Alone with Anavar, I sat, head in hands.
He knelt before me. “Father says demons breed fear in the night. By day, all will seem-”
“Is it so plain to see?” My voice was unsteady.
“I feel the same, my lord.”
“Oh, Anavar.” I drew him close.
The door crashed open. Rustin stopped short. Then he leered. “Enjoying yourselves? Don’t mind me.”
My hand darted from the boy’s face, as if burned. What must Rust have thought, seeing him kneel before me?
Rust’s voice was thick. “I see it’s my touch you loathe, not his.” He lurched to the window, thrust open the shutters. “Give us air.”
I said softly, “Rustin’s drunk. Pay no heed. Leave us.”
Rust drew sword. I started in alarm, but he tossed it aside to unhitch his leather scabbard. “Yes, leave us.” A mighty blow thwacked Anavar’s calves. “Go!” Rust thrust him to the door, slammed it hard.
I sat quietly. “Will you use that on me?”
He stood weaving. “Which of us would it give more pleasure?” He turned to the window, sucked in breaths of night air.
With great effort, I put aside my own troubles, my wealth of grievances. “Rust, what troubles you?” Cautiously, I joined him at the shutters.
He thrust me away. “I won’t be touched.”
“Very well.” We stared moodily into the night. “Look at the torches scurrying below. They’re-”
“I hate this place,” he said.
“Our rooms?”
He gave no answer. I thought to put a hand on his shoulder, but didn’t dare.
“An odious town,” he said. “Greedy winesellers, a filthy market. Even the air is too chill.” Angrily, he slammed the shutters closed. Then he turned to me, and I hated the malice in his eyes. “He’s pretty, your Eiberian. A fine catch.”
Lord of Nature knew what I’d have said, or done, had there not come a soft knock at the door.
Rust seized his sword. “Pray it’s Imbar.” He stalked to the door.
Tresa peered in, her face flushed.
“Oh, it’s you.” I realized how ungracious I sounded, and made a valiant effort to quell my displeasure. “What now, my lady?”
“Tursel’s returned, just in time to scatter Mar’s outguard and gain the gates. He’s brought Lady Soushire!”
“Ahh.” My black clouds lifted a trifle.
“Come see her,” Tresa urged. “Are you well enough? Your face is flushed. I’ll help you downstairs.”
“I won’t be touched,” I said. Behind me, Rustin snickered.
Tresa sniffed. “Well, do pardon me. The King acclaimed, and all that.”
“No, my lady, I didn’t mean …” I gave it up. “I’ll lean on you.”
Rustin fell on the bed. “Snuff the candles.” His eyes closed.
Tresa and I paused after the first flight. Her arm was warm on my flank, and inviting. To break the uneasy silence I said, “Rustin’s in a foul mood. If you’d been Imbar …” I managed another flight. “I wonder why he hates the valet so.”
Tresa stopped short, studied my gaze. “You truly don’t know? I thought for your crown, you had …” Abruptly she sat on the stair. “Oh, dear.”
“What is it?”
She brushed her skirt. “Not now. Your lords and ladies await.” She guided me down the steps, ignoring my protest.
In the great hall, Groenfil, with studied politeness, handed Lady Soushire a flagon of mulled wine. “Ah, sire.” He bowed to me. “You missed the telling of Captain Tursel’s exploits at the gate.”
The soldier looked pained. “The enemy hadn’t arrived in force. Not quite.”
Lady Soushire heaved her bulk out of an intricately carved chair alongside Vessa, who sat like one awaiting death. “Raeth, your captain is too modest. It’s thanks to him I’m not caught between Duke Mar and Tantroth.” She turned to me. “You’ve done all you said, Rodrigo. I’m here to carry out my part of the bargain.”
Inwardly, I flinched, hoping Groenfil wouldn’t perceive her meaning. “Thank you, my lady. My thanks for your journey.” I looked to the Earl of Cumber. “Is there point in waiting for the Warthen? Mar would only deny him entry.”
