportions and a more pliable condition. Hannah, with a last little squeeze to the nape of my neck, went back to her place. I was conscious of the very lightest of kisses to the very tip of Mr. Pego before he was tucked away and I was made as decent down below as I was now composed above. General conversation resumed although I now played a lesser part in the dinner table chit chat. I was tired, suddenly ravenous and had the best part of my roast beef, Yorkshire pudding and three vegetables still in front of me. As I ate I half-listened to Rosie who had now embarked on a description of the rigours of boarding-school life and a general denounciation of the educational system as it had affected her. I was left wondering Who? Who? I had looked down as unobtrusively as possible and had seen, nestling between my thighs, the top of a golden curled head as it lifted away from my still gaping flies but no recognition had dawned. Although the mystery presence had withdrawn, I knew that she was still there, hidden but close. I half-expected to feel her touch once more at any minute. Tentatively I stretched out first one leg and then the other, feeling cautiously around me as best I could, hoping that I would be able to locate the golden-haired stranger. But nothing. Although all my other appetites were either well satisfied or well on the way, my curiosity was not just aroused but aflame. Stretching a little too far under the table, I accidentally half-nudged, half-kicked Becky who was sitting at my right. She at once responded in kind and then half-turned towards me, running her tongue lingeringly over her upper lip in an unmistakable gesture of promise. Just for a moment she fingered the upper button of her bodice and looked me straight in the eye before turning back to take her part in the great debate on education that Rosie seemed to have provoked. The main course was succeeded by a tasty pudding.
The maids went deftly about their business. Mrs. P- reminisced about Colonel Moore and the interesting times they had spent together in the Orient. The question as to who exactly was hidden under the dining table was of course unanswered. Coffee was served. Then Mrs. P- rose and excused herself. 'I have some reading to do,' she said. 'I will have to leave you young people to entertain one another.' As the door closed behind her, I could contain my curiosity no more.
Speedily I bent down to look under the table. But quick as I was, my anonymous explorer had been quicker still. As I peered underneath I saw the swish and flutter of the cloth at the far end of the table as an escape was made. Hastily I withdrew my head. Too quickly, as it turned out. I caught the top of my head a nasty crack on the polished mahogany, let out a sharp cry of pain and then set there in my chair, nursing my injured head in my hands while my eyes filled with tears once more. Becky and Hannah were at my side in an instant.
'Oh, poor Andrew,' said Becky. 'What on earth is the matter with you this evening? First you choke on a vegetable and now you have banged your head.' She pressed my damaged head to her delightful bosom. Then, running her fingers through my hair, she announced that a nasty little lump was raising itself on my forehead. Under the delicious pressure of her ministrations, I was aware that a rather larger lump was pushing against the tight cloth of my trousers.
'Becky', I said, my face still buried in her embrace, 'Something very odd happened earlier in the meal. I was about to carve the joint when I was approached from under the table…' 'How strange,' said Becky, 'But do go on.' As I recounted the odd events, Hannah and Rosie gathered round me, concern growing on their faces. 'An hallucination,' said Hannah firmly. 'If it is possible to eat and talk and dream at the same time, then you have just managed it.' 'No!'
I said. 'It really did happen. See, I was sitting forward, like so…'
I recreated the scene, looking round the assembled company earnestly.
'When I felt a small hand, a feminine hand, reach out and grasp me by the ankle…' At that moment a small, feminine hand really did reach out and grasp me by the ankle. I leaped to my feet in surprise. Three alarmed faces looked into mine. 'Not another hallucination?' said Hannah. 'I… I don't know,' I spluttered wildly. The unseen hand was now tugging peremptorily at my trousers. I sat down again with a bump. Hannah and Becky reached forward and seized me by the hands. 'Calm down Andrew,' said Becky, gripping me hard round the wrist. 'Rosie, pour him out a glass of water.'
Held as in twin vices as I was, I could not free myself. The unseen hand then reinserted itself into the seat of my passions, unbuttoned me all over again, released Mr. Pego who sprang out once more. A soft, unseen mouth was clamped hungrily over the straining head of my prick and I felt a first greedy sucking. 'It's happening all over again,' I cried out, pulling at their hands to get free. 'What?' said Becky as she and Hannah resolutely resisted my struggles. 'There's someone under the table,' I said.
'Nonsense! You're imagining things. Now hold still and Rosie will massage the back of your neck,' said Becky. 'I am not,' I said while I strained to see downwards. 'I am being sucked off under the table by a complete stranger!' 'Such language!' said Becky. 'That is not a polite expression to use before three young ladies.'
