This was my ninth published novel and the one I spent the longest writing, since before I even knew I wanted to be a writer, when my mother first introduced me to the idea of reincarnation. I missed her a little less while I was working on this book and I’m certain she would have loved it best of all.
Since this book was first published in September, 2007, much has happened to it and for that I’d like to thank: Dan Conaway, my wonderful agent at Writers House, for taking on this book’s second life; Lou Pitt for stewarding The Reincarnationist through the labyrinth of Hollywood and onto TV sets as Past Life; and every single person at MIRA who worked so hard on this book’s behalf.
I’d also like to thank the people who gave me advice, research or moral support along the way: Mayapryia Long, Mara Nathan, Jenn Risko, Jerry Hooten, Carol Fitzgerald, Judith Curr, Mark Dressler, Barry Eisler, Amanda’s father, Suzanne Beecher, Mark Nichols, David Hewson, Shelly King, Emily Kischell, Stan Pottinger, Elizabeth’s husband, Simon Lipskar, Katherine Neville, the Rome-Arch Listserv, Meryl Moss and all the International Thriller Writers.
My gratitude to each bookseller, librarian and every reader.
As always to my loving family: Gigi, Jay, Jordan, my father and Ellie.
And to Doug Scofield, for the calm in the storm, the eternal optimism and the music.