Chapter Seventeen: Ground Zero

There were 2753 people killed on 9/11 in New York. Workers have recovered 22,000 body parts, identifying 1254 victims. But for 1198 victims there were no remains. There were less than 300 intact bodies; only 12 of these could be identified by visual recognition. The high level of dismemberment indicated explosive force would be their cause of death, although this was never discussed on TV or in the papers. In 2006, many small body parts were found on top of nearby skyscrapers over 400 feet away from the twin towers, flung there in the micro-seconds that the twin towers remained above 43 stories.185 The DNA evidence was handled by two laboratories: the one in New York was a private laboratory set up by a friend of Mayor Rudi Giuliani. The other in Washington which handled the Pentagon and Shanksville Crash was, after a minor dispute with the local Police, managed by the military.

Each news channel had experts on hand to describe the perpetrators of the attack: Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.186 One of them was Katherine’s boss: Paul Bremer; not only CEO of Marsh Crisis Consulting, the risk and insurance services subsidiary of Marsh amp; McLennan Companies Inc, but he was also a counter terrorism expert (and later to be Governor of occupied Iraq). At WTC, a passport supposedly from one of the hijackers was handed to Police Chief Kerik187. This news was quickly reported via a TV newscaster, with the addition, “…if you can believe that!”

Osama Bin Laden was mentioned as the most likely villain even before the twin towers had collapsed. The overwhelming majority of the public had not previously heard this name before; not even security staff at airports had heard of his name. Another of the TV talking heads that morning talked about Osama Bin Laden. This was Jerome Hauer, Managing Director of Kroll Associates, who was contracted to Silverstien Enterprises. Hauer had recruited John O Neil, the FBI Osama Bin Laden specialist that had just started worked at the WTC. John O Neil’s body was found, intact, 11 days after 9/11 at the bottom of a stairwell in the South Tower. His body was on the twelve that could be identified by sight alone. He was identified by Jerome Hauer.188

After the towers had collapsed, a man in the street was able to describe the collapse sequence of the twin towers exactly as described by the official story, despite the intellectual dispute of the tower collapses since and the multiple reports from Policemen and Firemen and news reporters at the scene describing secondary explosions. Jerome Hauer also dismissed the reported explosions in the towers on TV on the day of 9/11.189

The Bush Administration even had its own grieving victim, TV personality and political pundit, Barbara Olson, who was on Flight 77. She had apparently phoned husband Ted Olson, United States Solicitor General, on maybe her cell phone or a seat back airfone, (that information changed daily after the crash), to give the story of box-cutter wielding hijackers.190

Many stories in the newspapers described calls from victims from cell phones including stories of people in the toilets or displaying caller-id phone numbers from cell phones, in other words, definitely not from airfones. However, slowly the official story claimed the calls were from airfones. Texas-based Verizon, who ran the airfone company, announced that all airfone calls on 9/11 were to be “free”, thus relieving them of the duty to demonstrate that any calls took place that day or distributing any confirming evidence one way or the other.

American Airlines stated their capacity for a Boeing 767-223ER was 165. AA Flight 11 had 76 passengers, 11 crew members, and the 5 hijackers. United Airlines flight 175, a Boeing 767–222 with the same capacity, had 51 passengers, 9 crew and 5 hijackers. American flight 77, a Boeing 757 with capacity of 188, carried 53 passengers, 6 crew, and 5 hijackers. United flight 93, another Boeing 757, carried 33 passengers, 7 crew and the 4 hijackers.

The load factors for these aircraft were pretty low compared to the industry average for the period: 49 % for AA flight 11, 33 % for UAL flight 175, 32 % for AA 77, and 20 % for UAL 93. But if you remove the hijackers from the total, the load factors were lower still 46 % for AA flight 11, 30 % for UAL flight 175, 29 % for AA flight 77, and just 18 % for UAL flight 93. The low load factor for UA Flight 93 may be more understandable when it was revealed in 2004 that UA flight 93 was not a regular, scheduled flight, but had been newly inserted into the system. While there had been a few flights of UA93 for a few days previously, 9/11 was the first-ever Tuesday flight for the by United Airlines Newark to San Francisco route.

Truly the most baffling aspect of 9/11 is the collapse of WTC7.