'But it is true!' I yelled out despairingly. The warm, loving mouth was now softly moving further and further up the distended length of my prick. Once again an eager tongue was licking delicately at the very tip of my member. 'Close your eyes,' said Becky. 'Take a deep breath. Rosie, sponge his forehead. Andrew is clearly suffering the most terrible pangs.' Now I felt a gentle tickling as an unseen hand began to play lightly over my aching balls.
I squeezed my eyes shut and wondered if I was going mad. I must have groaned out loud for suddenly Hannah burst out laughing. 'We have teased him too much,' she said. All three released me and I rocked back on my chair, desperate to uncover what was going on.
There, nestling between my thighs was the same golden head that I had glimpsed earlier in the meal. Then, with one quick little nip, the mouth was withdrawn and the sweetest, most adorable little face was turned up to look me full in the eyes. Starting backwards, I over-balanced on my chair. Flailing my arms I fell over. Rosie and Hannah jumped forward and just caught me before I measured my full length on the carpet. Pushing the chair Upright, they allowed me to leap to my feet. Crouched before me a complete stranger. I barely had the time to register that this was a quite delectable creature, when she rose to her feet, smoothing down her dress and holding out her hand. 'Andrew,' said Becky, 'This is Gwendolen Bunbury. A cousin.' 'The Honourable Gwendolen Bunbury, to be precise,' said Hannah. 'Had you been looking out of the window at the right time on your journey from Bristol, you would have seen on the horizon the distant outline of her family seat in Berkshire.' 'Miss Bunbury,'
I said, struggling to regain my composure but uncomfortably aware that the decorum of the occasion was marred by the fact that Mr. Pego was sticking out of my trousers and was drawn up rigidly to attention and in full view. 'Mr. Scott,' she replied, 'It is a great pleasure…' With that, she dropped a greatly exaggerated curtsy and once more took the tip of my member in her mouth.' 'Do you come from these parts?' she said, looking up at me. By now Hannah, Becky and Rosie were all in uncontrollable fits of laughter.
Tears were flowing down their cheeks and they were holding on to each other, almost helpless in their mirth. 'This is your Welcome Home present,' said Hannah. 'Gwendolen is in Town after a long sojourn in the country and Becky and I thought that the two of you should meet.
You in turn are Gwendolen's Welcome to London present.' 'But presents,' said Rosie, 'That I hope we can all share in.' 'It was Hannah's idea in fact,' said Becky. 'She thought that it would relieve the possible tedium of the dinner-table conversation. You are inclined, Andrew, to hold forth somewhat and we guessed that we might be subjected to a dissertation on the history and economy of Bristol.
Poor Mama did very well in plying you with the right questions. You should have seen your face when Gwendolen started her ministrations on you. You went all flushed and for a moment I thought you were quite going to lose the thread of your argument.' 'This has all been very unfair,' I said. 'Do you not like having your cock licked into action by a young lady? she said. 'Especially one as pretty as Gwendolen here.' 'Of course I do,' I expostulated. 'But not while I'm eating roast beef and three vegetables. And trying to carry on a normal conversation.' 'Think of poor Gwendolen,' answered Becky. 'At least you got something to eat. She must be positively starved.' 'I did in fact have a little to eat,' said Gwendolen.
She licked her lips. 'And very satisfying it was.' She grasped my prick firmly in her hand. 'But I confess I am still a little hungry.'
'Very nicely said,' replied Becky. 'But we have saved some food for you. Andrew is not the only one who must keep his strength up!
She rang and Emily the maid came in. 'Emily, can you fetch something for my cousin to eat,' she said. Emily bobbed a curtsy but then clapped her hand to her mouth. She went very pink and I realised that my member was still exposed. 'I'm sorry,' I said.
'I had quite forgotten…' 'Which, I suspect, is more than Emily has,' said Becky. 'We all here have the clearest, fondest memories of him. But for the moment, I suggest you put him away or you might catch a cold.' 'Here, let me,' said Hannah, as I began to fumble with my fly. 'You're all fingers and thumbs.' 'I am a little flustered, I must confess,' I said with relief as she busied herself.
Soon all was proper again and as Gwendolen ate, the others explained in greater detail all the connections between them. Rosie could remember her very well at school although Gwendolen had been as she explained, 'One of the big girls.' 'How I envied you,' she said.
