Those gleefully madcap P alm Beach Story opening credits were just starting to roll when she knocked on his door.

“Come on in, naybs!” Mitch called out, his mouth stuffed full of meat loaf and mashed potatoes.

Josie came in out of the rain wearing a bright yellow hooded slicker and matching yellow rain boots, a plastic bag tucked under one arm. She looked tired and defeated, which wasn’t at all typical of the Josie Cantro Mitch knew. But Josie hadn’t exactly had a typical day. Plus that swollen left eye of hers was turning into a real shiner.

Mitch set his dinner plate down on the coffee table and hit the pause button on his DVD remote. “How’s your eye doing?”

“It’s fine,” she said quietly. “It’s nothing.”

“Still, those ceiling tiles can do a lot of damage. You’re lucky you weren’t blinded.”

She studied him a bit curiously. “I guess.”

“Have you eaten? I made lots.”

“I’m not hungry, thanks. But, please, you go right ahead.”

“Okay, you talked me into it. Have you ever seen Palm Beach Story?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Then you absolutely must. Have a seat.”

Josie just stood there, swallowing uneasily. Which, again, wasn’t at all typical of her. “Mitch, could we talk instead?”

He flicked off the TV and said, “Sure thing. How about a glass of wine?”

“A glass of wine would be great.”

He went into the kitchen to fetch it for her. By the time he returned she’d taken off her wet slicker and boots and settled herself on the loveseat next to Clemmie and Quirt. She wore an oversized charcoal-gray sweater of Bryce’s, jeans and thick wool socks. Her long, shiny mane of blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Mitch put another log on the fire, then sat back down with his dinner and resumed shoveling.

Josie sipped her wine. “Are you sure I’m not interrupting anything?”

“Positive. Des had to duck out on an emergency call.”

“I noticed that her car was gone. Otherwise I wouldn’t have barged in on you like this. Was it anything serious?”

“I’m afraid it was. Hank Merrill committed suicide tonight. Attached a hose to the tailpipe of his car.”

She gaped at him in shock. “God, I can’t believe it. Hank was such a nice man. And he seemed so happy at Rut’s party. Do they have any idea why he?…”

“You know as much as I do.”

“Damn…” Josie slumped against the back of the sofa. “I guess this makes it official-I totally and completely suck at my job.”

“No, you don’t.”

“Mitch, two of my clients have committed suicide in the same day. That’s not exactly something I’ll be posting on my Web site.” She shook herself and reached for the plastic bag she’d brought. “I wanted to return the Randolph Scott movies you loaned us. Also your collection of Manny Farber essays.”

“Okay…” Mitch cleaned his plate and sat back on the loveseat. The cats rearranged themselves around him for warmth. “Talk to me, naybs. Is returning my stuff item sixteen on your to-do list or is something else going on?”

Josie took another sip of wine, gazing down into her glass. “I had it on my list to call Bryce’s lawyer, Glynis, but she beat me to it. I just got off the phone with her.”

“What did she have to say?”

“Something kind of … stunning. It seems that Bryce paid her a visit last week.”

This much Mitch already knew. Rut had told him. “Any particular reason?”

“He wanted her to draw up his will for him.”

“Bryce didn’t have a will?”

“Not until last week, according to Glynis.”

“I wonder if that means he was, you know, planning to do what he did.”

“I wondered about that, too,” Josie said.

“Why did Glynis call you tonight?”

“To let me know that Bryce left the house on Big Sister to me. It’s mine, Mitch, free and clear. Or it will be as soon as his estate clears probate. She also wanted to warn me that I’m going to have a nasty fight on my hands.”

“What kind of a nasty fight?”

“Apparently, as soon as Des notified Preston Peck that Bryce was dead Preston phoned Glynis to inform her he’d be on the next plane out of Chicago to come here and kick me the hell out. She had to tell him not so fast, cowboy. And Preston went absolutely ballistic. As far as he’s concerned the Big Sister house belongs to the Peck family and it’s going to stay in the Peck family. Glynis thinks he’ll contest the will. Fight me in court over it, knowing that I’m not someone who can afford a long, drawn-out legal battle.”

“That sounds really pleasant.”

“Doesn’t it? Glynis wants me to stand my ground. She gave me the names of two lawyers who she said are very good.”

