Brasenose College, Oxford, October 24th, 1901 (study hour)
Diary, it is now two weeks since I was precariously perched on the top of Maurice FitzAllen's wardrobe. Happily, I am able to report that it proved unnecessary to develop the shot, for Maurice did undergo a change of heart and it is now possible to debate issues of the day with him in a sensible, civilised manner. Frankly, I doubt if he will ever become close friends with political opponents but thanks to Maurice's influence, those who support the Boer War no longer snarl like animals at those in the opposite camp in the dining hall. As we had no photographs to send to The Cremorne, Joshua, Charles and myself each insisted on giving Rosamund a guinea, for her part in the lascivious affair. But, for my part, I am very pleased that we did not have to resort to threatening Maurice as we had planned. For I was uneasy from the very start about the scheme which I knew was only a hair's breadth away from blackmail. Still, all's well that ends well, although as a precautionary measure, Joshua has insisted keeping the negatives from the photographs he took with his Gewirtz Waistcoat camera in case Maurice is ever tempted to revert to his bad old ways. Now on to fresh and exciting news. Charles came into the library this morning and passed me a letter he had received from his cousin Cassandra Morley. 'You'll find her letter far more interesting than that boring tome on political economy you've had in front of you since ten o'clock.' 'Nothing can be more tedious than marginal demand and the law of diminishing returns,' I grunted.
I took the letter out of the envelope which I noticed bore a postmark from South Devon, one of my favourite areas of England.
'Charles, this letter is marked Private and Confidential. Are you quite sure that you don't mind my reading it?' 'Not in the slightest,' he rejoined quietly. 'Before you begin, let me explain that my pretty cousin Cassandra is only eighteen, and though educated in a quiet girls' school on the outskirts of Torquay, has a far from demure disposition. The family gossips say that her wildness comes from her mother who is of Italian extraction, and she certainly possesses the physical attributes of my Aunt Elena, whose striking looks attracted His Majesty the King when he visited Morley Hall eighteen months ago. 'He was Prince of Wales then, of course,' added Charles and he lowered his voice still further and said: “There was talk amongst the servants that not only did he share Aunt Elena's bed, but that he also wanted to fuck Cassandra as well, but my aunt refused, saying that Cassie was only just sixteen-years-old and far too young for him.' 'I can quite believe it,' I murmured softly.
'The King really is an old devil, and I wouldn't put it past him to try and romp with both mother and daughter at the same time.'
'Quite so, old boy,' agreed Charles. “There can't be many monarchs who would have the nerve to fuck their hostess whilst her husband was snoring away next door — and before you ask, no, my poor Uncle Roger is not a man complaisant.' 'Actually, being only a distant relative of my father, Roger Morley is only an honorary uncle, although my brothers and I have always accorded him this title.
However, our families have always been very friendly and I've always been especially fond of Cassandra who was an enchantingly pretty child and is now a ravishingly beautiful eighteen-year-old girl, who is lusted after by all the young gentry of Devonshire. 'Anyhow, to return to my anecdote, according to his valet, either the Prince or my aunt slipped a small phial of chloral hydrate into Uncle Roger's final glass of port before they were due to retire. So after he staggered upstairs, he fell into bed and slept like a top whilst Aunt Elena rushed into the Prince's bedroom and stayed there for the best part of two hours. Anyhow, why don't you read Cassandra's letter and then meet me for a coffee in the common room in about fifteen minutes time?'
He hurried off and I unfolded the sheaves of paper and read the following:
Dear Charlie, I do hope you have settled in well at Brasenose and that you are enjoying yourself in Oxford. I must confess that J often wish I had studied harder. I might have been able to persuade Papa to let me leave Morley Hall and see something of the great wide world outside. Oh, I know he means well, Charlie, but life down here can be so crushingly dull! Do you remember how you described the boys you met at the Hunt Ball in June? You called them 'chinless wonders' and that perfectly fits most of the local young men who come weekly to Morley Hall at Mama's invitation as potential suitors. More of this later, but first let me tell you of a marvellous adventure Fanny Braithwaite and I had some three weeks ago. I'm sure you haven't forgotten Fanny, I know she made a great impression upon you at the Hunt Ball! You gave her a nickname as well, you naughty boy — what was it now? Oh yes, I remember, it was 'the firecracker'!
Well, if anything, Fanny looks even more gorgeous than ever, Charlie, and she says I should tell you that if you come down here for a weekend, she would let you see more than her titties which you so enjoyed fondling in the carriage which took you both back here after the ball. Don't even attempt to deny it, Fanny and I have no secrets from one another! Now I don't know what the weather has been like in Oxford, but we've been enjoying an Indian Summer down here in sunny Devon. Even though we are already into the last week of September, the thermometer has shot up to more than seventy degrees. Fanny and I decided to take our swimsuits and go bathing on Mudstone Sands, which you know is usually completely deserted. So we arranged for Polgrave to take us down to St Mary's Bay in the dog-cart and indeed the beach seemed deserted as we went into the bathing-machines to change. I instructed Polgrave to set up two deck-chairs and leave the hamper which Mrs. Hobart had packed for our tea by the chairs. 'You may leave now, Polgrave,' I said. 'Come back at half past four, but naturally if the weather changes for the worse, return here as soon as possible.' Fanny seemed to be in a very subdued mood, which is most unlike her for she is usually such a cheerful soul. When she undressed I admired her firm uptilted breasts and flat white belly which was decorated at the base with a fluffy moss of flaxen curls through which I could see the rolled pink pussey lips when she lifted one leg up on the bench to brush some dirt off her feet. I said nothing until we went outside again. Perhaps a suitor was giving her problems, I thought to myself. But once we had made ourselves comfortable in our chairs, I demanded to know what was troubling my dear friend, for she appeared to be in a very thoughtful mood.
'Tell me what's bothering you, darling, we're the best of chums aren't we?' I said warmly. 'You know that if there is something wrong and there is anything I can do to help…” My voice trailed off as I saw tears well up in her blue eyes. 'There's nothing you or anyone else can do to help me,' she quavered and to my great distress, poor Fanny burst into tears. Immediately, I scrambled across and wrapped my arms around her. 'Fanny, what on earth is the matter?
Whatever it is, you must not keep it to yourself. Remember how Miss Beublette always told us at school that a trouble shared is a trouble halved?' Fanny sighed and said: 'Not in this case, Cassie. Very well, I'll tell you what's on my mind, but you must promise not to breathe a word about it to your parents.' 'My lips are sealed,' I assured her. Then Fanny continued: 'Three years ago, my Papa was advised by one of his colleagues on the committee of his London club to invest all his money in certain shares in the New York Stock Market. At first, he made a lot of money, but last month we had some shocking news. The broker who was handling our business in America has absconded and taken all his clients' money with him.' My hand flew to my mouth. 'Oh my goodness, how dreadful! Has your Papa lost a lot of money?' I asked. Fanny whispered: 'Cassie, he's lost every penny he possessed, more than one hundred and thirty thousand pounds.
All we have left is the few hundred pounds which Mama keeps in the bank so she is going up to London next week to sell her jewellery.'
I enquired if anyone was hopeful of catching this wicked thief, but Fanny shook her head. 'It's most unlikely, and even if he were, he won't let on what he's done with all our money.' 'So there's no chance of recovering any money at all,' I mused. Fanny said: 'Thank the Lord that Papa's London stockbroker, who was against the plan from the beginning', took out insurance against malpractice, but we will only get back about a quarter of Papa's losses and it will take at least a year before that amount is paid out.' 'Well, that's something, at least. Surely your father could borrow some money until the insurance money arrives?' J cried. But Fanny informed me that her father had mortgaged their house and land to the hilt to buy the American shares and thus had no longer any security by which to obtain a loan: Although I have only a vague notion as to the exact size of our own family fortune, I was sure that if I told Papa about the Braithwaite's predicament, he would stump up at least fifteen thousand pounds as either a gift or as an interest-free loan.
'Do you really think so?' gasped Fanny when I said as much to her. 'Oh, that would be wonderful, but neither my father nor I would contemplate embarrassing our friends by making a request for financial assistance.' 'If we cannot fall back on a friend in bad times, then how strong can the bond between us be?' I said firmly as I took Fanny's hands into my own. 'Anyhow, the ball is now in my court and I will speak to Papa this evening about this matter. I cannot promise anything on his behalf, but I am certain that you no longer have to bother your pretty little head about this dreadful business. Now let's relax and enjoy what will probably be the last sunshiney day of the year.' I leaned over her deckchair and kissed her, Fanny returned my warm embrace, sliding her arms around my soft curves as we pulled our bodies closer together. Our lips brushed each other's cheeks and then met, pressing firmly against each other with undisguised passion.
Then we both slipped down on to the sand. 'Oh, Fanny darling, you are so beautiful,' I murmured as Fanny clasped me tightly against her, opening her mouth to allow my tongue to slide between her teeth. She responded with avid passion and moved my hands down towards her heaving breasts, Fanny whimpered with desire when I squeezed the soft globes and she herself slipped the arms of her swimsuit down from her shoulders. I helped her pull off her costume and she helped me take off mine so that we now lay completely naked together. I slid my hands over her delicious bare bosoms, feeling the rosy red nipples pouting against my palms and then she lay back and allowed my loving fingers to linger inside the damp triangle of golden, fluffy hair between her thighs. I kissed Fanny's stiffening titties, lingering over each erect nipple in turn whilst I slid my forefinger between her pussey lips, sensing the cuntal juices welling inside her love funnel.
'Oooh, Cassie, that feels so lovely… please finish me off,' she murmured and so I slipped my finger in and out of her cunney in an unhurried rhythm as her body rocked to and fro in time with my gentle probing. Next I parted her thighs and moved my body downwards so that I could nuzzle my lips around her blonde pubic muff and Fanny's pussey lips opened wide to allow my darting tongue to slip inside her juicy cunt. I placed my lips over her swollen clitty and sucked it into my mouth where the tip of my tongue explored it from all directions and I could feel her fleshy love button getting even larger as Fanny twitched up and down as electric charges of sensuous excitement crackled through her entire frame. She began to moan in ecstasy and I could taste the tangy juices flowing freely out of her sticky honeypot. She clutched wildly at my head as I continued to ream out her delicious cunney with my tongue, pushing my lips hard against her groin whilst I moved my head back and forth until the lovely girl was quivering all over and desperate for release.
'A-a-a-r-g-h!' squealed Fanny, and with every stroke of my tongue she arched her body to press her clitty against my teeth. Then she cried out as she exploded in my mouth and I felt her clitty jerking violently against my tongue as I swallowed her copious spend. We lay entwined in each other's arms and then Fanny rolled herself over and nibbled my ear as she said: 'Cassie, you have such lovely nipples.
See how much bigger they are than mine. Lie back and let me play with them. You don't mind if I suck these beautiful titties till they stand up like little red soldiers, do you?' 'I would like nothing better, darling,' I answered and Fanny twisted her fingers around my right nipple and started to roll it around her palm until it stiffened up like a miniature cock.
'M'mm,' I purred as she placed her hand upon the fine downy curls that cover my notch and her busy fingers made my heart quicken and my whole body began to tremble with desire. I soon became quite light-headed as Fanny kissed and sucked my titties and then her hand slipped down to frig my cunney, easing a finger into my moist crack. I sighed and raised my bottom to enjoy this delicious sensation to the utmost and soon her finger was joined by a second and then a third as she finger-fucked me at an ever-quickening pace. In no time at all, my love juices were spurting out of my pussey as Fanny continued to frig me until I shuddered as the first waves of my climax washed over me, setting each nerve on fire, and I cried out with joy as I discharged a final flood of feminine jism over Fanny's hand.
We dozed off in each other's arms, but then a chill breeze woke us up and we hastily scampered back to the bathing machines and changed into our clothes in case the change in the weather caused Polgrave to return with the dog-cart earlier than half past four. In fact he came back only ten minutes after we had dressed ourselves and we returned back to Motley Hall for tea. Papa did not join us for dinner during which Mama imparted some very bad news. My father had been called to London for an urgent meeting with his bankers, for it appeared that the same wretch who had persuaded Mr. Braithwaite to let the scoundrel in New York handle his affairs had also prevailed upon my father to invest a large sum with the same missing villain.
Although Papa had not lost his entire fortune like Mr. Braithwaite, he had nevertheless suffered a severe financial loss and there was no chance of his being able to offer a loan to Fanny's family. To compound this awful news, my mother informed me that she and Mrs.
Braithwaite were planning a dinner party for Fanny and myself to meet Alfred and Lester Toddington, the twin sons of a local wealthy landowner who had sent them out to India fifteen years ago to make their fortunes, and they had returned home last year, having made a large profit from some transactions in government surplus goods.
'But Mama, Alfred and Lester are in their late thirties!' I exclaimed despairingly. 'Fanny and I have met them before, and they may have lots of money but it would be difficult to decide who is the more boring.' 'Ah, they might seem boring now, but I'm sure that when you get to know them better, you'll find the two gentlemen to be far more entertaining then the callow youths you have been used to,'
Mama replied. 'Anyhow, they have formally asked permission to speak to you and Fanny and it would be most impolite for you to refuse even to meet them.' I made my displeasure known by rising from the table and saying: 'Mama, the very idea of an involvement with either Alfred or Lester Toddington is quite absurd. If we had no financial troubles, you would simply turn down such a request without a second thought.'