'You and Cecily… Cecily…' 'Cardew,' said Gwendolen. 'My dearest friend in the whole school.' 'All the younger girls had such a crush on the two of you. We used to loiter, quite against school rules, in the corridors, hoping that you would notice us.' 'You were noticed, Rosie,' said Gwendolen. 'And I am very, very happy to see you again. But I understand that you have recently left Miss Bradshaw's under something of a cloud, and rumour has it that there was an incident involving the Art Master.' So the whole story of Rosie's sudden departure came out. When she got to the point where she was revealing her new interest in photography, I saw Becky and Hannah exchange meaningful glances. By now I knew them well enough to realise that an idea had crossed both their minds and that they would soon be hatching another of their plots. 'A group photograph,' said Becky after a moment's thought. 'Since you have a whole trunk full of photographic equipment up in your room, we must get everything cleared away just as soon as Gwendolen has finished eating.' 'What about the exposure,* I chipped in, rather cleverly I considered. 'Your jokes get worse and worse,' said Hannah. 'But you do have a point. Rosie have you the technical knowledge to do justice to your subject? We want two group studies. One with and one without.' 'One with and one without what?' I asked. 'With clothes and without clothes.' she answered. 'One that can be openly displayed and sent round to all our relatives. And one that will be kept private, restricted only to those of us here. And maybe sent privately to one or two carefully picked friends.' 'I have a better idea,' said Becky. 'It will take some time for Rosie to set up her equipment. I shall send an urgent message by cab to Catherine, asking her to come round immediately if she can. She might even be able to find the Scottish contingent.' 'Ian and Donald,' I said.
'It would be splendid if they could join in the fun. And I had the most warm, loving note from Kate on my return this afternoon.' So it was decided. A note was written and despatched. Rosie summoned me to help her unpack. Gwendolen volunteered to come with us. She squeezed my arm affectionately as we went upstairs. 'I hope you are not angry with me,' she said. 'I hope that when the photography is finished we can get down to the serious business of fucking. I have seen enough of you to know that I should like that very much.'
How could I refuse such an enticing offer? I hugged her to me.
'I'd like that very much as well,' I answered. Rosie, who was a step or two ahead of us, turned. 'What about me?' she said sweetly.
'Can I join in?' 'Of course, Rosie dear,' said Gwendolen. 'This will be quite an old school reunion.' That first photographic adventure was unlike anything that I had previously experienced. I had before been into a studio on two or three occasions. Formal portraits of my family had been taken. I had featured, two or three rows back, in a school photograph. I was accustomed to the slow deliberate proceedings as the photographer ordered his subjects, arranged his backgrounds, then buried his head under a black cloth. I knew how to pose motionless, staring at the camera. But to sit or stand, leaning on a classically styled pillar was one thing. To hold oneself immobile with one's virile member poking unmoving at the tender entrance to a generously spread cunney is a different matter. Rosie was a paragon of brisk efficiency. As we helped her place the camera on its tripod, as she squinted though the viewing window, ordering us to close up or rearrange our groupings, she gave us a short explanation of the technicalities and the history of the craft. We started with one or two more ordinary exposures, fully clothed. Catherine and the Fergusons brothers had not yet arrived although we had received a message that all three would present later on. Meanwhile Rosie was getting a little bored with the unrelieved decency of the proceedings.
'Andrew,' she said all of a sudden, 'I would like you to sit between Hannah and Becky. Gwendolen, would you sit on the carpet at their feet.' She looked carefully at us. 'Not very interesting. I have an idea. Andrew, would you take off all your clothes!' 'Just me?'
I said. 'Just you for the moment,' she replied. 'This seems somewhat unfair,' I said. 'Hannah, Becky!' she called. 'Andrew is being stuffy about this. I think you should help him out of his things.' Before I could protest any further, hands were reaching out. Gwendolen had untied my shoelaces and slipped my shoes and then socks off my feet while jacket, waistcoat, shirt and vest were peeled and pulled off me. Rosie stepped forward and appropriated to herself the job of removing my trousers. As Mr. Pego was all at once exposed to public view, I was suddenly somewhat bashful. I crossed my hands in front of him. Gwendolen reached up from the floor and gently placed her hands on mine. 'Don't deny us the finest sight of the evening,' she said as she slowly pulled my wrists apart. Just as she did so, I felt a finger from behind. Whether it was Becky or Hannah I could not tell. As the cheeks of my bottom were parted, the finger was slipped gently but firmly into my back passage. With a jump, Mr. Pego shot upright. Gwendolen and Rosie both gave a little cheer.
'Quick, sit down!' ordered Rosie. The rest of you, get into position.' Hannah sat to my right. Becky to my left. Gwendolen arranged herself cross-legged at my feet. 'Gwendolen! He's beginning to flag,' said Rosie. Gwendolen turned and stuck out her tongue, letting it play on the tip of my cock. It responded immediately. Then she traced out the line of the blue vein along the top until her hand came to rest at its root. She gave a short squeeze.