“And we’ve quorum without him.” Uncle Raeth looked smug. “Do you know, Roddy, that Lady Soushire brought us four hundred men? Astonishing. Hardly any supplies, of course. Barely more than their full saddlebags, for speed. But Mar will be confounded by our reinforcements. Perhaps we’ll even try a sally or two.”
Lady Soushire grunted, eased herself back into her chair. “Safety, when I venture forth. Safety above all.”
Uncle Raeth insisted on formalities. Trumpets blared in the courtyard to proclaim the Council, astonishing those peasants who hadn’t yet been assigned shelter. The great hall was swept clean, huge quantities of refreshments laid out and the servants banished.
We took our places amid the blazing candles and burnished mirrors. Rust should be with us, I thought. He’d done so much on my behalf. But I recalled his hateful insinuation about Anavar, and set aside the thought. We’d reconcile, I knew, but now there was nothing I could give him, or cared to give.
Uncle Cumber headed the Council table. Fitting, as he was host, and I yet under regency. “The issue before us,” he said, “is-blast it!” He glared at the door. “Who knocks? We’re not to be disturbed!”
It was Tursel. For once, he seemed abashed. “Sorry, my lords. Margenthar has sent envoy, demanding truce to be seated at Council.”
We stared at one another, astounded. A grudging respect seeped through my dismay. Uncle wasn’t done yet; he would beard us in our very chamber. And I’d have to allow it. I couldn’t risk the Still by false Council.
I stood, spoke with careful formality. “Tell our esteemed uncle, Duke Margenthar of Stryx, we bid him welcome at our meet. Make arrangements for his admission that satisfy our defense.”
“Aye, my lord.” He was gone.
“Well, now.” I looked about. “Whose vote will he suborn?” At least, they all had the grace to look abashed.
Scarce an hour later, Uncle Mar came calling. They’d let him bring four retainers, though only he was allowed in the Council chamber.
He strode through the doors, his long gold-trimmed cloak trailing. His hair and graying beard were brushed; the silver buckles on his leathern boots gleamed. I’d have guessed his regalia came from a well-stocked wardrobe wagon, though I knew he’d dashed through the hills to pursue us.
“Good day, my lords. My lady.” A deeper bow to Soushire. “Head of place belongs to the regent, though I won’t insist on the protocol.” Cheerily, he commandeered a chair near Groenfil. “I trust your wheat does well?”
“If you left it standing.”
“Why, of course.” He turned blandly to Willem. “Who summoned this Council?”
“I did.” Uncle Raeth’s tone was testy. “Shall we cut through the usual banter?”
“Why, no. I enjoy the civilities.” Mar nodded in my direction. “Roddy. Are you well? You seem a bit … peaked.”
“A slight injury. I recover.”
“Ah, a pity.” He let the ambiguity hang. “Well, now, shall we begin, if Roddy and Vessa will excuse us?”
I gaped.
“Oh, come now, boy. Surely you know Council is attended only by members. Did Elena fail to teach you that?”
I knew I mustn’t let him goad me, but my face flushed. “I have business here.”
“That’s as may be. Raeth, would you show him the door, or shall I?”
Their eyes locked.
Once I was banished, my coronation would dissolve in bargains, pacts, and silken assurances. I gripped the arm of my seat, as if fearing someone would try to haul me from it.
Outside the keep, catcalls and whistles. Peasant voices rose.
Willem coughed discreetly. “He ought to be present, my lord Duke.”
“We’ve rules and procedures, and reason to follow them.”
“Yes, and one is that Council meets free of intimidation. Will you remove your besiegers?” A good sign, I thought. Willem no longer had common ground with Uncle Mar, and stood up to him.
“Verein’s troops are here to protect you, and at great sacrifice, I might add.”
