To the Mother of Us All To my mother And to my children

I owe many thanks to many people for their help in making this book a reality, after so long. In particular, I would like to thank Michall Jeffers and John Warner, for bringing Hamlet’s Mill to my attention; Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend, authors of Hamlet’s Mill; Barbara Luedtke; Jim Frenkel; Vernor Vinge; Brian Thomsen; the Clarion West class of ‘88; Deborah Kahn Cunningham; Lolly Boyer; Steve and Julia Sabbagh; Merrilee Heifetz; and Richard Plantagenet, King of England, who may be the most misunderstood man in history.


The following names of characters and places are pronounced as shown:

Ananke (Uh-NONkee)

Arienrhod (AIRY-en-rode)

Danaquil Lu (DAN-uh-keel LOO)

Gundhalinu (Gun-dahLEEnoo)

Jerusha PalaThion (Jer-OO-shuh PAL-uhTHY-un)

Kedalion Niburu (Keh-DAY-lee-un Nih-BUR-oo)

Kharemough (KAREuhmoff)

Kharemoughi (KAREuhMAWG-ee)

Kullervo (KulLAIRvoh)

Miroe Ngenet (MIR-row EngEN-it)

Mundilfoere (MUNdil-fair)

Sandhi (SAHNdee)

Tiamat (TEE-uhmaht)

Tuo Ne’el (TOO-oh NEEL)

Vhanu (VAHnoo)