'That's it,' said Rosie. 'Cup your hand under his balls. Now, keep very still everyone.' There was a flash of burning powder.
The light seemed to fill the room. I heard the shutter click. Everyone held their breath while Gwendolen held my throbbing prick.
'Wonderful,' said Rosie. 'Now I want everything reversed. Andrew, back into your clothes. Girls, off with yours'!' Grumbling, I struggled back into my clothes. Mr. Pego was by now most unwilling to lie down again and as I tried to force him back inside my trousers, the other three began to undress. At this Mr. Pego became even more unwilling to bend to my will. Meanwhile before my enthralled eyes first Hannah's and then Becky's luscious titties were bared. Next their lovely rounded bottoms were revealed. Lastly I saw with rising excitement their dark and densely furred pussies. By now I was getting quite distressed with my unrelieved need to slip my prick into one of those welcoming quims. 'Andrew,' said Becky, 'I have a slight tickle. Here,' she said, taking my hand and placing it on her bush.
I felt its warmth and then the sudden yielding of her cunt lips as that first slick of wetness lubricated my finger. 'Just a little rub,' she said. 'And a little more.' She sighed. 'Not yet,' said Rosie like some school ma'am. 'That comes later!'
Gwendolen, who had once again closed her hand gently over the engorged length of my cock, paused. 'What about you, Rosie dear?' she said. 'I am certain it would put us all more at ease if you were to appear in the same state of Nature.' Hannah at once went across to help her before she could demur. Gwendolen had in the meantime handed me over to Hannah while she also began to divest herself of all her clothing. Quivering, my hand still engaged with Becky's quim, I saw the full golden beauty of Gwendolen brought to light. What a mouth-watering contrast was there. The dark swelling mounds of Becky's and Hannah's pussies were contrasted with the fair silky down of Gwendolen's. Rosie's girlish, brown-haired beauty that I had examined so memorably on the train to Paddington was bared in turn. I was surrounded by the most welcoming but varied array of cunneys that any man could imagine even in his wildest dreams.
But Rosie was a hard taskmaster. I was forced back into my clothes and made to sit upright between the now naked Hannah and Becky. Looking down at Gwendolen I could see past the golden curls of her hair to her quite outstanding titties and then down again to the half-hidden promise of her pubic treasure. Rosie, naked also, retired behind her camera. 'Smile', she said. We all smiled except I suspect my smile was more like a grimace as I held myself desperately in check, aware of the warmth rising from the eager bodies that surrounded me. Then, just as Rosie bent to her camera, there was a soft knock at the door and Emily slipped in. She paused at the unusual display that met her startled eyes, then pulling herself together said 'Miss Catherine Ferguson and her Cousins have called.'
At once there was a bustle of activity. Hannah and Becky rose to meet their guests. Rosie, a little uncertain of herself now that strangers were arriving, contrived to hide most of herself behind her photographic equipment. Gwendolen stayed exactly where she was, cross-legged on the floor. Catherine, elegant as ever, swept into the room, closely followed by Ian and Donald. With a social poise that I could only admire, she did not hesitate in her stride but embraced first the naked Hannah and then Becky warmly. Without blinking an eyelid, she then turned and gravely offered me her hand. 'I am happy to see you again so soon, Andrew,' she said. 'I hope you got my note.' 'Indeed yes,' I replied. 'It was waiting for me on my return from the West Country.' Ian and Donald has been less successful at concealing their amazement at being so ushered into a room full of the most delicious bevy of undressed feminine beauty.
They stopped dead in their tracks. They gulped in unison. Their eyes quite started from their heads. Then as Becky and Hannah went across to embrace them also, broad grins broke out on their faces. As each was hugged to a naked bosom, I saw both Becky and Hannah, as if each could read the other's thoughts, reach out a discreet hand and reach under their kilts. Both were drawn forward.. 'Gwendolen, Rosie.
May I introduce you to three very dear friends. Miss Catherine Ferguson and Mr. Ian and Mr. Donald Ferguson.' Rosie, shyly came forward. Gwendolen rose with a lithe grace from her seated position.
Ian and Donald gasped at this sudden vision of golden haired loveliness. 'I am delighted to… to…' stammered Donald.
'To be at my service?' asked Gwendolen with a tantalising smile.