'Maybe I would, Cassie, but I am thinking of you far more than any benefits gained by Papa and myself she replied hotly. 'Don't you see that your father and I are greatly concerned that you might not bring any dowry with you into a proposed marriage. If and of course the decision must be yours and yours alone, it transpired that you found one of the Toddingtons to your fancy, the lack of a dowry would be unimportant.' The next morning I discovered that a similar conversation had taken place between Fanny and her Mama, so I will come straight to the point, Charlie. You must come down to Devon as soon as possible and rescue Fanny and myself from the clutches of the Toddingtons! Don't misunderstand me, of course my parents would never force me to marry against my will, and neither would Fanny's — but I need someone whom I trust implicitly to help us work out how best to cool the Toddingtons's ardour without upsetting the apple cart even further. Can't you get away from Oxford for a long weekend?
By all means bring a friend with you (preferably a nice young man because I've bad no boyfriend since I decided to end my relationship with the Honourable Graham Bowe earlier this year after catching him behind the pavilion at the tennis club being sucked off by the vicar's daughter). Write back soon, Charlie dear, and let me know whether you will be able to help two girls in need of a doughty champion.
All my love, Cassandra With a sigh, I put down this heartfelt cri de coeur and carefully folded the sheets of paper back into the envelope.
Clearly, Charles showed me this letter to find out whether I would be willing to assist him rescue these two young damsels in distress.
I hauled myself out of my seat and strode briskly out of the library to take up Charles' invitation to join him for coffee in the common room. Wasting no time, I plumped myself into an armchair next to him and said: 'There's only one question I want to ask you, old chap. Do we go to Devon on Friday or shall we wait until the following week end?' Morley Hall, South Devon, October 25th, 1901 (Before Dinner) From the date above this entry, diary, you will note that Charles and I wasted no time in hastening down to assist Cassandra and Fanny rid themselves of their unwanted suitors. Even if it had meant cutting a lecture or two, we would still have booked tickets on the fast London train. However, Dr Barnes was slightly indisposed and cancelled his Friday seminar. If we return by Monday evening, all we will miss will be an economics lecture and Joshua has promised to supply us with his notes so we will not fall behind in our studies. The only disappointment is that Charles and I have both had to drop out of the college football team's game against Oriel, but unless I am much mistaken, Charles and I may well find ourselves involved in physical sport of another kind tomorrow night. We're in fine fettle for any such engagement for Charles and I left Oxford at eight o'clock this morning and we arrived here by tea-time. What a difference the railway has made to travel.
Journeys which took my parents several days can now be accomplished in a matter of hours, and I am convinced that once perfected, the internal combustion engine will herald a similar revolution in this new century. On the other hand, we'll need to build many more roads to accommodate the growing numbers of motor vehicles and it will be a great shame if we sacrifice the beauty of the countryside. I grant that scientific progress should not be impaired, and there is no doubt that fellows like Julian Clayton derive great fun from driving their motor cars at tremendous speeds of up to forty miles an hour on the better roads. Yet how much more pleasant it is to relax in the luxury of an express train where one can stretch the legs, read a book or simply stare out of the window and then stroll slowly down to the refreshment car for a snack or slap-up meal. Certainly, this is how I enjoyed the journey. A footman met us in a dog-cart to convey Charles and myself on the last mile and three quarters to Morley Hall on the outskirts of the tiny village of Alston. Cassandra was waiting for us at the entrance to the imposing old mansion and I was immediately struck by the striking beauty of this shapely girl.
Charles had told me that his cousin was stunningly pretty and he had not exaggerated by a whit, for Cassandra is blessed with a finely formed face framed by a mass of shiny brown hair which falls in ringlets upon her shoulders. Her eyes are also a deep shade of brown and her clear complexion shows off her aquiline nose and full, sensuous lips. She was wearing a tightly fitting white blouse which accentuated her high, thrusting breasts and I had to tear my eyes away from her heaving bosoms as she ran forward to greet us.
'Charlie, how lovely to see you,' she cried as she threw her arms around him and gave him a huge welcoming hug before she turned to me and held out her hand. 'And you must be Henry Dashwood, I've heard so much about you from Charlie that I feel like I'm meeting an old acquaintance.' 'You're very kind, Miss Morley,' I replied as I shook her hand but she immediately said: 'Do call me Cassie, Henry, all my friends do and you will be my friend, won't you?' 'Oh yes, I would be honoured to be counted in that company,' I exclaimed and the lovely girl escorted us into the house whilst the footman took down our cases from the dog-cart. 'Polgrave, put Charles's case in the blue guest room and Henry's in the bedroom next to it,' Cassie instructed the footman as we followed her into the drawing room where a maid was standing behind two polished cake-stands, waiting to serve tea. Then she turned to us and added: 'Papa has had to go up to London on business and won't be back until tomorrow afternoon, but Mama will be here shortly. This summer she has been attending an art class in Brixham and hopes to bring back her latest picture with her when she returns in about half an hour.' As it happened, Mrs.
Morley arrived only fifteen minutes later as she had been driven home by another artist manque in his new motor car. When she came into the drawing room, I thought at first that she was Cassie's sister, for this attractive lady was certainly no more than forty, and has retained much of her youthful beauty. Her smouldering dark eyes were doubtless the result of her Italian ancestry and her flashing smile must have captured the hearts of many suitors before she married Cassandra's father. 'Aunt Elena, how nice to see you again,' said Charles, rising from his chair and striding forward to kiss his aunt on both cheeks a la francaise. 'Let me introduce my very good friend, Henry Dashwood. Henry, this is my aunt, Mrs. Elena Morley.' I bowed slightly as Elena Morley smiled at me and said in a pleasing, slightly husky voice: 'How do you do, Mr. Dashwood? Welcome to Morley Hall.' 'Thank you, it's a pleasure to be here, ma'am,' I said, and was it merely a figment of my imagination that a mutual spark was lit when our eyes met, and when we shook hands, Elena Morley caressed my fingers for a few seconds longer than was strictly necessary? Only time will tell… Whilst I pondered on this matter, Cassie insisted that her Mama showed us her painting. It is a panoramic view of Brixham. To my (admittedly inexpert) eye, her canvas shows to perfection the picturesque view of the town, with the rows of houses irregularly terraced on the sides of the steep hills of the valley leading down to the harbour. Cassandra cocked her head to one side and said: 'This is your best picture yet, Mama. Perhaps you should send a selection of your work to your art dealer friend in London to see what they might fetch at auction. If they take the fancy of some passing connoisseur, all our financial problems will be solved!' 'My dear, I doubt if even the most amateur of collectors would be interested in my daubings,' laughed Elena. 'But nevertheless, I'm grateful for the compliment.' I cleared my throat and said: 'You must permit me to disagree, Mrs. Morley. 'I would be proud to have this picture on the walls of my living room. The brushwork is bold and clear and I find the use of bright, unshaded colour most pleasing.' 'So do I, Aunt,' chipped in Charles. 'And in my opinion, Cassie is quite right and you should send some samples of your work to a London dealer. What harm could it do? If he does not believe your pictures have any value, all he has to do is write a brief note and return them to you.' Elena frowned and looked hard at us. 'Do you really think so?' she asked doubtfully. 'Mr. Geogliegan is a very busy man, he's always travelling across Europe in search of good paintings, and I wouldn't want to waste his time.' Then Elena threw out her hands and said: 'Very well, I will go to the study and write to Mr.
Geogliegan this very minute. I will send him this picture and you can all help me select another two or three for Polgrave to pack up into a wooden box which the carrier can pick up early tomorrow morning and put on the London train.' 'That's the way, Aunt Elena,' said Charles, rubbing his hands gleefully. 'Strike whilst the iron's hot!'
As I was standing nearest the door, I moved quickly to open it for Elena as she walked out to write her letter. 'Thank you, Henry,' she murmured as she passed by. 'I will really value your opinion as to which pictures I should send to London.' After I shut the door, Cassie grinned at me and said: 'Charles has just told me your uncle has connections with Robey and Peck. This is the company which published a book Mama left wrapped in brown paper in my bedroom on my thirteenth birthday.' 'Oh, a copy of Alice in Wonderland or perhaps a calf leather bound edition of Tennyson's Idylls of the King!' I enquired, But Cassie shook her head and giggled: 'Not exactly, Henry, this was a plainly bound edition of The Mechanics of Human Sexuality by Dr Paul Evans.' 'I'll wager that Robey and Peck bring out a new edition of that book every year,' added Cassie mischievously. 'Even if the title page has a printed warning of “For Private Reading. Not To Be Left About”.' 'H'mm, have you kept your copy by any chance?' asked Charles carelessly. 'I've brought nothing to read and I wouldn't mind giving it a glance before turning off the bedside lamp tonight.' 'Sorry, Charles, I'm afraid I gave it to Reverend Ainsworth last year for a Church jumble sale in aid of the Deserving Poor,' she answered, but then she clicked her fingers and said: 'But I have another book which only arrived the other day which I know you will want to read very carefully. Wait here for a moment whilst I bring it down from my room.' 'Why don't I ring for a servant to fetch it?' asked Charles. But Cassie gave a little chuckle and said: 'I keep the book so well-hidden that it would take five minutes just to explain where it can be found.' She gaily skipped out into the hall and Charles looked at me with a puzzled expression on his face. 'What can be so special about this tome, Henry? I simply can't believe that Cassie has purchased a 'horn book,' he muttered. I shrugged my shoulders and said nothing for truthfully my mind was still turning over the question of whether it was only coincidental that Elena Morley's hand had brushed against my thigh when she had left the drawing room. However, Charles had only to wait a couple of minutes for his question to be answered, for Cassie now reappeared, carrying a large book bound in olive green Russia leather under her arm. She placed it on a side table and said: 'Here we are, gentlemen, I know that you'll enjoy browsing through these pages.' Cassie and I stood on either side of Charles as he opened the book and my chum let out a shocked gasp when he read out: 'Fucking For Fun by Major William Goodall. D.S.O., late of the Ninth Calcutta Lancers, Published Privately in Manchester. Heavens above, Cassie, where on earth did you buy this book?' 'More's to the point, why should an officer in the Indian Army offer himself as an authority on shagging?' I asked, a question which Cassie answered first, by explaining that Major Goodall was for many years the Chief Medical Officer of his regiment and during his stay in India he learned Hindi and helped Sir Richard Burton translate an ancient text on erotic pleasure into English. She continued: 'I bought this volume for three guineas at a second hand bookshop in Newton Abbot.
Frankly, I don't believe the owner realised its true value because only a limited number of the de luxe editions were ever printed back in 1898 and I know that copies are keenly sought after by bibliophiles and collectors of gallant literature.' Charles flicked open a page and a wide grin spread over his face as we looked at a photograph of a handsome young man fucking a girl from behind, sliding his thick prick between her peachy bum cheeks as she stood upright with her hands spread against a wall, a position which allowed her to thrust out her peachy bottom. 'The models look as though they are having fun,' said Cassie. Charles grunted: 'Nice work if you can get it, I'd much rather take part in a session of fucking than read some of our mind-numbing books on philosophy — even if I were being photographed during the performance!' 'Almost anything is better than that,' I agreed. I then proceeded to read out the text underneath the plate.
'The position of rear entry is frowned upon by some as being animalistic, although anatomically it is the most natural position for sexual contact. If she is on her hands and knees, the woman can support her partner's weight without difficulty since this entails the use of back and thigh muscles, the strongest in the human body. On the man's side, he is free to fondle the woman's breasts and buttocks whilst he can also manually stimulate the clitoris whilst his penis is sheathed inside the vagina.'
Charles turned the page and we now looked at a photograph of the lucky rogue lying on his back whilst the girl sat poised on top of him, his cock in her hands ready to be inserted into her love funnel. Now Cassie read out the caption: 'Another interesting position is for the man to lie prone and the woman to sit on top of him. Despite its comfort, there are some men who dislike this mode of fucking because they feel their masculinity is somehow threatened by a feminine dominance — an attitude which others find strange as they believe the position allows their women to cater to their every demand.'
'The lazy man's fuck,' mused Charles to which I said defensively: 'Maybe so, but I enjoy making love in this fashion, don't you?' He gave a non-committal answer, but Cassie took up the cudgels on my behalf and said: 'Well, it must be nice for you to lie back and let the girl do most of the work. Actually, I rather like the position myself, because it's easy for your partner to rub your titties whilst his cock's in your cunt.' 'Cassie! What would Aunt Elena say if she heard you use such earthy language!' scolded Charles.
She wagged a reproving finger at her cousin and rejoined: 'Oh, don't be such a prude, Charlie! As the great Italian writer Boccaccio told his critics, no corrupt mind ever understands words healthily, and just as such people do not enjoy virtuous words, so the well-disposed cannot be harmed by words somewhat less virtuous.'
