Barbaricum, on the Indian Ocean, summer 52 BC
Squatting by the edge of the rough-hewn wooden dock, Romulus spat angrily into the sea. The journey south had aged him. There were dark rings of exhaustion under his blue eyes and a light growth of stubble covered his jaw. His black hair had grown longer. Although he did not know it, Romulus was now an imposing sight. His military tunic might be ragged and dirty, but his height, heavily muscled arms and legs and sheathed gladius marked him out as a man not to cross.
Tarquinius’ gaze fell away from the men he had been watching. He took in Romulus’ mood at a glance. ‘Brennus chose his own fate,’ he said quietly. ‘You could not stop him.’
Unsurprised at his mind being read, Romulus did not answer. Instead he watched the mixture of objects floating in the water with a mix of curiosity and revulsion. Typical of any large port, there were rotting fish heads, broken pieces of timber, small pieces of discarded fishing net and over-ripe fruit bobbing about between the wooden hulls of the moored ships.
The shouts and cries of merchants, stallholders, slave-dealers and their prospective customers filled the warm, salty air. Just a hundred paces away was part of the immense market which formed the basis for Barbaricum’s existence. Despite the oppressive temperatures and high humidity, the place was thronged. Bearded traders in turbans were selling indigo, different varieties of pepper and other spices from open sacks. Naked except for their chains, scores of men, women and children stood miserably on blocks, waiting like so many cattle. Neat piles of tortoiseshell were stacked higher than a man. Polished tusks lying in pairs were mute evidence that not every elephant became a beast of war. Trestle tables were covered in pieces of turquoise, lapis lazuli, agate and other semi-precious stones. There was silk yarn and cloth, cotton in bales and sheets of finely woven muslin. It was a veritable cornucopia.
But the ships that would carry all these goods away were of more interest to Romulus and Tarquinius. Tied up in their dozens, shallow-draughted fishing boats with small single masts knocked gently against larger merchant vessels with neatly reefed sails. Many of the craft were of unfamiliar shape to Romulus, but the haruspex had mentioned feluccas and native galleys. Here and there he saw sharp-prowed, lateen-rigged ships, their armed, unsavoury-looking crews eyeing each other warily. These were not honest traders. Without a bronze ram or banks of oars, the dhows still reminded him of Roman triremes. Of fighting ships.
It was a group of men from one of these that Tarquinius was studying intently.
But what did it matter anyway? Once more, Romulus’ misery settled over him like a cloak. He briefly considered letting himself fall in, to sink beneath the slick, greasy surface. Then his guilt might end.
‘It is not your fault that he died,’ said the haruspex softly.
The words sprang to Romulus’ lips unbidden. ‘No,’ he spat. ‘It’s yours.’
Tarquinius recoiled as if struck.
‘You knew,’ shouted Romulus, uncaring that men’s heads were turning in their direction. ‘Since that night after Carrhae. Didn’t you?’
‘I-’ the haruspex began, but it did not stop Romulus’ flow of rage. It had been pent up since the battle — since leaving Brennus to face an elephant on his own.
‘We could have gone with Longinus and marched back to the Euphrates.’ Romulus pressed his fists against his head, wishing that were the truth. ‘At least they had a chance of escaping. But you said that we should stay. So we did.’
Tarquinius’ dark eyes grew sad.
‘And then Brennus died, when he did not need to.’ Romulus closed his eyes and his voice tailed away into a whisper. ‘He could have escaped.’
‘And left you?’ Tarquinius’ voice was low but incredulous. ‘Brennus would never have done that.’
There was a long silence, during which the onlookers grew bored and turned away.
Even that was probably part of Tarquinius’ plans, Romulus thought bitterly. Avoiding attention was always a good idea. At that very moment, however, he did not care who saw or heard their conversation.
Several weeks had passed since their journey from the battlefield, yet now, as then, Romulus was consumed by one thing. Had the haruspex known about, or planned, their whole experience since joining Crassus’ army? Had he and Brennus been nothing more than unknowing pawns, acting out an already written script? It was a question that Tarquinius repeatedly refused to answer. Overcome with grief after Brennus’ heroic sacrifice, Romulus had simply gone along with him. Swimming across the Hydaspes was an ordeal in itself, and the passage south that had followed was even more arduous. Without helmets, chain mail or shields, with only their gladii and Tarquinius’ battleaxe for protection, the two weary soldiers had been forced to travel mainly by night. Otherwise their pale skins and inability to speak the local languages would have marked them out as foreigners, easy prey for even the ignorant villagers whose land they passed. Strangers such as they might carry money or riches.
