Marsh's hands gripped her arms so tightly she knew it would be useless to struggle. He continued to propel her across a grassy surface. She had to be somewhere in the bowl which encircled Hobart House.

'You're goin' to enjoy this,' his coarse voice told her. 'At least the first part.'

'And the second part?' she said quietly.

'You won't know a thing. Guile is clever. He's seen you're Tweed's bit. When you disappear forever it will destroy your Mr Tweed. Guile knows he's the greatest danger.'

'Tweed will hunt you down, if he has to search the world for you. ..'

'Shut your face.'

Marsh's grip on her arms tightened painfully. They slowed down. She heard the squeak of a gate opening, felt her feet move off grass onto paving. She jerked her head up. The hood slipped back and she had a glimpse of the outside world.

She was looking up at a tiled cottage roof. A crooked chimney tilted down towards her. She knew where she was. Marsh rammed the hood back over her head. His tone was vicious.

'Don't get clever on me. We'll be longer on the bed.'

She knew where she was. She remembered seeing the tilted chimney across the bowl, the cottage almost hidden inside a copse of trees on the edge. Was this where Guile had remained out of sight for days? With Lord Bullerton's permission.

'Lift your clumsy feet,' Marsh ordered. 'We're going inside somewhere. Won't be long before you're flat on the bed. You lookin' forward to it? Be the last time you'll be with a man.'

She stumbled over a step and it was cooler. She was inside the cottage, being pushed along a wooden floor she assumed was the hall.

'Now you climb the stairs,' Marsh informed her. 'Slowly. Step by step, with me 'oldin' on to you. Nearly there for your last experience


Normally, whatever the danger, Paula remained calm and alert. For the first time in her life she was in a cold murderous fury. She remembered Neville Guile's words. Use her as a man likes to use a woman. She was incensed, in a killing mood.

She climbed the staircase carefully, feeling for the next step before lifting a foot. Arriving at the top, Marsh guided her into a room, removed the hood, flung her onto the double bed. She was careful to fall on her back, sprawling her legs along the sheet. Marsh had made one fatal mistake.

He stood at the end of the bed, stripped off his jacket, then his shirt. He was grinning evilly. She lay with her cuffed hands and the long metal chain between them over the lower part of her body.

'You can stretch your arms,' he said with a leer. 'They're in the way.'

She raised both arms behind her head as he sprawled on top of her. Her hands whipped down, over his head, round his neck, were winding the chain, long enough, thank God, to encircle his throat. She crossed her hands within seconds, pulled them outwards. The chain bit deep into his windpipe. She increased the pressure. The chain dug deeper.

He was choking. His hands, which might other wise have been used to beat at her body, flew up to his throat, fingers desperately trying to insert them selves under the chain but the metal links were buried too tightly. Coldly, she watched him fighting for breath which couldn't enter the windpipe. She felt his feet and legs hammering on the bed. He opened his mouth but no words emerged. She pulled the chain a fraction tighter and his face was changing colour. Then the hammering of feet and legs ceased. His hands, which had been clawing at the chain, fell to his sides. He was very still. She held on. To be sure. His body had slumped, lifeless, on hers.

She eased herself from beneath him after lifting the chain. She rubbed her hands to bring back circula tion, rolled his body to the edge of the bed, dipped her hand into the pocket of his shirt on the floor where she had seen him tuck the handcuff key.

Her hands trembled but she managed to unlock the cuffs, which she dropped on the floor, kicking them under the bed. As a final precaution she checked his carotid artery. No pulse. Pushing the body off the bed, she shoved it underneath.

She found a small bathroom, turned the cold-water tap, soaked her face and hands. She wiped her finger prints off the tap, collected from the stairs the motoring gloves she had surreptitiously dropped, left the cottage and started walking across the bowl on stiffish legs to where she had parked the Audi. Vaguely, seeing lights in Hobart House, she wondered whether Tweed was still dining with Lord Bullerton.

'My God, where have you been?'

It was MacBlade's voice, but she nearly jumped out of her skin. He told her Harry had turned up on foot out of nowhere and was guarding the vehicle. Arriving at the parked Audi she told both of them in short sen tences what had happened. Harry reacted immediately, turning to MacBlade.

'Give me a hand to remove the body from the cot tage?'

'Sure thing. You OK to drive back to the hotel, Paula?'

'What I could do with. A nice quiet drive back to the hotel.'

Arriving back at the hotel, she parked the Audi, was surprised to realize she was ravenously hungry. She took off her smeared tunic and jeans, washed, brushed her hair and went downstairs.

She dined alone. The food was excellent and she devoured a three-course meal. Arriving back at her suite she forced herself to take a quick shower. Afterwards she couldn't be bothered to get into her night attire. Her last thought before she fell into a deep sleep was how Tweed had fared during his dinner with Lord Bullerton.
