First I would like to again take this opportunity to thank Nicholas Sansbury Smith for encouraging me to write in his amazing Extinction Cycle world. You continue to amaze and inspire me every day. Thank you so much.

To Frances Liontakis, thank you for your words of encouragement and reading every single draft of this novella. Much appreciation for your friendship.

To Nathan Yokoyama, for reading an early draft and making some vital suggestions, thank you.

To Rodger Mintel for your humour and keeping me sane. Barbara Giannavola and Phyl Lamattina, thank you for reading the first draft, and for your encouragement.

To the Street Team, you guys are awesome. Thank you so much for your friendship.

To all my Beta readers, thank you. To Col(Ret) Russ Olson and Steve Konkoly for your invaluable military RT input, and Susan Harmon-Sanders for your medical advice. If you find any mistakes, they are entirely my fault.

To my editor, Laurel Kriegler, you deserve a huge thank you for taking a rough pile of notes and turning them into something readable. I’ve learnt more about writing in the last few months than I have in all my years leading up to this one.

And last but definitely not least, to Libby, my long-suffering partner. Thank you for taking a chance on me and always having an encouraging word. You let me sound out ideas and made me see things from a different view when I needed it most. Thank you.
