know how to find you, don't know where you are.
There is a silence, but finally Colonel Cage responds, an obvious knot in his
They're in trouble? The Army had facilities! They
said . . they told us that . . that ..
Outside the dome city entrance, Colonel Cage is taking his leave, saying good-
by to Jonah. They stand in front of the dome entry, at the end of the long
igloo style tunnel that acts as a weather shield before the sliding doors at
the edge of the dome itself.
I've got to try, even if I die trying. I have no idea
if these maps are any good anymore, it's 200 miles
away as the crow flies, and God knows if I'll make it
or what I'll find.
Colonel Cage is traveling light, holding a black cloth satchel that he slings
over his shoulder as he turns and walks into the woods.
A tall gray Zeta comes forward into view, moving up to be shoulder to shoulder
with Jonah. Jonah is still watching the Colonel disappear into the woods.
He's going to need help.
The Zeta puts his hand momentarily on Jonah's shoulder, then heads off after
Colonel Cage.
Colonel Cage is walking along the outskirts of what used to be a mid-sized
city. He is traveling at night, for safety, his body standing out briefly in
profile against a flaming pile of trash that someone has pulled together and
lit. Broken boards stick up now and then, hazards, and tumbled down cement
blocks litter the streets as he picks his way though the rubble. There are
shouts in the distance, and what sound like hysterical laughter now and then.
Past the city now, and traveling by day, Colonel Cage is standing at the edge
of a rip in the earth. Foot hills leading down into a river valley have been
torn apart, bare earth exposed in stark contrast to the trees or fields on
either side. He stands gazing over the scene, a slight frown on this face,
and then reaches into his back pocket for a map, which he flips through,
looking increasingly puzzled. He finally shakes his head and mutters under
his breath.
If that's the river, then I made 150 miles in one day!
He returns the map to his back pocket, leans down for his satchel, and strides
off down along the edge of the rip toward the river.
It is night time, the rain pouring steadily, drenching everything. It is so
dark, with only an occasional dim edge outlined in the dark, that it takes a
minute for us to see Colonel Cage's features as he stands in the rain. Peering
through the dark, Colonel Cage must squint for several minutes to see an
occasional outline in the dark. Progress has been slow, along the last leg of
his journey, but he is recognizing landmarks, so very near home at last. He
is still, staring into the broken windows of what used to be his house.
Nothing moves, and there are no lights or sounds. He hears a young boy's voice
behind him.
Colonel Cage turns so rapidly he is almost a blur, as he sweeps the boy into
his arms. After a long silent bear hug, during which the two of them seem
unable to let go of each other, the Colonel sets the boy down, his voice
Where's your mother and John?
The boy says,
They're all right, come on.
Excitement and eagerness are in his voice as he takes his dad by the hand.
They stumble off into the dark, Colonel Cage stumbling after his young son,
both walking too fast for the circumstances, but too eager to get where
they're going to care.
Next day the four-some are walking cautiously along a tree bank. All are
dressed in dull clothing that blends in with the soggy dark green and mustard
yellow of the vegetation, and when out in the open crouch down and scuttle
across the open space, so as not to attract attention from anyone who might be
looking. Colonel Cage is visibly nervous, but is not sharing with his family
the reasons for his fear. They hear voices, and he signals all to drop to the
ground and not make a sound. The Colonel's face is pale and he is trembling,
showing his extreme fear that his family will be tortured and killed, as he
has seen done to others. He has his youngest, John, beside him, and has his
hand over his mouth, is signaling his wife and oldest son with his eyes as to
the seriousness of the situation.
A group of men is passing, talking and arguing among themselves. A voice
rings out almost on top of where the family is crouched, joining in the
conversation without missing a beat. The terrified family hears a zipper
unzip, then someone pissing, then hear the sound of a fly being re-zipped. The
one who just relieved himself walks right past the youngest boy as though not
seeing him, rejoining the others. The other looks his way also, and seems not
to see the family, plastered against the ground right between them, holding
their breath.
