‘What do you guys know about a thing called The Sentinel?’ Reacher said.

‘Zip,’ Rutherford said. ‘Never heard of it.’

‘I’ve heard a little about it,’ Sands said. ‘Mostly gossip. From some people at the Bureau. Word is, about four years ago there was a major brain drain out of cyber crimes. A bunch of the top guns all upped and left, out of the blue. At first people thought one of the big Silicon Valley corporations was on a recruitment rampage. Then there was a theory that some start-up was throwing crazy money around. But finally someone found out the government was behind it. An emergency response. To the Russians having a new weapon that could totally shred our election systems. Everywhere in the country was vulnerable. No results could be trusted. The guys at Quantico did some modelling. They figured the fallout from even one compromised general election could be anything from civil disobedience to full-scale rioting to possible insurrection. Imagine some of these foil-hat militia guys if they had evidence someone stole an election. Some of them have serious firepower and are already a hair’s breadth from using it.’

‘You’re about on the money,’ Reacher said. ‘The Sentinel is the only thing that can stop this weapon. The Russians can’t defeat it. So they’re trying to steal it.’

‘How?’ Rutherford said.

‘They have a spy inside Oak Ridge Laboratory. Where The Sentinel was designed.’

‘Why don’t they arrest him?’

‘Because they only know a spy exists. They don’t know who it is. The Bureau thinks it’s a sleeper. With some kind of connection to this area. Which is where things start cutting close to the bone. A document surfaced in the town archive which could have revealed the spy’s ID.’

‘The archive burned down.’

‘Not a coincidence.’

‘The online archive had the same documents. It got locked by the ransomware attack.’

‘Also not a coincidence.’

‘And my server has some of those documents on it. Because Cerberus protected them.’

‘Which is why you almost got kidnapped. The Russians want those records. To destroy whichever one could incriminate their guy.’

‘How do you know all this, Reacher?’ Sands said.

‘You thought the rendezvous at the old factory was a set-up. It was. Only not in the way you expected. The woman who showed up? She’s an FBI agent. Undercover. She’s infiltrated the Russian cell that’s tasked with recovering the server. She has two jobs. To get a copy of it for the Bureau so they can ID the spy. And to protect Rusty. She lured me there to ask for our help.’

‘And you’re only telling us now?’

Reacher shrugged. ‘There was no point telling you before we had the server. What if it had been destroyed? I’d have revealed the agent’s existence for nothing. And the fewer people who know about her the better.’

‘Fair, I guess,’ Sands said.

‘One other thing,’ Reacher said. ‘Full disclosure. Because I messed up their attempt to grab Rusty on Monday the Russians are bringing in a new guy. From Moscow. To try again. So the bottom line is this. If we want to avoid all the bad things that would follow a compromised election, and if we want to stop this new Russian going after Rusty, we have one option. Give a copy of the server to the Bureau.’

Rutherford jumped off the bed and picked up a pair of the extra servers they had brought from the protection guy’s unit at Norm’s. ‘Sarah, what are you waiting for? Help me. We need two more power outlets over here.’

It took Rutherford ten minutes to get the extra servers fixed up the way he wanted them. Reacher used the time to call a number Agent Fisher had given him for Wallwork in case of emergencies or breakthroughs. He figured this qualified. Wallwork answered on the first ring and Reacher cut straight to the chase: the server had been found; the data was intact. Wallwork was all business in return. No thanks. No congratulations. Just a pair of rapid-fire questions: where are you, and how soon can we meet. Reacher told Wallwork to be in the vicinity of the truck stop in one hour, and that he would call back shortly with a precise location.

Reacher excused himself and hurried to the office. He rapped on the counter. The long-haired kid appeared. This time he looked surprised and worried. He no doubt had visions of the balance of his thousand in cash evaporating before it ever saw the inside of his pocket.

‘Let’s talk about your room rates again,’ Reacher said. ‘Your standard is ninety-five dollars a day. Which works out to about four bucks an hour. So if I wanted another room for two hours, no questions asked, no records kept, how much would that cost me?’

‘Fifty bucks. Cash. Up front.’

‘What’s your name, son?’


‘Well, Carmichael, I believe in the illustrative power of stories. Do you?’

‘I guess.’

‘Take the man who killed the golden goose as an example. Have you heard that one?’

‘Forty bucks. I can’t go any lower. I’ll have to split the dough with the housekeeper, remember.’

‘That won’t be necessary. I won’t make any mess. I won’t even sit on the bed.’

