" You must imagine, my dear," said Laura, " that you are my bride, the excitement of the wedding breakfast is over, and we are left tete-a-tete. I am burning with passion, you are equally so, but maidenly and blushingly coy. However, when we come to the actual wrestle you are as hot as I am."

Flora acted the part well. She turned her face from her lover, covered her blushes with her hands, and drew her linen modestly over her delicious quim.

Laura advanced to her side, knelt down by her, and kissed her face and forehead, murmuring all the while words of endearment such as she imagined a bridegroom would use in the case.

" My own love! let me kiss that soft bosom," and such endearing expressions, whilst she covered her face and bosom with kisses, then sliding her hand up from her ankle, she caressed her thighs, touched her quim, and tickled her sensitive clitoris, until Flora was almost delirious with desire. Then gently sliding her thigh over her, whilst Maud looked on with bewildered interest, she put the tip of the dildoe between the lips of Flora's cunt, whilst she softly murmured.

" Is it nice? Do you like it? "

" Oh, so much; press harder," said Flora.

Laura gently forced the dildoe further in, and to her surprise it glided in right up to the hilt, and the hair at its base went straight against the mossy bush of Flora's eager cunt.

" Oh! oh! you hurt me, but yet it is delicious. Oh, move it in and out. Do, Laura dear, it is heavenly."

Laura's feelings were now worked up to a keen pitch of excitement, it seemed that the manly appendage had conveyed to her manly desire and ardour, and she pushed the dildoe in and out with many an eager thrust, until at last Flora was on the point of spending.

" Oh Laura, dear Laura, oh, oh, I'm coming. Oh, oh, I shall die. Now, dear now! " she exclaimed.

And Laura taking the hint, squeezed the india-rubber ball tight between her thighs, and so squirted out a flood of warm delicious fluid into the quivering thirsty gap that was eager to receive it.

Flora spent at the same moment, and the delicious balm shed by nature mingled with the warm and copious flood supplied by art, and with some more of nature's essence too, for Laura's feelings were wrought to the acme of enjoyment, and she poured out her virgin sperm, which, escaping from behind the stomacher of the dildoe, mingled with the general flood, and made all one delicious spend.

For a few moments they lay entranced, exhausted by their exertions, for Flora had eagerly heaved up her magnificent buttocks in response to Laura's amorous thrusts, and both were quite exhausted, and bathed in perspiration.

" Oh, my dear girls," said Maud, who had looked on, " how you are exhausted, but how thoroughly you seem to have enjoyed it. You made me feel quite strange I assure you, and I felt almost as if I somehow ought to take part in the fun.

" And so you should have done," said Laura, " it would have much heightened my pleasure if you had taken off that fringed scarf and flicked or whipped my bottom with it, whilst I was thrusting my machine into Flora. Come, Flora, you must know something about that, whipping is a great aid to enjoyment, is it not? "

Flora was somewhat recovered from her lassitude, so she sat up and answered.

" I have always heard so but come Laura, you have had pretty considerable experience down South, amongst the Mullatto women, and should know something of flogging and whipping more than my experience can boast of; tell us are the stories we hear of the cruelty and lust exhibited there, exaggerated or not."

"Exaggerated! oh, by no means," said Laura, " there I could tell you such things as would make your flesh creep. Why one of the first things I remember was a scene I witnessed in the house of Mrs. Schenk, her husband had many slaves, some of them pretty young Mullatto women. Mrs. Schenk was a kind mistress in many respects; she taught the girls to read and sew, but she was a furiously jealous woman. There were two very pretty young Mullatto women attached to the house, one about seventeen named Julia, and a younger one no more than sixteen named Ruth. With both of these Mr. Schenk was intimate, but when Julia discovered her master had taken a fancy to Ruth, out of revenge to her rival, she told her mistress, and Mrs. Schenk watched her husband, and one day caught him fucking Ruth in a little sly room leading out of his own, where he pretended he kept his accounts.. I don't think Ruth was willingly sinning against her mistress, but she was afraid if she didn't comply with her master's desires he'd sell her to the plantations where she would be brutally ill-treated by the overseers.

" Well, Mrs. Schenk quarrelled with her husband about it, and for some days she did nothing but cry until the master had to leave home for a journey, and then she seemed to turn into a perfect devil.