Fortunately, their combined skills had been sufficient to hunt or steal just enough food to live on without often being detected. It was trying to avoid centres of human population that was hardest. The fertile land near the River Indus, which the Hydaspes had joined, was densely inhabited. Most communities were situated close to the river, the main source of water for agriculture and life in general. And the pair had no choice but to follow its course. The grief-stricken Romulus had no idea which way to go, and even Tarquinius knew only to head south. The Periplus, the ancient map given to him by Olenus, had sketchy details for this part of the world. Consequently, they had to creep their way around all the villages in pitch darkness, risking discovery each and every night. More than once, dogs had raised the alarm, forcing them to retreat and wait for another chance, as lurking thieves do.
The process was mentally and physically exhausting for both, and five days later they had made the decision to steal a small boat from a fishing hamlet. It had proved to be the riskiest but most profitable move of the entire journey. None of the sleeping denizens had noticed until it was far too late, and those who did awaken were not foolish enough to pursue the pair along the river in the pitch black. Romulus’ and Tarquinius’ new boat had two crudely made oars, which meant that they could travel whenever they chose. They stayed close to the shore, only risking the strong current mid-river when other vessels were encountered. The ragged nets on board had allowed them to fish daily, providing a simple, if boring diet.
Conversation had been limited after Romulus had accused Tarquinius of failing to prevent Brennus’ death. Taking the haruspex’ refusal to answer as a confession, Romulus had lapsed into a furious silence that was only broken by questions about food or their direction of travel. As a result, their arrival in the exotic metropolis of Barbaricum had been muted, but neither could deny that it was an important milestone. Cities had become an alien place to them.
It was more than a year since they had been paraded through the streets of Seleucia, the capital of Parthia. Margiana, where the Forgotten Legion had served as a border force, held nothing more than a few towns and the tiny settlements along the Indus were scarcely more than hamlets. In contrast, this massive city was protected by strong walls, fortified towers and a large garrison. As in Rome, most inhabitants were poor labourers or shopkeepers, but instead of living in blocks of cramped flats, they dwelled in primitive one-storey mud huts. There was no sign of a sewage system: rubbish and human waste lay everywhere on the muddy streets.
Barbaricum also lacked the proliferation of huge temples that existed in Rome, but it was still an impressive sight. Flashy palaces abounded, the homes of wealthy nobles and merchants. And the enormous covered market near the docks was a sight to behold. The portion near them formed just a tiny fraction of the whole bazaar. Romulus had been awestruck by the variety of goods, living or inanimate, human or animal, on offer there. Yet this was one of India’s main trading centres, a seaport where every kind of merchandise under the sun came to be bought and sold before being transported away to far-off lands. It was living, breathing proof that Rome was only a tiny part of the world.
As if reminding him of that, a line of heavily laden porters emerged from the maze of narrow alleyways that opened on to the harbour. Led by a self-important-looking man in a short, belted robe who was carrying a bamboo cane, they pushed through the clamouring crowds, eventually reaching a large merchantman with two masts which lay alongside the main dock. Following close behind the column was a group of guards armed with spears, swords and clubs. They fanned out protectively as the valuable merchandise was lowered to the ground. There was a brief pause as the merchant conferred with the ship’s captain and then the porters began the laborious task of carrying their loads up the narrow gangplank.
Romulus felt a thrill of excitement. From here, ships sailed westwards once a year, on the monsoon wind, to Egypt. And from there, a man could journey to Rome. All they needed now was to find a captain who would give them passage.
So much had happened to bring him here, thought Romulus. He and Tarquinius had survived the carnage of Carrhae and the epic march east, evaded murderous attacks by other legionaries and escaped annihilation by an Indian king’s army, finally ending up in a place whence returning home was actually possible. It seemed incredible — a virtual miracle, in fact. But the price exacted was heavy: apart from the countless thousands in Crassus’ army and the Forgotten Legion who had died, first Felix and then Brennus had lost their lives. The death of the man who meant more to him than anyone apart from his mother and Fabiola had been a particularly devastating blow. Guilt weighed down on Romulus’ shoulders. Two friends had died to give him this opportunity and there was nothing he could do about it.
And the haruspex had known what would happen to Brennus all along. What else did he know? ‘You played us both like a fish on a hook,’ Romulus hissed, wishing that he could turn back time. ‘Damn you to Hades.’
‘It may be my fate to go there,’ Tarquinius answered, moving to his side. ‘That remains to be seen.’
‘No man should die alone, facing insurmountable odds.’