Raeth’s pewter wineglass slammed onto the table. It would leave a scar. “I’m too old, Mar. Too tired for a night of games. We’ve business, and let us to it.”
Uncle Mar raised an eyebrow. “I take it we don’t agree? Brother-in-law, how say you?”
Groenfil’s tone was sardonic. “That Prince Rodrigo stays. Truly, I hope not to distress you.”
“And you, my lady?”
Soushire stirred. “You’ve lost this round. Let it be.”
“I wouldn’t dream of doing other. Now, as to Vessa. What business has he here? Surely you don’t claim he speaks for Stryx?”
Vessa, shrunken, examined his fingers.
I said, “He’s Speaker.”
“Of what? Did the city rise in indignation at his ouster? I think not.”
Cumber snapped, “None has been appointed in his place.”
“How foolish of me; I thought your spies were everywhere.” Mar whipped out a scroll. “The city again has a Speaker, though not of our choosing. Tantroth’s appointed-let’s see, now … one Llewelyn, formerly of the keep.”
I spluttered, “He can’t-he has no authority to-”
Raeth said, “I don’t recognize Tantroth or his appointments.”
“Quite. But will the Still manifest itself, if tainted by Vessa’s vote?”
So clever, Uncle Mar. Without Vessa, to be crowned I needed every single vote save Mar. He need cleave but one lord from my cause, to destroy me.
Willem looked shaken. Vessa stared at Mar with beady eyes, awaiting his fate.
It was Groenfil who came to my rescue. “The authority of Caledon rests in this room, my lord Duke. Council has merely to reappoint Vessa as Speaker.”
“Even if the Still would recognize our act, Council cannot appoint. Only the Queen, and she’s dead.”
“But nonethe-”
“Or the regent. Yes, the regent, acting for crown, might appoint a Speaker.” Idly, Mar played with the ruffles on his blouse. “Shall I appoint Vessa, or other?”
“We won’t ratify anyone except Vessa.”
“A stalemate, it seems.” For a moment all was silent. Groenfil took a deep breath, turned from Mar. “My lords, he seeks to divide us, and in this matter, I believe, our interests coincide.” His eyes roved the table. “So, let’s end Mar’s regency, and if necessary, appoint a new.”
I shouted, “I’ll have no regent!” I stumbled to my feet. “What’s come over you? He deceives you with one trick upon another! You’d quarrel over Vessa, divide yourselves over a new regency, and forget the very purpose of our meet?”
“Yes, boy, instruct us.” Mar’s words were a hiss. “You who lack the wit, the grace, the forbearance to govern yourself, teach us our duty.”
“That’s quite enough.” Cumber too got to his feet. “Sit, Roddy, it’s going to be a long night. Will you risk a vote, Mar? I’ll wager the outcome.”
Their eyes met. After a moment Mar’s features lightened. “Raeth, I take it our business is the regency’s end?” He waited for Cumber’s nod. “Very well, gladly I surrender it to young Rodrigo. As you’re so old, and tired”-on his lips, the words had a bite-“let me summarize. We need a king enthroned with the Power of Caledon to meet Tantroth’s threat. The Still has such might that it warrants even so callow a king as our Roddy. That’s it, more or less? I see you nodding. Good.” His satisfaction brought a chill.
“Don’t look so worried, my boy. I agree, you see. Despite what you misunderstood from our conversation in that wheat field, the Still is most powerful. It will light a way through our travail, free us from Tantroth’s boot, guide your reign. You have, of course, the Vessels to wield it?”
His challenge caught me unprepared. “I-no. You do.”
“Another lie. How many does this make, so far? Seven, in matters of state, by my count. And you claim to live True?” He folded his arms.
I could barely contain myself. I’d kept the True. If now he invented lies …
Outside, angry screams that mirrored my mood, and the crack of a whip.
Uncle Raeth’s eyes were cold. “Have you else to say, my lord Duke? You strain my vow to grant you truce.”