As they walk on they are watched by a tall Zeta standing next to a tree, his
arms folded across his chest. The family remains still until no voices can be
heard. Colonel Cage lifts his head slightly and casts his eyes all around, and
seeing nothing, warns in a whisper.
Follow me, but as quiet as you can.
He moves slowly so as not to snap a twig, picking up speed only when they get
to a grassy area along a creek where the sound of running water covers the
swishing of their legs against the grass.
When Colonel Cage can look in all directions and see the coast is clear, he
breaths a sigh of relieve.
I don't know why they didn't see us. They were right
on top of us, the oddest thing.
He's shaking his head, a slight frown on his head, but a realization dawns on
him as he puts together the fast trip he's had and this incident. He mutters
to himself.
It's them.
His oldest son is looking at him with a puzzled look, but gets no explanation.
A patch of cat tails is in a marshy area abutting a stream. There are woods in
the backdrop. The cat tails are several feet thick, growing where the water is
only a foot or less deep, their brown seed pods not yet mature so the seeds
have not yet been released. One of the pod stalks starts wigging back and
forth, and then drops straight down.
A frog is sitting on a rock amidst the cattail patch. A sharpened stick comes
zinging out from the cattail patch, toward the side of the frog. The frog
The pot has a lid on it and is jiggling as the water inside is boiling
furiously. A frog leg can be seen sticking out of the pot, the foot and part
of the leg visible. A cattail leaf is also sticking out, plastered against the
side of the small pot.
I know it’s tough. Eat as much of it as you can.
The family is squatting around the boiling pot, the youngest son looking
unconvinced. They are very dirty from days on the road without baths or clean
clothes. Colonel Cage’s wife’s hair is tangled with small sticks caught in the
tangle here and there. She is smiling at her husband with unabashed
We’re going to be taking the leftovers with us, so
don’t expect anything better for awhile. This will
keep you going.
The youngest son, looking a bit despondent, puts a cattail seed pod to his
mouth, like a corn dog, and takes a munch. Finding the taste tolerable, his
face relaxes and he starts eating with gusto.
Colonel Cage and his wife and sons are walking in through the entry of the
dome city, wet and looking tired but obviously deeply happy. Danny, having a
morning cup of coffee with Red, splashes hot coffee on himself by jerking his
cup at seeing the family, trying to raise his hand up to point while still
holding the cup. He's choking on his coffee as he talks through coughs.
Its them! They made it! Damn if they didn't make it.
Red's craggy face is wrinkled with happiness, but he just sits and takes it
all in, not moving or saying anything.
Big Tom's voice booms out combined with Billy's chirping voice, as they greet
the new family.
You found them! Damn! Here, have a seat, have my seat.
Billy is giving Colonel Cage’s two boys a tour of the dome city, while also
still exploring it himself. Both Colonel Cage’s boys have now had a bath and
are wearing fresh clothes. Billy is using the tour as an excuse to poke around
in places he has not yet explored, using his tour guide voice as an entry
pass, or so he hopes.
. . And here on the lower level, ah . .
Billy opens a door on the level that is below the living quarter. This level
does not have a patio, just doors that lead out onto the grassy center. There
is a pathway around this level, a concrete walkway close to the outer walls of
this level, but nothing that would hint at what lies behind the doors.
Billy charges in through the door, hoping his bravado and tour guide voice
buys him an excuse at whatever he finds behind the door. He comes face to face
with a nanny goat, standing on a milking station.
Billy stops shock still, the other two boys bumping into him, the lot
ricocheting back a step or two.
The woman milking the goat casts a sleepy glance at the boys, nonplussed, and
continues with her morning task. The room is filled with several goats, a
couple kids, and a billy goat tied up temporarily over at the side. The billy
goat lowers its head slightly while looking at the brash newcomers,
contemplating the threat. At the side of the room there is a feeding trough,
filled with what looks like slimy greenery. Finding his voice, Billy
. . goat’s milk. And we feed them, ahm . .