Tarquinius thought of Olenus, and the manner of his death. ‘Why not, if he chooses it?’
Unaware of the haruspex’ past, Romulus bridled at his instant response. ‘It would have been better for Brennus to have died in the arena.’ Even as he said the words, he knew them to be untrue. The fate of gladiators rested with the fickle and bloodthirsty Roman mob. Instead, the Gaul had died as he had wished, under the bright sun with his sword in his hand. A free man, not a slave.
Romulus chewed a nail. How could he have forgotten the message that had burned so brightly in Brennus’ eyes? His friend had come to accept his fate, which was more than most men ever did. Who was he to deny that? Which meant that the anger he had felt against the haruspex since their flight was being fuelled entirely by the guilt and shame savaging him inside. It was a startling realisation. A great gust of sorrow left Romulus’ chest, emptying his lungs and leaving him with a feeling of total emptiness inside. Unbidden but welcome tears rolled down his cheeks at the memory of big, brave Brennus, who had died that he might live.
Tarquinius looked awkward for a moment, and then he put an arm around Romulus’ shoulders.
It was extremely rare for the haruspex to display such emotion and, sobbing like a boy, Romulus wept for what it meant. Tarquinius was grieving for their friend too. At last his tears dried, and he looked up.
Their eyes met. For long moments they stared at each other.
There was an openness in Tarquinius’ face that Romulus had never seen before. He was relieved to see no evil there.
Remarkably, it was Tarquinius who looked away first. ‘I did know that Brennus would meet his fate in India,’ he said in a low voice. ‘It was written in the stars on the very first night we met.’
‘Why didn’t you tell him?’
‘He did not want to know then, if at all,’ answered the haruspex, regarding him steadily. ‘You knew that too.’
Romulus flushed.
‘Advising you both to retreat with Longinus would have been interfering with your destiny,’ Tarquinius went on. ‘Would you have wanted me to do that?’
Romulus shook his head. Few things angered the gods more than trying to change the course of one’s life path.
‘And I was not the first to predict Brennus’ future. His druid had told him,’ said Tarquinius. ‘Believing that prophecy was what helped him survive for so long in the ludus. As well as Astoria and you, of course.’
The memory of Romulus’ first real meeting with the big Gaul was still vivid. After killing a murmillo who was holding Brennus’ lover Astoria hostage, Romulus had incurred the wrath of Memor, the brutal lanista. Facing a daunting single combat the next morning as punishment, and with nowhere to sleep, Romulus had begun to despair. Brennus was the only fighter to offer him refuge. Unsurprisingly, their friendship had grown from there.
‘Apart from wanting the best for you, Brennus wished for just one thing.’
Romulus knew what Tarquinius would say next.
‘It was to regain his honour while saving his friends.’
‘As he had been prevented from doing before,’ Romulus finished. ‘With his wife and baby.’
‘And his uncle and cousin.’
A surge of faith filled him. ‘So the gods granted his final wish.’
‘That is what I believe.’
Both men sat for a while, honouring Brennus’ memory.
Below them, a fish jumped high in the air, catching a fly. There was a loud splash as it re-entered the water.
Romulus wrinkled his nose at the unpleasant smell which arose. Bizarrely, it reminded him of his former owner. The cruel merchant had bathed little. Abruptly he decided to test Tarquinius’ honesty. ‘What about Gemellus?’
The haruspex looked surprised. ‘His recent business ventures have not gone well. More than that I do not know.’
Satisfied and pleased with this simple response, Romulus ventured another question. ‘Are my mother and Fabiola still alive?’
This was his most deeply held hope, the burning ember of which he guarded like the font of life itself. For fear of the haruspex’ possible answer, Romulus had never dared mention it before.
Tarquinius’ expression changed, becoming sombre.
Romulus steeled himself.
‘Fabiola is,’ Tarquinius said at length. ‘I am certain of it.’
Joy filled him, and he grinned. ‘And my mother?’
The haruspex shook his head once.
Romulus’ initial elation ebbed away, to be replaced by sadness. His mother’s death was not a complete surprise to him, however. While not particularly old at the time of his sale to the ludus, Velvinna had been small and slight of build. And her children’s sale would have finally broken her spirit. The incredibly harsh environment of the salt mines, into which Gemellus had promised to sell her, killed even the strongest of men within a few months. To expect that she would survive more than four years in such a living hell was unrealistic. Romulus had kept her alive in his imagination because it helped him with his own situation. Closing his eyes, he asked that the gods look after his mother in paradise.
‘Where is Fabiola now?’ Romulus nearly choked on his next words. ‘Still in the brothel?’
