Walter Han was used to a luxurious lifestyle, but he’d grown up on the streets of Hong Kong and held a certain affinity for the back alleys of the world and the inhabitants who dwelled in them.

Traveling to a bad part of Tokyo with an escort of three bodyguards, he entered the parlor of a man who now worked for him in a freelance capacity.

Greetings were exchanged, assurances given and all parties scanned for electronic devices. With their phones and shoes taken, Han was allowed to enter the back room.

There, he found the person he was looking for. Lithe, sinuous and covered with tattoos, the man was known as Ushi-Oni, or Oni for short. The name meant demon, and if the man had killed half the people he claimed to have killed, he’d earned the name several times over.

Oni sat cross-legged on the floor, bathed in a reddish light. He was thinner than Han recalled. His eyes wilder.

“I’m surprised to see you back here,” Oni said.

“I have another job for you.”

“To abduct more American servicemen?”

“No,” Han said, “this one requires blood.”

Ushi-Oni did not react outwardly. “I’m surprised,” he said calmly. “Those who can buy and sell don’t often have such a need for such violence.”

That was mostly true, Han thought to himself. But current circumstances changed that. Blood would flow in many places before his task was done. Blood and money.

“There’s someone I can’t buy who is about to become a very painful thorn in my side. I need to get rid of him and his servants. If you will do it for me, I will make you wealthy also.”

“I have all that I require,” Oni said.

“Then why have this meeting?” Han asked.

“You are a half brother to me.”

Han accepted the statement without equivocation. They were cousins, not brothers. And twice removed at that. “We will be full brothers,” he promised, “if you assist me. Brothers of a new kind. Untouchable. Renowned. You will no longer have to hide in the shadows.”

“You must truly need me to promise such things,” Oni said.

“I do.”

The Demon put his skeletal hands together as he mulled over the idea. “You are trusted,” he said. “But my fees must be paid without compromising my existence.”

“I’ll pay in cash,” Han explained. “Untraceable. But I will need complete elimination. No evidence.”

“That is my specialty. Give me the name.”

“Names,” Han corrected.

“Even better.”

Walter handed over a list. Five names were on it.


Han nodded. “And Kenzo Fujihara. They will be meeting soon. I want them gone. All of them.”


“It’s not for you to ask questions,” Han said, as boldly as he dared.

“You are mistaken,” Oni said. “Now tell me why or seek out other assistance.”

The insistence surprised Han. “Kenzo threatens a business interest of mine,” Han said. He wasn’t about to explain that the man had been publishing papers pointing directly to the failed mining effort in the East China Sea. Or that the Americans were known enemies of the Chinese state and their meeting with Fujihara was seen as an ominous development, best prevented.

“And the Americans?”

“Will interfere with me if given the chance,” Han said. “I want them to burn. All together. Along with everything Kenzo has been working on.”

The Demon nodded and placed the list down. “Fire leaves less evidence, but costs more. For five deaths, I require five separate fees. For arson, I require even more. In advance.”

“Half now,” Han said.

A brief silence was enough to make Han nervous. Perhaps he’d spent too long in the clean parts of the world. It took all his strength to stand firm.

“So be it,” Oni replied.

He whistled and Han’s guards were allowed in. A briefcase was placed on the low table and opened. It was filled with euros. “The rest when I know they’re dead,” Han promised.

“When do you wish this to occur?” Oni asked.

“The Americans are on their way here now. They arrive in Tokyo tonight. Once they meet up with Fujihara, destroy them all.”
