
As usual, a great many kind, supportive and especially tolerant friends and colleagues have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the gestation and writing of this book. The following in particular have in one way or another succeeded in keeping up the authorial spirits and getting the show on the road.

Special thanks to:

Clive Prince, my friend and colleague par excellence, for his unwavering support and comfort, readiness to point out when anxieties are needless and the efficacy of Thai curries for most ills, not to mention his generous discovery and translation of various French passages and provision of elusive references. It's been the best decade ever!

Debbie Benstead, for inspiring me to write this book in the first place with her enthusiasm for the real Lucifer, and for her rightly fabled generosity as a hostess. I don't think we're there yet, though ...

Sheila and Eric Taylor, whose enduring kindness and northern hospitality know no bounds, and whose comfort in times of stress or distress puts a very different face on the world. Such true life-enhancers are few and far between.

Craig Oakley, an old and very understanding friend, who knows all about the years that led inevitably to this book.

Jeffrey Simmons, my agent and friend, for his support.

Nigel Foster, without whose kindness The Secret History of Lucifer would literally never have been produced.

Robert Lomas, for his generous contribution to the section on Freemasonry - and all at a moment's notice!

Graham Philips, for his good advice. And just for being himself.

Yvan Cartwright, for his good-natured hospitality, humour and nagging about a web site. There will be one, one day ...

At Constable, Krystyna Green, Gary Chapman and Sarah Moore. Thanks for your patience and good humour - not to mention an unusual willingness to stretch deadlines.

Charles and Annette Fowkes, old friends whose hospitality and encouragement is much appreciated.

My York friends: David Bell, Moira Hardcastle and Richard Hardcastle for always being interested and supportive, plus silly giggling and mulled wine experiences and much, much more over more years than any of us care to remember.

All the talented and congenial `NoNamers', in appreciation of many excellent discussions and lots of laughs, especially Andy and Suzie Collins, Ian Lawton and Caroline Wise.

Lou Tate - lovely to be back in touch after all this time!

Thanks too, to Jayne Burns; Christy Fearn; Carina Fearnley; `Giovanni'; John Glasscock; Hannah R. Johnson; Octavia Kenny; Jane Lyle; and John and Joy Millar.

The staffs of the British Library and St John's Wood Library.