The sleepy woman, seeing what is going on, smiles to herself and turns her
We feed them algae. Grows quickly in bright light and
effluent. We recycle everything here, including our
Billy is momentarily set back, his face a blank, not knowing her terms, but
then gets a hint of what she is talking about.
Yeah, we grow stuff in the toilet water.
Casting a glance at the billy goat, which is now starting to huff, Billy backs
into Colonel Cage’s two sons and turns to push past them out the door.
The next room is a brilliantly lit room with a hydroponic gardening setup.
Billy’s face pops into view, with Colonel Cage’s two sons just behind him,
peering and bobbing on either side for a view. They all push into the room.
Long trays on either side of the room are cascading down the wall, stacked
such that the upper tray is close to the wall, the next tray offset from the
wall slightly, and so on so that the vegetation in each tray can grow without
hindrance as to height. One side has something that looks like lettuce or
spinach. The other side is growing strawberries, which are filled with red
The runners, producing new plants, are hanging down from each tray. A man is
walking along the strawberry trays, inspecting the runners and snipping off
new plants along the runners that look mature enough to stand on their own.
These young plants have roots, but the roots are not in the hydroponic trays,
just hanging in the air. The man turns his head and smiles at the boys.
Hello boys.
Seeing potential helpmates, the man puts his collection basket down and walks
to the back of the room where there is what looks like a compost pile in a
bin. He picks up a pitchfork, plastic with dull prongs, and begins to toss the
compost. The compost is filled with red wriggler earthworms, which turn and
try to burrow back into the compost when they are exposed to the light. He
takes a spray nozzle from a wall clip and sprays the compost, kicking a
collection tray under the compost drain as he does so. Brown water is
collecting in the tray.
While he’s waiting for the water to drain, he picks out brown chunks, the worm
casts, and puts them in another collection basket at the side. He also grabs
mature worms, placing them in yet another collection basket fixed at the side.
He works quickly, not being exacting so much as doing the obvious – worm egg
casts here, mature worms there.
The boys have just been watching him as he goes though these moves, taking it
all in. They’re edging forward to stand by his side. He says,
We make our own nutrient solution from these worm
beds. Best fertilizer in the world! We harvest the
worms for protein too. They’re 82% protein, did you
know? We put these egg casts into new compost piles.
They’re full of baby worms.
And glancing over his shoulder at the boys, seeing that he has raised their
Want to help?
The boys all say, in unison,
Inside the dome city, at night, the iridescent glow of the dome ceiling has
been dimmed to simulate night. All is quiet except for the occasional
splashing of the fountain. A chipmunki is nibbling a piece of cracker on one
of the pathways in the center of the dome. Some ducks next to the fountain in
the center of the dome are tucking their heads under their wings. A small
monkey drops out of the trees and lopes across the grass. There is wildlife
pets here in the biodome, living naturally in the open space. The ceiling is
lit from lights along the edge of the dome top pram layer, setting off a
nighttime glow in the soft material sprayed on the ceiling. The wildlife, as
do the human residents, accepts this night and day as their world, without
distress, so natural as to slip from notice after a day or two.
Suddenly a Zeta materializes in the center of the grassy area, startling the
chipmunk who scampers away. He is joined by two others, and the three stride
toward the ramp/stairway. They simply levitate up to the top tier of
residences, rather than take the stairs. This levitation is done mid-stride,
without missing a beat, as though a natural occurrence and something all three
understood they would do, simultaneously, without a word spoken. They land on
the continuous patio area that circles in front of all the residences on a
level, shared by all on the level.
The three Zetas stride along the patio that runs continuously in front of all
the residences running around the circumference of the dome and facing inward
toward the dome center. The three Zetas stride for a few steps, then stop in
front of a closed door. Though they haven't knocked or made noise, the door
opens, a sleepy Jonah emerging in his pajama bottoms. They all seem to just
stare at each other for a moment. Jonah asks,
How close are they?