She swivelled round to me and there was a lusty glint in her eyes as she said: 'So you admit you enjoy having a pretty girl on top of you, Henry, with your prick deep inside her pussey. Oh yes, I can just imagine the scene, the girl briskly bouncing up and down on your thighs, her breasts jiggling whilst she rotates her hips, exciting you into thrusting your hips upwards to meet her urgent thrusts. Then she slows the pace and lowers herself, pressing her taut titties against your chest… Oooh, I'm making myself all hot and bothered just thinking about it.' 'That makes two of us,' I said hoarsely, for my shaft was now as stiff as a poker and was throbbing violently inside my trousers. 'Please don't take offence, but you sound just like a story in The Cremorne.' Do I really?' giggled Cassie. 'Oh, I'm not offended at all, I enjoy reading those lusty tales in the naughty magazines. My former boyfriend, the Honourable Graham Bowe, subscribed to several of these saucy publications, but I haven't seen any since we broke up.' I gave a discreet little cough and said: 'Well, you are very welcome to borrow my copy of The Memoirs of Dame Jenny Everleigh.' 'Thank you very much,' Cassie said delightedly.
'Is it in your suitcase? I hope that it's well hidden because the maids will have unpacked your clothes by now — oh poor Henry, from the pained expression on your face, I can see that you forgot to do so!'
How could I have been so foolish, I muttered to myself, but Cassie took my hand and said: 'Never mind, Janet, our new chambermaid, is a very broad-minded girl. If anything, she loves shagging even more than I do.' Then she scooped up her copy of Fucking for Fun and turning to Charles she continued: 'Oh, this reminds me, Charlie, unless you prefer to play with yourself, there's no need for you to borrow this book tonight. Janet saw you arrive and when I went upstairs just now, she saw me and asked if I could pass on a message to you that she will be happy to come to your room for a fuck after Polgrave has gone to bed. 'Janet's only twenty-one but very experienced, and although I can't speak from personal knowledge, I understand from Nicholas, Farmer Webb's eldest son, that she is a lively little filly between the sheets.' 'I'm glad to hear it,' said Charles faintly, clearly astonished at the boldness of his pretty young cousin, and when he saw Cassie pulling me towards the door, he added: 'Hey, where are you two off to?' 'I'm putting this book back in its hiding-place and then Henry is going to give me his risque magazine,' said Cassie brightly. 'If Mama comes in whilst we're upstairs, be a dear and entertain her till we come back. If she asks where we are, you can tell her that I've taken Henry for a walk round the estate before it gets dark. The gong for dinner has just sounded and I haven't even changed my attire yet. I must continue to record this entry later.
Motley Hall, South Devon, October 26th, 1901 (Before Luncheon) The clock will shortly strike twelve so I shall have just enough time to continue to record the events of yesterday.
Let me take up my narrative from the time that Cassandra Morley dragged me upstairs (not that I needed any persuasion) ostensibly to give her my copy of a 'horn' magazine. Well, there is little point beating about the bush — before you could say 'Jack Robinson' we were lying down on her bed together reading the latest instalment of Call That A Boomerang? an account of Dame Jenny Everleigh's stirring adventures in Australia. 'Henry, did I tell you that my best friend Fanny Braithwaite will be dining with us this evening?' said Cassie as she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. 'Oh, I envy you boys, all you have to do is change into your dinner jacket, but Fanny and I have to decide whether this gown or that gown will be suitable.
Sometimes I think that life would be would be easier if we wore nothing at all to dinner. 'Do you indeed. I suppose it would liven up the dinner conversation,' I replied with a smile. Cassie pulled herself off the bed and said firmly: 'That's as maybe, but I just cannot decide what to wear tonight. I'll try on one or two dresses and you must tell me which one you like best.' I groaned because I was certain that Cassie would be just like all the other girls who have asked my opinion on which of their clothes I prefer. I well remember being asked by Lady Juliette Davis to make a choice between a pair of green or black gloves. When after careful deliberation I chose the black pair, she immediately asked me what was wrong with the green ones! So it was with apprehension that I watched Cassie open her wardrobe door and disappear behind it. I plunged myself back into reading the conclusion of a magnificent fuck enjoyed by the authoress with Sir Cyril Ashberg, a wealthy Australian gentleman of the Hebraic persuasion. However, my perusal of her randy exploits was soon interrupted by Cassie's voice as she called out sweetly: 'Henry, do you think I would cause a stir if I came down to dinner dressed like this?' I glanced up to see Cassie standing next to the bed stark naked. My eyes widened and my cock, which was already stiff as a board from studying the pages of my 'horn' book, began to throb wildly as it rose inexorably upwards to make a perpendicular bulge in my trousers. 'Well,' she said with a gay smile, smoothing her fingers across the silky strands of curly brown hair which discreetly veiled her pussey. 'I gulped as I gazed at her perfectly proportioned bare breasts, so firm and so rounded and so deliriously topped with two mouth-watering tawny titties. 'On second thoughts, perhaps I had better wear a dress this evening,' she teased as she ran her forefinger, lasciviously up and down the length of her slit. 'It's top cold to walk around in the nude as Papa has yet to install radiators. On the other hand, it is not so cold up here, Henry, so put down your naughty book and undress. I presume you would like to fuck me, wouldn't you? If the size of that bulge in your lap is anything to go by, I would think that your thick prick is simply aching to slide into my tight wet love channel.' 'Oh, Cassie, I'd love to fuck you,' I answered with all my heart. This was all the fiery girl needed to hear, for once I had thrown off my clothes, she threw herself on top of me and hungrily sought my lips and we engaged in the most passionate of kisses whilst my stiff shaft rubbed roughly against the smooth curly bush of hair on her pubic mound. 'Now you said how much you enjoyed what Charles called the lazy man's fuck,' she breathed in my ear, pulling herself upwards as she slid her fingers around my sturdy truncheon. 'That's just as well because I also enjoy being on top, so what are we waiting for?' Without waiting for a reply to her rhetorical question, Cassie gave a throaty little chuckle before sliding herself slowly down upon my trembling tool until every inch was firmly embedded inside her. 'Wowee, what a nice fat tadger, it fits my cunney to perfection,' she squealed happily as she leaned forward and wiggled her lovely breasts against my chest and went on: 'Now, Henry, try not too spend too quickly. Just hold that marvellous stiffie inside my juicy honeypot.' Cassie's rosy cheeks were flushed as she began to bounce up and down on my rigid rod with a look of blissful delight, her ripe nipples standing out like bullets whilst her bosoms jiggled so invitingly every time her buttocks smacked against the tops of my thighs. 'Aaargh!' I growled when she held her hips down upon me, rubbing my cock from side to side whilst cleverly clenching the muscles of her juicy quim. She shuddered as she felt my prick begin to twitch and she urged me on, whispering that her cunney was ready to receive my spermy tribute.
Seconds later I discharged a copious emission of frothy jism inside her and Cassie yelled out: 'Yes! Oh yes! Well done, Henry, you've made me come, you dear boy!' The luscious girl stayed in this position, her body writhing from side to side as she flashed a voluptuous smile at me. 'Oooh, how wonderful, I can feel your cock is still nice and stiff,' exclaimed Cassie happily. And with my rigid rod still ensheathed in her flooded cunt, she started to pump upon my shaft. Then I grabbed hold of her soft, beautifully-rounded bum cheeks and pulled her slowly up and down, treating my cock to long, deep strokes as I raised the tempo from lento to andante. Cassie eagerly took up the rhythm and pistoned her tight little backside furiously up and down until she was again on the verge of a spend. She yelled: 'Oh Henry, give me all you've got! Shoot your spunk up my snatch, you randy rogue! A-a-a-h, what a wonderful cock you have, I'm spending again! Go on now, finish off by shooting off again inside me!' I gritted my teeth and jerked my hips up and down until with a cry I also spent a second time, hurling wedges of creamy spunk inside Cassie's flooded love funnel. Our bodies heaved and bucked together until she rolled off me and we lay still, panting with exhaustion after this splendid session of passionate coupling. My shaft was now lolling limply over my thigh, milked dry by the exquisite suction of Cassie's cunney. But this salacious young filly spread herself out on her back with her legs wide apart and whispered to me that her sopping pussey was still tingling and would adore some further attention. Although I was feeling tired, I could hardly leave my nubile young lover in limbo, so I heaved myself up and knelt between her thighs. Taking a deep breath, I slid my hands underneath her bottom and dived down to press my face against her love lips, probing Cassie's sopping pussey with the tip of my tongue. She moaned with erotic ecstasy as I sucked her cunney with gusto, licking and lapping at her tender, erect clitty. My face was coated by the flow of the tangy mix of Cassie's cuntal juices and my own spunky emission which was now cascading out of her pussey as she opened her long slender legs as wide as possible to make her pungent pussey more accessible. I paused for a moment to savour her musky cuntal aroma-before nibbling lightly on her pouting pussey lips which caused her to purr with pleasure like a kitten. Oh, how I enjoyed licking out this delicious girl, forcing my tongue deep into her moist love channel, sliding it up and down her dripping crack. She yelped with ecstasy and clamped her thighs around my head when I found her twitching love button, twisting and turning so strongly that I had some difficulty in keeping my mouth glued to her cunney. Somehow I managed to keep my lips firmly over her cunt as she rubbed herself off to a shuddering climax against my mouth. When we had recovered, I kissed Cassie on the cheek and said that I needed to bathe and change before dinner. 'By all means,' she nodded and added: 'You don't have to get dressed again, Henry. You can go straight into your bedroom through the door on the right hand side of my wardrobe.' 'That's very useful,' I commented as I gathered up my clothes. She gave me an impudent wink as she replied: 'Yes, and even more so after we have dined. I deliberately instructed Polgrave to put your things in this room? I won't deny that it was in my mind that you might be able to take my mind off this awful business with the Toddington twins. You see-' I held up my hand and said gently: 'There's no need for any explanations, Cassie, I am fully aware of the situation. I hope you are not offended but Charles took the liberty of showing me your letter before we left Oxford.' 'Oh no, I'm pleased he informed you of the difficulties facing my dear friend Fanny Braithwaite and myself,' sighed Cassie. 'Perhaps you and Charlie will be able to put your heads together and come up with a solution to our problem.'
I sat down on the bed and declared: 'My God, Cassie, nothing would give us greater pleasure. But we've no experience in financial matters, so I'm not sure what more we can do except give you our moral support. 'But your cousin Charlie is a clever chap,' I went on and proceeded to tell her of the way he cooled tempers of the hot-headed Boer War factions back at 'Varsity. 'So we'll put our heads together and see if we can come up with an idea or two to help you and Fanny resist the pressure to marry these two chaps just for their money.' 'Try your hardest, Henry, we're pinning our hopes on you,' she called out as I blew her a kiss and went through the inter-connecting door straight into my bedroom. I lingered in my warm bath, racking my brains to try and come up with a clever plan to help these two damsels in distress. My father is fond of telling me that the best ideas are the result of one per cent inspiration and ninety nine per cent perspiration, but nothing came to mind by the time I went downstairs for dinner, and I have to confess that I was engrossed in trying to pen down my own concerns with Cassie.
Cassie and her mother were already in the drawing-room when I got down to dinner and Elena greeted me with a warm smile and a glass of champagne. This time I was certain that the tips of her fingers deliberately smoothed themselves around my wrist as she pressed the glass into my hand. However, before either of us could exchange more than a cordial 'good evening', I heard the rustle of skirts behind me and turned round to see Fanny Braithwaite standing at the door.
'Henry, you've yet to meet my dearest friend Fanny Braithwaite,' cried Cassie and she introduced me to an exquisitely pretty girl with golden-blonde hair, large blue eyes and a fine, full figure. 'How do you do, Mr. Dashwood?' she said softly in a sweet feminine voice and as we shook hands. The words of the poet John Gay came instantly came to my mind: 'How happy could I be with either, Were t'other dear charmer away?'
I must readily agree that these unworthy thoughts were of sheer greed, for I was already well set up for the weekend with the lovely Cassandra (and perhaps her Mama as well). So although my prick thickened when my eyes roved over Fanny's luscious bosoms which were spilling over the top of her low cut green gown, I was in a sense relieved when Charles now made his appearance and kissed Fanny lightly on the cheek. 'What a pleasure to see you again, Fanny,' he exclaimed and from the genuine look of delight on her face, it was obvious that these two were already, shall we say, very well acquainted! And I had thought Charles to be an innocent these matters!' Charles and I entertained the ladies with some amusing anecdotes about our first week at Brasenose College and then Polgrave came in to announce that dinner was served and Elena led us into the dining room. Although the Morley family might be experiencing some financial problems, this has not prevented Elena from instructing her excellent cook, to prepare a feast for us. We dined on caviare, asparagus soup, fillets of sole in white wine, roast lamb served with several vegetables and roast potatoes followed by several varieties of fresh fruits, all washed down with vintage wines. Charles and I stood up when the three ladies retired and Polgrave brought in a decanter of port from which Charles filled our glasses. 'Enjoying yourself, Henry?' he asked with a beaming smile upon his slightly flushed face, for Charles had been imbibing at a greater rate than myself. 'Aren't the girls absolute smashers?' 'Without a doubt, old boy,' I replied and rather daringly went on: 'And I hope you will not take offence if I say that your Aunt Elena is also a damned attractive woman.' 'I couldn't agree more,' Charles grunted as he sipped his port. 'Do you remember that I told you she was rumoured to have been fucked by His Majesty the King when he visited Morley Hall eighteen months ago? Well, I gave Polgrave half a crown whilst you were upstairs with Cassie and he swore to me that he heard a noise coming from Edward's bedroom in the early hours and he peeped through the keyhole and saw Aunt Elena lying naked on the bed sucking the royal shaft.' 'Oh my word,' I murmured, feeling upset that I had unwittingly steered the conversation upon delicate ground. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rake up any embarrassing family scandals.'