‘What do you even want the room for, then?’

Reacher said nothing.

‘Thirty bucks,’ Carmichael offered.

Reacher said nothing.


‘That’s better.’ Reacher took two tens out of his pocket. ‘Pass me a key. And make sure it’s in the same section as the other two. Near them. But not adjacent.’

Reacher stepped outside and called Wallwork back. He gave him the motel’s name and address and specified room fourteen for their meeting. Then he returned to room eighteen. Sands was sitting in the armchair. Reacher smiled at her and lay down on one of the beds.

‘Your pizza will be cold,’ Sands said after a few moments of silence. ‘Want me to go to the office? Heat it up for you?’

‘No thanks,’ Reacher said. ‘Cold pizza doesn’t bother me. Unless you want to heat yours?’

‘Cold pizza doesn’t bother me, either. And anyway, I ate while you were gone.’

Reacher took a bite. Sands smiled.

‘Cold pizza,’ she said. ‘Cheap motel. It’s like I’m back at the Bureau.’

‘Do you miss it?’

‘I don’t miss the backache from all the crappy mattresses I had to sleep on when I was on the road. That’s for sure. But hearing you talk about the agent you met. What she’s doing. Protecting our elections. Stopping the Russians’ sabotage. Things like that, they make you think.’

‘Did you work undercover much?’

‘No. A few sting ops when they needed someone who could talk the talk. Other than that I was too specialized. Spent most of my time getting loaned out to different field offices. Wherever they had a cyber crime problem. Same shit, different desk. Staring at a screen.’

‘Is that why you left?’

‘No. It wasn’t the work. I actually enjoyed that. But as the years rolled by I came to realize, as much as I liked it there, the FBI was never going to give me what I want in life.’

‘Which is what? Your own corporation?’

She shook her head. ‘No. That’s just a means to an end. A way to generate more cash. Which is why Cerberus is so important. If it pays off big enough, I’ll be one and done. See you. And goodbye.’

‘What do you need the cash for?’

‘I can’t tell you. You’ll laugh at me.’

‘Try me.’

Sands closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ‘I want to have enough in the bank that I can quit working. Sell my home. And most of my stuff. And buy a houseboat.’ She opened her eyes. ‘You think I’m crazy, right?’

‘That depends,’ Reacher said. ‘This houseboat. Would you keep it moored in one place?’

‘Of course not. That would defeat the whole purpose. I’d go where I want. When I want.’

‘I’m the last person in the world who would think the freedom to move around is crazy. I’d say it was essential.’

Reacher was about to add that he was less enthusiastic about the idea of swapping a home on dry land for one floating in the water. He had never been personally involved with a boat, but it struck him that owning one could be even more problematic than a regular house. Aside from being able to move, it would have all the same disadvantages. There would be repairs to make. Maintenance schedules to follow. All kinds of expenses to meet. And on top of those it might sink. It might get run into by a bigger boat. It might grow barnacles. Who knew what other pitfalls there could be. But before he could speak again the connecting door opened and Rutherford appeared.

‘All right,’ Rutherford said. ‘All done. Two copies, as requested.’

Rutherford had stacked the pair of cloned servers on the bed, next to his laptop. Reacher picked them up and carried them back to room eighteen. He put one in the closet. And took the other one outside. He held it flat against his chest with his right hand, kept his left arm slightly forward, and angled his body away from the courtyard. It wouldn’t have fooled anyone up close, but no one behind him or at a distance would have realized he was carrying anything. He had plenty of time before Wallwork was due to arrive but he wanted to be already set up in room fourteen when the agent got there. He wanted to give the impression he had driven to the motel specially from some undisclosed distant location. Not that he was staying four rooms away. He didn’t have any reason to distrust Wallwork. But he had learned years ago that caution is the key to a long and healthy life.

Reacher set the server down on the desk and sat in the armchair. He had the drapes open and the light off. He waited, and he watched the courtyard. Ten minutes passed. No vehicles arrived. No vehicles left. No one moved between rooms. Another five minutes ticked away. Then the courtyard was filled with light. A car pulled in. It slowed in the centre of the space as if the driver was getting to grips with the layout. Then it speeded up and headed directly for room fourteen. It swung to the left when it was a couple of car lengths short, reversed, and stopped with its trunk three feet from the wall.

Reacher opened the door before Wallwork had the chance to knock. He stood aside to let the agent enter, then pulled the drapes and turned on the light.

‘Is that it?’ Wallwork stepped over to the desk and leaned down to look at the server.

