Chapter thirty-nine

The dusty motel room seemed emptier without the Hennings. Dray sat in with Tim, Reggie, and Bederman. Leah had entered the room sped by anticipation, but the energy seemed to go right out of her when she saw that Will wasn't there. After a while Tim removed the vacant chair, but still she glanced at the door every few minutes. In the absence of her parents, her mood mellowed quickly from defensiveness.

"Go back to the first time you ever heard of The Program," Bederman said. "Did you think you'd dedicate your life to it?"

Leah pressed a sweatshirt-covered hand to her nose, obscuring her eyes. "No."

"What did you think of it?"

"I guess I thought it sounded a little weird. A little…" Leah gave another glance at the door.


"Controlling, maybe."

"What do you think you would've said if I told you that six months later you'd be living up on a ranch with no telephones?"

"And that I'd lose touch with all my friends and family?" She tugged at a lock of hair. "I probably…wouldn't have believed it."

The soft knocking sent her stiff in her chair. The door creaked open, and Will stepped inside, casual in khakis and an untucked polo, his cheeks dusted with stubble. His eyelids and upper cheeks were heavy from sleeplessness, his hair loosed from its usual neatness. He scratched at the back of his collar, one elbow sticking up in a triangle. "Am I still…uh, welcome?"

Bederman glanced at Leah.

"If you behave yourself," she said.

His shuffle betrayed an uncharacteristic lack of confidence. Pulling over the chair, he eased himself down, leaned forward, and squeezed Leah's forearm once, gently.

"I was just about to ask Leah what convinced her to join," Bederman said.

Leah's neck tensed; Will's presence had put her back on alert. "At the first meeting, I felt this amazing connectedness. I guess that's what I've always secretly wanted – to feel like I belong. Everything's so cynical these days, yet here were all these people together for a common goal. Growth."

Her eyes never left Will. Tim prayed he'd keep his mouth shut; wisely, he did.

With a pinch of the frames, Bederman adjusted his spectacles. "I feel that way sometimes when I lecture."



Tim's mind wandered back to the night last February when Franklin Dumone had mysteriously shown up at his door, rainwater dripping across his solemn face, claiming to hold the answer to Tim's anguish over his lost daughter and the legal system that had set her killer free.

Tim rarely spoke about the Commission to anyone besides Dray; he had trouble getting the words out. "I know what it's like to get seduced by a group. It's like they're speaking your most private desires right at the moment you've almost given up on them. I fell in with a group like that after my daughter died, but they were working their own agenda behind my back the whole time."

Leah was rocking herself in her chair. "Sometimes I don't want to do what The Program says…"

Will made a soft noise in his throat. Tears were running down Reggie's face, though he remained perfectly still.

"…but TD says it's for my fulfillment," she continued.

With a cocked wrist, Reggie smeared tears off one cheek. "If it was for our own fulfillment, he wouldn't deprive us of sleep and food to control us. He wouldn't turn us against one another. He wouldn't…" His bitterness evaporated; his breathing turned shallow.

"Wouldn't what?" Leah said.

Reggie fought out the words. "Discard people like trash."

The sudden display of emotion caught even Bederman off guard. Leah alone responded without missing a beat, leaning over and rubbing Reggie's shoulder.

Reggie did not raise his head. "He made me feel like I was so feeble. Like without him I was just some useless piece of shit who didn't deserve to hold down a spot on the planet."

Leah stopped. She scrunched her eyes shut and started murmuring to herself.

Dray reached for her, but Bederman shook his head. The room's stuffiness grew oppressive. Tim fanned the front of his T-shirt, waiting for Leah to raise her head. It was a long wait. When at last she looked up, red streaks stained her face. Her nails worked her rash through her sweater in fussy, nervous strokes.

"If this is wrong," she said, "if I see this is wrong, then I have to admit everything else was wrong."

"The Program is set up to make you feel that way," Bederman said. "So you see a lack of options. So you feel trapped."

"But I turned my back on everything. I struggled so hard to be a Pro." Blood dotted her sweater beneath her collar where she continued her frantic scratching. "I've given everything up, burned every bridge, cut every tie."

