The Boston YMCA stood on upper Huntington Avenue. It was huge, black with years, old-fashioned, and boxy. It stood in what used to be one of Boston’s better areas in the middle of the last century. It stood there like a guilty reminder of another time, another day, its old-fashioned neon still winking its letters toward the sinful theater district. It looked like the skeleton of a murdered idea.

When Richards walked into the lobby, the desk clerk was arguing with a tiny, scruffy black boy in a killball jersey so big that it reached down over his blue jeans to midshin. The disputed territory seemed to be a gum machine that stood inside the lobby door.

“I loss my nickel, honky. I loss my muh-fuhn nickel!”

“If you don’t get out of here, I’ll call the house detective, kid. That’s all. I’m done talking to you.”

“But that goddam machine took my nickel!”

“You stop swearing at me, you little scumbag!” The clerk, who looked an old, cold thirty, reached down and shook the jersey. It was too huge for him to be able to shake the boy inside, too. “Now get out of here. I’m through talking.”

Seeing he meant it, the almost comic mask of hate and defiance below the dark sunburst of the kid’s afro broke into a hurt, agonized grimace of disbelief. “Lissen, thass the oney muh-fuhn nickel I got. That gumball machine ate my nickel! That-”

“I’m calling the house dick right now.” The clerk turned toward the switchboard. His jacket, a refugee from some bargain counter, flapped tiredly around his thin butt.

The boy kicked the plaxteel post of the gum machine, then ran. “Muh-fuhn white honky sumbitch!”

The clerk looked after him, the security button, real or mythical unpressed. He smiled at Richards, showing an old keyboard with a few missing keys. “You can’t talk to niggers anymore. I’d keep them in cages if I ran the Network.”

“He really lose a nickel?” Richards asked, signing the register as John Deegan from Michigan.

“If he did, he stole it,” the clerk said. “Oh, I suppose he did. But if I gave him a nickel, I’d have two hundred pickaninnies in here by nightfall claiming the same thing. Where do they learn that language? That’s what I want to know. Don’t their folks care what they do? How long will you be staying, Mr. Deegan?”

“I don’t know. I’m in town on business.” He tried on a greasy smile, and when it felt right, he widened it. The desk clerk recognized it instantly (perhaps from his own reflection looking up at him from the depths of the fake-marble counter, which had been polished by a million elbows) and gave it back to him.

“That’s $15.50, Mr. Deegan.” He pushed a key attached to a worn wooden tongue across the counter to Richards. “Room 512.”

“Thank you.” Richards paid cash. Again, no ID. Thank God for the YMCA.

He crossed to the elevators and looked down the corridor to the Christian Lending Library on the left. It was dimly lit with flyspecked yellow globes, and an old man wearing an overcoat and galoshes was perusing a tract, turning the pages slowly and methodically with a trembling, wetted finger. Richards could hear the clogged whistle of his breathing from where he was by the elevators, and felt a mixture of sorrow and horror.

The elevator chinked to a stop, and the doors opened with wheezy reluctance. As he stepped in, the clerk said loudly: “It’s a sin and a shame. I’d put them all in cages.”

Richards glanced up, thinking the clerk was speaking to him, but the clerk was not looking at anything.

The lobby was very empty and very silent.