“Hold yourself a moment longer, Raeth. Grant me-I ask all of you-a few moments, no more. Then I’ll acquiesce in what you enact. Agreed?” He waited for grudging nods.
My jerkin was damp, despite the cool of the night. It must be the blaze of candles.
Uncle Mar stood to pace. “The Still of Caledon is our salvation. My sister maintained her Power in mystery, but we all know the tales of its use.
“Three attributes the bearer must enjoy.” Mar raised a finger. “First, he must be crowned King, and that, you mean to do. Second”-another finger-“he must speak True, or his virtue is lost. Roddy, I ask you before Council, have you spoken True?”
“Yes.” Not always, not in little things, but in all that must matter, especially of late. I prayed it was enough.
“Third”-again, a finger-“the King must be virgin, as was Elena when she wielded her Power. Roddy, I ask you by the True you claim, are you virgin still?”
“Yes!” I would kill him. By Lord of Nature, I would see him to his grave.
“That’s eight.” Uncle Mar looked disgusted. “The True must be cheesecloth, that his words drip through like water. My lords, I’ll end this travesty. If you’ll allow?” He stalked to the door, flung it open, clapped his hands, beckoned.
A beautifully dressed woman strode through the door. Gold glinted at her neck, above an ample bosom. It took me a moment to realize she was Chela, Rustin’s paramour. For a time, I forgot to breathe. Had Rust, in his rage, betrayed me? Why else flaunt her in my face? What tie bound him to Duke Mar?
“Is this he?” My uncle’s words cut like a knife.
“Yes, my lord.” Modestly, Chela looked to the marbled floor.
“Raeth, meet Chela, late of the keep of Llewelyn. My good woman, we’re before the Council of Caledon, who must know the King’s carnal relations. Have you, ah …” He paused, in apparent delicacy. “Have you and this boy had sexual union?”
Her placid face raised to mine. “Many times.”
I shot to my feet “You lie!”
“Go on, my dear.”
“Five that I recall. It was while we rode, he and his brother and the old nurse.” Chela blushed, and curtsied to the earls. “Pardon, my lords. It’s a delicate matter.”
Uncle Raeth snorted. “We know how horses, peasants, and lords are made.”
“Though some might forget.” Mar’s tone was acid, and Raeth flushed. “Tell us, girl.”
“What shall I say, Lord? We were alone on the trail, and he began fumbling …” She giggled. “I think it was his first time. He knew not where to put it.”
“Chela!” Lacking sword, I clutched the hilt of my dagger.
“Soon he got the way of it. When he was spent we rested, then did it again.”
“Lies, all of it!”
Groenfil studied me thoughtfully.
Mar was inexorable. “And then what?”
“Well, you know. Whenever we could. When Rustin-his friend-wasn’t looking.” Her look was venomous. “Roddy said it made Rustin jealous.”
“Stop.” I didn’t know if it was command or plea.
“The harm wasn’t in doing it, boy. Every lad sweats in the night dreaming of his time. The harm was in the lie.” Mar shook his head as if with compassion. “Almost we crowned you King, to gain the Still.”
“But … I-”
“His parts are small, but …” She blushed. “He grew good at it considering. But always he worried we be caught-”
“It isn’t true,” I cried. “Not a word of it.”
Sorrowfully, Willem shook his head. I sat mortified, while Chela wove a skillful tapestry of falsehood. No one came to my defense.
“… can prove it.”
I roused myself. I was drenched with sweat.
“How, madam?”
“High on his leg, near his sac, is a mark. Not a scar. It’s … brownish. Like a mole. It felt odd to my fingers.”
Cumber turned to me, his eyes intent. “Roddy?”
My voice was hoarse. “I have such a mark. Perhaps she heard-”
“It looks like this.” She reached to the Duke’s wine, dipped her finger, drew on the table. All craned forward. “Roddy liked it when I played with him.”