One of the Zetas moves his hand slightly, and then Jonah panics, with some
alarm in his voice.
Then we've got to do something! They'll blow us away!
I know how these guys operate, they kill anything they
can't rule!
A Zeta puts his hand up slightly, palm down in a dampening gesture.
I can't calm down, all these people ..
But the Zeta changes his gesture to run his fingers in a half circle in front
of him.
Oh, oh, OK, I know I've asked you to help, and if you
say that'll work, OK, OK, but, ahm, but, Christ, if it
doesn't, we're dead ..
Jonah is clearly nervous about whatever has been discussed.
Outside the dome city, the dull gray dome can barely be seen in the moonlight.
Insects are thrumming in the humid summer night, which is enshrouded in mist
General Flood and his sidekick, the diminutive and ever compliant Sergeant
Hammond, are emerging from the woods. They are surveying the scene silently,
and then the General quietly brags.
We can put a hole in it easy, and then its ours.
Daybreak outside the dome city is brilliant, caused by the thick volcanic dust
reflecting sunlight. A bird clinging to a reed along the river is welcoming
the dawn with his song. There are sucking and splashing sounds as a boot pulls
out of and lands again in the mud. A column of soldiers is moving toward the
dome city.
The entry way of the dome city is opened but no one is coming or going. This
is a maneuver, inviting the attack. A helicopter comes into view, and a
booming voice is heard, through a bullhorn.
This is your military speaking. Allow our inspection
teams to enter or suffer the consequences. Send your
leaders out with a white flag to indicate that you
understand these orders.
The helicopter goes into a slow circle, well outside the perimeter of the
dome. There is no response from inside the dome city at first, but then Jonah
emerges, along with Colonel Cage, Big Tom, and the two soldiers who went AWOL
with the Colonel. They are subtly antagonizing the General by showing
themselves, as he brooks no insubordination.
Inside the helicopter, General Flood is red faced with rage. He growls to
himself and the pilot.
He's going to die and die slowly.
Then speaking through the intercom, he barks to his men on the ground.
Move the missile into place, let them see it.
A slender wheeled missile emerges from the woods, pushed by half a dozen
soldiers. Several other soldiers emerge from the trees too, lining up along
the edge of the woods. They are not dressed in uniform. Some have bandannas
tied around their heads, some have long hair tied behind their heads in a pony
tail, some have painted their faces, some carry long machete knives, but all
wear fatigue pants and army boots. This is clearly no longer a formal
military troop.
Something invisible is moving through the grass, as though a sliding wall were
being moved into place. The grass flattens and separates, weeds push aside
and then are kept aside as though an invisible wall had been put into place.
This line moves swiftly, with the sound of chopper blades throbbing overhead.
Cage, I'll have your liver for supper for this, and
pickle your eyes!
Inside the Helicopter, General Flood barks orders through the intercom.
Bring out the hostage now, and shoot him.
Len is pushed forward, hands bound in front of him and one eye swollen shut,
poked out during a fit of General Flood’s rage during an interrogation
session. He is stumbling with exhaustion and staggering, but is pushed
forward until midway between the dome city representatives and the military
Inside the dome city entry, Clara is standing just inside the shelter of the
entry way, viewing the scene. Her eyes fill with tears and her hand flutters
to her mouth, but she says nothing, holding her breath and knowing she can't
influence the outcome. Netty puts her arm around Clara's shoulder, gripping
it. Red is standing behind the pair. Accustomed to taking action during any
emergency, but unable to do so in this case, he has a consternated look on his
We hear a shot ring out, and see Clara drop in a faint, as several other arms
move forward to grip her, trying to break her fall. Clara falls back on top of
Red and they both sink to the floor in a heap.
Oh my, oh my.
Inside the helicopter, General Flood bellows arrogantly into the bullhorn.
The rest of you have five seconds to raise your hands
and let my inspection team come forward, or we'll blow
your little nest and all the little birdies inside sky
high! Five seconds! Five, four, three, two, one.