" She called Julia and Ruth into her room, and another slave, an old hag from the kitchen called Dorcas, she made them strip Ruth quite naked, and tie her hands and feet, and then she flogged the poor girl with her slippers and with the cords torn down from the blinds, until she was quite exhausted, and the girl's back was covered with blood; and as it was the girl's fanny that had offended her she made them lay her on her back, and open her legs, whilst she cut her poor cunt all to pieces with the hard knotted whipcord. Oh, her cries were terrible, till her mistress desisted from sheer exhaustion. "

" But that, " said Maud, " must be a mere isolated case, you did not surely see much of such cruelty. "

" О hundreds of instances, more than I can tell you, " replied Laura, " it was quite evident to me, even when very young, that some masters and overseers whipped their female slaves quite as much to gratify their licentious feelings as to punish them for wrong doing. There is no sort of reserve or modesty in the treatment of slaves, the masters will sleep with girls who are really their own daughters of sisters, without hesitation, so as to raise niggers from them, and the slaves u take up with one another, " without any religious ceremony, in fact the master can make and unmake what matches he likes, the law supports him in whatever he chooses to do to raise stock, it is a profitable thing. Mr. Schenk I heard boast had one woman such a good breeder that she bore him twenty thousand dollars worth of niggers.

Oh the licentiousness and cruelty is something awful. Mr. Nokes, whose estate joined Mr. Schenk, was very fond of getting up nude dances amongst his slaves. He would set men and women all dancing together quite naked, and play all sorts of indecent tricks with them, such as thrusting the end of his whip handle into the women's quims, and making the men smell it, and all sorts of similar tricks. I have often seen the women made to frig the men until they spend, and Mr. Nokes laughed heartily at them. One woman refused to join in these games before her sons and daughters, ' Oh,' said her master, " your'e modest, are you, " so he ordered them to put her in the vice; one woman put her knees on the ground and held her head between them, then they drew up her clothes so as to confine her arms, two others stretched her leet out, and,› i held them, and then her whole body, up to her armpits, being bare, Mr. Nokes flogged her dreadfully with a heavy whip, sometimes thrusting the handle of the whip into her cunt, and even into her bottomhole, making her scream with pain, and he then called five or six of the biggest negroes to take the modesty out of her, which they did by fucking her before and behind, whilst she screamed, to the intense delight of the spectators, who all seemed mad with lascivious excitement, for I could see men,women, and even boys and girls, not more than ten or eleven years old, frigging and sucking each others organs of generation."

" But surely," said Flora, " your people didn't know you witnessed such scenes. "

" Not always. " replied Laura. " What I saw at Mr. Nokes' I saw by stealth, but still there is no hesitation in letting young women see the naked ness of slaves any more than there is of animals. Why a young overseer who my father had told to take me out riding, to make me a good horsewoman, never said a rude word to me himself, and was most respectful, still he did not hesitate a moment in exposing the nakedness of both men and women slaves before me. One day we were out riding and crossed a deep gully, at the bottom was a thick cover of brushwood, here we heard a sound for he stopped his horse and called out 'Hallo! what's that, what are you doing here? "

A girl about seventeen was lying full length on the ground, and trying to hide herself in the bushes.

" Hallo,' he said again,"who are you?' "

' Sail, sir, Sam's Sail, sir.'

" What are you doing here? '

She made some reply about hiding from her father, who had threatened her.

'That won't do,' said the overseer, ' you are skulking from your work, go down on your knees.'

The girl knelt down on the ground, he struck her several blows with his raw hide whip, and although I was present he told her to pull up her clothes and lie down.

Without any hesitation, without a word of entreaty, she laid down, and drew all her clothes up under her armpits, exposing, I could not help thinking, a beautifully shaped bottom and thighs. He seized a bunch of twigs, and gave her beautiful ebony bum such a switching, making the poor thing cry and scream as she writhed about in her agony, as the twigs fairly cut into her flesh, and brought the blood. I must own that the sight affected me most deeply, and I felt a tingling sensation about my own bumfiddle, which but for his being engaged as he was he must have observed from my agitation and deep blushes. That scene can never be erased from my memory as long as I live. At length he let her go, and remounting his horse, it was as much as I could do to compose myself under the ardent looks with which he seemed to regard me, in fact I almost wished he would venture upon some sort of freedoms with me, and am sure I should have forgiven him whatever lengths he had gone to.

