Many people provided encouragement and support in the writing of this book, including family and friends.

At the very top of the list of those I wish to thank is my assistant, Marianne Dargitz, who for years, on those long lonely days when I stared bug-eyed at empty manuscript pages, offered her boundless patience, constant encouragement, and ever-diligent work to make this and other books possible.

For particular assistance on technical aspects for this book, I thank Bruce Wilson, whose voluminous research and attention to detail were of incomparable help. In addition, I appreciate greatly the help of Dick Gerry, whose long experience, knowledge, and guidance as a retired commercial airline pilot made possible the crafting of those flight scenes that are so pivotal to this story. That said, Mr. Wilson and Mr. Gerry are in no way responsible for any errors that may have crept into the book, since neither had a hand in the actual writing of the manuscript. For any errors in these regards, the author is solely and entirely responsible.

Among others to be thanked are my publisher, William Morrow, and all the people at Harper Collins without whose unstinting care and love of publishing nothing would be possible. Most of all I wish to thank my editor, David Highfill, who has been a friend and constant source of encouragement and patience; editorial assistant Gabe Robinson, who fielded my phone calls and handled so many technical aspects during the transition from paper to digital editing; my agent, Esther Newberg, and attorney, John Delaney, of International Creative Management, and my New York lawyers, Mike Rudell and Eric Brown, of Franklin, Weinrib, Rudell & Vassallo, for their constant attention and guidance to the business aspects of my publishing career.

Finally, and not least for their caring interest, love, and constant encouragement, I thank Al and Laura Parmisano, who have been there for me always during good times and bad; my friends Jan Draut, Anna Aleynikova, John Garrison, Mike Padilla, and Jim Bryan; and for her constant and unconditional love, my intelligent, beautiful, and wonderful daughter, Megan Martini, who in my eyes makes all things possible.