General Flood pauses, his face muscles working in rage, his face florid with
rage at having been defied.
.. All right men, let 'em have it!
The group standing in front of the dome city remains unmoved, unflinching.
They had expected that both the men held by General Flood had been killed, so
this is no surprise, and they are aware of the shield and whether they trust
it to hold or not, they have no alternative in their minds. Death, for them
and their families, is better than being overtaken by this group. This is why
the entry door has been left open, so that if the shield fails, all will die
suddenly, as a group. Big Tom, speaking softly to his comrades, shows their
Better this way than living under tyranny, eh, boys?
The missile makes a humming sound, and then with a flash at the jet end, moves
forward so suddenly that the eye cannot follow it. Just as suddenly it hits
an invisible shield and the explosion sprays backward over the men and the
trees, a fireball fanning out, frying all within range. There is a shriek or
two, but death is quick. As the flames quickly die down over the metal shards
from the shattered missile, the chopper blades can still be heard overhead.
The muscles on General Flood's face are working. The General snaps at the
Take it down and land on top of them!
The pilot glances nervously at the General's face, and seeing that no argument
will do, moves the joy stick to aim the chopper down. The chopper descends,
hits the invisible barrier, and explodes into a flaming wreck.
The group standing in front of the dome city allows themselves to breath
again. The citizens of the dome city are coming forward, tentatively at first.
They look to the right and left, agape at the wreckage. Martha is rushing
forward to embrace her husband, followed by the oldest son of Colonel Cage,
who throws his arms around his dad from the back, essentially hugging his
butt. Ian has a look of relief on his face. He quickly turns to the side and
vomits, allowing himself to feel his fear now that the danger is past.
-New Neighbors-
Danny, Netty, Billy and the hybrid boy are standing in a circle in the center
of a circular room without windows, the main room of a Zeta craft. There are
also a couple large Zetas and some small beige colored Zetas, that are about
as large as a child. The large Zetas are grouped with the adults, chatting
and gesturing. The children are grouped and chatting with the smaller Zetas.
The small beige colored Zetas are tittering like birds among themselves now
and then as they chat among themselves. Billy is face to face with the hybrid
boy, having an animated conversation. Billy says,
Heck! I seed them squirm all around so's you didn't
know where they were headed, but I weren't scared!
The hybrid boy puts his hands on his hips and leans back a bit.
They weren't squirming, silly! They were walking!
Don't you know anything?
It is evening in the dome city, and the lights coming from the edge of the
dome are being dimmed slowly to simulate evening. The residents are moving
slowing as they take their evening strolls around the pram area on the roof of
the top level. Children are being called in from play in the center grassy
area near the fountain, complaining slightly as children will about having to
give it all up and go to bed. Danny and Netty are walking slowly along the
pram, hand in hand.
Netty glances up at Danny’s face.
Don't you want to go see it? Not everyone gets an
Danny replies, softly, almost under his breath as though talking to himself.
Hell yeah!
Later that evening, after night has fallen both inside and outside the dome
city, Danny emerges from the entrance of the dome city. He is walking alone
toward an observation ship that is hovering just above the ground a few feet
from the entry of the city. He is striding purposefully. As he nears the
ship, Netty and Billy emerge in their pajamas and nightgown, jogging after
Danny. They close the gap, so that as they arrive at the ship they are all
A walk-up ramp drops from the side of the ship, the light from the center of
the ship flooding the area. The three walk quickly up the ramp, unafraid.
There is a faint light coming from the top center of the ship, as one-half of
the top area is a brown glass that allows viewing in and out.
Inside the ship, Danny and Netty emerge from a corridor that wraps around the
central room of the ship, through a doorway arch that goes directly into the
circular room in the center of the ship. Individual rooms are along the very
outer edge of the ship. Danny and Netty are hand in hand, with Billy walking
eagerly just ahead of them. They all take seats side by side around the
observation circle, Netty still holding Danny's hand, as she senses he is
nervous. Billy is pointing toward the floor and then the ceiling, talking
excitedly as the ship turns on its side, showing a horizon view through both
the ceiling and floor observation glass.
