It’s a long journey between the writer’s finished manuscript and the reader – even when that journey is smooth and fast. But if you add the fact that I write my books in Finnish and publish them first in Finland, we have, I think, something of a miracle here. There are so many things that could go wrong or, obviously, not happen at all. Yet, happily, everything has gone right, the right things have happened, and here we are: you are reading the book in English somewhere in the world, and I’m here in Finland thanking you for it. (Also, planning to go to the sauna later this evening.)

All this, excluding the sauna, has been made possible by several wonderful people.

In Finland, the manuscript was expertly edited by Aleksi Pöyry. Then, David Hackston performed his magic and took the book from Finnish to English in a way that seems seamless. If you know anything about Finnish, that is a thing to behold. David is simply the bee’s knees, as I believe you say.

In Stockholm, Sweden, my literary agent, Federico Ambrosini at the Salomonsson Agency, has provided me with invaluable insight and support throughout the years. The same is true for everyone at the agency, and I am deeply grateful to them.

In London, England, the English-language manuscript has been steadfastly and precisely edited by West Camel, who always seems to find the correct linguistic equivalence for my words. And the book has seen the light of day because the fabulous Karen Sullivan has published it. It’s a huge joy and a privilege to work with Karen.

Everywhere and anytime, I wish to thank my Faithful First Reader: Anu, I love you.

Finally, from my heart, thank you, the reader, for reading. I don’t take it for granted and I do hope to see you somewhere down the road.

And now to the sauna.