Charles let out a throaty chuckle and said: 'My dear chap, think nothing of it, Cassie knows of the matter and it's all water under the bridge as far as Uncle Roger is concerned. Between ourselves, he wasn't put out because-now how shall I put it-although he and Elena are the very best of friends, some time ago Uncle Roger admitted to me that unfortunately he has been unable to satisfy Aunt Elena in the bedroom — or anywhere else, come to think of it! No, it's not that he's impotent,' he went on when he saw my eyebrows shoot up. “The problem hasn't been so much about his not being able to manage a stand. It's just that Uncle Roger is rather the other way inclined and has his own set of lovers. Meanwhile, Aunt Elena would like to be shafted morning, noon and night.' So I had not imagined the signals which the good-looking lady had been giving me! 'What are you smiling about?' asked Charles curiously. Then he snapped his fingers and snorted: 'Oh-ho, has my naughty aunt been giving you the eye? Well, it would be surprising if she didn't make a pass at you, Henry, because I doubt if Aunt Elena has sheathed a beefy young prick in her snatch since Nathan, the gardener's boy, left Morley Hall last July.' 'Has there been no-one else available to satisfy her needs?' I enquired. Charles shook his head and answered: 'Not really.
You see, she considers that it would be rather infra dig to let herself be shagged by one of the house servants and in any case, Polgrave is also of the homosexualist persuasion. So feel quite free to fuck my aunt tonight, you'd be doing both Elena and Uncle Roger a favour if you'd give her a good poke. Cassie knows about the way her mother deals with her unsatisfied needs, in case you're bothered.'
I grinned weakly at him and muttered that I would do my utmost to oblige the lady. I did not inform Charles that his pretty cousin expected me to return to her room later to continue our sensuous joust. Still, I would have to cross this bridge when I came to it. I downed my glass of fine, full-bodied port with a flourish. 'No, no, another will send me to sleep,' I said hastily as Charles offered me the decanter. 'Shall we join the ladies?' He refilled his own glass and swiftly swallowed down another large port. Then he rose slightly unsteadily from the table and said: 'By all means, let's see what the three of them are up to in the drawing-room. But keep your hands off the fair Fanny, old bean, she and I have an understanding, if you follow my drift.' 'I understand perfectly,' I replied and added with total sincerity: 'I assure you that I'll be busy enough without making a play for your girl.' We walked through to the drawing-room where the ladies were engaged in a game of Table Curling, a new table game Aunt Elena purchased from sclfridgcs on her last trip to London, which is played on a specially marked board with miniature hardwood 'stones'. At the ladies' request, Charles and I joined in but after about half an hour, Cassandra gently nudged me under the table and then said: 'Would you all forgive me, but I have a headache coming on and I need to go upstairs and lie down. I find that only resting in a darkened room brings relief — but I don't want to break up the party so please promise you'll continue your game. Henry, do you play bridge? Yes? Then let me say that Fanny is the most talented player in this company. She is always sought after as a partner at house parties.' 'And not only for card games, I'll be bound,' I said gallantly. 'In the meantime, may I escort you to your room, Cassandra?' 'Thank you, Henry,' she replied, placing her arm in mine and we moved towards the door. 'If this headache passes in the next hour or so, I'll be down again in about an hour. But if not, may I wish everyone a very good night and I'll see you all again in the morning.' Elena, Fanny and Charles chorused their best wishes for Cassie's speedy recovery and as we climbed the stairs she told me that Fanny was staying the night at Morley Hall. 'She's in the bedroom across the hall from Charlie's so don't be alarmed if you hear the creak of floorboards during the wee small hours!' she remarked as we reached her door. 'I'll remember that,' I said, kissing her lightly on the forehead. 'And I wish your headache better.'
Cassie looked at me and giggled: 'Silly boy! I don't have a headache. But this gives me an opportunity to break up the party for Fanny and Charlie. With that pair, I don't know who is the more keen to get their hands on each other! Out of politeness, they'll play at most two rubbers of bridge and then Fanny will yawn, say she is feeling tired as will you and Charlie. This will bring the evening to a close nice and early, so Fanny and I can enjoy the luxury of a nice unhurried night of love-making. 'We worked out this strategy when Mama went out of the drawing-room for five minutes whilst you and Charlie were polishing off your port.' 'You clever girl,' I said admiringly. 'I'll be back as soon as possible.' 'Good, I'll be waiting for you,' she said, pursing her lips to blow me a kiss as she pushed down her doorhandle. 'Don't forget, you can use the connecting door so it won't be necessary to go out again onto the landing.'
'I'll be as quick as I can,' I promised as I waved goodbye and took the opportunity of relieving my bladder in the guests' W.C. before I hurried back down the stairs to rejoin the others. By the time I returned, Polgrave had set up the bridge table over which he had placed a linen tablecloth as the baize needed repairing.
Someone had thoughtlessly let his cigar burn a large hole in the fine green baize. We cut the cards and I drew Elena as my partner. The first few hands were uneventful, but then I found myself in a contract of four spades, which Charles had doubled and when Elena laid down her cards, I discovered that she y had been guilty of substantially overbidding the strength of her hand. 'Perhaps I shouldn't have raised you to four,' she murmured as I studied her cards. 'Not with only holding a trump suit of length without strength.' 'That's never a good position in which to find oneself,' said Charles with a throaty chuckle, but neither Elena nor Fanny took offence. I smiled whilst I pondered upon which way I should finesse the queen of hearts.
I made up my mind and when I craned forward to pull the knave of hearts from Elena's cards, she also leaned forward giving me a closer look at her bulging, ripe breasts. Like Fanny, she was wearing an evening dress with a fashionable, low neckline. 'I must slip off these new shoes,' she murmured. 'They'll be all right once I've worn them in, but right now they are somewhat uncomfortable' As if this were not distraction enough, seconds later I felt a silk-clad foot sliding up against my leg. I became so flustered that after Fanny had played a small heart, instead of taking out the three from my hand, I inadvertently played the ace — to Charles's great disgust for he was now forced to play his singleton queen! 'Fortune favours the brave,' commented Fanny good-naturedly, although under the cover of the tablecloth, I now felt Elena's foot insinuate itself higher until her toes were rubbing against my inner thigh and my cock had swollen up to bursting point! Heaven knows how I managed to follow suit, let alone play out the rest of the hand, but amazingly enough I managed to make the contract and win the rubber. As Cassie had forecast, this was the signal for Fanny to acknowledge defeat and to ask if she too could be excused as she wanted to wake up early and go out horse-riding before breakfast. 'By all means, Fanny,' said Elena graciously. 'But before you go upstairs, gentlemen, as I know how interested you both are in painting, I must show you the latest etchings my husband bought from Mr. Geogliegan's gallery on his last visit to London.' 'Aunt Elena, I've already seen them and as I'm feeling rather tired, would you mind if I browsed through the pictures in your studio tomorrow,' said Charles with a weary smile. This request hardly displeased Elena who nonchalantly replied: 'Yes of course, dear boy, off you go. I don't want you to over-tire yourself as I've arranged lots of nice things for you to do tomorrow.' But nothing as nice as fucking Fanny, I thought to myself, as Charles wished us good-night and left Elena and I alone in the drawing-room.
Now I was not totally naive, and after her naughty game of footsie under the table it was hardly difficult to guess what she had in mind when we sauntered out into the hall. Nevertheless, Elena proved to be even more direct than I had anticipated, for when Polgrave, who had just come up from the kitchen, sidled up to us, she immediately instructed him to lock up the house and then she turned to me and said quietly: 'You come this way, young man.' She led the way up the stairs, but I followed her not to her studio, but directly into her bedroom. I affected a puzzled look and said: 'Mrs. Morley, I thought we were going to look at your etchings.' 'Damn the etchings,' said Elena in a husky voice as she pushed me on to the bed. 'Look at my bosoms instead. Let me show my two beauties to you in all their naked glory.' Elena had divested herself of her underwear, because after she unhooked the top of her dress and pulled it down, the generous contours of her snowy-white bare breasts with their large, pink areoles and rich stalky nipples, were openly displayed.
'When my husband and I were in Paris some years ago, Monsieur Toulouse offered to sketch me for only one hundred francs. Roger agreed and whilst he browsed through the galleries on the Left Bank, the painter took me to a bordel de luxe in the Rue des Moulins.
'I had no hesitation in posing in the nude for him and he completed his sketch in under an hour. The memory of meeting such a great artist will never leave me and his picture is one of my most prized possessions. 'Now I know what you want to ask me, Henry, so I will save you the embarrassment of forming the question. Like all his models, I was most attracted to Monsieur Toulouse but I didn't allow him to make love to me. However, I did let him fondle my breasts and I unbuttoned his flics and pulled out his prick and goodness! What a colossal cock he had on him, of extra-ordinarily large dimensions.
'No wonder the girls of the Parisian demi-monde adored him! I had to hold this huge throbbing tool in my two hands whilst I let the tip of my tongue tickle his helmet. I opened my mouth and managed to suck in about half of his pole, moving my tongue along its width and then I twisted my body round so that he could kiss my pussey and complete a most enjoyable soixante neuf.' Whilst Elena related this fascinating story her eyes travelled to the swelling bulge in my lap.
Her fingers followed her eyes and she dextrously unbuttoned my flies and freed my pulsating prick. She licked her lips whilst her hands slid up and down my thick, throbbing tool and then she looked at me with a voluptuous smile and said softly: 'Henry, I was very pleased to notice that you didn't drink a great deal at dinner because it provokes desire but it takes away from the performance. And I want you to stay here and fuck me till daybreak.' I knew that Cassie was waiting for me to carry out the same function but I could hardly refuse her mother, especially when she quickly undressed and displayed the rest of her naked charms. Elena released my cock and trailed her fingertips through her dark pubic bush through which I could see the split love lips leading to the glistening folds of her love channel.
Then she sat beside me on the bed and pressed my hand to her moist cunney, moving my wrist as my fingers slipped inside her juicy cunt.
'Oh yes, play with my pussey and bring me off,' begged Elena as we lay back and I directed my fingers to the fleshy little nut of her clitty. She arched her back, pressing her mound against her hand whilst. I leaned over and sucked her pointed nipples. The musky scent of Elena's quim filled my nostrils as I opened up her soaking clit and she gasped: 'Oooh, you've made my pussey so wet, Henry! Now stuff your big stiff shaft into my cunt and let's fuck the night away!'
Nothing loath, I rolled over on top of her and she took my cock in her hand and placed my bell-end between her pouting pussey lips. I slid in my prick until our pubic curls were meshed together and I rubbed her erect titties between my fingers which made Elena squirm delightedly whilst I fucked her. And although she may have been past her first flush of youth, Elena Morley was a grand fuck. The walls of her cunney felt like velvet around my cock which was squishing and squirting into her pussey. I fucked her with long, smooth strokes and then as I hovered above her, supporting myself on my forearms, Elena panted: 'Ahhh! That's divine, you darling boy!
Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! My fine young Oxford scholar, I award you a first class degree in fucking!' We laughed merrily and my balls slapped in slow cadence against her bottom as I moved down, up, and down again, increasing the pace when I felt she was near to her spend. I changed the tempo to one of short, sharp jabs as Elena rotated her bum cheeks as I thrust in and out of her squelchy cunt. Then I let out a low growl as my balls tightened and I felt the stream of seed shooting upwards. 'Go on, Henry, cream my cunt,' she cried out, cleverly tightening the muscles of her cunney around my shaft in a long, rippling seizure which ran from the root to the very tip of my prick. Then she relaxed, and at once the spunk burst out of my cock, forcing its way, hot and seething into every recess of her cunney as gush after gush jetted through my shaft, washing the walls of her love funnel with white, foamy seed. In near-delirium Elena screamed out: 'Yes! Yes! Yes!' as she writhed from side to side. Her teeth sank into my shoulder as she arched her body upwards, crushing her soft breasts against my chest whilst the force of a final stupendous spend rocketed through her body. 'M'mm, that was exquisite,' breathed Elena as she collapsed back on to the pillow. Our love juices leaked out into a tiny pool of wetness between her thighs, and as she stretched out her hand to turn down the lamp, I reached down and smeared our mingled cum all over her succulent titties. A warm wave of fatigue washed over me and it soon became impossible to prevent myself falling into a delicious light sleep, as I cradled Elena in my arms. I was woken by a strange hand lightly pulling my ear. 'What the deuce — ' I began and then I saw the slender figure of Cassie standing beside the bed, clad in a dressing gown and holding a lamp in one hand and my ear in the other! 'I was wondering where you had got to,' she whispered but she brusquely cut off my profuse apologies. 'It's all right, Henry, I'm cross but I don't blame you as much as my Mama who really should keep her hands off my boyfriends. I know she has had to make do without since Nathan, the gardener's boy, left our employ last July but really, she might have asked me if I didn't mind sharing before seducing you like this.