" I've often heard of women in the family-way being laid on their faces to be flogged, holes having been dug in the ground for their bellies to go in. "

" What disgusting cruelty! " exclaimed Flora, " but you must have seen some really seductive scenes Laura, tell us one of them, don't mention what seems to make one's flesh crawl. "

" Well then, I will tell you about a nigger's camp meeting, you know it is a kind of burlesque revivalist affair, and ought to be deeply religious, but you should see the flirtations, my dears, it is the only chance the handsome and good looking young nigger fellows and lasses may have of seeing each other (if on distant plantations) for months perhaps. When I was stopping with Mrs. Schenk I stay with her old cook Dorcas to one held close eye, in a beautiful wooded dell in Florida. The preacher was a notedly sanctified old nigger called Hilkiah — Ole Hilkiah, I ought to say. Well at first they commenced praying, then singing hymns, which all thoroughly enjoyed, but when Ole Hilkiah, full of the spirit as an Evangelist, had once begun to hold forth, the younger part of his congregation gradually paired off for love making in the shady recesses of the wood, so I got away from Dorcas to see as much of the fun as I could."

" After wandering a short time the sounds of joyous laughter attracted me towards a small glade, and peeping through the bushes, I saw three young couples on the grass, none of them more than fifteen or sixteen years of age. It was a beautifully shaded spot, quite protected by the overhanging foliage from the fierce rays of the afternoon sun, whilst a bubbling rill of deliciously cool water, added to the enjoyability of their retreat.

"You may be sure I watched their proceedings with breathless interest.

" Golly Sue, you had fine leg! " said one good looking boy, pulling up his gal's petticoats, in spite of her pretended resistance.

"' No, nebber, nebber, Sambo! No one shall see dar…"

And if she had not been black perhaps I should have seen her blush, and at the time I really thought her face turned much blacker.

The others laughed, and encouraged him to go on, and take' "dat dam modest sham out of de silly gal; make um all free alike, etc."

"See dar, Miss Sue, look at dem oders,dars Jack and Joe hab got um jocks out, and Suke and Poll all ready. Gorramighty, I'll hab you, see how stiff um is."

She struggled, but he threw her almost flat backwards, and tried to force her legs open, her ebony skin looked deliciously firm and polished, and displayed a lovely development of form.

" She was too strong for him, and fully bore out Queen Elizabeth's maxim,' that no woman can be ravished by a single man against her will."

Manoeuvre as he would, she kept her thighs closed, and wriggled her bum so that he never had a fair chance.

" At length he changed his tactics, and desisting from the direct attack, commenced kissing and talking to her solftly, and from what I could make of it, drawing her attention to the other two couples who were both in the height of what we may call a good fucking match.

" You should have seen prudish Sue's eyes how ‹f they sparkled and dilated at the sight, still she kept answering to his entreaties, ' I dar'nt, I dar'nt I Sambo, for fear um babby.' Then he whispered (something else, which she seemed to consent to, and he at once directed his mouth to the black curly bush which shaded her dark lipped cunny, as her 1 legs slightly relaxed their tightness. His tongue was soon busy, and I could see afforded the black wench evident pleasure, from the way she writhed about under his lascivious suckings and tittillations. She had come to the meeting in low bronzed slippers and nice white stockings, with a pink stripe in them, quite a bit of extravagance for a little nigger girl I should say, but they looked particularly nice in contrast to her ebony thighs, and for all her affected prudishness, I am sure she would have been vastly disappointed if no opportunity had come for the display.

" It puts me in mind of the tale of a young lady who went out somewhere with a gentleman to supper, and when desperately pressed to stop with him, at last declared it was impossible, as she was quite unprepared to stop out, and when at length, she found he would have her ready or not, it turned out that she had really brought her nightdress with her.

" You know a little while ago Maud expressed her disbelief in any man kissing or careing to kiss us there, I was a little bashful then, but now we have once done the trick with this dear dildoe, all reserve is gone, and you are welcome to know all I know.

" Then to go on. One slipper came off, and somehow Sambo as he laid below her managed to place her foot on his affair, which was in quite a rampant state, and impatient to be caressed. The touch seemed to send a thrill through her frame: that foot pressed and rolled his pego on his thigh or belly, till they were both lost to time and sense in a delirium of extacy, and I could see the pearly coloured essence of life spurting from it all over her foot. This ended the first act."