‘Where, then?’
‘I’m not sure,’ said Tarquinius. ‘If I see more, you’ll be the first to know.’
Romulus sighed, wondering why, in his vision, Fabiola had been at the Forum. He would have to wait for the answer.
Overhead, the harsh keening of the gulls reminded them of their proximity to the sea: their possible route home. Romulus’ heart sang with previously unthinkable ideas.
The timbers beneath them creaked as heavy footsteps approached their position.
The haruspex’ eyes narrowed, and Romulus’ fingers crept towards the handle of his gladius. In this exotic port, they had no friends — only potential enemies. The gravelly voice that butted in was a rude reminder of this fact.
Romulus did not understand the words, but the angry tone conveyed the speaker’s meaning very well.
‘He wants to know what we’re doing on his dock,’ whispered Tarquinius.
‘His dock?’ hissed Romulus incredulously.
The haruspex raised his eyebrows and he had to stifle a smile.
A brute of a man was standing over them, his hands on his hips. Dressed in a plain loincloth, his deeply tanned body was covered in scars. Thick cords of muscle stood out on his chest and arms; leather bands encircled both wrists. Greasy black hair fell in long braids on either side of the man’s broad, unshaven face. A badly broken nose twisted his features, which were lumpen and crude. He repeated his question.
Neither of the friends answered, but they both got to their feet. Facing the newcomer, they moved a couple of paces apart.
A sword with a deeply curved blade jutted from a wide belt around the man’s waist. Tiny brown discoloured pits in the iron revealed the newcomer was a sailor. Or a pirate. Only salt spray affected metal like that, thought Romulus. The fool didn’t know that oiling his weapon would prevent it from rusting. Or didn’t care.
Raising his hands in a peaceful gesture, Tarquinius spoke a few words.
The response was an angry growl.
‘I told him that we were merely resting,’ the haruspex said in an undertone.
‘That doesn’t seem to be enough,’ muttered Romulus, taking in the corsair’s body language.
‘No,’ Tarquinius replied archly. ‘He wants to fight.’
‘Tell him we don’t want trouble,’ said Romulus. Doubtless this brute had friends.
Tarquinius obeyed.
Instead of standing aside, the man sneered and planted his trunk-like legs even further apart. Now he resembled some kind of deformed Colossus, standing astride the wharf.
Angered by the threatening move, Romulus took an involuntary step forward.
‘Look,’ warned Tarquinius.
Romulus peered over his opponent’s shoulder to see that the rails of a predatory-looking dhow a short distance away were lined with grinning men. ‘What should we do?’
The haruspex watched two screeching gulls fight over a juicy scrap. He was reasonably sure that they should offer their services as crew on a merchant vessel rather than get involved with pirates like those watching. But it was best to check.
Romulus waited, studying the big corsair.
A smile broke out on the haruspex’ scarred face as, at the last moment, the smaller black-beaked gull boldly snatched a morsel from the beak of the larger bird.
And then things happened very suddenly.
Romulus’ enemy lunged forward, attempting to seize him in a bear hug. Ducking underneath his swinging arms, Romulus planted an elbow in his back instead. The hefty blow elicited little more than a grunt of anger but produced gales of laughter from the onlookers. The pair turned to face each other once more. Tarquinius took the opportunity to move well out of range of the struggle.
Romulus grimaced. Once more events had been taken out of their hands. He wasn’t going to let a random thug just beat him up, but the consequences might be serious. Be careful, he thought. Don’t injure the brute.
The pirate approached more slowly this time. Clenching his jaw with anger, he slid his bare feet forward across the dock’s warped and cracked planks. Romulus crouched, bending his knees and remembering the dirty moves that Brennus had taught him. He let the other come even closer. There was no room for error: few men were stronger than Brennus, but here was an example. If a single blow connected, Romulus knew he would go down and not get up again.
Two or three paces apart, they stared at each other.
The pirate’s sunburned, cracked lips peeled back, revealing rows of brown, rotten teeth. His huge fists bunched, ready to strike. As far as he was concerned, Romulus was now within his reach. Victory was already his.
The young soldier feinted to the left, and as expected, his opponent moved away. But Romulus did not follow through with a punch. Quick as a flash, he kneed the other in the groin. He did it with all his strength, and the pirate’s mouth opened in an ‘O’ of surprise and agony. Crumpling neatly, he dropped to the dock with a loud crash. A low, inarticulate moan emanated from his slumped form.
Romulus grinned and stepped away, pleased that he had not needed to badly injure the corsair.