'I don't condemn her affairs though. Thankfully the times when women were simply expected to lie back and think of England during love-making are slowly passing and if Papa cannot satisfy her needs, I don't see why Mama should not look outside her marriage for sexual satisfaction. Enough men do — look at the number of mistresses kept by the King — so why shouldn't women do the same?' 'Why not indeed,'
I agreed as Elena stirred and her eyes fluttered open. 'Hello darling,' she murmured sleepily when she saw her daughter standing beside and showing no concern that Cassie had caught her in flagrant delecto. Elena mumbled: 'Oh darling, I suppose I owe you an explanation,' but Cassie shook her head. 'Not really, Mama.
Although I did wish for Henry to pleasure me tonight,' she added.
I had no wish to become embroiled in any argument, so I hauled myself up and was about to pad out into the bathroom when Elena pulled me back and said: 'Don't be aggrieved, Cassandra, I was not to know that you had designs on young Henry here.' To my discomfiture, Elena threw back the blankets and exposed my naked body, saying: 'But Henry possess the most beautiful penis? Look at the way his truncheon thickens when I rub my hand up and down it. If he hasn't yet fucked you, my dear, I am pleased to state without any reservation that you're in for a lovely treat.' 'Take hold of his cock and feel the warm, skin as smooth as polished ivory,' she urged her daughter, who needed no encouragement to wrap her fingers around my stiffening shaft. I stayed silent for I was happy enough for my tadger to be toyed with by these two pretty women. Cassie sat down on the bed and planted a quick butterfly kiss on my uncapped pink knob. 'Henry has already fucked me so I am well acquainted with his delicious prick,' she commented. 'I do agree with you, Mama, that it is a most attractive specimen. Perhaps Henry will let you make a nice water colour of it for my bedroom wall. I'm sure you could capture the nice way that the curly hair around the root sets off his shaft and his hairy ballsack.' 'What a splendid idea,' said Elena and at last I was brought into the conversation as she looked at me and asked me a question that I had never been asked before and am unlikely ever to be asked again! 'Henry, you wouldn't mind my making a picture of your cock and balls, would you?' 'Please feel free,' I replied and Elena continued: 'Why don't we bring him off together? Then you can take him back to your room for the rest of the night.' 'Fair enough,' said Cassie and mother and daughter immediately went to work with a will. There was room enough for them both to encircle their hands around the ample girth of my pulsating prick and they pressed their heads down to lick and lap on my twitching tool. Elena and Cassie jostled their heads together to suck upon my fleshy lollipop and their sensuous palating was too much for me to bear. Very shortly a fountain of spunk burst out of my cock in a tidal rush of sticky jism into their mouths and they smacked their lips as they gulped down my copious spermatic emission. Their soft hands traced patterns along the distended blue vein along the length of my shaft until I finished my cum in an ecstatic shudder of sexual relief. I lay back and let the pair lick the last drains of semen off my shaft and then Cassie said cheerfully: 'Good night, Mama, we'll see you in the morning. I am glad there are no secrets between us.' Then she gave my shrunken chopper a friendly tug and added: 'Come on, Henry, we must be off. I'll take your shoes and socks if you will carry the rest of your clothes.' I meekly obeyed and once in the safety of Cassie's room, she dragged me on to the bed and our limbs were soon entwined in a fiercely passionate kiss. It was clear that Cassie wanted to be fucked but my poor cock was hors de combat and even the most lubricious sucking by Cassie failed to stiffen my shaft. The disappointment was plain to see on her face as she flipped my limp tool back over my thighs. So I ruffled her hair in my hand and said gently: 'Cassie, all I need is a little rest and I'll be sporting a terrific boner, you just wait and see.' 'I hope you're right or you'll have to fish out my Ladies Comforter which Fanny gave me for my sixteenth birthday,' said Cassie in a relieved voice. 'She gave you a Comforter as a present on your sixteenth birthday,' I spluttered. 'Do you mean to say that this is the sort of gift that girls give each other as opposed to perfume or small articles of clothing?' Cassie gave a short laugh and said: 'Does this shock you, Henry? Clearly, it has never struck you that girls as well as boys have sexual desires. You are fortunate that you can bring yourselves off very easily, but like many of my friends, I find that frigging myself with a dildo is more satisfying than finger-fucking.
When one also thinks of the number of married women who cannot count upon regular conjugal relations with their husbands-such as Army and Navy wives who are separated from their menfolk for months on end.
Anyhow, I would still rather be fucked by a real cock than by a comforter tonight.' There was a brief silence and then Cassie lifted her head and said: Ah, I think I have the answer. Henry, how would you like to watch Fanny being fucked by Charlie? Would that give you a hard-on?' 'Well, such an entertainment should certainly be most stimulating,' I answered. 'But surely they won't want to make love in front of us.' 'What the mind doesn't know, the heart won't grieve over,' declared Cassie. 'Go into your room and slip on a dressing gown and a pair of slippers and I'll show you what I have in mind. All should be well so long as Fanny has gone to Charles's room and not vice versa.' Well, no one has ever accused me of being slow in coming forward if there is anything on offer connected with my favourite activity and I hurried into my room to do as Cassie had asked. When I returned she took my hand and after telling me to keep very quiet, she opened the door of her room. After making sure that the coast was clear, we tip-toed out across the landing, turned left along the corridor and I followed Cassie into a small room on the other side of the house. Once safely inside, she said quietly: 'I'm afraid that the Morley family have one or two skeletons in the closet besides those you know about already. To be blunt, my paternal great-grandfather Sir Beresford Morley was; a voyeur who loved nothing better than to see his spouse being serviced by the lusty grooms employed in the stables. To do this, he had two sets of peep-holes made in the wall so that he could watch unseen whilst his young servants pleasured his wife. Mind, in all fairness to the old rogue, he first obtained his wife's permission to bring in a carpenter to carry out the work.' 'A most interesting tale, Cassie, and I recall reading somewhere that this strange aberration is more prevalent than one might think,' I remarked. Whilst I pontificated, Cassie had brought up two chairs which she placed side by side against the wall. 'Sir Beresford clearly liked to watch in comfort,' I observed as I followed her instruction to sit down.
Then she pointed out a tiny handle, about the size of a farthing, which she motioned to me that I should pull to one side. I obeyed and a small piece of the wall slid away into a groove, leaving a space large enough to peer through into the next room. I placed my eyes to the wall and sure enough I had a grandstand view of Charles and Fanny lying together in the big double bed. The beside lamps were still lit and I speculated that the pair were resting after a vigorous bout of rumpy-pumpy. As luck would have it, less than a minute after Cassie and I took our seats for the show, so to speak, Charles stirred and threw back the bedclothes as he swung his feet over the edge of the bed and murmured that he was just going to the bathroom and would be back shortly. 'Jolly good,' said Fanny as she sat up and stretched out her arms. She did not immediately replace the covers and I drank in her celestial beauty as she brushed strands of silky blonde hair from her face. I licked my lips whilst I stared at Fanny's superb young breasts and her high-tipped erect nipples jiggled up and down as she slid her legs out of the bed. I was now able to admire her shapely thighs and the thatch of dainty golden curls which frothed around her pussey. And as expected, my cock began to thicken at the sight of the shell-like lips of Fanny's cunney pouting out so prettily from the hirsute blonde bush. The spell was broken by Charles opening the door of the bathroom and walking briskly back to the bed.
'Ah, that's better,' he grinned as he sat himself down next to Fanny on her right hand side, slipping his arm around her waist. 'It's no wonder that I needed a pee, I polished off almost a complete bottle of champagne by myself during dinner. But why have you got out of bed, my darling? Do you also wish to visit the bathroom?' 'No, I was just feeling rather warm,' she answered as Charles kissed her large tawny titties. 'Ooooh, be careful, Charlie, you know how I adore having my nipples kissed. Don't start something that you won't be able to finish.' 'There's no danger of that,' he growled, moving her hand down towards his stiffening shaft. Their faces moved closer together and then their lips meshed whilst Charles cupped her bosoms in his hand and Fanny slicked her hand up and down his swelling shaft.
They fell back upon the bed and Fanny broke off their embrace to slide her head downwards until her face was level with Charles's quivering, stiff cock. I felt Cassie's fingers clamp themselves around my own rock-hard boner as Fanny swirled her wet tongue all over the smooth, domed crown of Charles's chopper and clamped her hand around the base of his pulsating prick in a firm yet tender embrace. She kissed his knob and squeezed the blue-veined, rigid rod before moving her mouth along it, licking and lapping on the fleshy sausage, sucking in his cock inside her mouth as her hands now moved to his tightening hairy ballsack. 'Oh God, stop sucking or I'll spend!' panted Charles and he pulled her head up and released his gleaming shaft from its sweet imprisonment. Then he gently guided Fanny's head back on to the pillow and I heard her murmur throatily: 'Lick my pussey out, Charlie, there's a dear.' He smiled his assent and knelt between Fanny's legs as she parted the lips of her superbly chiselled crack to reveal the glistening red gash of her cunt. My concentration was temporarily broken when Cassie whispered in my ear: 'You'll enjoy this, Henry, I've seen Charlie perform before and he is wonderfully adept at licking out wet pussies.' Charles certainly lived up to this billing and he began by letting his tongue travel down the length of Fanny's trembling body, stopping only to nibble on her gorgeous nipples and to lick around the whorl of her navel before sliding down to the base of her belly. He was still kneeling when he parted the flaxen curls of Fanny's thatch to part her pouting pussey lips which instantly yielded to the pressure of the tip of his questing tongue as he worked his face deep into the cleft between Fanny's thighs. 'Ahhhh!' breathed the lovely lass as Charles slid down on to his belly, sliding one hand under her bottom to provide additional elevation and resting the other on her inner thigh to enable him to spread her pussey lips with his thumb and forefinger. Fanny purred with pleasure as Charles placed his lips over her cunt and he must have found her clitty straight away for she immediately began to thrash about wildly and she wrapped her legs around his head.
'More! More! Morel Oh Charlie dear, you've sent me off!' she cried and she writhed from side to side whilst he noisily gulped down her flow of love juice as Fanny shuddered through a delicious body-wrenching orgasm. Now Charles scrambled up to lie on top of the nubile young girl and he slipped his hands underneath her to clasp the soft cheeks of her jouncy backside. He smacked his lips and chuckled: 'I'm delighted that I could bring you off with my fingers and tongue, it's always gratifying when your partner achieves a spend.
But now I want to pleasure you with my prick, Fanny, so may I have your permission to proceed?' 'Oh yes, Charlie!' she gasped. 'I can hardly wait to feel your cock inside my cunt. Do tell me just how you want to fuck me!' He gave a gruff laugh and replied: 'Well, first I shall take hold of my stiff tadger and slide my knob into your sopping slit. Then I'll move my shaft slowly in and out of your juicy sheath, feeling your cunney muscles clinging to my cock — and then we'll just let nature take its course!' 'Wonderful!' squealed Fanny as he moved quickly on top of her, smoothing his hands over her breasts which sent her into fresh raptures of delight. Then he moved on top of her, hungrily searching for her mouth and the lusty couple exchanged a burning kiss as their pubic muffs rubbed roughly against each other. Charles arched his hips upwards and I caught sight of the knob of his thick tool probing the entrance to Fanny's cunt. Next he lifted himself up on his hands and knees so I could see his shaft squelching its way through into the squishy moistness of her delicious honeypot as they rode together. Like a steel bolt, Charles' sturdy tool crashed though Fanny's wet love funnel, separating the folds of gluey skin as he fucked the lissome girl, pounding his prick in and out of her pussey until he sank down on top of her, his cock well and truly jammed inside her cunt. He rested for a few moments and then continued this vigorous fuck, his lean body rising up and down as he reamed out her thrilling quim with his thrusting sinewy shaft. 'Keep pumping, Charlie! What a marvellous fuck!' Fanny called out as he continued to slew his shaft in and out of her insatiable quim. Finally Charles panted: 'Brace yourself, Fanny, here I go!' This was a signal for Cassie to grip my cock even more tightly as we watched Charles crash down one final time upon Fanny's quivering curves and we listened to their ecstatic moans as she squeezed her thighs together to milk every last drop of creamy spunk from his spurting stalk. 'Oh Henry, I feel so randy,' muttered Cassie as she rubbed my cock and I turned my head away from the peep-hole to see that with her free hand she was diddling her pussey.
'Let's join the party, I'm sure that Charles and Fanny won't mind.'