'Yes… Yes… To be…' stuttered Donald. 'I hope you can both recover your composure sufficiently to join in the fucking that is about to take place,' said Becky. 'But first, Rosie here is going to take all our photographs. Oh,' she went on, 'How rude of me. Rosie, there is no need to hide yourself away like that. I hope that you are going to take a full part in the events of the evening.' Rosie allowed herself to be led forward and introduced. 'I hope that before long all our parts will be full,' said Hannah. 'I can see already that your Highland Things are showing a considerable interest in what is spread before them.' I realised that mine was not the only cock that was bursting with life and a straining desire to find its way into one or more of the inviting treasure caves that surrounded us. Ian and Donald rapidly tore off their kilts, sporrans and bonnets. As their erect pricks sprang into general view, Becky took one in each hand. 'The staff of life,' she said. 'Two staffs to be accurate.' Rosie laughed, quite put at her ease by Becky's merry conceit. Catherine clung to me and whispered in my ear.'
'Let us be different,' she said. 'For a few moments let us remain fully dressed. At least until the photography is over. Then, Andrew, I want you to undress me. Slowly. I want to savour for a moment or two longer the thought that your prick will soon be sliding deep into me.'
Now it was my turn to gulp and try to keep myself under control.
I tried manfully to think of anything other than the welcoming hunger of the cunt that I knew awaited me under that cool exterior. 'A slow fuck. A little time taken. That is what I need. But a very thorough fuck. A whole evening of fucking. Under all this clothing, she went on, I am already quite moist with expectation.' I looked round the room. Gwendolen, very sweetly, was stroking Rosie and reassuring her. 'You're trembling a little,' she said. 'Oh, Gwendolen,' Rosie replied. 'I am indeed. This is very forward of me.
When one is fresh from the schoolroom, it is so exciting to see not one but three such lovely big Things displayed before one.'
Gwendolen took Rosie's hand and placed it on her own blonde haired pussey. Then she drew a delicate finger along the cleft of Rosie's brown haired cunney. 'See,' she said, 'We are both the same. Both wet with the thought of what is to come.' Rosie kissed her gratefully. 'How nice you are,' she said. 'I know that I am going to enjoy this.' Suddenly there was an abrupt shriek of delight. I looked round. Two of our party had not been able to wait until the photography was over. Becky was bent forward while behind her Ian had sunk his shaft right up to the hilt in her generously displayed cunt. 'That's it,' she cried out. 'I want it right in.
I want to feel all of it right up inside me. I need to be fucked fast.
Now.' Ian needed no urging. Spreading her legs even wider open with his thumbs, he plunged again, and again into her. She staggered under the impact of his mighty thrusting but still cried out for more.
Ian rose manfully to the occasion, driving her on and on until she was beside herself with ecstacy. Surely Becky and her sister must be unrivalled in their sheer prick-hunger! Hannah meanwhile was standing before Donald, squeezing and offering her magnificent breasts to him. Naked but for his argyle socks and sturdy brogues, he gasped in amazement. As he bent to suck hungrily at her dark, swollen nipples, she clutched him by the cheeks of his bum and commenced to rub herself against him. Rosie, for her part, was now staring unashamedly at the activity. As she stood there, Gwendolen had crouched down before her and I saw her tongue bury itself deep in Rosie's young quim. Rosie began to tremble quite uncontrollably, instinctively opening herself up to Gwendolen's mouth. Becky's first coming was upon her. She was kneeling down on all fours, her bum raised, perspiration covering the flush that was spreading over her whole body. God knows what Gaelic oaths were being forced from Ian as she cried out and great shudders of desire shook her. Then her cries reached a crescendo of pleasure and the first fuck of the evening reached its climax. But now Catherine regained my attention. With an insistent hand on my prick, she led me over to a corner of the room. Enough of this watching,' she said. 'The time has come for us to begin that slow fuck that I need.' Another memorable evening in Mrs. P-'s establishment was well under way. [To be continued] A Letter to the Editor of The Oyster from Lady Louise Kitely-Brown 15th June, 1891 Sir, I am sure your esteemed readers will be fascinated to know of a most interesting and enjoyable experiment in which I took part last week with my good friends Doctor Jonathan Arkley and the Honourable Noreen Ravenswhite.
Both Noreen and I are twenty one years of age and though not entirely unschooled in l'arte de faire l'amour we are neither of us as sophisticated in such matters as the good doctor who is of course somewhat older and who is known to you and many members of Society as one of the great fuckers of our times. We had dined at Jonathan's house and fired by the warmth of the glorious summer evening and the fine champagne we had quaffed in abundance, it was perhaps not entirely surprising that we found ourselves in Jonathan's large bed.
We were all quite naked and enjoying a delicious three-way kiss; pressing our lips together and wriggling our tongues around in each other's mouths. Jonathan then turned to me and said: 'Louise, my dear, I have the strongest fancy to see you kiss Noreen's pussey.