" Jack and Joe with their gals, had now come round to see how Sambo had fared, and at once insisted on his doing her properly. Suke and Poll each held one of Sue's arms, whilst their boys held her legs open, and Sambo, nothing loth, his steed as fiery as ever, soon delighted me by letting me see how a maidenhead is lost and won. The girl screamed, but he pushed on to victory, whilst, horror of horrors, would you believe it, as soon as Jack and Joe found he was safely and securely in possession, than one of them actually began to fuck his bottomhole, whilst the other did the same to his mate; the two girls, Suke and Poll, seemed as astonished as I was, and banged the boys with their hands till the slaps could have been heard a long way off, but it only seemed to invigorate them more and more for their triumvirate fuck as I should call it, at any rate I know they all seemed to emit at the same time in a perfect frenzy of lust."

" Rather disgusted, I turned from the sight of such extraordinary depravity in young boys, but have since learned that it is often taught them by overseers and masters, who prefer to gratify their lusts upon boys rather than girls, and so teach the young niggers the art and practice of sodomy."

" As I retraced my steps towards the camp meeting once more, I suddenly came upon Ole Hilkiah himself, seated under a tree, with a very pretty girl of a much lighter skin than usual, in fact she must have been three parts white at least, and I at once knew her as Mr. Schenk's 'Lizz a girl who I believe was both daughter and grand-daughter to her master, in fact she was his pet, and did almost as she liked, although of course a slave. She was considered very pious, and would never enter into the least kind of flirtation with young or old, and was considered a very paragon of virtue on the estate. u They were seated on the slope at the foot of a large tree, so I managed quite easily to creep up behind them unseen.

" Berry good ob you, Miss Lizz" I heard Ole Hilkiab say, " want to ask me more about de holy book-am it right to marry am it right to lub your feller creeturs? Whar would de worl be Miss, if nebber no babbies? What um book say, ' Be fruidful an muldeply,' dars de first commandment."

" He let his bible fall on the turf as he went on, ' You hab little cunny, Miss Lizz, little ting here, just between um legs, little ting cubbered wid soft nicey hair; what dat for, um like to know? '

" The old sinner was trying to get his hand under her clothes, and she was all blushes, seeming unable to help herself.

" ' De good Lord, order ebbery gal to hab childer, see Miss Lizz dars de ting he make dem with!'

" The old fellow letting out his prick into her hand at the moment.

" Now, Miss Lizz, rub it up an down, up an down, an you will see de seed shoot dat make de babbies. Gorramighty bress you my lub, how nice!'

" He was now frigging her as well, and they hugged and kissed without restraint, till I saw him spend in her hand, and no doubt the pious hussey was equally busy herself, to judge by the way she flushed and turned up her eyes at what I thought must be the critical moment. "

" It is all awfully shocking." said Maud.

" It is indeed," said Flora, " but still I daresay there is a bright side to the picture, and many coloured women are treated with affection. "

" Plenty," said Laura, " in Carolina I know several planters who keep regular harems in the European style. Eunuchs and all, and many a voluptuous orgie they have, where whipping is only indulged in to increase pleasure, for a good birching behind has the singular effect of bringing a rush of blood to the posteriors and parts near, and so waking up all the faculties seated there, I had some thoughts of going in for the medical profession, and I can tell you that I had some remarkable facts told me by my tutor, who was not at all foolishly particular in touching on such points.

He was a gentleman of extensive reading, and many remarkable things he told me, speaking of puberty. He told me of a girl he had met with, only four years of age, who for two years had had regular monthly menses, and who was thoroughly developed, her breasts large, and her pudenda covered with hair, though she was only three feet high-this he called a curious case of precocious puberty. "

" Oh," said Flora, " I have myself heard of several such cases, male as well as female. I remember my father alluding to a case he met with in his reading of a male who was infant, youth, adult, father, old man, and a corpse within seventeen years, and father's remark on it was u soon ripe, soon rotten."

" Very appropos," said Maud, " you were fortunate my dear Laura in having a medical friend you could speak so openly to. I have often wished I had. There are many things I should like to be enlightened on. I should like to know for instance whether a woman can conceive and have a child when a man has had connection with her whilst she was asleep or unconscious. I have always thought the female must be conscious, know what was being done, and participate in the pleasure, or no child would follow."

