With the letter held tightly in her hands, Lea closed her eyes and tried to work up enough courage to read it. She had kept it in the pocket next to her heart since Dublin but now it was time. When she opened her eyes again, she saw her hands were trembling. She fought against it and started to read the letter.
My Dearest Lea,
I’m writing this letter to you because I’m feeling tired and I’m not sure how much longer I have. There is no easy way to say what I must say, so I’ll just write it down — I know you’ll be strong enough to handle it. You’re a Donovan.
I am your sister, Lea, and our father was not like other men. He was born at the end of the nineteenth century and well over 120 years old when he died. I know this is hard for you to understand, but there it is.
He wasn’t born this way. He often told me he wasn’t one of ‘them’, whatever that means. He never explained. He told me they were a kind of cult, and used some strange Greek word to describe them. He said if I knew more it would frighten me too much.
As a young man, our father travelled on a medical research expedition to find a cure for malaria but he found something else — a water that kept him young. He drank some and it extended his life. You ask why he never shared it? He said it was too dangerous. Too much or too little brought not youth, but an even faster death. He told me he wished he’d never tasted it. He regretted it his whole life. I felt so sad for him.
You have probably seen the little gold statue I left behind. Father called it an idol. He gave it to me many years ago for safe keeping. He said the cult didn’t know about me so they would never find it. He told me he found it in Italy during an expedition there in the 1920s. He spent his life searching for more but never found any.
He told me the idols were the key to everything but they don’t belong to the cult. They belong to something much more ancient and deadly that the cult doesn’t understand. He refused to tell me more because the knowledge was too dangerous.
Don’t think badly of me, sister. I wanted to tell you about these things, but father made me promise to keep it to myself and let him tell you in his own time when you were a grown woman. Now you are grown, he is dead and I am dying. Now is the time for me to tell you.
You need to understand that our father was not a bad man. He kept these things from you only because you were too young to understand. He wanted to keep you safe. He loved you. I know it was his intention to tell you everything he knew when you grew up, but then they murdered him, as I think you know in your heart.
Only you can continue the search that cost him his life.
With love, my dear sister,
Lea Donovan was not expecting to cry, and it came even harder for the lack of expectation. Overwhelmed by what she had just read, she began to sob but quickly stuffed the letter back inside her jacket and dabbed her eyes with the cuff of her sleeve.
Hawke moved over to her. “Are you all right? What did it say?”
“It said…wait.” Lea leaned her head over to look past Hawke’s shoulder. “Kruger’s coming. Vermaak too.”
Hawke turned to see the men walking down the short aisle from the cockpit, and both Kruger and Vermaak were holding guns. No one, including Lea, had noticed that when she was reading the letter he had pulled his tied wrists under his backside and now his arms were in front of his body, instead of behind it. They were still held together with the cable ties, but at least this way he had a fighting chance.
“All right,” the arms dealer said. “This is your stop. Get over to the door.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“Orders are orders. You’re going to die this way because the Oracle wants it this way. He wants a message sent to your top brass, and he wants to see your demise on the news this evening while he dines.”
Kruger opened the side door while Vermaak kept his gun on them. “By the time you’re splattered all over the streets of London I’ll be well on my way.” He turned a devilish grin on them. “Who wants to go first?”
Hawke stepped to the door. Lea pulled at his arm but he brushed her away and peered outside at the city so far below. He knew people had survived falls from this height after parachute failures, but it was a one in a million hope.
Then he saw something that gave him much more hope, and it was right in Dirk Kruger’s hands.
The South African arms dealer had left the safety catch up on the HK USP pistol he was gripping.
Hawke was familiar with the weapon and knew Kruger would have to reach up with his right thumb and click it down into fire mode if he wanted to shoot a round, and that was going to give him time.
As the wind buffeted his hair and he got closer to the open door, his mind made a speedy calculation: three seconds for Kruger to fire at him and realize the catch was on, another two seconds for him to release the catch and take the shot. Two more seconds for Vermaak to work out what had happened and turn his own gun on him.
Seven seconds.
Hawke turned on Kruger and stepped toward him.
Kruger grinned fiendishly as he raised the gun and prepared to fire. “I knew you’d do something stupid,” he said, and fired.
Nothing happened, and now the South African’s eyes widened as he realized the mistake he had made. As he fumbled with the catch he suddenly looked like a man thrown into a tiger cage.
Hawke piled into him, elbowing him in the face, grabbing his gun and twisting it in the direction of Vermaak. Kruger had released the catch and the weapon was now on fire mode. With the gun still in the arms dealer’s hands Hawke fired at Vermaak.
Lea screamed and Vermaak dived for cover behind a leather seat, causing Hawke’s rounds to rip through the cockpit cabin wall and drill into the pilot’s back. The dead man slumped forward in his shredded seat and the helicopter immediately started spinning around like a sycamore seed.
Kruger grunted as he struggled against the former commando. Blood poured out of his nose as he fought hard to regain control of the gun, and now Vermaak was firing a volley of shots from behind the front row seats. The rounds missed Hawke, raked the rear bulkhead and then snaked their way through the starboard side of the chopper. Everyone watched in horror as the rounds blasted chunks from the speeding rotors.
With the chopper now angled down and speeding toward the ground in a spin, and with his hands still tied, Hawke twisted the gun from Kruger’s hands and pushed the muzzle into his neck. “Tell him to drop the gun, Kruger — or I’ll put a hole thorugh your head.”
Kruger needed no time to consider the choice. “Lower your weapon, Adem!”
Vermaak obeyed.
Hawke yelled over the sound of the wounded aircraft. “Now get two of those parachutes.”
Vermaak hurriedly obeyed once again and brought two parachutes down from the front of the helicopter, struggling against the angle as he went. Hawke watched as Kruger’s eyes crawled over to the bag containing the Sword of Fire.
“Put a chute on, Lea,” Hawke said. “We’re getting out of here and we’re taking the sword with us.” He pushed Kruger toward Vermaak but kept the gun trained on them both. “You two scumbags can argue about who gets the third parachute.”
“Ready, Joe!”
Hawke lifted up the bag. “All right, take this, and…”
Without warning, the AgustaWestland spun uncontrollably the other way and caught Hawke off-guard. The sudden change in direction knocked everyone into the side of the aircraft, which was now tipping over dangerously and about to lose its lift. Hawke dropped the bag and gun, and Vermaak moved like a hyena, snatching up the weapon.
“Time to die, Hawke!” Vermaak yelled, and pointed the weapon at him.
“No!” Lea cried out.
“Say hello to the devil for me!” Vermaak said, and fired the gun at his chest.