Would you humour me and go down upon her. Noreen will have no objection, will you my sweet?' 'Far from it,' laughed the pretty girl, 'I do so enjoy having my cunt sucked off that I don't care who does it. Indeed, in my experience, girls know how to tickle my clitty far more effectively than boys!' I was more than willing to oblige especially after Noreen's agreement. It felt a little strange at first as although I had been in bed with other girls before, we had never made love together in the presence of a man. But I did enjoy the thought of making love to this cheeky young girl who lay in her proud naked glory at my side. She was certainly a beauty with large snowy bosoms, well separated, each looking a little away from the other, each perfectly proportioned and tapering in perfect curves until they came to two rosebud points. Her belly, smooth, broad and dimpled in the centre with a sweet little button, was like a perfect plain of whiteness which appeared the more dazzling from the thick growth of dark black hair which curled in rich locks in the triangle between her legs. Jonathan quickly pressed my head down onto Noreen's gloriously large breasts and the lovely girl sighed with delight as I moved my tongue from one bubbie to the other, twirling my tongue around her erect little red nipples. At first she lay passively but then with a cry she put her arms round me, holding her soft body to me as I continued my nibbling and sucking of her titties which were by now like little red stalks as I teased and suckled them up to new heights. Now I let my tongue travel the length of her velvety body, lingering briefly at her belly button before sliding down to her thighs. Her skin was so soft and smelled so clean that this was a real pleasure and I felt my own motte beginning to dampen. The gorgeous girl whimpered as I pulled her long white legs apart and nuzzled my full lips around her curly dark bush. My own hands clamped around her firm bum cheeks as my tongue flashed unerringly around the damp pubic hair and her pussey seemed to open wide as she lifted her bottom which enabled me to slip my tongue through the pink lips, licking between the groves of her clitty in long thrusting strokes.
With a groan of ecstacy, I lost myself in her delicious cunt, licking and lapping the sweet juices of her honey pot. 'Ah, that is heavenly!' she gasped. 'More! More! Oh, Louise my darling, you are making me spend!' My tongue was now revelling in her sopping muff, out of which her clitty was now protruding between the pouting lips. I took her clitty in my mouth, rolling my tongue all round it as Noreen quivered all over and began jerking her body all over the bed. It was hard for me to keep my tongue on her clitty as her legs tightened around my head. Then she arched her back and with a second all over shudder she screamed: 'Oh! Oh! Oh! There, there, suck my juices, Louise, oh, that's just divine!' I worked my tongue until my jaw ached sucking up her love juice as the lovely girl again heaved violently and managed to achieve a tremendous orgasm. Noreen sank back exhausted but my blood was up and I was delighted to see that our little tribadistic encounter had excited Jonathan whose sinewy, stiff cock was now rock-hard. He frigged himself up to a gigantic erection but I had no intention of letting him waste his spunk by himself. I moved his hands away and took this monster cock in my own hands, peeling back the foreskin and running my tongue in the sensitive groove under the red, mushroom knob. Jonathan groaned with pleasure as I leaned forward and took the dome shaped helmet between my lips, jamming down his foreskin and lashing my tongue around the rigid shaft. Then I sucked hard, taking at least half his shaft into my mouth until I could take no more. I sucked firmly, sliding my lips up and down the rock-hard shaft, gulping noisily as the head of his grand prick slid along the roof of my mouth to the back of my throat.
His cock was now throbbing furiously and I knew that soon he would be spending. I continued to gobble the pulsating tool as the rogue cupped my breasts in his hands, deftly flicking my titties with his fingernails. I began to give him sharp little licks on his swollen rod followed by a series of quick kisses up and down the stem, encompassing his hairy balls, thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth with a quickening rhythm, deep into my throat and then out again with my pink little tongue licking at the tip at the end of each stroke, lapping up the drops of creamy white fluid that were beginning to ooze out of the tiny eye at the top of his knob. As soon as I felt he was on the verge of spending, I made ready to swallow his love juice. Jonathan thrust upwards and his cock shuddered violently between my lips and then in one long spasm he emptied his balls, first a few early shoots and then woosh! My mouth was filled with juicy, foam as his cock gushed almost uncontrollably as I held it lightly between my teeth. I let the sweet juices run down my throat as I washed his now spongy knob with my tongue and then, very gradually, I allowed the wet shaft to slide free. Now it was Jonathan's turn to sink back gracefully next to Noreen-but still here was I, instigator of their bliss still unsatisfied myself! This was quite unfair and I had no hesitation in telling them so! 'We are well rebuked,' cried Noreen, 'and you certainly deserve a beautiful fuck, Louise. Now, how shall it be, by cock or by tongue? The choice is yours.' 'Perhaps by both,' I replied gaily, 'although I would not want either of my dear friends to think me greedy.' My two dear friends insisted that I deserved the fullest attention. Jonathan disengaged himself and stood by the side of the bed, allowing me to admire his magnificent nakedness, his wide chest, his flat belly and his enormous cock that stood up so excitingly from its thickest of pubic hair. Yet how could I neglect the sweet Noreen who lay stretched out besides me, her hands jiggling her firm, uptilted breasts in such an exciting fashion? I lay down beside her and leaning over, kissed her upright little nipples, flicking them up to a fine state of erection as I lay on top of her. Gently, the dear girl caressed my buttocks and pushed me onto my back as she now took over as mistress of the revels. I spread my legs as Noreen bent down in front of me and began kissing my pussey. Instinctively, I opened my legs to make my wet, swollen cunney lips more accessible arid Noreen paused for a moment to savour the musky aroma before quickly kissing my pink pussey lips which were aching to be opened by her questing tongue.