Cassie released my palpitating prick and she bent down and pressed a secret switch at the edge of the parquet floor. To my amazement, a portion of the wall to our left slid open leaving a gap wide enough for us to wriggle through into Charles' bedroom. To my great relief, the apprehension I felt about interrupting Fanny and Charles was instantly disproved because as soon as Fanny saw us she waved and called out a greeting. 'Hello there, you two! Were you watching Charles fuck me through the peep-holes? Honestly Cassie, what a nice thick prick he has on him.' 'Thank you for the compliment, ma'am,' said Charles as he withdrew his shaft from Fanny's cunt. It was still stiff and gleaming wetly with love juice and Cassie looked at it with a gleam in her eyes and said hopefully: 'My word, your cock's still nice and stiff. Can you carry on?' 'Certainly I can, if Fanny would also like to continue,' answered Charles. But Cassie said reproachfully: 'Fanny has already been well looked after.
Isn't it about time you fucked me, Charlie?' Cassie stepped out of her robe and proudly displayed her lissome naked body to him. Then she climbed on the bed and kissed his knob, licking up the coating of cum which still remained around the 'eye' of his helmet. She guided his cock to her pussey lips and Charles trembled uncontrollably as the tip of his knob touched the soft folds of Cassie's cunt. I wondered why he did not plunge his prick directly into her waiting wet cunney, but then I suddenly realised that my friend was understandably nervous about fucking his lovely young 'cousin' for the first time.
Cassie must have also come to the same conclusion because she stretched out her arms and clasping his Charles's dimpled bum checks, she pulled him inside her. The sweet stimulation of Cassie's temptingly tight cunt send shivers of ecstatic delight racing through Charles's body and he began to jerk his shaft wildly in and out of her tingling honeypot. She caught his rhythm as he increased the pace and although this was only the first time that Cassie had entertained his beefy cock in her seething quim, it seemed so natural that one would have thought the raunchy pair must have coupled many times before.
Indeed, it was as if a benign providence had designed each of their bodies for the pleasure of the other, I mused, for their breathing was in perfect unison, deeper now as a sheen of perspiration oiled their writhing bodies and Charles's palpitating prick tingled with excitement from the firm pressure of Cassie's cunney muscles.
'Ooooh! Keep pushing, Charlie! Harder and faster,' she cried as she lifted her legs and crossed them behind his waist, pressing his cock even more firmly inside her crack, though she was careful not to trap his body too tightly which would inhibit his natural rhythm.
They speeded up, and considering that Charles had previously spunked less than five minutes before, I found it quite astonishing that he was able to continue this strenuous fuck. But I was now reminded of Fanny's presence as she clutched my shaft in her hand and whispered: 'Henry, wouldn't you rather play than just watch?' 'I should say so,' I replied breathlessly as I gazed upon Fanny's jutting young breasts and her prominent pink pussey lips which nestled so invitingly at the base of the soft triangle of blonde furry hair between her thighs. Then I was overcome by a sudden urge to fuck the sweet girl an derriere and I rolled her over onto her belly. Fanny guessed what I had in mind and scrambled up on her knees, thrusting out her pert bum cheeks as I positioned myself behind her.
“There's a pot of Vaseline on the beside table,' Fanny panted and although I could hardly wait to slide my cock in the cleft between her chubby buttocks, naturally I first greased my shaft with the gelatinous jelly before easing my glowing bell-end between her rolling bum checks towards the winking little rosette which beckoned so alluringly. Fanny gave a tiny yelp as my prick enveloped itself between the rolling cheeks of her beautifully proportioned backside but any discomfort was only temporary and she wriggled with delight as I leaned over her and began to play with her luscious breasts. I worked in and out of her arse very slowly at first, but when I realised that I was fully absorbed into her tight little bottom-hole, I started to fuck her more robustly, pushing my body backwards and forwards, making Fanny's bum cheeks slap loudly against my belly.
Next to us, Charles and Cassie were nearing their climax. Cassie was the first to spend, letting out a piercing cry of satisfaction whilst the force of her orgasm raged through her. She sank her nails into Charles's back as her excited cunney squeezed deliciously around his throbbing tool and his face tightened as with a deep throaty gurgle he ejaculated powerful jets of milky spunk into Cassie's cunt as she moved her hips faster and faster. 'Oh yes, I'm coming again!' she panted and he cried out: 'So am I!'. As Cassie threshed frenziedly into a second spend, the thrilling feel of her exquisite body caused Charles's cock to discharge a further copious emission of sticky white seed before he collapsed down on top of her. I screwed up my eyes in sheer bliss as I continued to pump my greased shaft inside Fanny's lubricated back passage. But then I soon opened them when I felt soft hands pressing against my thighs. I glanced down to see that Cassie had been so fired by watching me fuck Fanny's bottom that she had wriggled herself between my legs and was now lifting her head to take my ballsack into her mouth as she swung her arm around my hips and gave me a taste of my own medicine by jabbing a finger into my arse! Charles now also entered the game by also positioning himself on his back so that his head was directly underneath Fanny's cunt. 'Oooh, Charlie, are you going to lick me out whilst Henry fucks my bum? How very, very rude, you naughty boy!' panted Fanny, although the lascivious smile playing across her lips plainly showed that his intervention was nonetheless welcomed. To accommodate him, she moved slightly forward and then lowered her enticing golden-haired pussey on to his lips and Charles instantly began to nuzzle on her dripping honeypot, flicking his tongue into the soft folds of her juicy cunney. So the four of us engaged in a licentious orgy of fucking and sucking and this voluptuous scenario only came to an end when I could no longer hold back and I flooded Fanny's rear dimple with a tremendous deluge of creamy jism whilst her own love juices poured out from her pussey over Charles's mouth and chin. We refreshed ourselves with smoked salmon sandwiches and champagne which Charles had earlier ordered Polgrave to bring up from the kitchen and when we had recovered we formed a delightful fucking chain. Cassie placed herself on her hands and knees and asked me to fuck her 'doggie-style' from behind. Whilst I did so, Fanny thrust her breasts in front of my face and I sucked her lovely high-pointed titties. Cassie leaned forward to exchange a wet open-mouthed kiss as Charles plunged his prick into Fanny's cunt and at the same time fondled Cassie's large bosoms, tweaking up her tawny titties to two twitching little peaks of rubbery flesh. It was well after five o'clock when Cassie and I made our way back to her bedroom and for the sake of propriety (for we did not want to be surprised by the chambermaids bringing us our early morning cups of tea), I left her there and slept away the final hours of the early morning alone in my own bed. Morley Hall, October 26th, 1901 (Continued) Luncheon was a rather quiet affair and after the meal Elena Morley announced that she was going to her study to work on a new picture. “The carrier has taken away those pictures which the four of you persuaded me to send to Mr. Geogliegan,' she remarked as she left the room. 'I still don't believe that they will be of interest to him, but if I am wrong and he makes me a reasonable offer for them, I shall insist on giving you all percentage of the cash.'
After Elena had shut the door behind her, Cassie said to Charles: 'You don't really think that Mama's paintings are of great value, do you?' 'Not enough to make any enormous difference to your present financial plight, although I am sure they will fetch a useful price at auction,' he answered honestly. Cassie sighed: 'Well, we can but hope. In the meantime, there is the more pressing problem of the Toddington twins to solve.' 'My goodness, I'd quite forgotten that they're coming round here tonight,' exclaimed Fanny. 'Henry, I don't suppose that you have dreamed up a clever plan as to how we keep them at bay?' I shook my head, but then the glimmerings of an idea formed in my mind as I recalled how back at college Joshua had suggested taking some highly embarrassing photographs to make the fiery Maurice FitzAllen look foolish. 'Wait a moment, there might be something we could do if we could get hold of a camera,' I said slowly. Charles snapped his fingers and declared: 'Well done, Henry! Yes of course, but how would we go about it?' 'Well, perhaps Cassie and Fanny will be able to answer that question,' I said and then I explained the scheme to the girls. 'It could work,' said Fanny excitedly. 'We could use Papa's whole plate studio camera if we could lure the terrible twins into Charles's bedroom.'
Cassie nodded and said thoughtfully: 'Fanny, you know who could be useful in this matter, and that's Mary. She loves nothing better than a good fuck and would be happy to seduce Alfred or Lester Toddington on our behalf.' Charles let out a loud guffaw. 'Mary the kitchenmaid?' he chuckled. 'Oh, Cassie, you can't be serious.
Mary's a nice enough girl but she's far too noisy, she gave me a headache last time I fucked her.' 'What on earth are you talking about,' I began but then Charles held up his hand and grinned: 'Shush, Henry, I do believe I can hear a familiar sound coming from downstairs.' He walked briskly to the door and opened it and now I also heard an intermittent squealing. With a puzzled look on my face I looked across to see that Cassie and Fanny were unashamedly shaking with laughter. 'Is that noise what I think it is?' I enquired.
Cassie giggled: 'Yes, that sounds like our pretty kitchenmaid enjoying her regular afternoon fucking with Mick the village blacksmith, or Mick the Prick-as he is known in these parts. As you know, Mama is a firm believer in the broad-minded philosophy of live-and-let-live, but even she has had to warn Mary about disturbing the peace of the house with her yells.' I looked at her doubtfully but Charles said: 'You see, Henry, poor Mary can't help herself. There are girls who sigh, who laugh and some who cry but I've never encountered one who yelled like Mary. Cassie came to her defence. 'Mrs. Hobart has said that Mary is a great help to her even though she also finds it difficult to ignore the noise when Mary is being shagged by Mick the Prick. Incidentally he is a very nice man who always brings Mrs. Hobart a little gift when he comes round here.
Furthermore Mick has been endowed with an absolutely colossal cock,' she concluded firmly. 'Oh really, Cassie, how can you possibly know?' demanded Charles. She replied unblushingly: 'Because I've seen it for myself! One day last month I asked Mary if I could take a look at his big boner and so next time Mick appeared, he pulled out his prick to show me his gigantic weapon.' 'Well, I have no idea of the dimensions of Alfred and Lester Toddington's tools,' I said to Cassie as Mary's shrieks reached a high-pitched crescendo. 'But if this girl will help us, she can make as much noise as she likes so long as your Mama is safely out of the house.' 'I'll have a word with Mary right now,' said Cassie as she rose from her chair. 'Fanny, would you like to come with me and I'll ask Mick to show you his extraordinarily large chopper.' 'Very well, and I'll pop along to Uncle Roger's den and make sure that his camera is in good working order,' said Charles briskly. 'Henry, I suggest that you stroll over to Aunt Elena and find out if she has any special plans for this evening.' 'By all means,' I agreed and followed the others outside into the hall. The girls bustled downstairs where thankfully all was now quiet and Charles gave me the directions to where I could find Elena. This turned out to he a west facing room at the very top of the house so that Elena could best benefit from the light.
'Come in,' she called out when I knocked but Elena jumped up in some confusion when she turned her head and saw that I was her visitor. 'Henry, this is a nice surprise. What brings you up here?'
She moved quickly across to try and hide the sketch which was pinned up on her easel but I was too quick for her and craned my neck round to catch sight of a superbly executed likeness of her own face, her hair curled around her cheeks and a shy but happy smile upon her lips as she kissed the uncapped knob of a large erect penis which she was carefully cradling in her hands. I wanted to ask her whether the finely drawn cock in question was based upon any particular masculine member but felt that such a question would be in poor taste, so I simply remarked: 'You should not feel the need to hide this sketch, Elena, it is a bold yet sensitive work that will be appreciated by all lovers of erotic art.' 'You're too generous, Henry,' she smiled back. 'Although I must admit that Aubrey Beardsley said much the same to me when Roger and I met him at Mr. Geogliegan's gallery back in '95.' I pressured Elena into letting me see some more of her sketches and she showed me a small selection of pencil portraits, some of which were splendidly imaginative. My favourite was of a small orchestra made up of several Society notables with their instruments replaced by others of a decidedly unmusical nature. Miss Norma Grove-Radlett was depicted playing upon a flute fashioned like a greatly elongated prick whilst Lady Brenda Hampstead was seated with a giant cock between her knees which she was bowing like a cello whilst the tympanist, Lord Stanley Goldhill, was using his colossal cock to play on a kettledrum. 'Give me your honest opinion on whether you think I have any real artistic talent,' pleaded Elena and when I replied that I stood by my earlier observation, she looked at me with a lusty gleam in her eye and said: 'Then would you pose for me, Henry?
It is so difficult for me to find suitable models for my admittedly recherche life-studies? Even when I have been in London I have found there to be a taboo against women artists and if nothing else I would like to show the world that the sex of the artist should be immaterial.' 'I don't believe that sex is ever immaterial,' I remarked, which made Elena laugh and retort: 'Touche, monsieur. But please help me, Henry dear, there's no-one else in the house who I could ask.' 'Well, I don't know,' I said doubtfully but she clasped my hand and went on: 'Oh please help me, Henry. Look, I have a good idea which might make it easier for you to agree to my request.
