4:39 P.M.



Knox towered over Lu Hao, his foot raised and ready to break the man’s rib cage, sternum and all. The mix of surprise and anger was toxic. Lu Hao, hostage and kidnapper, all in one.

Lu Hao dropped the knife, threw it to the side like a person waking from a dream. A bad dream at that.

“You?” Knox said. “You piece of shit.”

“I must explain!” Lu Hao said, his voice quavering as he pushed away from Knox.

“Damned right. And you will.”

Knox surveyed the damage he’d done. Took in Danner.

“You okay over there?”

The gagged Danner nodded slightly.

Knox took up the knife. Kept it where Lu Hao could see its tip twisting toward his eyes. Used shoelaces to tie hands behind the backs of the three men who were on the floor. Stuck banded bunches of hundred-dollar bills in their mouths as gags. Instructed Lu Hao onto his stomach and patted the man down.

Found two mobile phones on the man and pocketed them. Worked his way carefully over to Danner and cut him loose, never taking his eyes off Lu Hao. Handed Danner the knife and then took out his own so they were both armed.

Danner tried to stand and fell over.

Knox reached an ice cooler where some chips and cold pizza had to be moved to open it. He handed Danner bottled water and a red Powerade.

“Seriously,” Knox said. “You okay?”

“Go easy on him,” Danner said, meaning Lu. “He’s an asshole, but he treated me good. Wait until you hear his story. The guy’s fucked six ways to Sunday.”

Knox noticed the bloody bandage on Danner’s hand.

“Seven,” he said, not taking his eyes off the man.

“It’s complicated,” Danner said.

“I’ve been getting a lot of that. You sound like a Stockholm Syndrome victim to me, Danny. You’re free now. We’re out of here.”

“The three of us,” Danner said.

“Yeah, I suppose. But only because I owe someone…”

“They fed me. They kept me bound but moved me. It could have been a lot worse. I’m telling you: it’s better than it looks.”

“They cut your finger off. He would have killed you.”

“No…no!” cried Lu Hao. “Never!”

“Shut it!” Knox said, lunging for the man. Lu Hao scooted backward, eyes wide in terror.

Knox felt like those first few moments in a fun house when the lights are dim and mirrors distort your own image. Danny defending Lu; Lu Hao not a hostage; all the money spread around the floor. “Shit,” he said, lit by adrenaline and wanting to destroy Lu Hao. He kicked the overturned table. It skidded across the floor and slammed into one of the downed men, who groaned.

Danner had cut the duct tape and was peeling it from his wrists.

“Just do me a favor,” Danner said, “and wait to kill him. It’s not like I forgive him or anything.”

Knox breathed loudly. “That’s better.” He looked back at Danner and allowed the shadow of a smile.

“If you want to kill him after you’ve heard his story,” Danner said, “I’m first in line. This is not coming down on you. Not after all you’ve done.”

“I think you’d better shut up, too,” Knox said, dismissing Danner suddenly with a heated glance. It hadn’t been 44 that Danner had scratched into the arm of the first chair he’d occupied; it had been initials: LH.

His brain was set to a high boil. He couldn’t make sense of things. The fatigue. The wound. The risks. Lu Hao had kidnapped himself. Knox still wanted to pulverize him, punish him. He thought of Grace. He wondered what came next, knowing the answer: Dulwich. He couldn’t leave Dulwich behind.

“Repack that bag,” Knox said. “The money comes with us.”
