
While the reader may pronounce the Krishnan names in the story as he likes, we have the following renditions in mind: a and d as in "add" and "wad" respectively; other vowels as in Spanish. The acute accent on the é at the ends of words is put there merely to indicate that the letter is not silent, as it often is in English. Among the consonants, k and q are sounded as in "keep" and "quote"; gh-French uvular r; kh = German ch in ach; ' = a glottal stop or cough. Words ending in a consonant or a diphthong are stressed on the last syllable; others usually on the next to the last. Examples: Qirib - "keer-EEB" (with a guttural k); Mishé = "MEE-sheh"; Khoruz = "khaw-ROOZ"; Qou = "KO"; Vázni = "VOZ-nee."

Portuguese, like French, has nasal vowels, indicated here by a line over the letter. Herculeu Castanhoso = "air-koo-LEH-oo kush-TAH-nyew-soo"; João Matos = ZHWOW MAH-toosh; Viagens Interplanetarias = "vee-AH-zhaysh ee-tair-pla-neh-TAH-ree-ush."
