Lord Wellington rode into Salamanca that day, Marshal Marmont having retired to Fuente el Sauco, on the Toro road. Salamanca lost no time in hanging out flags and decorations; and, upon the appearance of the English General and his Staff, went mad with excitement. His lordship had quite a difficult journey through the wide streets, for what with flowers being flung at him, and making his indignant horse shy, and hysterical women all but dragging him out of the saddle in their enthusiasm, it looked at one time as though he never would succeed in pushing through to his headquarters. He took it all very well-he had a surprisingly happy way with foreigners-and reserved his acid comments for the ears of his Staff.

The French occupation of the three forts did not in the least interfere with the English in the town. The task of reducing them was given to Clinton’s 6th division; his lordship made Salamanca his headquarters; and everyone who could contrive to snatch a few hours’ leave sought recreation there. It was a lovely, golden city, with broad streets and wide squares, a gracious Cathedral, and some very fine colleges. The shops seemed particularly good to men who had known nothing better than the sutler’s booths for months past; and if only everyone’s pay had not been in arrears, an orgy of spending would have been indulged in. Women were plentiful. A number of men acquired temporary mistresses, and were to be seen strolling under the colonnades in the Plaza Mayor with dark-eyed beauties on their arms. Several of Harry’s friends were thus fortunate, notably Kincaid, whose tall person had found favour with a brunette with very white teeth, and a pair of entrancing dimples. Juana said that she did not think his Dolores a ladylike person, but she did not in the least blame Kincaid for taking her. She had lived amongst soldiers for two months, and she already understood that women, next to the Commissariat, were most necessary to the army’s comfort. Only Harry was not permitted to cast an eye in the direction of the ladies of Salamanca. For the life of him, he could not resist flirting with a pretty female. He explained to Juana that there was nothing in it. She threatened to kill him with his own sword, and had to be fended off with a camp-chair. When he caught her in his arms, she boxed his ears, not in the least the trusting child who adored him, but like the jealous little vixen he called her. Only when, all cajolery failing, he shrugged, and said: ‘I hate shrews. I’m off to find better company,’ did her rage fall from her, leaving her defenceless, gazing at him with mute lips, and imploring eyes. He could never withstand that look. However angry he might be, and she very often made him blazingly angry, he melted before it, and held open his arms to; her, ‘Hija, hija, only teasing!’

Trembling in his close embrace, she said passionately: ‘You love me! Say it! Swear it!’ ‘Oh, my sweet!’ Harry said huskily. He kissed her again and again. ‘Little devil! Little vixen!’ ‘Do I plague you, mi Enrique?’

‘Yes, and yes! Dear plague!’

‘I am ashamed. But you smiled at her. You did! I saw you. Did you think her pretty?’ ‘No,’ lied Harry.

Her delightful gurgle of laughter broke from her. ‘Oh, it is not true! For she was pretty! Prettier than I am. I will be good.’

She was entranced by Salamanca. She had never seen a larger town that Badajos, and spent hours gazing into shop windows. Her purchases were few, since Harry’s pockets were lamentably to let. Once she said wistfully that she wished they had some money. It touched him on the raw, and because he wanted to buy things for her and could not, he was angry, and said in an unkind voice: ‘What do you want money for?’

‘You need new shirts,’ she said, sighing.

His mouth quivered; she saw it, and directed an inquiring gaze up at him.

‘Juana,’ he said, and stopped short.

‘But what is it, mi Enrique?’

‘Nothing. I don’t need new shirts. When we reach Madrid-’ ‘Madrid!’ exclaimed Juana, ‘Are we going to Madrid?’ ‘By Jupiter, we are! Only wait till we settle accounts with Marmont!’ ‘It does not seem to me as though there is going to be a battle at all,’ said Juana. This opinion was shared by others, for Lord Wellington, numerically superior to Marmont, seemed oddly loth to engage with him. While Clinton besieged the Salamanca forts, the rest of the army remained inactive on the heights of Christoval, five miles to the north of the city. Twice an engagement seemed to be certain; on each occasion it ended in nothing but a little skirmishing, although for two days Marmont held his army in an exposed position on the plain before the Allied position. Many outspoken gentlemen said that his lordship, in pursuing so much caution, was making a mistake for which he would pay dearly; and even his admirers wondered at his making no attempt to prevent Marmont’s retreat to the Douro. Don Julian Sanchez’ guerilleros so infested the roads that nearly every French dispatch was intercepted; and everyone knew with what difficulties the Marshal was having to contend. Everyone knew, too, that for the first time in the Peninsula Wellington had more cavalry at his disposal than the enemy. But what very few men knew was how little Wellington could afford to run the risk of a defeat. Impervious to the feelings of his officers, his lordship adhered to the cautious path of his choosing.

‘One of these fine days we shall be forced to fight,’ said Jack Molloy. ‘You mark my words’ ‘Fight?’ said Eeles. ‘Where do you get these notions from? We’re not here to fight, my boy!’ ‘If anyone mentions the word manoeuvre, I shall vomit,’ said William Havelock, in a soft voice.

‘Speaking for myself,’ offered Cadoux, ‘I’m quite happy. I should hate to get my new coat cut up in a horrid, messy battle.’

‘Don’t worry! You won’t!’ said Harry.

Cadoux’ languid gaze drifted to his face; he smiled. ‘Oh, do you think I shan’t?’ he asked. ‘I wonder if you know? I should like to stay here for months. It suits me.’ ‘My dear fellow! Now don’t play the fool!’ begged George Simmons, intervening to prevent an explosion from Harry. ‘Depend upon it, we shall be on the move soon enough.’ ‘Too soon,’ murmured Cadoux. ‘This insufferable heat, George! One will be bound to sweat. The army’s no place for a gentleman. I can’t think why I joined.’

‘Nor anyone else,’ said Harry, getting up abruptly. ‘Coming, Jack?’

He walked away with his hand in Molloy’s arm. Cadoux watched him go, smiling. George Simmons said: ‘You should not, you know. It is very stupid. Besides, we ought to stick together, don’t you think?”

‘Oh, you Sweeps!’ said young Havelock gently, a scarlet coat amongst green ones. ‘You insufferable Sweeps!’