I tottered to my feet. “Lord of Nature!” I craned my head to the ceiling, blackened from the oil of a thousand lamps. “Take me if I say not True! Let me die forthwith, and cast me to the demons’ lake! I swear before thee, all she says is lies.”
“Am I a whore, to be mocked? Were we not in the woods, on the way to Cumber?”
“Yes, but-”
“Did you pull off my clothes?”
“That was-”
“Did you roll on me, hold my arms?” Her eyes flashed. “Say truth!”
“I didn’t-Uncle Raeth!” I whirled, tears in my tone. “Let me speak to you in private!” I sank to my knees. “By Josip my beloved father I beg thee!”
Silence. Around the hall, candles began to gutter.
“We adjourn,” said Raeth at last. “I’ll speak with Roddy.”
In his chamber I stood before him sweating, like a peasant boy confessing his misdeeds. I could scarce look up from the floor.
When I was done he asked gravely, “That’s all that transpired?”
“I swear, Uncle Raeth!” Again, I studied my boots. “She kneed me so hard I couldn’t walk. Ask Rustin.”
From the Earl, an odd sound. I glanced up, spotted a twinkle in his eye.
“Please don’t laugh, Uncle. I can’t stand ridicule.” I couldn’t remember when last I felt so humble.
“Come here, boy.” Dutifully, I did as I was told.
He brushed hair from my eyes, patted me absently. Then, to my infinite surprise, he leaned over, planted on my forehead a gentle kiss. I glanced at the candle, but it barely flickered.
“You’d best wait outside after all,” he said.
“You’ll-Mar will-”
“Trust in me.”
“I’m so afraid of trust.” I blurted it without thought.
“Naturally; we’re a royal House. And thus, we’re so alone. If it weren’t for Imbar …” Uncle Raeth patted me again, sighed wearily. “Stay near the hall while I deal with Mar.” He shuffled off with the weary steps of the elderly.
I paced the anteroom, recalling the debacle at Council in Stryx. Outside, peasants and guards shouted and cursed. I hadn’t the spirit to look.
An hour, by the marked candle, I sat amid the stolid guards. Once, Tursel looked in, asked a guard, “All’s well?”
I stirred. “What’s the commotion, without?”
“Townsfolk are hungry. There’s barely enough straw for beds, and a filthy old witch riles drunken louts with nonsense. And Mar’s men surround the gate.” He disappeared.
Another hour passed. Despite myself, I dozed on the stairs. My kingdom in the balance, all I could do was dream.
“Sir?” A foot prodded.
I came awake.
“I brought you this.” Anavar crouched, with a bowl of hot broth. Wordlessly, I took it. He watched me spoon it down. Then, “Sir, may I ask a boon?” His tone was grave.
“Not another coin, youngsire. Not a copper. You’d-”
“If we come to war …” His face was troubled. “If we’re besieged, and the castle falls to Tantroth …”
“Yes?” I looked impatiently to the Council door.
“If I’m taken, I’ll be put to death, but not … I mean-not quickly.” He swallowed. “If we’re to die, sir, would you give me quick release?”
“What are you saying!”
“I’ve seen the torment of prisoners. Your captain meant only to cut my throat; when Tantroth learns I’ve aided you, he’ll do worse. Behead me as a noble, if all fails.” Resolutely, his eyes met mine. “Father says-no, you don’t like hearing that. Please, sir.”
The pressure in my throat was too great. I dropped the empty bowl and ran into the night.
The torchlit courtyard stank of ordure and rot. It seemed all of Cumber Town was camped within the walls. Making my way through the throng, I wondered if a knife would find me in the shadows. I wasn’t sure I’d mind.
How I yearned to be King. But not as I was to be crowned. Not with indignity, in shame, by hasty act in the dark.
Behind the stable, a shriek of fury, the crack of a whip.
Tursel, on the battlements, spotted me and hurried down the steps. “Are the lords near done, my lord?”
“I don’t know.”