On the late night BBC 24 hour news channel, the BBC were broadcasting a live report from New York. It was 5.15pm local time, New York, and 11.15pm in London. The BBC’s Jane Standley was reporting the destruction of the Solomon Bothers Building, WTC7. “New York is still completely unable to take on what has happened to them today…” she said. However, what she probably did not know was immediately behind her, in clear view in the distance, the WTC7 was still standing. Then two minutes before the tower actually collapsed, the live TV picture went black. The BBC news anchor, Phil Hayton, in London was in mid-sentence, “Everyone here are just flabbergasted. It almost seems just too far-fetched. I was wondering what it felt for you in New York. Ah… We seem to having some technical difficulties there.”191

“Far-fetched”, indeed. But many other people assumed that WTC7 would come down.

“Keep your eyes on this,” said a building worker to a camera crew, “It’s coming down shortly.”

Others claim that they were kept away from the building and heard a countdown over the radio, “Three… Two… One.”192

And then WTC7 collapsed straight down, symmetrically, in 7 seconds.

Other news channels also reported the collapse of the building, most implying that it had previously collapsed at the same time as the one the twin towers. Unlike the BBC where news coverage was cut just before collapse event, Fox News reported WTC7’s destruction immediately as the live picture of the WTC7 collapse occurred. The newscasters appeared shocked and embarrassed by the live collapsed and invented a reason for the collapse193, which has since proven to be false according to FEMA and NIST reports.

The CBS TV anchor stated, “The third time today, a skyscraper collapses. Extraordinary. It reminds me of those old hotels knocked down in Las Vegas…”

* * * *

The President had flown in Air Force to Offutt Air Force Base, in Nebraska, where coincidently William Buffet, one the world’s richest men, had invited the WTC CEOs for a “charity” golf tournament.194

Air Force One took off without fighter escort195. Maybe because after the “Angel is Next” warning the POTUS was not sure who to trust.196

At Offutt AFB, the President was advised that the attacked “smelled like Al Qaeda”197198. Which was fortunate, since the order to invade Afghanistan was signed the previous day.199200

Later that night, the President’s brother and Florida State Governor, Jeb Bush, escorted by Police and Specials Forces, raided the Florida flight school where the Rainbow Actors had been receiving flight training. They took away cabinets holding the flight school records in the back of a Hercules C-130 that had landed on the flight school runway. Fortunately, again, Jeb had changed the rules and regulations associated with such property seizure, just a few days before.201

* * * *

Planner had driven all night and arrived at Katherine’s door in the early morning. She opened the door, held her face and bent over. When Planner came forward she rose up and started beating him on the chest. Planner held his face away and took the punishment. When Katherine started to slacken off in tears, Planner reached out to comfort her. They sank to the ground together in each others arms.

* * * *

On a computer screen, a graphic designer edited a picture of the WTC Towers and removed 47 of the interior columns, and replaces it with a single thin pole.202 This was part of a disinformation campaign to disseminate the view that the Twin Towers were poorly designed and frail. The documentary “How the Towers Fell” was compelling but failed to mention WTC7, molten steel or much about the tower’s inner core.203

* * * *

The day after 9/11, the EPA, by orders from the White House, announced that the air at Ground Zero was safe to breathe. By 2006, 70 % of the 40,000 ground zero workers had developed respiratory problems, and hundreds of them have developed cancer.

Molten metal was found under the North Tower, South Tower and WTC7. The Ground Zero pile was dangerously hot for over 3 months despite constant application of water.

FEMA and NIST conducted investigations into the tower “collapses” but failed to follow any forensic method.204 Indeed, the majority of the steel was shipped off to China for scrap with indecent haste. The ground zero dust was not investigated by FEMA or NIST. Other organisations and researchers believe the Ground Zero dust holds critical evidence on the towers’ destruction.205

Some of the crucial evidence can be easily seen in photographs of the ground zero clean up. The outer columns standing for up to ten stories while nothing remaining of the inner, stronger, columns; nothing except for a few stubs of diagonally cut columns, the tell-tale sign of controlled demolition.206

* * * *

The news channels carried the official story night and day. On September 16th, President Bush declared the attack was from Osama Bin Laden and started a “crusade” to “rid the world of evil-doers”.

The Afghanistan Taliban discussed how to hand over Bin Laden, but the United States refused to negotiate and launched, their pre-planned invasion207, Operation Enduring Freedom, on October 7th.

The USA launched the “war on terror,” but after many months, no hard evidence was provided regarding the link between Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda and the 9/11 attacks. Indeed the FBI after the PENTTBOM investigation, apparently the most expensive FBI investigation in their history, failed to find any link between Osama Bin Laden208 and 9/11.

