You should probably get skin grafts,” said the doctor who was examining Robie’s burns.
“Thanks. I’ll put that on my to-do list,” Robie said.
The doctor was a man in his fifties with powdery white hair and not very much of it. He was beefy and sweaty, and he had a thin line of mustache over his top lip. Robie didn’t know if it was by design or just inattention.
“Well, it should be sooner rather than later. The agency has an excellent person on staff.”
“And how long would I be out of commission?”
“Well, several weeks at least.”
“Yeah,” said Robie.
“Got any vacation coming up?”
“No, can I have some of yours?”
The doctor straightened and put some of the examination instruments into a drawer next to the table.
“I take it you don’t get much downtime.”
“Well, it’s been nice here so far. Started with a leisurely run. Then I went for a swim and then did some sauna time. And then a little target practice.”
“With you as the target?”
“Didn’t think the medicos were read in for details like that.”
“I’ve been here a long time, Agent Robie. I’m surprised our paths never crossed. I presume you’ve been to the Burner before.”
“I have,” he said curtly.
“Otherwise you are in outstanding physical shape.”
“Are you also examining Agent Reel?”
“No, we’re running parallel courses today.”
“You know her? She used to instruct here.”
“I know her,” he said. “Proud to call her a friend, actually.”
“That’s good to know, Doctor…?”
“Halliday. But you can call me Frank.”
Robie looked around for surveillance devices planted in the walls. Halliday followed his movement with understanding.
“Not in here, Agent Robie. One of the few places they’re not. Doctor/patient confidentiality extends even to the CIA. The room where you’ll be staying is not so configured.”
“Yeah, that I knew.”
“I’ll give you some topical ointment for the burns, but you really should consider the skin grafts and some antibiotics. If left unrepaired, at some point the skin will tighten so much it will limit your mobility. And then of course there’s always the possibility of infection.”
“Thanks, Frank. I’ll definitely consider that option.”
“You can wear that robe hanging on the wall.”
“Good. It wasn’t my idea to come here in my birthday suit.”
“I’m well aware of that.”
Robie slipped off the table, crossed the room, and donned the robe. “Are you also aware of why we’re here?”
Halliday stiffened just a bit. “No, not really.”
“Two different answers, Frank.”
“I’m just the doctor. As you know, my security clearances are limited.”
“But you still have some or else you wouldn’t be here. What do you know about Marks?”
“She’s the DD, Clandestine.”
“You know what happened to her predecessors?”
“Of course. It’s sort of like the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. Bad things happen to them.”
“Defense Against the Dark Arts?”
“You know, in Harry Potter.”
“Makes one wonder why Marks wanted the job.”
“She’s ambitious.”
“Has she been here recently?”
“To get ready for us?”
“I don’t know about that. Look, I’m very uncomfortable with this discussion.”
“I’m very uncomfortable having to ask, but I have to. I’m in the intelligence business. It’s second nature.”
Halliday washed his hands in the sink. “I can see that.”
“So you knew Reel when she instructed here? You said you were friends.”
“Yes, well, as much as one can be in this place.”
“I’m her friend too.”
Halliday dried his hands and turned to look at Robie. “I am not unaware of what the two of you recently have been through.”
“We’re just trying to survive, Frank. Any assistance you can give on that will be much appreciated.”
“I’m not sure I can do anything to help with that.”
“You might surprise yourself. I’ll tell your friend you said hello.”
Robie left Halliday standing there lost in thought.
Robie was escorted back to their room. Reel had not yet returned.
Their duffels had been brought to the room and Robie quickly dressed. He had no idea what was next on the agenda, but he preferred clothes over being in the buff.
He looked around the room and his experienced gaze caught four different surveillance devices, two audio and the other pair video feeds. The video cams were strategically placed so that there was no hidden angle anywhere in the small space.
He wondered how Reel’s exam was going.
It was not lost on Robie that Reel was really the marked woman here. He was just along for the ride. She had killed two CIA agents. Tucker had his gunsights set on her. Robie was, at best, collateral damage.
He looked around the small space again. This might be the last place he ever saw. Training accidents happened at the CIA. They were just never publicized. Smart, dedicated people lost their lives all the time as they trained to be the best they could be to serve their country.
Celebrities broke a nail and they immediately took to Twitter, alerting their millions of followers to the “injury,” which in turn elicited thousands of replies from people with apparently not enough going on in their lives.
And all the while brave men and women died in silence, forgotten by all except their families.
And I don’t even have family to remember me.
“Agent Robie?”
Robie glanced up to see a woman in her thirties standing at the door. She was dressed in a black skirt, white blouse, and heels. Her hair was pinned back. Around her neck was a lanyard with her ID in a plastic case.
“Will you please come with me?”
Robie remained seated. “To where?”
The woman looked flustered. “Some more tests.”
“I’ve already had my physical. I’ve already had my butt dragged all over this place. I’ve already been shot at, nearly drowned, nearly blown off a ledge six stories up. So exactly what tests are we talking about?”
“I’m not authorized to say.”
“Then get someone in here who is.”
The woman glanced up at one of the surveillance devices on the wall.
“Agent Robie, they’re expecting you now.”
“Well, they can expect me later.”
“I’m not sure you have that latitude.”
“Are you armed?”
She took a step back. “No.”
“Then I have that latitude until they send people who are armed and who are prepared to shoot me.”
The woman glanced nervously around the room once more. In a soft voice she said, “It’s psychological testing.”
Robie rose. “Then lead the way.”