Lovingly, she began to eat me, forcing her tongue deep into my juicy love-channel, sliding up and down my crack until I screamed with pleasure as she found my engorged clitty. I tried hard to keep still so that Noreen could suck my clitty but she had a difficulty staying with me as I rubbed myself off to a delicious spend against her mouth.
Now it was my turn to take a more positive role so we changed positions. Now it was Noreen flat on her back with her head still clamped between my legs, eagerly lapping up my cunt-juice as I returned the compliment, placing my knees either side of her beautiful breasts and leaning forward to nuzzle my own head between her legs.
This left me sitting on Noreen's face which enabled her to continue pushing her pretty face deep into my crotch, kissing and sucking until I could feel the moisture fairly dripping down the inside of my thighs. Naughty, but nice! Doctor Jonathan was so taken by this action that he positioned himself behind me and after anointing his huge tool with pomade positioned his cock between my bum cheeks. I raised my backside in the air, opening my legs slightly so that he could guide the tip of his cock into my bum-hole. At first I felt some discomfort as his cock penetrated my bum-hole but then it felt quite delicious as he started pumping into me with swinging thrusts and my arse arched up and down to receive his delicious rod. We rolled about happily, the three of us, we two girls sucking each other's cunts and Jonathan fucking my bottom so stylishly. I could feel his build-up coming as his big balls slapped against the back of my legs. As his climax juddered to boiling-point, I felt the throb of liquid fire rage inside me with every throb of that divine cock as his creamy froth spurted inside me just as my saturated clitty sent jets of spend into Noreen's wet mouth. We continued our threesome for some time afterwards. Noreen and I sucked off our mutual man. We both nibbled and licked at his stiff, pulsating cock but I could not contain myself with an hors d'oevres so I brought his mushroomed knob to my salivating lips and tongued the dome, tasting his salty juices. I then grabbed his shaft with both hands and hungrily stuffed it into my mouth as far as I could. He pumped further and further down my throat until I felt that he was again ready to spend and whilst I have no objection whatsoever to swallowing spunk, I had a fancy for Jonathan to fuck my cunney. I pulled his prick from out of my mouth but it was now too late. The juices were oozing from out of the tip which I lapped up instantly and then the first creamy jet of sperm came hurtling out of his prick. The first jet hit me on the right cheek but I hastily sucked on the jerking shaft, enabling me to gobble up as best I could the jets of frothy white spunk. As his spurting knob rested on my tongue, I swallowed quickly to keep pace with him. Then, as his spend passed its peak, I took his whole cock back into my mouth and sucked for all I was worth to extract the very last drops of love-juice from his twitching prick. We lay silent for a spell and I declare that we would have been happy to stay together all night but Noreen and I could not afford the chance of being discovered with the good doctor in the morning so reluctantly, we decided to take our farewells at about half past midnight. Before we left, however, Johnny made us all some coffee and Noreen brought up a most interesting matter into the conversation which I feel is well worth relating here. 'My good friend Caroline Seale has a problem, Jonathan,' said Noreen, 'I think you have met her at one of Sir Andrew Stuck's parties. She is a very pretty girl and not averse to a little nookie.' 'You are being too kind,' I murmured somewhat unkindly, 'It is well known around Chelsea that she fucks like the proverbial rattlesnake as our American cousins are wont to say.' 'A curious analogy,' mused Jonathan, for as far as I know, the rattlesnake has a somewhat quiet sexual life.' 'Never mind all that,' said Noreen with some impatience, 'The simple fact of the matter is that she is conducting a discreet little affair with Sir Andrew whilst his other amorata, Mrs. John Paterson-Thyme, is out of town. 'Her problem is that Sir Andrew enjoys oral sexual activity and Caroline is unschooled in the art. Furthermore, despite his urgent pressing of the matter, she has confided in me that she really does not want to learn the art of fellatio. Surprising though it may sound to either of you, she recoils at the idea of taking a cock in her mouth. Yet she longs to please him and make him happy but the thought of pleasing him in this way is to her, well, horrid. So we have an impasse, Jonathan.