A week after Colin Powell stated there would be evidence of Osama Bin Laden’s complicity in 9/11, a videotape of him turned up in the media. Apparently found by the military in a raid in Kabul. How this videotape was found, and recognised is unknown. The tape shows a man claiming to be Osama although facial differences, body weight differences and changing from left-handed to right handed, the man seemed to many as being an imposter. Through apparent mistranslation, this new Osama seemed to take responsibility for the 9/11 attack, reversing previous (authenticated) announcements. 209

Somewhere, some voices were being heard that questioned the official narrative. So much so that the President made a forceful speech: “Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists, themselves, away from the guilty.”

* * * *

On a TV documentary on Put Options, the commentator states, “The amount of put option on united airlines stock was 90 times more than on an average day. And other companies were affected too…” The “Put-Options” against airline stocks (and businesses within the WTC) are millions-to-1 against it being by chance according to independent reports. SEC investigated the put-options and reported that since no-one making these bets were connected to Al Qaeda, the strange pattern of put-options was nothing to be concerned about.210211

* * * *

The 9/11 Family Steering Group pushed to set up the 9/11 Commission. Most of their questions gave to the Commission were never answered. One of the Jersey Girls stated, “Meeting after meeting, we were stone walled.” Another Donna Marsh stated, “We are not crazy. We have questions. We demand answers.”212 When Bush insider, Philip Zelikow was put in charge of the 9/11 Commission report, the Jersey Girls complained bitterly. They had successfully deposed Henry Kissinger as potential auteur (due to his links with the Bin Laden family and the Carlyle Group213), but failed with Zelikow.

After 411 days the 9/11 Commission started examining the attack with a budget of $3million. Compared with other investigations:

Clinton’s Indiscretion: $40 million

Columbia Disaster: $50 million

Challenger Disaster: $75 million

The 9/11 Commission would state that the funding of terrorists was not an important matter. Clearly the mantra of the Watergate investigation to “follow the money” was not being applied. When information that Zelikow was in constant communication with the white house during the preparation of the report, the Jersey Girls called for the 9/11 Commission to be restarted using the facts and not the official story as a starting point. The 9/11 Commission Report was “set up to fail”214 according to its leading members. While others charge that the official story was pre-written before the Commission started its work and all evidence that conflicted with the official narrative was removed from the report.215

Several years later, Philip Zelikow expressed amazement, perhaps trying to distant himself from his own Frankenstein creation, when he heard corroborating HUMINT information for the official story was extracted from victims subjected to extraordinary rendition and then tortured216. These interrogations were all audio taped by the CIA but then the CIA illegally destroyed the tapes.217

The National Transport Safety Board (NTSB) have records for all air crashes in US jurisdiction on their website. All, except for four air crashes, those that supposedly occurred on 9/11. Air crash data for flight 77 was released several years later but its provenance remains uncertain. There was no reference serial numbers for the black box hardware and the date of creation of the data file from the black box is before the date that the device was found in the wreckage.218 In fact there is an astonishing number of discrepancies with the status of the flights and the aircraft involved on 9/11 which have been picked up by independent investigators219 such as the flights for AA11 and AA77 were not recorded as flying that day while UA175 and UA175 were reported as flying but the aircraft allocated to the flights were apparently still in service for several years after 9/11.

FBI Whistleblower, Sibel Edmonds, gave sworn testimony that Osama Bin Laden was in receipt of CIA funds and health care up until September 11th, 2001.220 She also gave testimony to the 9/11 Commission. It was not included in the final report.

No-one has ever been brought to justice for the illegal wars, rendition, torture and cover-ups, although named CIA agents can no longer step outside of the USA because of various judicial successes in the rest of the world.221

* * * *

Katherine took little persuasion to leave her life behind based on the argument that all her colleagues were dead and she would have joined them except for a minute’s head start. She realised that she knew too much and she could be easily erased. She and Beth reluctantly assumed the new identities that Planner provided and the three of them set off on 13th September 2001 across country, by car since all civilian airliners were grounded, to meet WITSEC liaison staff in Wyoming.

Robert explained, “I thought I was the Planner but I wasn’t. I was just another patsy. A patsy that set up the second or third level of distraction… should some of the first cover story layers get blown away.”

Katherine replied bitterly, “What’s the point? Why go the trouble to make you believe you were in charge of flying drones into the twin towers? When that was all fake?”

“I don’t know whether it was fake or not. One of the drones was shot down over Shanksville. Or so I was led to believe. In fact I have a whole crew that believe that; that believe we were flying drones. We would all swear on our mother’s grave that was what we were doing.”

“So did you or didn’t you?” said Katherine exasperated.

“Without air crash investigations on the aircraft parts that were recovered we will never know. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma. What I do know is that The Powers That Be will go to any length to protect their most precious secret.”

“And that is?”

