7 Time

Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.

Seneca, Natural Questions

Chapter One

Note from Dr. Virginia Whyte to Brian. December 31st, 1952 – Iteration 65

Dearest B,

I know this may sound the most appalling cliché, but these really will be the last words I shall ever write.

Last night, I finally worked up the gumption to visit the cellar. As you know, Darius guards the access like Cerberus himself, but after some surreptitious nocturnal snooping, I found there is, indeed, a secret entrance.

No. I shan’t tell you how to find it – you must never, ever go down there.

You would never be the same again.

Can Q’horn have any notion what he’s done? The casual, unspeakable horror of it?

The lives unlived! The destinies unfulfilled!

I cannot stand by and let this continue. What I must do to myself is abominable. But I fear it’s the only way I can make myself strong enough to literally beat the clock. To stop the man I was meant to love.

This ends tonight.

To slay a monster I must, myself, become a monster.

Forgive me, Brian. If you could have seen them, you’d understand.

The children.

The poor, beautiful children I was meant to have with Darius. Who never got to be. In that life we should have had together.

Your dear friend,

