Two Weeks Earlier…

Gad gazed down at Robin Ploughwright from the throne he sat upon. He didn’t like elves, as a rule, and had plans to be rid of them for good. Although they could be relied upon, they were unpredictable. He had overcome his antipathy because they were perfect for just these sorts of jobs-distraction and detention.

Gad made a gesture, permitting him to leave.

Robin had walked a few steps when he turned.

“With respect,” he said, twitching, “I know I shouldn’t question- never have before, but I must ask . . . why not simply kill them, or detain them in a more conventional manner?”

Gad rose a hand to his chin. Kill Daniel and Freya? The thought truly hadn’t occurred to him any more than removing chess pieces from his own side of the board halfway through a game. He liked them-they were so . . . manipulable . . . malleable.

“Really, Robin,” he said, grinning. “Is that any way to treat a friend?”