"You were right," said Laura, " there must be some sensibility of the act, often the unconsciousness is pretended, and in other cases the woman may not have sense left enough to prevent the act, but she was conscious of it. As a remarkable instance, a young priest travelling in Spain called at a house, and begged hospitality for the night. He was shown into a room, a coffin was there, in which was the body of a young and beautiful woman, who they told him had died that day.

" It is the custom there to sit up all night with a body, and he offered to do so. His offer was accepted, and he stayed in the room praying. About midnight curiosity tempted him to look at the body. He saw a beautiful face, and as he thought an expression of life on it-it felt warm- his lust became inflamed, and so taking the body out of the coffin he ravished the corpse ad libitum, and certainly felt as much enjoyment as if she had only been in a swoon. Next morning he took his leave, thankful for the hospitality he had received.

" Soon after the Padre left, the apparent dead girl came to life, to the astonishment of her friends, who thought it a miracle performed by the holy man's prayers. But a few months after she showed signs of pregnancy, and was afterwards delivered of a healthy child. The priest again went through the village; he was told of what had happened, he was thunderstruck to see the mother and child, acknowledged the child as his, and not long after got absolved from his vows and married the young woman.

" Now numerous authorities cited this case as a proof that conception can take place when the female is unconscious. But the truth is that after her marriage she confessed that at the time she had a knowledge of the outrage perpetrated upon her, that she was sensible of it, and though she had the will to resist it she had not the power, and at the moment of copulation she even experienced a sensation of pleasure. So this extraordinary instance confirms the idea that there must be consciousness and physical excitability to produce the state favourable to conception."

" Another horrible story," said Flora, " unless the priest had a sort of instinct that she was alive, but there Laura dear, let us divert our minds. So I mean now to change my sex and have Maud. So give me the magic staff."

Saying so Flora untied the instrument from Laura's thighs, laughed as she wiped from it the reeking love juice, and strapped it on, and remembering Laura's song, not to be outdone, she improvised the following:


What is it alters nature's plan,

And turns me, woman, into man;

Gives me John Thomas 'stead of Fan,

My dildoe.

What is it sends a lovely thrill,

And causes Maudy's cunt to fill,

And wires into her with a will,

My dildoe.

What is it caused, us such surprise,

When first it lay before our eyes,

But now we all have learned to prize,

My dildoe!

Strapped to my body nice and tight,

What is it longs with lust to fight,

And fuck my Maudy with delight,

My dildoe!

Whilst repeating these words Flora, whom we have indicated was a well made, strong girl had armed herself with the priapus, and as she concluded she caught Maud in her arms, and with a well directed thrust, directed the head of the dildoe right between the lips of the expectant quim of the half resisting and timorous girl.

" Stop, stop! for heaven's sake stop," exclaimed the dildoe's fresh bride "do you think I want it dry, you have lorgotten to put in the essence of love, Flora dear, in your eagerness to begin? "

There was now a laugh at Flora's expense as she withdrew, but without unstrapping the instrument Maud pinched the scrotum until the air was excluded, then dipping its head into the warm lubricating liquid it at once refilled itself.

Laura meanwhile had been slyly tying a knot or two in a scarf, then seeing Flora again ready to take Maud's virginity, she dropped it, and went to the assistance of her friends. The dildoe was big and Maud's cunt being delicately small and tight, it was no easy matter to achieve the first insertion, the pain and distention were so great that she cried out quite sharply for Flora to stop-

" oh, do stop for a moment, you'll kill me dear! "

Laura's assistance was most welcome, she opened poor Maud's slit for her, and used the cold cream plentifully both on that and the head of Mr. Dildoe.

Meanwhile Flora seemed to feel all the impatient fury of a man when attempting to rape a virgin, the pain she gave Maud only seemed to increase her own pleasure and amorous rage.

" Now go on again dear, you'll succeed this time," said Laura. ' Be firm Maudy darling, its only the first pinch, and then you'll find your reward in the heavenly bliss which follows."

The head of the machine was now in nearly a couple of inches, and just as the victim gave another cry of agony, Flora gave a ruthless shove which fairly demolished all obstacles to its further insertion, and decided the victory in her favour, she was plunged to the hilt, and Laura could see from behind the sanguinary proofs of success, as the virgin blood trickled over the anus of the victim at every fresh insertion of the india-rubber tool.

