Ben found Penrose Lucas sitting alone in the semi-darkness of the wrecked dining room. He was slumped in a leather chair and seemed to be in a trance, staring fixedly into space and barely responding as Ben walked into the room and flipped on the main lights.
Ben stood a few yards away and watched him, noticing how dishevelled and dismal the man looked in his grimy dressing gown and underpants. He was a far cry from the self-confident, immaculately dressed professor Ben had seen on the videotape at the vicarage.
So here he was, face to face with Simeon’s enemy.
Resting on the arm of Penrose’s chair was a large, shiny handgun. Ben stepped quickly over and scooped it up. Penrose made no response. Ben jacked out the cartridge in the chamber, dumped the magazine, separated the slide from the frame and tossed the bits into the far corner of the room.
The sound of metal components clattering across the floor seemed to snap Penrose out of his trance. He turned slowly to look up at Ben. The glazed eyes focused with recognition.
‘You’re him,’ he murmured. ‘You’re Hope.’
‘In the flesh,’ Ben said.
‘Where are my men?’
‘They can’t help you any more,’ Ben said. ‘Your house is on fire. Did you know that?’
Penrose nodded slowly. ‘Let it burn.’ He closed his eyes for a moment, then said, ‘What are you doing here?’
‘I brought you a Christmas present.’
The mention of the word brought a scowl to Penrose’s face. ‘A what?’
Ben unslung the kit bag from his shoulder, opened it up and took out what he’d brought with him all the way from America aboard the Trimble Group jet.
Anything you require, Brown had said. When Ben had asked for the sword, the man had been quite happy to let him have it. ‘As you wish,’ he’d said. ‘Hang it on the wall or poke the fire with it. It’s the same to me.’
A keepsake, Ben had told him. Something to remember his friend by. But there was more to it.
Ben swished the sword through the air and threw it point-first at the floor at his feet. It planted itself deep into the wood with a judder. ‘There you are, professor. The sword of Jesus Christ.’
Penrose’s face contorted into a grimace and he leaned forward in his chair to stare at the sword. Until this moment, Ben had only had Brown’s word that Penrose Lucas had been behind all this. Steve Cutter’s presence in the villa was half the proof that Brown had been telling the truth. Now, as Ben saw the crazed mixture of hatred and desire in Penrose’s eyes, there was no longer any doubt.
‘This is what you wanted, isn’t it?’ Ben said softly. ‘What you murdered Simeon and Michaela Arundel for.’
A smile spread over Penrose’s lips. ‘Those cockroaches deserved what they got.’
Ben didn’t feel like wasting time talking to this man. He unholstered his pistol and clicked off the safety catch. ‘I gather you’re something of an atheist, Lucas.’
Penrose made no reply. He stared up at Ben, then at the gun. A nerve in his face twitched.
‘Fine by me,’ Ben said. ‘Then you won’t be wanting to say any final prayers before I kill you.’
Penrose’s mouth hung open in horror. He slithered out of his chair and fell to his knees on the floor. ‘No, please,’ he gasped, looking up at Ben with pleading eyes and his hands clasped in supplication. ‘I don’t want to die.’
‘Mercy is something you might have got from Simeon Arundel,’ Ben said. ‘I’m not like him.’
Penrose sobbed pitifully as Ben pressed the muzzle of the silencer to his forehead. Ben’s finger touched the cool, smooth curve of the trigger. He visualised Simeon and Michaela in the sinking car. They’d be avenged now, and Jude would be freed, and it would all be over.
But then another image appeared in Ben’s mind. That of Vincent Napier, half-submerged in the Cornish bog and about to die. And he remembered the last time an unarmed and totally defenceless man had begged him for his life. Ben had just snuffed him out with his own son watching. What he was about to do now was every bit as callous.
This is who I am, he thought. A killer. I always was. Always will be.
‘I’m sick,’ Penrose wept. ‘I’ve done terrible things. Please give me a chance. I can change. I know I can.’