It’s so cool!
Danny looks up and just stares upward, silently, not moving for a moment.
Then he asks, wonderment in his voice.
How do they do that?
Netty turns to face him.
The ship is turned sideways.
Billy is chirping, in his child's high voice, excited as always by these trips
but contained. He senses that, in spite of his age, he is the leader here,
and that this couple needs him to stay steady for them.
We can even go upside down! It's so cool!
Billy is pointing at the ceiling as he says this, then points to the floor.
Watch, watch! We're taking off!
The ship is turning sideways in the air, moving slowly at first and then
rapidly picking up speed so that it zooms off into space at an angle to the
Earth. The fact that the ship has a clear brown glass floor and ceiling can
be faintly seen due to light coming though the ship.
Fog is swirling around a rocky ledge. Danny, Netty, and Billy are standing in
a huddle, though are relaxed and looking around.
It could be anything. It could be an octopus. It
could be .. yup! Its an octopus!
A large orange colored octopus, raised one-half way up on its many tentacles,
is approaching. It has no eye, and is dry and smooth looking, the under sides
of the tentacles a creamy white. Billy puts his hands on his knees and goes
face-to-face, so to speak, with the octopus.
Are you the same guy I talked to last time?
The octopus extends what looks like a pink worm from its underside, and Billy
unhesitatingly puts his hand out and lets the talking tentacle wrap around his
Danny and Netty have stood shock still during this enthusiastic interchange
between Billy and the amphibious octopus. Finally Danny finds his voice.
What's he saying?
Danny steps forward, tentatively at first, then with more confidence.
How do you hear what he's saying?
Billy steps back, having let go of the tentacle.
You hear him better when you shake.
Danny hesitates for a minute.
Danny spontaneously reaches out a hand to get wrapped in the pink worm. After
a moment he is having a conversation.
Yeah, we're all from the same place, just visiting.
You live on the rocks here?
Water can be heard lapping quietly nearby.
Billy comes into view, climbing over some rocks in a dry, rocky place. He is
talking to Netty who is following closely.
And you never know! One time I thought it was a rock,
and darned if it didn't move! ..
Netty is right behind him, with Danny lagging back so that his head finally
pops into view, looking around before he ventures forth. Seeing nothing
alarming, Danny closes the gap between them as they move on down the rock
tumble. Suddenly Billy stops short, Netty almost bumping into him, as they
both look forward without saying a word. Danny comes up behind them, slowly,
looking in the same direction. All are silent for a moment. Finally, Billy
breaks the silence.
These guys are new.
Two short hominoids with thorny plates like a turtle’s back covering their
bodies are standing before them, several arm's lengths away. They wear little
brown colored coats, are brown colored themselves, and are barefoot. One of
the pair is smaller than the others, shoulder height.
Suddenly a large Zeta materializes between the pair and the three visiting,
motioning to the pair to come forward, which they do. Netty seems to come
alive, suddenly understanding what one of the pair, the female, is saying, the
Zeta translating telepathically for them. Netty is leaning toward her.
Only at night? How sad for your children! Do they ..
Netty falls silent as the female horned toad hominoid is grunting quietly.
Netty says,
Oh .. well .. that's true .. we treat fire that way ..
Inside the ship, a large living ball is almost filling the interior of the
ship. It has veins over its surface, but between the veins one can see liquid
in the center. It looks like a living water balloon. Inside can be seen what
look like jellyfish, very fine and fluttery, not the solid kind with a bell on
top that populate Earth's oceans, but more like a mass of spaghetti. Billy
steps forward and touches the side of the living water balloon, which presses
inward at his touch as our skin does.
Billy utters, almost beneath his breath.
The jellyfish moves toward Billy's finger, and he gets an ecstatic look on his
face, in communication with the water creature. He looks over his shoulder and
says to Danny and Netty,
He wants me to come swimming with him.