This so fired her blood that she took up the knotted scarf, and laid on to Flora's buttocks with all her might, and so stimulated her friend that she worked away as greatly delighted as if she had really been a man, stirring up all the latent feelings of lubricity in the dreamy sensuous Maud, till she became perfectly wild with excitement, actually biting Flora till her teeth made the blood come, whilst she threw her delicious legs and thighs over her partner's buttocks with all the abandon of lustful energy.

" Ah! oh! oh!! oh!!! 'Tis heaven itself. I dissolve. I die. It's coming! Now,now,now, darling, let me feel the celestial juice! " she almost screamed, as the die away feeling came over her and Flora squeezed the dildoe to emission at the same instant, then both seemed lost as Flora lay listlessly on the top, soaking the artificial weapon in a mixture of sperm, blood, and the gelatinous contents which it had just discharged, as it oozed out in such profusion, till the drops trickled down Maud's thighs to the floor.

" I wonder, " said Maud, coming to herself a little, and as she felt her cunt palpitate upon the stiff shaft of the dildoe, which still filled her with pleasure, and a sense of satiety it is impossible to describe. " I wonder if the man really experiences as much pleasure as we do, in the act of coition? "

"No, it is generally admitted, " said Flora, " that women experience the most pleasure, their's is a more refined, subtle, soul dissolving sensation, throwing them almost in reality into a state of delightful oblivion when they reach the acme of bliss in the act of emission. The men on their part have a more carnal enjoyment (if I may so term it), as with them it is merely working off the superabundance of animal vigour, which nature constrains them to get rid of in the act of copulation, with them it seems a kind of brutal fury, rendering them oblivious to the fact of their victim perhaps suffering pain from the roughness of their attack, or if they think of it at all, it only adds to their lustful desire to have their way at all risks. "

"Well I think it is my turn to feel a brutal lustful man, rummaging my very vitals with his prick; yes, I'm all impatience for my share of prick," interposed Laura, " you both know what it is like, and don't care now about poor little me. Get off Flora, let me take it off, and make a man of Maud for once in her life, and I'm sure she'll be a good one, to judge from the delight she seemed to experience, and will now know so well how it is to be imparted to me; don't blush Maud, its you're place to be more manly, and make love to me, your little expectant bride."

" So I will my pet, " replied Maud, " you shall have no cause to call me selfish, but do let us rest a little first, and I think somewhere in the pocket of my dress I can find a letter from a young lady student at Vassar College, to a friend of mine who gave me a copy, and I brought it this evening, thinking it might interest you two dears, when we had once thrown off our maidenly reserve, after tasting the forbidden fruit, and I did not feel too bashful to read it. "

" And so you shall my darling boy, as soon as I have girded on your artificial cock, I shall take pleasure in contemplating my husband as he reads to his Laura, before going to bed for the first night. "

Maud was soon prepared, and all of them thought that the dildoe actually looked more lustful and ready,after the two good bouts it had gone through. The bridegroom seated on the edge of the bed began to read as follows, whilst Laura sat at his side, fondly caressing with her hand the instrument upon which all her thoughts and expectations were centred. Flora on the left hand of Maud also tenderly supported her with one arm round her waist, the disengaged hand gently frigging herself as the reading proceeded:

NEW-YORK, SEPT. 10TH, 1874.

My dear May,

I told you so, I told you so! Don't ever again laugh at my suspicions. I was all along pretty sure, but after that ever memorable Sunday afternoon I was certain. And now, ho, I have such heaps to tell. I just wish I had you here this very minute, and startle your ears with strange, strange recitals, and dilate your eyes with the sight of, oh, such naughty, naughty things, but you shall know all just as soon as term begins. I don't dare trust the tale to paper. Why can't you stop over on the way up? Do! and Pll agree to set you crazy in just five minutes. I'll show you such treasures as will make you believe I have the original lamp. By the way, do you know I have my own ideas as to the real nature of that lamp of Aladdin's?

You remember he used to take it out and rub it, and as a result something used to come, which gave him all he wanted. You remember he didn't rub it so much after he got that beautiful wife. I believe the story to be one of those tales peculiar to the East, wherein the real truth is told in symbols, hidden in figures. The most scandalous thing in regard to that precious " lamp " of Aladin's, is the fact that his mother was the first to rub it, and acquaint him with its virtues. The magician was perhaps culpable. But Eastern habits are extraordinary any way. The fire which he and Aladin kindled was perhaps in one another's veins. What the opening was which he induced the youth to enter really, is evident enough, without my so far encroaching upon the immodest as to name it. You remember the ingenuous Aladin related his strange experience to his mother, who it seems pretended at least to think it necessary to cleanse the lamp, and rubbing it she awoke the Genie, whatever that may have been. An Evil Spirit! Perhaps the Spirit of Lust, the Spirit of Incest! The two were mother and son, but remember they lived by themselves, the one a youth inexperienced, affectionate, and of proper age; the other a woman experienced and husbandless.

