
Several books proved helpful while writing this novel. Karen Armstrong’s The Case for God is a remarkably sane and readable history of Christian spirituality, whilst Elizabeth Jennings’s Every Changing Shape inspired Lee’s take on literature, God and the world. I also referred often to Dee Dyas’s Images of Faith in English Literature 700–1550, J. A. Burrow’s Medieval Writers and their Work, David Downing’s The Most Reluctant Convert: C. S. Lewis’s Journey to Faith and A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Poetry (ed. Richard Hamer). J. D. Salinger’s Franny and Zooey, which was my teenage Bible, has left its traces throughout the novel. Finally, I must thank Charlotte Brewer, whose tutorials and lectures have given me a deep and lasting affection for Old English poetry.

For their early encouragement and help I thank Chiki Sarkar and the late Kate Jones. Tom Edmunds, Ele Simpson, Elias Maglinis and Florence Ballard all helped with sensitive and helpful draft readings. Jo Turner accompanied me on some bizarre spiritual excursions, and was a rock amid the madness.

I must thank my editor at Faber and Faber, Walter Donohue, who has been a constant source of quiet inspiration and guidance, Becky Pearson at Faber and Faber, Anna Power and Ed Wilson at Johnson and Alcock, Oliver James and Tom Paulin.

Finally thanks to my family: to Al and Ray, to my parents and grandfather for being my best (and kindest) critics, and finally to Ary, as always.