"Not every tie," Will said.

Her frozen stare at first registered only alarm, but then her eyes moistened and her forehead started a downward crinkle into a sob.

Bederman said, "Where do you want to be five years from now, Leah? Ten years?"

Her short hair whipped her cheeks when she shook her head.

Tim started to say something, but Bederman cut him off with a sharp, excited gesture.

"I'd be a Webmaster, I guess. Maybe even a software designer." A wistful smile grew on her face. "I always wanted to live in San Francisco."

"You can still do those things," Bederman said. "All of them."

Her mouth narrowed. "But I'm naked without The Program."

"Honey," Dray said, "it won't feel that way forever."

"If I leave, I won't have anything left to give." She was really crying now. "I'll be broken. Damaged goods. Let's be honest – no one will ever want to date me, be my friend. It's not like they were lining up before, and now I'll be some cult freak."

"Thanks." Wearing a wry smile, Reggie waved to an imaginary audience. "I'll be here all week."

She laughed through her tears. "You know what I'm saying. I mean, Beverly Cantrell's gonna be a fucking pediatrician. What am I?"

Will said, "Beverly Cantrell is a cryogenic Victorian priss who needs her adenoids removed."

Leah wiped her mouth on her sleeve like a little girl. "I always thought you liked Beverly."

"I hide in my office when Janice exhibits her at our house."

"I wish I knew. I would have hidden with you."

"I wish you had."

The sparkle in Leah's eyes dwindled. "What am I supposed to do, Will?"

"Come home, to start."

Leah's face crumpled again. She rose abruptly, pulling off her sweater. "I need some air."

Tim stood, a little too quickly. "I'll take you for a drive."

"I want to be alone." She charged out so quickly she left the door open behind her, letting in a revitalizing breeze.

"What if she calls the ranch?" Will asked just as Tim said, "What if she heads back?"

Bederman said, "Let her go."

Will ground one hand into the other. "Maybe we should follow her."

"You can't follow her for the rest of her life," Dray said. "You'd do better not to start."

Tim's phone rang, and he flipped it open. "Hello?"

Freed said, "Your last Dead Link's a ghost."

"Wayne Topping?"

"Yeah. Doesn't exist. Nothing came back. Just wanted to let you know."

When Tim hung up, Will was staring at him. "You did say 'Wayne Topping'?"

"The name ring a bell?"

"Yes. That's the alias that Danny Katanga used. Our PI who went missing."

Tim blew out a breath. "TD's got a file on him. The kind of file that means he's probably dead. I'm sorry."

"So am I."

The stagnant heat leaked from the room, the door swaying with the April breeze. The patch of sunlight thrown through the window stretched and turned gold against the worn carpet. Reggie laced his hands and stretched. At the hour mark, Will took to pacing. Only Dray was calm.

Tim had finally come to grips with Leah's being lost when a faint cough announced her presence. She stood like a waif in the doorway.

"I accept it. I accept they used mind control on me."

Will let out a muffled noise of relief.

"But I have to go back. They'll make hell for Tom if he goes up without me."

"How do you know I'm going back up?"

"I saw how excited you got about the mail thing. I'm not an idiot. Trust me, if you go back alone, they'll know something's wrong."

"I'll say your parents kidnapped you."

"They'll suspect you. And they'll find out."

"You can't be reexposed to that environment," Bederman said. "There are too many triggers there. You're fragile."

"I'll risk it."

"I think you've taken enough risks," Tim said.

"So have you."

Will rose and walked to the door. When Leah didn't move, he waited by her side. Tim could see that it was killing him to act patient, but he did.

Finally Leah said, "Maybe you're right." She crossed and hugged Reggie. "Thank you."

Reggie held her for an extra beat, his eyes shut.

She moved to embrace Bederman, but he leaned back and took her hands instead, squeezing them warmly. She hugged Dray next, then stopped in the center of the circle, facing Tim. "I…um, I don't know what to say."

"Me neither."

They looked at each other a moment longer, and then she followed Will out.