Now I have re-written the whole story, making clear, according to my view, the half-hidden meaning of the original. You shall see it.

But it is nothing compared with my discovery. After you've been here ten minutes you'll never again expatiate upon the wonders of the naughty little book you found in your cousin's pocket.

The fact is I was right. My conjectures as to the character of the contents of cabinet were correct! For, my dear, I have found, secured and appropriated that key. The long sought for, long talked of, is mine at last! And the cabinet has been explored! Oh, its fearful! I didn't dream there were such books in the world. Stories, poems, dictionaries, catalogues, and advertisements, all as bad as they can be. And the pictures are simply dreadful! Yes, pictures; coloured ones! with positively nothing left for the imagination. You haven't an idea how perfectly awful they are. Why, its enough to make the very paper they're on blush. Never were such facilities for investigation at the command of a lady of inquiring turn of mind, and I am doing a considerable amount of reading just now. I have suddenly acquired an unaccountable (?) thirst for information, and following the advice of my professors, I am taking full notes of what I read. I began to copy a naughty little story for you, but finally dertermined not to send it, but save it for next term, so I might note its effect. However, I want you posted preparatory to a course of reading, such as I intend to introduce you to, and accordingly from several learned authors works, my notes, etc., particularly the "etc. " I have compiled a little vocabulary. I trust you will find it instructive. I have avoided, as far as I know, every appearance of pedantry, and aimed particularly at " perspicuity " in my definitions. Further, I have added a few quotations from some of the volumes which are just now engaging my attention. I have been careful to select from the most modest.

The vocabulary is not very full, nor have I attempted to arrange it in alphabetical order, I must admit, but its briefness, I trust, will prove its greatest fault. To amend that somewhat, 1 will send you later a supplement, which I shall begin to-day. Write me at once how you like this part. Don't show it for the world! Somebody will be sure to know my hand. You might copy it to make all sure. Be sure to hide it.

What would the handsome and unsuspecting say, if he only knew of a certain young lady's discoveries, und the liberties taken with his treasures. He is still abroad, perhaps getting new rarities for his collection. I hope so. I wonder how he spends Sunday afternoons. Oh, I shall never forget that! After he returns I shall keep my eyes open, and ready for another such display you may believe, Yours till death,


P.S.-Don't fail me; come at least by the Saturday before term, and we'll go on together Monday or so. If you can be here over Sunday we shall have things all our own way. The family, excepting myself, will be over in Jersey, at grandmother's, I shall stay with you.


"How beautifully expressed, and so wrapped up that no one could take offence, are you likely to get the further correspondence or a sight of their funny vocabulary, " asked Flora, when Maud had finished reading.

" I hope so, if nothing turns up to prevent it I believe they have a perfect Eldorado of curious literature in that cabinet, " was the reply, and then Maud turning to Laura, began to caress her most lovingly.

" My sweet pet, are you ready for bed yet? Don't blush so my darling, look up, why should there be any prudery now we're married, did you never hear the lines:

Look in my eyes, my blushing fair,

Thou'lt see thyself reflected there;

And as I gaze on thine I see,

Two little miniature of me;

Thus in our looks true propagation lies,

For we make babies in each other's eyes.

" What a lovely idea," said Laura, " it is such a pity you are not a real man, my love, anxious as I am to experience all the joys this darling dildoe can impart, yet I'm awfully nervous, it looks so rampant and so big. Heigho! " as she gave a very deep and serious kind of sigh. u Maud, be a man at once, don't give time for her silly timidity to spoil your game, urged Flora, 11 I'm quite impatient to be spectatrix this time, especially now we find our modest, timid Maud was not quite so green as she seemed to he. To business, throw back your bride, open her trembling thighs, and haste to plunge your fiery steed of love into her tight little golden haired pussey, be firm as well as gentle, I will help you all I can. "

" Then let me lay on the bed, don't have me on the edge as you and Maud were done, and put a pillow under, my bottom, to make all as easy as possible."

