Here are some of the amazing people I’d like to thank:
Scott Miller, Claire Roberts, and the whole gang at Trident Media. They sold this series long before it was written. That’s the sign of a great agency!
Vicki Mellor, Emily Griffin, Darcy Nicholson, Jo Liddiard, Ben Willis, Mari Evans, and everyone at Headline/Hachette UK. They bought this series when it was nothing but an outline, then they helped me bring it to life. Thanks for believing in me and the Hunters.
Ian Harper, my longtime friend/editor/consigliere. He reads my words before anyone else — and then tweaks them until they’re perfect. One of these days, you’ll see his name on a book of his own, and when you do, I urge you to buy it!
Kane Gilmour, who has traveled more than Polo himself. In addition to being a talented writer, he actually visited most of the locations in this book. His time in Asia and Italy helped me get things right. Thanks for all of your help.
All the fans, librarians, booksellers, and critics who have enjoyed my thrillers and have recommended them to others. If you keep reading, I’ll keep writing.
Last but not least, I’d like to thank my family for their unwavering support. At some point, I’ll actually take some time off and get to thank you in person.
Okay, I think that just about does it. It’s finally time for my favorite part of the book. Without further ado, please sit back, relax, and let me tell you a story …