Mitch sipped his wine, peering at her. “You didn’t know anything about this?”

“I had no idea.”

“Bryce didn’t tell you that he’d drawn up his will?”


“Did he tell you that he’d been to see Glynis?”

No. And please stop interrogating me, will you?”

“Sorry, I guess I’ve been around Des too long.” Mitch listened to the rain pounding on the roof. “I wonder why he didn’t tell you.”

“It doesn’t surprise me in the least. Bryce could be very secretive. The weird thing is I don’t even want the damned house.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not mine. It’ll never feel like mine.”

“If that’s the case then your lawyer can probably make a deal with the Peck family.”

Josie stared into the fire. “Glynis did mention something like that. Reaching a financial settlement, I mean. It just … It seems so crass and disgusting to be talking about money while Bryce is still lying in a body bag somewhere. As far as I’m concerned Preston can just take the damned place. I don’t belong out here. And I for damned sure have no business being a life coach. I’ve messed up everyone who I’ve come in contact with. Bryce chose death over sharing his life with me. Casey is a clinging nutso. And now Hank is gone, too. I’m no good at what I do, Mitch. I’m no good, period.”

“That’s not true, Josie. You’ve helped a lot of people. They count on you. I know I do. I’d miss you if you weren’t around.”

She looked at him searchingly. “Do you really mean that?”

“I really do. Who’ll run with me every morning if you leave?”

She was still looking at him. “Des told you, didn’t she? About finding me on the sofa with Casey. I can see it in your eyes.”

Mitch reached over and stroked Clemmie, who stirred from her nap and began to make small motorboat noises. “See what, Josie?”

“That you’re wondering about me now. Trying to figure out if I’m a scheming, money-grubbing slut. I’m not, Mitch. And I’m sorry I lied to you about what happened. Friends shouldn’t do that to each other.”

“You’re right, they shouldn’t. So why did you?”

“Because I didn’t want you to think less of me. You have no idea how much I look up to you. Mitch, if I lose you I’ll never make it through this. Are you still my friend?”

“Sure, I am,” he said, because it was what she needed to hear. “Don’t sweat it. You’ve got enough to worry about. Seriously, are you thinking about leaving town?”

She nodded her head. “It’s time for me to move on.”

“Will you go back to Maine?”

She glanced at him sharply. “Why would I want to do that?”

“It’s where you’re from, isn’t it?”

“Why are you suddenly asking me about Maine?”

“Just curious. You don’t talk much about your childhood.”


“So most people do. Have you got any brothers or sisters?”

“I had a father,” she said quietly. “He was a logger and a mean drunk. Used to beat the crap out of my mother and me every Saturday night. He took off for good when I was twelve. After that, it was just mom and me freezing our asses off in a drafty trailer. I’m trailer-park trash through and through, Mitch. I ran away when I was sixteen. I’ve been on my own ever since. I put myself through school. I’ve never had anyone to look after me-especially a big brother.”

“Meaning what?”

“Meaning you’re the first male friend I’ve ever had who hasn’t tried to get in my pants. You don’t even joke about it.”

“I’m in a committed relationship, remember?”

“Yeah, like that’s ever stopped any of you.”

“You haven’t met many nice Jewish boys, have you?”

“I haven’t met many nice boys, period.”

“So how do you like it? Having a big brother, I mean.”

“I’m not sure. I still can’t decide whether I should be insulted or flattered.”

“Try flattered. I’ve never had a kid sister. And I don’t want you to leave. Please stay, Josie. If you go away then I’ll have Preston Peck for a neighbor and that would be too heinous to contemplate. Promise me you’ll think about staying, okay?”

“Okay,” she conceded reluctantly. “I’ll think about it.”

“Good. Now how about watching Palm Beach Story with me? I promise that you’ll laugh nonstop.”

“No, thanks. I have a ton of stuff to do.” She got up and retrieved her rain slicker and boots, smiling that great big smile of hers. “But thanks, naybs. For everything.”

“Any time, naybs,” he said, thinking that she seemed much more like her usual sunny, upbeat self again.

Unless, of course, it was all an act. Which he had to admit was entirely possible. Because it was becoming more and more obvious to Mitch with each passing hour that he really didn’t know Josie Cantro at all.
