It was up to me to calm Michael down. It didn’t matter now how much I tried to preserve the happiness of the previous night, Franny’s painting, his warning, had ruined the moment.
My ex-husband was sitting on the edge of the couch, hands pressed against his face, muttering something about tearing Franny ‘a new one.’
“It’s not his fault,” I exclaimed. “Franny is simply doing what Franny does. I know without a doubt now that he’s talking to me Michael; not tormenting.”
Michael lifted his head. He was sporting a three day shadow to go with his mustache and goatee.
“Then why does it feel like torment?”
I made my way to the painting and picked it up off the floor. Unzipping my art bag, I slipped the painting inside, out of sight, out of spinning mind. I fully intended to personally deliver it to Harris, just like I fully intended to reveal the texts.
Michael wiped both eyes with the backs of his hands.
“What’s going on here, Bec?” he insisted. “Why would Franny drop the painting off to the apartment instead of leaving it at the art center? That was the whole point behind your taking a couple of days off.”
“I don’t know,” I exhaled. “But I’m about to find out.”
Drawing in a deep breath, I pulled my towel tighter over my chest. I walked barefoot into the bedroom to get dressed. After that, I was going to call Robyn and find out why she gave Caroline and Franny permission to make a surprise drive-by to my home.