Suddenly Billy disappears, his clothes falling to the floor in a heap. Netty
gasps and points at the living water balloon, seeing Billy nude inside the
living water balloon, peering out at Netty. His lungs are obviously working
in the water, breathing water. Netty faints to the floor as a dismayed Danny
lunges forward to catch her, breaking her fall.
The observation ship is designed to have the occupants crowded around the
glass floor and ceiling, but has private rooms as well. These circle the ship
on the perimeter, each with an archway without a door. The central observation
room is bounded by a wall in front of the private rooms, so that no direct
view into any of the private rooms is possible from the observation room.
Danny has taken Netty to one of these rooms, so sparsely furnished that only a
table with a center post to support it stands in the room. Netty is stretched
out on this table, coming around. Billy has his pajamas back on, is toweling
his hair dry and running his fingers through his hair to put it into place,
like a comb. Billy looks up at Danny.
She's doing better than my mom. They had to send my
mom back.
Netty focuses on Billy, a confused look on her face.
I thought you were drowning .. I thought .. I ..
Without hesitating, Billy replies.
Nah! You can breath that stuff, but it ain't easy!
You gotta get tough, Netty! My mom made nothing of
Walking out of the room where Netty was recovering, the three encounter a
buffet of odd shaped cooked vegetable shapes that has been placed at the side
of the corridor, finger food for those interested. Billy doesn't hesitate,
walking right up and popping something in his mouth before the others have
even noticed. He turns and looks at the other two over his shoulder, his
cheeks puffed out with food while he chomps away. Netty says,
Oh, that's nice! Looks a bit like asparagus, but ahm,
Netty nibbles a bit, and Danny puts this and that in his mouth, rolling his
eyes up toward the ceiling as he tastes, trying to concentrate on the taste.
His pace picks up as he realizes that he isn't being poisoned or affronted,
and he starts popping items into his mouth one after the other. They're all
famished. Netty is licking her fingers as she turns to scan the interior of
the ship. Her eyes take in the sights she is seeing, both from the ceiling
and floor clear brownish glass panels. She comments, with awe.
Oooh, its like cotton candy!
Danny and Billy follow her gaze and see clouds and puffs in light blue and
rose and light yellow floating past the ship, as though the ship were standing
still and fog or clouds were passing by. Suddenly what looks like a white
MANTA RAY without a stinger comes floating by, but pulses his wings so as to
stay in place in front of the ceiling panel, looking in at the three
passengers in the ship. The ship is hovering on its side, above the surface
of a planet, for the convenience of the manta ray’s ability to view the
passengers. Rather than seeing the bottom or top of the rays, we see them
facing into the top and bottom glass. But for the passengers the center of
gravity feels like the floor of the ship. They are all in awe, but finally
Billy relays a telepathic message.
He wants to come in, but he can't! He'd die in here,
and we'd die out there. Bummer.
The ship suddenly takes off so that the horizon of the cotton candy planet
comes rapidly into view. Then the planet shrinks rapidly to where it looks as
small as a golf ball, a bit of light colored fluff out in the distance, dark
on one other side but light on the other. Just as suddenly the ship zooms
back, but this time returning to the dark side of the planet. Triangulation
is the fastest way from here to there, in a space ship not limited to
propulsion. Danny is also in awe.
My gosh, a perfect boomerang! What a way to travel!
As the ship moves into the dark side of the planet, it appears at first that
all is pitch black. Then the three see blinking lights, of all colors, and
one of the lights draws near the ceiling panel, taking the form of the
creature that visited on the day side. It hovers, pulsing its skin wings and
pulsing faintly in the light it emits, too, a creature without eyes or ears or
appendages except for skin wings like a manta ray. Netty draws near Danny,
who puts his arm around her while she lays her head on his shoulder.
Returning to the dome city, Danny, Netty and Billy walk in through the front
entrance. It is very early morning, the city still sleeping and quiet. Billy
walks off toward the family quarters, waving good-bye wordlessly, and Netty
and Danny, too tired to do more than smile and give a half-hearted wave back,
walk off to their room together.