Reacher nodded.

‘Thank you, Major,’ Wallwork said. ‘You’ve done us a solid and we appreciate it. You have my number. If there’s ever a way I can return the favour, don’t hesitate. Also, apologies for yesterday. Hiding my identity. I didn’t want to mislead you. But in the circumstances I didn’t have a choice. I hope you understand.’

‘No apology necessary,’ Reacher said. ‘Your partner is in the field. Protecting her comes first, second, and third. But your thanks should go to Rusty Rutherford. It’s down to him that the records exist at all.’

‘That’s good to know.’ Wallwork picked up the server and started to move. ‘Please pass on our gratitude if you see him. Me, I need to get back on the road. Time’s not on our side with this thing.’

Reacher stepped between Wallwork and the door. ‘Two questions before you go.’

‘OK. Make them quick.’

‘Klostermann. The guy I met at the Spy House this morning. Agent Fisher said she’d have him checked out again. Is there any word on that?’

‘She told me. We’re on it. Nothing yet. What else?’

‘The server. I guess you’re going to take it to a field office. Probably Nashville. Where a bunch of pointy heads will descend on it, looking for whatever secret it holds.’

‘You guess right.’

‘How long will that take?’

‘To get to Nashville?’

‘To find the secret.’

‘How long’s a piece of string? It’s impossible to say. There could be thousands of documents to search through. It’ll be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Only not a needle. Looking for something, but not knowing what. Just hoping we recognize it when we see it.’

‘So you’re not likely to get it done in, say, thirty-seven hours or so?’

‘I don’t know. It could take two seconds. It could take two months. We won’t know till we try. That’s not your problem, Major. But it is why I have to get going.’

‘It’s not Major. It’s just Reacher. And it is my problem. A little bit. But mostly it’s Rutherford’s problem.’

‘How do you figure?’

‘Agent Fisher told me her cell was restricted to surveillance until roughly lunchtime the day after tomorrow. Then they’re expecting reinforcements. A big hitter from Moscow. Now, if you haven’t figured out who their agent inside Oak Ridge is by then, you won’t have been able to arrest him. The Russians won’t know you have the server, either, so they’ll think they still have a chance to get it themselves and protect their guy. So they’ll come after Rutherford again. And Fisher might not be able to keep him safe because of the new arrival.’

Wallwork shrugged. ‘All true, I guess. Tough break for Rutherford. Specially after he helped us. Any chance you could convince him to leave town?’

‘I doubt it. I already tried. He refused. And I can’t blame him. He’s done nothing wrong. In fact, he’s done everything right. He shouldn’t be driven out of his home.’

‘I agree. But we have limited options here. Could you stay awhile? Keep an eye on him?’

‘For a while. Not for ever.’

‘It won’t take us for ever to figure out who the agent is.’

‘You said it could take two months. I rarely stay in one place two days.’

‘I’m sorry, Reacher. We’re dealing with the unknown here. The unknowable, in fact. I’d like to help Rutherford. I really would. But I’ve got to think about the bigger picture. I don’t know what else we can do.’

‘I know what I can do.’


‘Klostermann offered me ten grand for the server. I’m going to accept.’

‘Absolutely not. I can’t authorize—’

‘I’m not asking permission, Wallwork. I’m giving you a heads-up. As a courtesy. There’s something off about Klostermann. I could feel it when I met him. The Russians have some kind of permanent presence here. I’m going to find out if it’s him.’


‘This is happening. Embrace it. There’s no danger. There’s no downside. If I’m wrong, an old geezer gets to see some files that used to be public anyway. If I’m right the Russians will think their mission is accomplished. They’ll think their agent inside Oak Ridge is safe, so they’ll leave him in place, giving you time to figure out his identity. They’ll pull Fisher’s team out of the field, taking her out of the firing line. And Rutherford will be in the clear too.’

‘It’s out of the question.’

‘Listen. You wouldn’t know about the server without me. You wouldn’t have a copy of the server without me. You’d still be chasing your tails wondering what you’re looking for. So you can damn well cut me some slack.’

Wallwork didn’t respond.

‘If you have any sense you’ll watch how this plays out. And if it works, take the credit. No one will hear any different from me.’

Wallwork was silent for another minute. Then he squeezed around Reacher, to the door. ‘I have to get this thing to Nashville. People are waiting. And I have to tell you. Officially I cannot condone what you’re proposing.’

‘And unofficially?’

‘Call me when it’s done. But this stays between you and me.’