They soon had her placed right, then Maud kneeling between the legs of Laura, which were opened as wide as possible, at once brought the head of the dildoe to the entrance of that charming little rosebud of a cunt, as Flora opened the vermillion lips with her fingers, and rubbed a little cold cream in to ease the passage of Cupid's dart.

Now the crisis had arrived Laura screwed up her courage, and resolved to be deflowered as speedily as possible, her face turned crimson, but throwing her arms round Maud's neck she drew her lips to hers, and thrusting her tongue into her partner's mouth most wantonly, she heaved up her buttocks to meet the attack, and threw her legs over Maud's back in such an impassioned manner as to challenge the worst that, could be done.

Ah! what a painful twist she gave, as the dildoe thrust against the virgin barrier of her unbroken hymen, but she neither flinched nor permitted herself to waver again.

Flora's fingers were busy tickling the bride's clitoris, so as to excite all the ardour of an unusually warm nature, whilst in the hope of making Maud equally wild and lascivious, she put two fingers of her left hand behind her bottom, under the stomacher of the dildoe till they could frig her friend's cunt, which she found still reeking from the excessive overflow she had lately poured down under Flora's vigorous application of the artificial penis.

Thus stimulated and encouraged by the pluck shown by Laura, she pushed on as furiously as a real man would have done, a thrill of desire shooting through her veins, with greater intensity as she went on, especially when Flora shifting the fingers of her left hand, managed to get one into bottom as well as cunt, and almost drove her out of her mind, by the extraordinary excitement of their frigging both places at once. The dildoe was half in, and another powerful shove drove it home to the hilt.

" Now rest a moment, dears," said Flora, " and pleasure will soon succeed to pain. Laura, don't you feel gorged with that manly thing now so well home in you, begin again gently at first."

This advice was acted upon, Maud moved very softly at first, till Laura beginning to get the sensation, exclaimed, as she began to wriggle and squirm about with pleasure, " Oh now, give it me love, quicker my darling, send it right up at every shove. Oh-ah-oh! oh! I shall melt, I'm coming my sweet. Ah, you dear. I die."

Flora was looking under Maud's bottom, and watching every stroke of the dildoe, as well as the working of her fingers frigging her friend, she could see the red tinted mixture of love juice and blood, as it oozed from the tight golden haired quim of Laura, and felt also the spendings of Maud as she came at the same time.

Both were exhausted, and lay in each other's arms in a listless kind of extasy, which so excited Flora, that withdrawing her fingers, she began smartly slapping Maud's bottom to start her again, exclaiming, u Wake up, go on again, you haven't half given a taste of love yet to my dear Laura! "

Then getting up on the bed behind her friend she brought her own cunt against Maud's bottom, and clasping her round the waist frigged herself till she spent all over her friend's bottom, and fairly set them going again in a regular tussle of love.

After this the dildoe was dispensed with, and the three girls indulged in a wild orgie of lust, alternately frigging, and sucking each other's most sensitive parts, neither one would be outdone by the other, till nature was fairly exhausted, and they all of them fell into a delicious slumber, to dream over again, and experience all the delights which the darling dildoe had procured them during that eventful evening. Perhaps in a future work Flora McPherson and her friends, Maud and Laura, will again appear before our readers, as they peruse the Vassar Vocabulary, and relate their further adventures.




One night whilst lying on my bed,

Dreaming that love and I were wed,

I heard a voice that gently said,

"Do it!"

Entranced, I scarcely moved or stirred,

I doubted if aright I'd heard,

But still again the whisper'd word,

"Do it! "

Clasping with rapture as they rose,

Her breasts as white as arctic snows,

She said, " Now love, whilst no one knows,

And I unloose my under clothes, Do it!"

'T was but a dream, amazing sweet,

For waking up mid'st sweat and heat,

I found I had upon the sheet" Done it! "


I scarce had gone to sleep once more,

When accents I had heard before,

Stole like a trance my senses o'er,

"Do it again! "

My frame was in a perfect flutter,

A single word I could not utter,

But still the same sweet voice did mutter,

" Do it again! "

My heart did wildly palpitate,

I never felt in such a state,

She said, "Come darling, do not wait,

Look at the time, its getting late,

Do it again! "

I then commenced, and raised her shirt,

She woke me, crying,

" Love, you hurt, "

And found I had upon my shirt

"Done it again! "