I'll take off my dress before I sketch you. This will allow me more freedom of movement and you will feel less self-conscious about posing in the nude.' How could I refuse this heartfelt plea? I am not a natural exhibitionist, although I am far from ashamed of my body. So I told Elena that I would be happy to oblige her and sat down and removed my shoes and socks. Then I slipped off my jacket and unbuttoned my trousers. 'Give me your clothes and I will fold them up neatly for you,' said Elena as I pulled down my trousers and pants and stood covered only by my flapping shirt, in the long mirror on the wall I could see her looking down at my prick dangling down between my thighs when I slipped off my shirt. 'Thank you, that would be useful,' I said as I passed her my clothes and then, after placing my garments in a neat pile on a chair, Elena also rapidly undressed until she was clad only in her chemise. 'Stand over by the window please, Henry,' she ordered. I took up a position facing her with my hands on my thighs in front of a well-upholstered armless chair. 'Yes, that's excellent, can you hold that pose comfortably?
Good, now try and keep completely still.' I did my best to obey and flexed my muscles as Elena began her sketch, but I could not prevent nature taking its course when I looked at her bare legs and her large, creamy breasts overflowing over the top of her chemise.
Despite my frantic efforts to prevent it by trying to recite the alphabet backwards, my shaft started to stiffen perceptibly even though my hands remained firmly in place on my thighs. This did not escape Elena's attention and she looked at me voraciously as my thick cock rose higher and higher, uncapping the red-topped helmet as it swelled to its full nine-and-a-half inches, standing smartly to attention against my belly. She laid down her pencil and said softly: 'Oh Henry, you are lucky to have been blessed with such a lovely rigid tool. It looks so powerful yet sweet enough to eat.' Naturally, I was flattered by her praise and made no move as she walked across to me and slipped her hand around my pulsating prick. Her long fingers worked up and down as she frigged my rock-hard boner up to bursting point. I put out my own hands and cupped her generous breasts, squashing the erect, rubbery nipples against my palms. 'Let go my bosoms for a moment,' she panted and then my naughty hostess whipped off her chemise Over her head to reveal that she was not wearing any knickers. I was given a brief glimpse of Elena's bushy triangle of pussey hair before she pulled me to her and our bodies crushed together in a fiercely passionate embrace. Our lips mashed together as my hand found its way inside her hairy mound, sliding my fingertips through the yielding cunney lips into the moist vaginal entrance.
Elena sighed as I began to finger-fuck her and her fist slicked up and down my quivering cock so sensuously that her rubbing quickly led to the inevitable result and the sticky jism coated her fingers as I sprinkled her belly with my seed. However, my prick remained firmly upright as we staggered towards the chair where Elena pushed me down and promptly sat herself down on my lap, pressing down the lips of her crack to the glowing helmet of my shaft. Then she lifted herself up and guiding my throbbing tool into her cunt, she sat down slowly and artfully wriggled from side to side to work my prick as far up her love funnel as possible. Her breasts jiggled up and down as she panted: 'Aaah, I love to get on top because fucking in this position gives my cunt a hard pounding, especially if the boy is as thick-pricked as you, Henry. M'mm, that's very good, fuck me harder, Henry, and I'll grind my bum around to give my clitty a good rub!'
I jerked my hips in time with her rhythm and as I arched my frame upwards, Elena gurgled with joy. I shot great gusts of spunk deep into her cunney just at the point when she also reached the pinnacle of pleasure, flinging her arms around my neck as the force of her orgasm rippled through her. Whilst we recovered our senses, I suddenly remembered why I had come to see Elena and I enquired whether she was planning to go out tonight. 'Oh no, we have guests coming to dine with us this evening,' she replied as she swung herself off me. 'I invited Sir Richard Hawton, a local landowner from Forder Green because Lady Hawton is away visiting her sister in Plymouth and he will partner me at dinner.' 'Will there be any other guests?' I asked although I knew full well that Alfred and Lester Toddington had been invited. Elena nodded and went on: 'Yes, I've arranged quite an interesting party. There will be two local gentlemen who wish to press their suits with Cassandra and Fanny, whilst I also have two very nice girls lined up for you and Charles to squire. Miss Jenny Nairman is the niece of Reverend Westhoughton, our local rural dean so you two should have something in common for Charles tells me that you father is also a country parson. She will be accompanied by another young lady named Annabel Tilgate, about whom I know little except that she lives with her parents in Belgravia, and that she and Jenny have been very close friends since their early schooldays. 'Cassandra and Fanny are aware that the Toddington twins will be here this evening but neither they nor Charles know that I have also invited Sir Richard, Jenny and Annabel. Now as I shan't take tea with you because I want to continue working here till dusk, perhaps you would pass on this message to Charles and the girls.' Before I left Elena, I spent a further fifteen minutes posing for her whilst she completed her drawing and in return for the favour, she insisted on giving me a present of her witty landscape sketch of Stonehenge in which every upright stone had been replaced with the likeness of a gigantic prick sprouting up from the ground. Charles was delighted when I conveyed Elena's news to him. 'Henry, I've read about Jenny Nairman in The Illustrated London News. She should be an interesting dinner companion as she's not only a suffragette but a member of Sir Lionel Trapes' South Hampstead set.' He repeated this to the girls at tea-time, but naturally they were somewhat less pleased to hear that Elena had provided companions this evening for Charles and myself.
Cassie complained that her mother had only done so to ensure that she and Fanny gave their attention to the Toddington twins and she said crossly: 'Really, it's too bad of Mama to behave like this, I'm far more cross with her than I am with Alfred and Lester.' 'Yes, I'm rather sorry for those two gentlemen,' added Fanny. 'After all, they have no idea of our true feelings about them.' 'You shouldn't fret about the Toddington twins,' grunted Charles. 'If they possessed even a grain of sensitivity between them they would realise that the chances of their being any genuine romance between themselves and two pretty young girls are microscopically small.'
Motley Hall, October 21st, 1901
It is now almost mid-day and Charles and I will now be leaving Morley Hall later than we had planned-we shall now travel to London by the afternoon train which will arrive in London just in time for us to catch the last connection train up to Oxford. This is cutting things rather fine but the morning express left at eleven o'clock and Charles is still asleep whilst I only dragged myself out of bed half an hour ago as I have decided that it will be easier to write about the wild events of last night whilst they are fresh in my mind. Hopefully, this will also allow me to snatch an hour or two of sleep during the long train journey later today. So without further ado, let me record that Charles and I joined Elena, Cassie and Fanny in good time in the drawing room to welcome the five guests who would be dining with us.
Sir Richard Hawton was the first to arrive and although at first I could not recollect exactly when and where we had been introduced, I remarked to him that I was certain that we had met somewhere before.
'It's quite possible, I have travelled quite extensively over the last three years,' said Sir Richard with a pleasant smile. It soon became clear that he was a friendly gentleman with a quick, ready wit and I could well understand why Elena had invited him to partner her in the absence of her husband. Physically, Sir Richard was a stocky, well-built man in his early forties with smiling blue eyes, and clean-shaven complexion and I racked my brains to try and remember where our paths had previously crossed. Whilst I was deep in thought, Polgrave announced the arrival of Alfred and Lester Toddington. Although not identical twins, they were both somewhat plump with sallow, fattish faces with dark, well-curled moustaches.
Alfred had lost much of his hair and his head shone in the gleam of the lights in the chandelier in the middle of the room.
Naturally, I was prepared to dislike the Toddington twins on the spot but in fact they turned out to be polite if somewhat shy gentlemen. Charles put them at ease by asking some questions about their long stay in India and this prompted Alfred to tell the company a number of interesting anecdotes of their experiences in the sub-continent. Then, at the conclusion of Alfred's account of a railway journey from Madras to Pondicherry, Jenny Nairman and Annabel Tilgate entered the room. Jenny was an extremely good-looking girl of nineteen, light-skinned with large brown eyes and gold-dusted auburn hair. Annabel too was a genuine beauty though perhaps slightly younger than her friend. Her sweet face was set off by long natural tresses of strawberry-blonde hair and her slender, tall figure was quite breathtaking with her ample bosoms, a narrow waist and I imagined her long legs hidden underneath her dress. Shamelessly, I immediately engaged Jenny in conversation about the recent protest meeting in Hyde Park organised by Mrs. Pankhurst, letting it be known that I thoroughly approved of this latest demonstration by the suffragettes to secure votes for women. She rewarded me with a smile of approval when I observed: 'There is no argument in the world which can logically give the vote to a lowly clerk in the offices of the Army and Navy Stores and yet deny it to the matron of King Edward VH's Hospital for Officers!' Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Cassie was a mite put out by my paying close attention to Jenny, for this meant that she was forced to chat with Lester Toddington.
However, there was nothing I could do to prevent Elena pairing us off to go in to dinner behind her and Sir Richard. At his aunt's request, Charles took Annabel's arm so that Cassie and Fanny were led in to the dining-room by Alfred and Lester respectively. We enjoyed a most wonderful dinner for the cook really excelled herself. With only the help of Mary the kitchenmaid (who must have been spurred on by her noisy fuck that afternoon with Mick the Prick) and two ladies from the village who Elena occasionally calls in when she gives grand dinner parties, she served the following fine repast:
Huitres Natives Saumon d'Ecosse Fume Coupe de Tortue Verte Brindilles Diablees Creme Ambassadeur Foison Roti a l'anglaise Coeur de Celeri au Jus Pommes Fondates Poire Belle Jacqueline Fruits de Saison Cafe Turc, Tea Russe et Liqueurs.Perhaps it was the oysters and the constant flow of a very fine Chablis which kept the conversation so animated for I soon began to feel sexually attracted to the gorgeous Jenny. Yet, despite the fact that we chatted away extremely amicably, a little voice inside my brain insisted on informing me that on the girl's part, there was little or no magnetic energy of sexual attraction for me. I tried to ignore the voice, but even whilst I was speaking to her, I noticed how several times her eyes slid across the table to where Alfred Toddington was amusing Cassie with a light-hearted tale about how he had nearly been caught in flagrante delicto with a concubine from the harem of the Rajah of Lokshentan. I stopped talking to Jenny and leaned over the table and said to Alfred: 'Mr. Toddington, Miss Nairman and I could not help overhearing your fascinating story.
Do please continue, it sounds most interesting.' A slight blush coloured his cheeks but he was encouraged to continue by Elena Morley who called out from the head of the table: 'Ah, is this a tale from the Mystic East? I'm sure we would all like to hear it.' To his credit Alfred turned to Elena and spread out his hands and said: 'I don't think it is as interesting as all that, Mrs. Morley.'
'You're being modest, sir,' I said heartily, hiding my ulterior motive of embarrassing Alfred under my veneer of chummy heartiness.
'Now what was the concubine's name again? Gita, wasn't it? So there you were lying down with her on a blanket on the bank of the River Akash and I'm sure we would all love to know what happened next!'
The murmur of conversation round the table faded into silence and Alfred gave me a glassy smile. Then he mopped his brow and ploughed on with his anecdote. 'As I just said to Miss Braithwaite, it was a hot day and the sun was pounding down on us. '“The water looks so inviting that I wish I had brought my bathing drawers and a towel with me,” I remarked and she looked back at me with her flashing dark eyes and replied: “You don't need to wear anything to go into the water, Alfred sahib. Don't you know that it's much nicer to swim without any clothes on at all? It feels so free to splash around without anything on. Let me show you we can use this sheet for a towel although we'll be able to dry ourselves off in the sun very quickly.” 'Gita stood up and unravelled her robe until she stood naked in front of me.
She was a pretty girl of only seventeen with very full breasts and a delightful slender figure with a perfectly proportioned little bottom that was well developed for a girl of her age. She paddled her way into the river and slid down into the cool water and called out: “Come on in, Alfred Sahib, this is great fun.” 'I wavered for a few moments because I was now amused with desire for the girl and although the Rajah and myself were on good terms, I knew that he did not take kindly to anyone helping themselves unasked to the fruits of his orchard, so to speak.' 'That's putting it mildly, Mr.
Toddington,' commented Sir Richard Hawton. 'I was always given to understand that anyone caught with a harem girl would at best be singing falsetto the next day!' Alfred expelled a deep breath and said: 'Quite so, although as the Rajah is an Old Etonian, I don't think he would have exacted such a draconian revenge upon me. Indeed it was with that thought in mind that I muttered to myself some words from the Kama Sutra which I had recently been reading, namely that in our wild and dangerous world, we must drink deeply from the cup of sensual joy lest it be suddenly dashed from our lips. So I heaved myself up and also undressed. Gita giggled when she caught a glimpse of the physical evidence of my unslaked passion before I waded into the river to join her. 'I must say that her observations about swimming in the nude were quite true and I revelled in the sense of total freedom. I lay on my back, wallowing in this sensuous joy when Gita came up to me and slipped her hand around um, a certain protuberance-' 'A certain protuberance?' repeated Sir Richard Hawton, whose flushed face made me wonder if the colour was not only down to the considerable amount of Chablis he had drunk but also whether Elena's toes were playing around in the vicinity of his groin in the same fashion as they had done around mine during dinner on the previous night. 'Don't be mealy-mouthed, sir, you mean she clutched your stiffstander, h'm?' “That would be another way of putting it, as Lily Langtry said to Oscar Wilde,' chortled Charles, receiving a sharp nudge in the ribs from Cassie for his pains as Alfred continued: 'After a while we swam back to the shore and dabbed ourselves dry with the makeshift towel though as Gita had said, it was hardly necessary to do so as the warm sun quickly evaporated all the moisture from our bodies. 'We lay naked on the sheet and somehow it seemed the most natural thing in the world was to lean over and kiss Gita. She immediately responded by sliding her tongue between my teeth in a long, probing kiss. My hands descended to her thrilling young breasts and her lingers slid down to grasp my pulsing erection — but just as she lay back and parted her thighs we were interrupted by a cry of: “Hey there, you dirty rascals, what do you think you are up to?” 'I would have thought that was pretty obvious even to a celibate,' commented Fanny. Alfred gave a throaty c buckle and said: 'Alas, such a witty reply never occurred to me, perhaps because the owner of the voice was none Other than Father Oakhurst a devout Catholic who was travelling with his aunt and wished he'd never set foot in this “heathen” land. 'Of course, Father Oakhurst disapproved of the sins of the flesh and especially of carnal relationships between an Englishman and the native population.