What do you suggest? Or indeed, Louise, perhaps you have an answer to this dreadful situation.' 'A lot of her problem is probably based on ignorance,' said Jonathan, stroking his chin. 'You would be surprised how many girls are kept unaware of the pleasures of sucking a thick prick or having their pussies licked out-or if such ideas are even obliquely mentioned, they would be banished by friends in whom they have confided. Why, one girl who came to me with a not dissimilar problem even thought such activity was illegal! 'My own opinion is, as you know, that when two people love each other, almost nothing they do in private should be considered wrong or harmful. As my old friend Mrs. Patrick Campbell has said: “All I ask is that they do not do it in the street and frighten the horses.' 'But any activity that for whatever reason is repugnant to one partner could become physically or psychologically harmful and no-one should be pressured to perform bedroom antics that make them feel uneasy. 'Yes, I do remember Caroline who seemed like a very nice girl to me. I am sure that she longs to give Andrew sexual bliss but if she just cannot bring herself to suck his prick then alas, both must simply find more compatible sexual partners. There's no magic cure, I'm afraid, Noreen, though you might like to tell Caroline that she should at least try her hand, or rather her tongue I should say, for I believe you should try everything once!' 'She will take your advice, I think,' said Noreen, 'for I know how much she values your opinion. Meanwhile, let me pay you a medical fee in kind!' She kneeled down in front of Jonathan and opened his robe, taking his shaft in her hands. His hands pressed down upon her head as if he wanted to force her head into his crotch but he didn't need to do so as she was more than willing. She licked the pubic hair that encompassed his stiffening cock and heavy balls and then she began to move her face slowly, enjoying to the full the sensation of feeling his cock hard and erect against her soft cheek. Now Noreen made strands of her hair and made a web round the shaft, stroking it slowly, feeling it throb and grow even harder as she touched him. Noreen moved her head across the red helmet of the handsome young doctor's knob and kissed the top which was already oozing drops of moisture. Then her tongue encircled his knob, savouring the juices as she drew him in between her rich, generous lips, sucking lustily as Jonathan instinctively began to push forwards and backwards as her warm hands played with his hairy, hanging balls.
She sucked happily away at her lollipop and Jonathan bucked wildly as his huge cock slurped in and out of her hungry mouth. He gasped: 'I'm spending, I'm spending, I cannot hold it!' and Noreen began to swallow in anticipation. She was proved to be right as Jonathan sent spurts of white frothy cum crashing into her throat. She sucked and nibbled greedily, milking his trembling cock of every last drop of love-juice. 'Ah, Jonathan, I do enjoy sucking a nice thick cock like yours,' Noreen said with a smile. 'Caroline may not enjoy it but I could happily suck your cock for hours. It never lasts that long of course and like all you men you squirt off in just a few minutes.' 'I've heard it said that General Aspis, the Belgian Charge d'Affaires can keep going for half an hour,” I interrupted.
'That's probably just a rumour,' said Noreen. 'Anyhow, I just adore sucking and swallowing for nothing tastes so clean and fine. And there is the additional benefit of knowing that I can enjoy myself without getting in the family way!' 'So very true,' added Doctor Jonathan, 'but I hope you and Louise realise that whatever tricks you get up to in bed, the essential core of enjoyment lies in choosing an understanding and tender partner.' With these wise words ringing in ours ears, we went home. Although Noreen was staying the rest of the night with me, we were back well after the time we had promised my Uncle Stanley. Fortunately, he had gone to sleep and Baigue the butler was not averse at telling the occasional white lie to my Uncle for the not unreasonable price of half a sovereign so Noreen and I went unpunished for our escapade. Hastening to our beds, completely worn out by our interesting little sexual experiments, we fell into a delicious sleep from which it was almost eleven o'clock before we awoke. A final thought, Sir, before I end this letter; all animals copulate but only the human species is capable of extending a physical need into an act of love. This ability to combine sex with passion sets us aside from other animals though it is surely an unfortunate fact that far too few people recognise and develop this unique talent with which we are all blessed. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, Louise Kitely-Brown Allum House 26 Piccadilly London, W.