Martha is bringing a plateful of what looks like scrambled eggs and fried
potatoes back to one of the tables set up on the pram for breakfast. A chef
in a big white hat and white coat is clanking pots and pans over a sizzling
electric plate, arms constantly in motion as he works his magic. Now and then
he snatches herbs from this jar or that sack. Big Tom is sipping coffee from
a mug, and Tammy is giggling with her new girl friend as they try to get their
dolls to sit up straight on the bench beside them.
Billy is half asleep, blinking sleepy eyes that don't want to stay open, not
saying anything, unlike his typical chirpy self. Red and Clara scuff up in
their housecoats, no longer hiding the fact that they are spending their
nights together. Martha glances at Billy with a puzzled look on her face,
kidding Billy.
Billy? I think you need to go back to bed, son, you
look like you need a good night's sleep.
Without hesitation, Billy replies.
Yeah, OK mom.
Billy drags off, leaving Martha with her mouth open.
I was only kidding!
Jonah walks up with Ian and his gray-haired assistant. All three are grim, as
though concentrating on a serious but not alarming matter. Martha has a
decanter of coffee from the communal coffee maker, along with extra mugs, and
offers them some coffee. They accept with a nod of their heads. After a sip
or two, Jonah, who has been solemnly mulling over his thoughts, confides.
We've heard from another city, like ours. They seem
to be friendly, seem to be doing OK, but there's
something odd ..
Martha jerks her head up suddenly, alarmed.
Jonah debates with himself for a moment or two before continuing.
Well, I don't think they're entirely human.
Martha is clearly relieved that this is the only potentially bad news.
You mean like those super smart kids we've got here
with us?
Jonah is warming up and eager to talk about a matter he knows they must share
sooner or later.
Well .. let me just say this .. the transmission we
got was carrying both audio and video, but they didn't
speak. We got the signal by teletype. And in the
video, they all just stood there, smiling and waving,
but not speaking. Now why would that be .. unless
they couldn’t speak.
Martha frowns and looks down for a moment, processing possibilities.
Did they given any indications .. I mean .. did it
look like maybe the mike was just broke or .. maybe,
ah ..
Jonah is spilling it all freely now.
No, no, and that's not all. They had little mouths,
and no hair. No hair at all! But other than that ..
well, they had big brains, you could see that, big
eyes too .. blue and brown and hazel .. beautiful
eyes, I'll say that! But not a hair on their heads!
And not a word!
Martha smiles, relieved and obviously expecting something far more bazaar.
So .. did you invite them for supper?
Everyone laughs. Jonah is smiling and likewise relieved at her reaction.
Well yeah! What else was I supposed to do! How weird
can it get! I mean, beyond what we're already dealing
with, what the heck!
Jonah smiles wryly at Big Tom.
Later that evening, when the lights reflecting from the dome city ceiling are
dimming, the city has some visitors. Behind the guard rail along the top
level, near the entry way, some tall dark gray Zetas are standing next to
something that looks like a large green colored worm with two big muppet eyes
at the face end, a tentacle waving. The broad back of what looks exactly like
the creature from the black lagoon looms behind them, and then the round green
hand of a little green man in a dark blue smock comes up over the railing, as
he is pulling himself up for a view. He points toward the center of the dome,
his round face reflecting a smile as board and simple as a have-a-nice-day
There is hardly any motion in the dome city, just a person or two moving along
one of the residence patio areas that look out on the gardens, moving off to a
bedroom to settle down. A little boy, Billy, is bustling across the grassy
areas past the fountain, trying to get home before he gets a reminding holler
from his mother. He's the last person to leave the park. He passes the
fountain and hears a faint splash. Billy throws a comment over his shoulder,
not even looking in the direction of the fountain.
No swimming in the fountains, you guys.
A large orange octopus with no eyes pops up out of the fountain water and sits
on the edge of the fountain, shaking water off a tentacle.
Document Outline