'My God, what did you do?' asked Jenny curiously. 'Did you try to bribe him to keep silent about what he had seen?' Alfred shook his head and sighed: 'No, that would have been offensive.' 'So did he scurry off and tell the Rajah?' I enquired. Alfred chuckled and said: 'He would have done, but luckily I noticed that he was carrying his sketch book — sketching was an obsession of his. I guessed rightly that he would not have been able to resist sketching us in the water, and when I grabbed the book from him, I discovered that he had drawn several pictures of Gita's bare backside. 'Her bare backside!' spluttered Charles into his champagne. 'So was he one of those chaps who prefer to use the tradesmen's entrance?'
Alfred answered with a smile: 'Oh no, nothing like that. As I said, the good father is a celibate. But he was forced to explain his obsessive pursuit of the rather strange pastime of gluteusology, a hobby with which you will probably not be familiar. In brief, it is a somewhat esoteric branch of phrenology, the science of observing and measuring the sizes and shapes of people's heads which then enables a judgement to be made on their mental characteristics. Well, gluteusologists believe that human beings can also be classified by the shape of their bottoms and to help develop this theory, Father Oakhurst had been assiduously sketching derrieres for more than five years. 'I had made him promise to keep our secret but cheeky Gita bent down and allowed him to study her shapely brown buttocks. No doubt he has the sketches displayed in his bedroom at home to this day. Cassie winked at me and giggled: 'Was Father Oakhurst interested in all sorts of bums? Men's and women's of all ages?'
'Apparently not, Miss Morley,' he replied with a straight face.
'I have not seen his collection of sketches myself but I gather that he specialises in young female backsides and that the piece de resistance of his collection is of six girls displaying their supple little bottoms and bending down to peer through their parted legs.'
We all roared with laughter although I noticed that Cassie gave Alfred a quizzical look although she said nothing more. Frankly, I have some doubts about the absolute veracity of this tale, but as Dr Muttley always drummed into us back at the Albion Academy, it is the height of bad manners to question the accuracy of another person's anecdote, especially if he is entertaining the listeners. Be that as it may, this stirring story had affected Elena who rose from the table with a gleam in her eye and suggested that it was time for the ladies to retire to the drawing-room. But Cassie turned to her mother and said: 'Mama, I don't see why I should have to leave the table to enable the gentlemen to smoke (which I happen to think is a habit which is bad for your health and should not be encouraged indoors) or to enjoy a glass of port and tell each other risque stories.' It was no surprise to me that a staunch fighter for women's rights like Jenny Nairman agreed with Cassie. 'Quite so, Cassandra,' she said hotly. 'There is no-reason at all why we should be cast aside like second class citizens at the conclusion of a dinner party.' 'There may be something in what you say, my dear, but the custom allows us to leave the table gracefully so that we may visit the powder room,' ventured Elena but her argument was swiftly rebutted by Jenny who said: 'True, Mrs. Morley, but then why should we not be allowed to do the same as the gentlemen and excuse ourselves from the table after the main courses? I wonder what the gentlemen here have to say on the matter. What are your views, Mr. Dashwood?' 'Well, I think it might be better if there were no hard and fast rules about the matter,' I said diplomatically. 'This would allow the ladies who wish to retire to leave the company and those who do not to stay and enjoy a glass of port.' This brought Lester Toddington, who had remained very quiet whilst his brother had regaled us with nil story, into the conversation. 'Oh come now, Mr. Dashwood, this would be an insufferable encroachment upon the male preserve — and I doubt if you could find any young ladies who would appreciate port, it's very much a gentleman's liqueur.' Jenny bristled at this remark. 'I must contradict you,' she said icily as she signalled Polgrave to pour some port from the crystal decanter into her glass. 'In public houses patronised by the wage-earning classes, a port-and-soda is considered a real treat by ladies. However, what is more important is the simple fact that a feminine palate can be just as sensitive as a man's.
Without wishing to boast, I would back my judgement on port against any man at this table.' She lifted her glass and held it up to the light before taking a sip. Then she looked at Elena and said: 'This is an excellent wine, Mrs. Morley. A full, rich Old Muscatel, which could well be a '92 vintage or even an '87. And as it is so rich, we had better finish the decanter for the port will deteriorate overnight,' she concluded as she swung round to the other end of the table and said 'Wouldn't you agree, Sir Richard?' “Top marks, Miss Nairman,' laughed the good natured baronet who turned to Lester Toddington and added, 'You'll have to eat your words, my dear sir.'
Lester raised his hands in surrender but Jenny would not be deflected and went on: 'May I also say that if you would like to drink port in an unorthodox fashion, you could do far worse than follow the example of the Portuguese who drink light white port with soda and ice. It makes a delicious aperitif and dear friends of mine, of both sexes, who have partaken of the drink thoroughly recommend it.'
No doubt in order to keep the conversation on a light-hearted level, Charles rapped his knuckles on the table, 'On that note, ladies and gentlemen, let's finish this delicious port. For the benefit of ladies present who might not be familiar with the custom, the convention is that the decanter is passed around the table in a clockwise direction. Polgrave had to place a second decanter on the table whilst he refilled the first. When that too had been emptied Elena stood up again and Sir Richard Hawton escorted her out as she tottered towards the door. However, in her hurry to leave, Elena had not closed the door and we distinctly heard Sir Richard (who being slightly deaf in one ear tended to speak loudly) say: 'Well, that was a splendid dinner, Elena but there is something you must do for me right away.' 'What's that?' she asked and the reply came back: 'Undo my flies and take out my cock. I've had a tremendous boner for the last five minutes.' I must admit that I let out a noisy guffaw when Elena answered: 'There you are, my dear, is that more comfortable. Goodness, what a big prick you have!' 'There's over nine inches of meat in your hand,' we heard Sir Richard say proudly before Charles leaped up and ran across the room to shut the door.
There was no doubt that the copious amount of alcoholic refreshment we had imbibed led to some highly indecorous behaviour when the party moved to the drawing-room. Suffice it to say that I was sitting in an armchair with Cassie on my knees. I had thrown up her skirt and glided my hand between her thighs where I was rubbing my forefinger against her moist knickers. At the same time, the frisky girl had unbuttoned my flies and, oblivious to the fact that there were six other people in the room (although Charles had wisely dimmed the lights), she pulled out my prick from my drawers and began sliding her fist up and down my shaft whilst our mouths joined in the sweetest of kisses. The others had paired off into couples — Charles with Fanny of course, Alfred with Jenny and Lester with Annabel. Heaven knows what kind of orgy might have taken place when there was a knock at the door and I heard Polgrave say: 'Miss Cassie, I have an urgent message for you.' “Damn, whatever can that be?' she sighed as she slid off my lap, I stood up and buttoned myself up before following her to the door which she opened slightly and said: 'Polgrave, I hope this is really important or I shall be extremely annoyed with you.'
'Forgive my intrusion, Miss Cassie, but I thought you would like to know that I just received a telephone call from your father. He was calling from Torquay railway station and he instructed me to send out the carriage to fetch him home. Fletcher is saddling up the horses and will leave in five minutes time, so I would expect your father to arrive home within the hour.' 'Thank you, Polgrave, you were quite right to pass on this information without delay,' she said gratefully. 'Is my mother aware of this news?' Polgrave let out a discreet cough and answered: 'No, Miss Cassie, Mrs. Morley is upstairs in her bedroom with Sir Richard Hawton and I judged it best not to interrupt them.' 'Quite right, Polgrave, I will break the news to her,' said Cassie as Polgrave withdrew. Then she whispered in my ear: 'Come on, Henry, we'd better warn Mama or there will be an almighty scene. Papa might look the other way when she kicks over the traces but he would draw the limit at finding her in bed with one of his best friends.' I did not relish the idea of interrupting Elena and Sir Richard in the middle of whatever they were getting up to (and one would hardly expect to be awarded a prize for guessing what that might be), but naturally I did not hesitate to follow Cassie up the staircase. Clearly it would be less embarrassing for me than Cassie to inform Elena of her husband's unexpected return to Morley Hall.
When we reached the landing, Cassie suggested that I looked through the keyhole before I knocked on the door. 'A few minutes more won't make any difference if they've started something that should really be finished,' she observed as we stood outside the bedroom door. 'Very well,' I replied as I bent down and looked through the small opening. As expected, the couple had shed their inhibitions along with their clothes. Sir Richard was leaning against one of the bedposts and Elena was on her knees in front of him, holding his huge, swollen shaft which was stiffly pointing upwards between his thighs.
His sturdy frame was shaking with excitement as Elena washed her tongue over and around his knob, up and down its veiny length as she cupped his balls in her hands. She gave one long, sweeping slurp on his throbbing tool and then wriggled over on to her hands and knees, the twin orbs of her chubby white buttocks almost directly facing me.
I could not make out what she said but Sir Richard also dropped down on to the carpet behind her and with great panache he began to fuck her 'doggie-style'. Elena squealed with delight as he drew his arm around her to play with her titties whilst her gorgeous bum cheeks jiggled against his belly. 'Oooh, you're coming, I can feel it!
Oooh! Oooh! Flood my cunney, Richard!' she shrieked out. The lusty baronet's face glistened with perspiration as he yelled back hoarsely: 'Yes, yes! What a glorious fuck!' And as Elena's bottom bucked from side to side, Sir Richard ejaculated his sticky jism into her love funnel and the randy pair rode on until he pulled out his now limp cock from the cleft between Elena's bum cheeks. At this point, I straightened myself and gave three loud raps on the door.
'Now who the devil can that be?' I heard Sir Richard cry out, but it was Elena who came to the closed door and enquired who was there.
'Oh my God!' she gasped when I explained the purpose of my mission and Elena said that she and Sir Richard would rejoin us downstairs as soon as possible. 'Golly! We'd better tell the others,' said Cassie and so we hurried back to the drawing room to caution the others, as the notice in railway cloakrooms puts it, to adjust their clothing. In fact, this warning did not apply to Jenny, Annabel and the Toddington twins, but Fanny and Charles had slipped out of the room during our absence into Roger Morley's private study. There I found Charles lying stretched out naked on the carpet with Fanny, also in a state of total nudity, sitting across his thighs, rubbing her pussey lips back and forth across the lip of his uncapped knob. I stood silently at the doorway and watched Fanny move downwards to allow his throbbing tool to enter her yearning love channel. When his cock was fully embedded inside her, she held him in place by tightening the walls of her cunney and Charles arched his body upwards in time to her rhythm. Fortunately, it was not too long before Charles cried out that he was about to spend, and Fanny reached down to squeeze his balls. Their mutual joy appeared to peak simultaneously as his creamy spunk flooded into her cunt and she shuddered into a magnificent climax. Not surprisingly, they were not best pleased to hear my news, although they cheered up when I observed that Mr. Morley would be exhausted after his long journey from London and once he was safely in the arms of Morpheus, we could spend the rest of the night fucking ourselves silly. Anyhow, we were all sitting demurely in the draw ing room when Roger Morley returned — but what excitement followed when he gave us the wonderful news that, contrary to all expectations, the villainous blackguard who had run off with the Morley and Braithwaite family fortunes had been apprehended and that almost all the money had been recovered.
'Mr. Braithwaite and I will both lose about a thousand pounds, but thankfully such a blow will not be fatal to either of us,' he concluded triumphantly.
Brasenose College, Oxford, October 30th, 1901
It will still take Charles and I a day or two to recover from our hectic stay at Morley Hall. I should add that Charles used the camera he set up to entrap the Toddington twins — although such desperate measures were of course no longer needed as Mr.
Morley's marvellous news freed Cassandra and Fanny from any obligation to marry their wealthy suitors. However, Charles had spent so much time rigging up the camera, that he took several photographs of the four of us writhing around naked on the bed which I have just finished developing for him. My own favourite photograph is of Cassie riding upon my stiffie whilst Fanny sits on my face with my tongue sliding through her flaxen muff into her juicy love channel. The two frisky girls are leaning forward to kiss each other with their hands squeezing each other's firm, rounded breasts. It is hardly a photograph that I can keep in an album but I shall keep it safe under lock and key as a reminder of a top-hole weekend.