
As always, I would like to offer my heartfelt thanks to those who have given so generously of their time and expertise during my researches for The Runner. In particular, I’d like to express my gratitude to Professor Joe Cummins, Emeritus of Genetics, University of Western Ontario; Steven C. Campman, MD, Medical Examiner, San Diego, California; Dr. Richard H. Ward, Professor of Criminology, and Dean of the Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences at the University of Newhaven, Connecticut; Professor Dai Yisheng, former Director of the Fourth Chinese Institute for the Formulation of Police Policy, Beijing; Professor Yu Hongsheng, General Secretary for the Commission of Legality Literature, Beijing; Professor He Jiahong, Doctor of Juridicial Science and Professor of Law, People’s University of China School of Law; Professor Yijun Pi, Vice-Director of the Institute of Legal Sociology and Juvenile Delinquency, China University of Political Science and Law; Dr Véronique Dumestre-Toulet of Laboratoire BIOffice, France; Mac McCowan, of ChinaPic, Shanghai; Calum MacLeod and Zhang Lijia for Beijing Snow World and the frozen cottage at Dalingjiang; and Shimei Jiang for her insights into I Ching.