With luck, his shipmates would also appreciate the restraint.
Glancing over, he could see that many of them were laughing. But a sizeable number seemed quite unhappy too. Angry fists were being shaken in his direction. A coal-black Nubian with gold earrings stood by, watching to see the outcome. More and more insults rang out, and a few men reached for their weapons. It was the beginning of a trickle effect. Realising that he and Tarquinius would have to run like cowards, Romulus cursed silently. Just like a rioting mob that pauses before lynching an innocent bystander, the pirates were still stationary, but it would only take one man to move for the whole lot to swarm over the rails.
Romulus waved Tarquinius forward, over the groaning heap. Once off the wharf and mingling in the crowd, they would be safe.
A large hand reached out and grabbed at the haruspex’ ankle, almost tripping him.
Hearing Tarquinius cry out, Romulus spun on his heel and in reflex, stamped down on the corsair’s head. A blow from the hobnailed sole of his army sandal was like being hit with a hammer, and the big man slumped down, unconscious. Rolling gently away, his huge weight gave him just enough momentum to reach the edge of the narrow dock and tumble over it. With an almighty splash, he hit the water, sinking immediately.
Aghast, Romulus peered down into the murky depths. Killing his opponent had not been his intention, but that would surely be the outcome now. Already he could see nothing more than chains of rising bubbles.
With an inchoate roar of rage, the entire crew of the pirate ship leapt overboard and sprinted towards them. They were on a parallel jetty, but it would not take long for the two friends’ escape route to be cut off.
Tarquinius grabbed his arm. ‘Let’s go,’ he hissed. ‘Now!’
‘But the poor bastard will drown,’ protested Romulus.
‘Do you think he’d care if it happened to you?’ retorted the haruspex. ‘His friends can save him.’
‘It’ll be too late by then.’ He could not leave a man to die yet again. Romulus unbuckled his belt, took a deep breath and dived in. For the second time in as many moments, the water fountained into the air.
Horrified, Tarquinius stared after him. His moment of indecision cost him dearly. Several pirates had already reached the end of the wharf he was standing on. Leering with pleasure, they swaggered along the planks towards him, axes and spears raised.
Romulus knew none of this. Kicking downwards, he cast his eyes left and right. Fortunately, the visibility was good, much better than on the surface. But he could see nothing. Long fronds of seaweed straggled up from the bottom, threatening to entangle him. Romulus searched fruitlessly for what seemed an age, when a thick rope appeared before him, leading diagonally downwards. It had to be the anchor cable for one the ships above. Romulus took a good hold of it and pulled himself even deeper. If he didn’t find the pirate soon, it would be too late.
Half a dozen heartbeats later, he reached an enormous stone anchor. Romulus was running out of air. Mithras, help me, he prayed desperately.
It was the braids of black hair that caught Romulus’ attention. Like the seaweed around them, they were swaying to and fro in the current. He swam forward, finding the big man within arm’s reach, flat on his back and completely motionless. Not a good sign, he thought. Grabbing hold of the long tresses with his left hand, Romulus placed his feet on the sandy bottom and bent his knees. Using the power of his muscular thighs, he pushed upwards with all his might. The surface seemed miles away, and the weight dragging down his left arm like a sack of lead. But he transferred his grip to the corsair’s chin and, stroke by slow stroke, they ascended.
When two heads broke through the scummy water, great cries of relief went up.
Tarquinius’ voice was among them.
With a sinking heart, Romulus saw that the haruspex had been disarmed and was surrounded by corsairs. But he had no time to think; although he could feel a pulse beneath his hand, the big man was limp in his grasp. His lungs could be full of water. Realising the same thing, his comrades quickly lowered a rope. Romulus tied it fast around the unconscious pirate’s chest and watched as he was pulled up to the dock. Lying the big man on his front, a swarthy figure delivered a few sharp blows to the back of his chest. Nothing happened, and Romulus’ heart sank. The procedure was repeated a number of times to no avail. Just when he thought his rescue attempt had been pointless, the hulk coughed violently before vomiting up a large amount of seawater.
His friends cheered with delight.
Again the rope was dropped, and Romulus eagerly swarmed up it, hand over hand. Surely he would be well received. After all, he had saved the man’s life.
As Romulus reached out to pull himself up on to the dock, a pair of calloused black feet stepped in his way. He looked up, into the eyes of the Nubian with gold earrings. This had to be the pirate captain — and there was a large, wide-bladed cutlass in his right hand.
‘Tell me why I shouldn’t cut this rope,’ the Nubian said in passable Parthian. ‘Before my men kill your friend.’