“Their control of the media. That is their secret weapon. They can say whatever they want; do whenever they want. They can make us believe in Flying Pink Elephants given the right situation. They’ll want to protect that secret weapon at any costs,” he sighed.

“But they told you about their media control and computer graphic aircraft. Why would they do that?”

“They were looking for holes in their plans, I was the best person to find any problems. I told them what it was: Aircraft Crash investigations. And they sorted that out. While they may have told me their plans… I was expendable. I don’t think I was supposed to survive. More importantly, they had a whole crew of people on the E4-B that believed we were flying drones.”

“So did anyone know the full story?”

“Er, yes, there was probably one… But he is not alive any more.”

“And you’re sure of that?” quizzed Katherine sardonically.

“I’m pretty sure,” he mused, wondering about the levels of deception that really could be achieved.

“So your wife…” started Katherine and then wished she had not.

“Was she the target? Or were they after me?” he said, dreading the pain that the memories would bring.


“On the balance of probabilities… I don’t know. These guys… the assassins, they don’t usually miss their targets. If they wanted me dead, I’d be dead.”

“They missed you on 9/11.”

“I slipped through in the fog of war. Just having a little extra information is sometimes all it takes.”

* * * *

Professor Steven Jones222 published a paper comparing the collapse of the three NY skyscrapers to controlled demolition. Live on air, to support his theory, he wanted a clip of the WTC7 collapse played on TV: the freefall collapse of the skyscraper, arguably the biggest smoking gun of the 9/11 PysOp. The TV host stone-walled and refused to play the clip. Jones was made to look stupid on TV. He lost his job soon afterwards.

Ten years after 9/11, the majority of Americans have not even heard of WTC7.

* * * *

Danny Jowenko, Dutch Controlled Demolition expert, was filmed watching WTC7 fall for the first time. (The interview was conducted in Dutch with sub-titles).223

“They blew up the columns and the rest caved in… That is controlled demolition,” he said.

“Are you sure?” asked the interviewer.

“Absolutely, it’s been imploded. It’s a professional job, done by a team of experts… And you’re sure it was the 11th? That can’t be…”

“Yes. At 5.20pm,” said the interviewer.

“Really? They must have worked hard then,” he pondered.224

* * * *

In 2008, Barry Jennings, the man that was caught inside WTC7 by an internal explosion, died two days before NIST released their draft WTC7 report. Despite the small fires observed, NIST’s Dr Shyam Sunder claimed it fell due to intense heating of a critical joint. The thermal expansion, he said, walked a beam off a column, which then caused a complete and progressive collapse225. They did not investigate the possibility of controlled demolition. They did not investigate many things: not the free fall, the physical items found at Ground Zero, any analysis for explosives. NIST just did computer modelling and then refused to release their modelling data; stating as their reasons for not doing so, as being against “Public Safety”.226 NIST acknowledged but failed to explain how WTC7 fell at free fall (that is, zero resistance of the underlying structure for the equivalent of 120 feet) for 2.25 seconds of its 7 second fall. Freefall cannot be explained by NIST’s fire induced gravitational collapse theory.

* * * *

In 2008, Explosive Nanomaterial was found in Ground Zero dust by a group of independent scientists. Their research was peer-reviewed and published in the Bentham Science journal.227 Danish Associate-Professor, Neils Harrit, explained to a TV interviewer about his discovery of nanothermite in the Ground Zero dust. “What we found is not just a smoking gun. But a Loaded Gun. The material is still reactive. It is a highly sophisticated explosive material that could not be manufactured in a cave in Afghanistan.”

“Are you sure?” said the interviewer uncertainly.

Harrit sighed, “I’ll make it easy for you. There were two aircraft impacts but THREE skyscrapers that fell. This can not happen without additional force.”228

* * * *

In 2009, Nanomaterial (Carbon Nanotubes) was also found to be causing lung cancer in 9/11 First Responders.229

* * * *

Richard Gage AIA, who founded Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, stood across river from WTC at night on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. There was light from THREE beams extending into the sky, he’d arranged for the third beam to signify WTC7. “Skyscrapers do not fall at freefall due to fire. This is easily proved with physics and experimentation,” he said.

Ten years after 9/11, there are more than 1800 named, professional architects and engineers calling for a new investigation into the collapse of the twin towers.230

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Enron was valued at $11billion when its stock price was $90 a share in August 2001. The stock was valueless by the end of the year. The CEO and CFO were both convicted, and sent to jail, for fraud. On January 25th, 2002, Former Enron executive Clifford Baxter was found dead in a car with a gun shot in an apparent suicide. The link between Enron and the Bush Administration has not been covered by the mainstream media.231