His wave encompassed the townsfolk who milled aimlessly, the carts scattered about, the haphazard piles of sacks. “They need the Earl’s attention.”
I had no care for his troubles. “Set things right.”
“It’s not for me to usurp my lord Cumber.”
“You wouldn’t for a moment let your camp stink so.”
He frowned. “No, I wouldn’t.” A pause, while he rubbed his chin. “Do you think he’d take it amiss?”
“Demons plague Cumber and all in it!” At that, Tursel’s eyes widened. Quickly I made the sign of contrition; only a fool summoned demons in the night. “Sorry. If I were Raeth, I’d expect you to keep order.” Tursel nodded, and his expression firmed. He strode off.
Wearily, I pushed aside a bewildered woman, shouldered past her beetle-browed consort.
A gang of ill-dressed youths passed a wineskin from one to the other, giggling. “Stay a bit,” one said to his fellows. “Any moment, they’ll run her through.”
“Imps and demons take the stench; I can’t. And her whip near put out that guardsman’s eye. They say she rode through Mar’s army to reach the gate.”
I eased past.
Another scream, and the crack of a whip. Dogs barked shrill.
“Quick, let’s see!” A boy, his beard half-grown, elbowed me aside, raced toward the stable.
“Hey, you-” He was gone. For a moment I smoldered, then took off in chase. My sword was in chambers, but I had a dagger, and my rage.
Around the corner a filthy crone held a pair of Tursel’s guards at bay with a bullwhip. Where was my prey? Hiding behind her cart?
“Plague on the lot of you! Death! Let the walk fall!” The hag’s voice scratched like glass. “Touch my treasure and die!”
I skidded to a halt.
I recognized that cart.
“Hag, where’d you get your wagon?” If she’d hurt Hester, I’d-
She cackled, rubbing an oozing eye. “Wouldn’t we like to know? A treasure cart have we, home to take!” The dozen bystanders began to swell to a crowd, at the prospect of new mischief.
Tursel’s men edged close. “Sire, that wagon reeks and she drives us all mad. Keep her talking while we grab her from the rear.”
“All right.” I raised my voice. “Treasure, eh? Show me.” I tensed, ready to duck the whip.
“Make way!” Half a dozen guardsmen, with torches. Ahh, reinforcements. Gladly I stepped aside, but they brushed past me to the stables, and flung open the doors. In a moment they emerged with snorting horses. “Make way for Lord Margenthar’s horses!”
“Make way,” echoed the crone. “Make way for the treasure of Caledon!” She capered. “You couldn’t, the boy told me. Couldn’t beard the lion of Verein, and steal his treasure!”
“What treasure? What boy?” A rock hurtled out of the night and struck her down.
For a moment I thought she was knocked senseless, but she surged to her feet. “The boy of Caledon who’d lead you, had you a brain among you! He too was my treasure!”
In a strangled voice I creaked, “Hester?” It couldn’t be. Her hair streamed about her face; her robe was filthy. I peered into the stinking cart.
“I brought him home, I did, I did.” She knelt, patted a foul blanket.
Trumpets sounded. At the gates, a blaze of torches.
“Who, Hester?”
“My lovely Pytor! Home to Fort, as I promised mil-” A volley of stones smashed her into the rail. A squeak of protest, from under the blanket, or from the springs below. She struggled. “… promised my lady.”
I tore free my blade. “Who strikes her dies! Guards, seize those louts!” I spun back to the wagon. “Hester, you saved Pytor? Truly?”
“Yes, boy.” She daubed her oozing eye. “Patience, it took. Mad old Hester skulked round the castle, ’til Mar no longer watched.”
“He’s …” I gestured to the blanket.
Hester bared her teeth. “Don’t wake him. He’s been a long time cold and wet.”
“Oh, Pytor, we’ll take care of you!” Heart pounding with joy, I bent over the wagon. “Let’s have you inside!” Eagerly, I threw back the fetid cloth.