Ben hesitated. You didn’t need to be a psychiatrist to see that this pathetic, wretched man was mentally ill. He needed the proper treatment, not a cold-blooded execution on the floor.
Shoot him. For Jude’s sake. Ben imagined Jude trapped in the grip of Brown’s nameless, faceless associates. He thought of what they’d do to him if Penrose Lucas wasn’t eliminated according to their instructions.
There was no choice. His finger tightened on the trigger.
But then he hesitated again. There had to be another way. If he didn’t kill Penrose, but instead delivered him alive to the Trimble Group, perhaps they’d show clemency. They’d surely see that he was no longer a threat to anyone. They had the resources to place him in the appropriate facility, even if it meant keeping him behind bars for the rest of his life.
The smoke was thickening in the passageway outside the dining room door. Ben could hear the crackling of the fire as it spread through the villa, intensifying with every passing minute.
He’d made his decision. He lowered the gun. ‘Get on your feet. We have to leave before this whole place goes up in flames.’
‘You’re not going to kill me?’ Penrose blubbered.
Ben reached out a hand and helped him to his feet. ‘Come with me. I’ll see that you get the help you need.’
‘Thank you,’ Penrose croaked. ‘Thank you.’ He wiped his teary face with the sleeve of his dressing gown.
Then, before Ben could react, Penrose retreated a step and tore out the concealed. 25 Beretta automatic that had been nestling against the small of his back, in the elastic waistband of his underwear. He thrust the gun out at Ben and fired.
The small-calibre bullet slammed into Ben’s left shoulder. At extreme short range, the impact was enough to spin him around. There was just shock, no pain. He stayed on his feet and raised his own pistol, but his senses were jangling in disarray and he wasn’t quick enough to squeeze the trigger before Penrose fired again.
The shot crashed into Ben’s ribs and knocked him to the floor on his back. The pistol spun out of his grip.
Penrose howled with savage laughter. ‘ Now who’s going to die? Not me! Not Penrose Lucas!’ His teeth bared in hatred, he advanced towards Ben.
Ben struggled to get up, but his body wasn’t obeying the commands of his brain. Penrose stepped closer and leaned over him. He was just three feet away. The gun was trained on Ben’s head. And he couldn’t miss this time.
Ben kicked out with his legs, sliding himself across the floor. Something hard nudged against the back of his head and he realised that it was the sword blade planted into the floorboards.
‘You thought you could outsmart me,’ Penrose laughed. ‘Now you’ll rot with all the others.’
Ben’s strength was ebbing fast. In desperation he grasped the bronze sword hilt with both hands and tugged with all his might. He felt the tip of the blade pluck out of the floor.
Penrose’s fingertip whitened against the Beretta’s trigger.
Ben swept the sword up over his head and let go.
The pistol boomed.
The shot ploughed into the floor two feet from Ben’s head. A burbling scream burst from Penrose’s lips and he reeled backwards. He dropped his gun and his hands went to his throat, clawing at the bronze hilt that was protruding grotesquely at an angle from the soft flesh above his breast-bone. Three feet of blade stuck out of the back of his neck. Blood gushed from his throat and down his front.
Ben wobbled to his feet, fighting to remain upright. His left arm wouldn’t work properly. He staggered towards Penrose. With his good hand he grasped the slippery, bloody sword hilt, wrenched it out and swung it hard, edgeways. The sickle-shaped blade hummed through the air and slashed Penrose’s throat to his spine, almost severing his head.
Penrose’s knees buckled. He hit the floor in a bloody sprawl.
Ben swayed on his unsteady legs. The second bullet had broken his ribs and passed right through, but the first was still lodged in his shoulder and a lot of the blood on the floor was his own. He could feel the darkness rising, but he wasn’t going to let it. Not yet. He steadied himself against the wall and headed for the door.
As he staggered out of the villa, the flames were leaping from the windows and curling up the walls. The blaze lit up the night sky.
Ben took one last look at the burning house, then turned away.
It was time for him to go and get his son.